blob: 16f1713884257977b968cfac7eb508573382df01 (
plain) (
# Build and test all included SubX programs:
# translate them into ELF binaries
# compare the generated binaries with what's already in git
# run/test the ELF binaries in emulated mode (unless $NO_EMULATION)
# run/test the ELF binaries in native mode (if on Linux)
# Example usage:
# test_apps # compare generated binaries, run them in emulated and native mode
# test_apps record # run binaries in emulated and native mode
# NO_EMULATION=1 test_apps # compare generated binaries, run them in native mode
# NO_EMULATION=1 test_apps record # run binaries just in native mode
set -e
cd `dirname $0`
test $EMULATED && echo 'testing emulated runs'
test `uname` = 'Linux' && NATIVE=1
test $NATIVE && echo 'testing native runs'
export OS=${OS:-linux}
echo "== translating and running using C++"
# example programs
echo ex1
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex1.subx -o apps/ex1
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex1
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex1 || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 42 # life, the universe and everything
test $NATIVE && {
apps/ex1 || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 42 # life, the universe and everything
echo ex2
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex2.subx -o apps/ex2
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex2
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex2 || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 2 # 1 + 1
test $NATIVE && {
apps/ex2 || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 2 # 1 + 1
echo ex3
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex3.subx -o apps/ex3
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex3
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex3 || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 55 # 1 + 2 + ... + 10
test $NATIVE && {
apps/ex3 || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 55 # 1 + 2 + ... + 10
echo ex4
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex4.subx -o apps/ex4
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex4
test $EMULATED && {
echo a | ./bootstrap run apps/ex4 >ex4.out || true
test `cat ex4.out` = 'a'
test $NATIVE && {
echo a | apps/ex4 >ex4.out || true
test `cat ex4.out` = 'a'
echo ex5
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex5.subx -o apps/ex5
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex5
test $EMULATED && {
echo a | ./bootstrap run apps/ex5 >ex5.out || true
test `cat ex5.out` = 'a'
test $NATIVE && {
echo a | apps/ex5 >ex5.out || true
test `cat ex5.out` = 'a'
echo ex6
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex6.subx -o apps/ex6
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex6
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex6 >ex6.out || true
test "`cat ex6.out`" = 'Hello, world!'
test $NATIVE && {
apps/ex6 >ex6.out || true
test "`cat ex6.out`" = 'Hello, world!'
echo ex7
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex7.subx -o apps/ex7
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex7
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex7 || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 97 # 'a'
test $NATIVE && {
apps/ex7 || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 97 # 'a'
echo ex8
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex8.subx -o apps/ex8
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex8
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex8 abcd || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 4 # length('abcd')
test $NATIVE && {
apps/ex8 abcd || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 4 # length('abcd')
echo ex9
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex9.subx -o apps/ex9
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex9
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex9 z x || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 2 # 'z' - 'x'
test $NATIVE && {
apps/ex9 z x || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 2 # 'z' - 'x'
echo ex10
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex10.subx -o apps/ex10
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex10
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex10 abc abc || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 1 # equal
./bootstrap run apps/ex10 abc abcd # 0; not equal
test $NATIVE && {
apps/ex10 abc abc || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 1 # equal
apps/ex10 abc abcd # 0; not equal
echo ex11
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex11.subx -o apps/ex11
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex11
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/ex11
test $NATIVE && {
echo ex12
./bootstrap translate init.$OS apps/ex12.subx -o apps/ex12
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/ex12
test $EMULATED && ./bootstrap run apps/ex12 # final byte of mmap'd address is well-nigh guaranteed to be 0
test $NATIVE && apps/ex12
# Larger apps that use the standard library.
echo factorial
./bootstrap translate init.$OS 0[0-8]*.subx apps/factorial.subx -o apps/factorial
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/factorial
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/factorial || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 120 # factorial(5)
./bootstrap run apps/factorial test
test $NATIVE && {
apps/factorial || ret=$?
test $ret -eq 120 # factorial(5)
apps/factorial test
echo crenshaw2-1
./bootstrap translate init.$OS 0[0-8]*.subx apps/crenshaw2-1.subx -o apps/crenshaw2-1
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/crenshaw2-1
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/crenshaw2-1 test
test $NATIVE && {
apps/crenshaw2-1 test
echo crenshaw2-1b
./bootstrap translate init.$OS 0[0-8]*.subx apps/crenshaw2-1b.subx -o apps/crenshaw2-1b
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/crenshaw2-1b
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/crenshaw2-1b test
test $NATIVE && {
apps/crenshaw2-1b test
echo handle
./bootstrap translate init.$OS 0[0-8]*.subx apps/handle.subx -o apps/handle
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/handle
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/handle > handle.out 2>&1 || true
grep -q 'lookup succeeded' handle.out || { echo "missing success test"; exit 1; }
grep -q 'lookup failed' handle.out || { echo "missing failure test"; exit 1; }
test $NATIVE && {
apps/handle > handle.out 2>&1 || true
grep -q 'lookup succeeded' handle.out || { echo "missing success test"; exit 1; }
grep -q 'lookup failed' handle.out || { echo "missing failure test"; exit 1; }
# Phases of the self-hosted SubX translator.
for phase in hex survey pack assort dquotes tests
echo $phase
./bootstrap translate init.$OS 0[0-8]*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/$phase.subx -o apps/$phase
test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code apps/hex
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/$phase test
test $NATIVE && {
apps/$phase test
# Higher-level syntax.
# Certain phases of translation run native beyond this point. We're starting
# to go beyond functionality of the C++ bootstrap.
echo sigils
./bootstrap translate init.$OS 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/sigils.subx -o apps/sigils
[ "$1" != record ] && git diff --exit-code apps/sigils
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/sigils test
test `uname` = 'Linux' && {
apps/sigils test
echo calls
cat init.$OS 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/calls.subx | apps/sigils > a.sigils
./bootstrap translate a.sigils -o apps/calls
[ "$1" != record ] && git diff --exit-code apps/calls
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/calls test
test `uname` = 'Linux' && {
apps/calls test
echo braces
cat init.$OS 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/braces.subx | apps/calls | apps/sigils > a.sigils
./bootstrap translate a.sigils -o apps/braces
[ "$1" != record ] && git diff --exit-code apps/braces
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/braces test
test `uname` = 'Linux' && {
apps/braces test
echo mu
cat init.$OS 0*.subx apps/mu.subx | apps/braces | apps/calls | apps/sigils > a.sigils
./bootstrap translate a.sigils -o apps/mu
[ "$1" != record ] && git diff --exit-code apps/mu
test $EMULATED && {
./bootstrap run apps/mu test
test `uname` = 'Linux' && {
apps/mu test
test $NATIVE || exit 0
echo "== translating using SubX (native only)"
# example programs
for n in `seq 1 12`
echo ex$n
./translate_subx init.$OS apps/ex$n.subx
diff apps/ex$n a.elf
# Larger apps that use the standard library.
for app in factorial crenshaw2-1 crenshaw2-1b handle
echo $app
./translate_subx init.$OS 0[0-8]*.subx apps/$app.subx
diff apps/$app a.elf
# Phases of the self-hosted SubX translator.
for app in hex survey pack assort dquotes tests
echo $app
./translate_subx init.$OS 0[0-8]*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/$app.subx
diff apps/$app a.elf
for app in sigils calls braces
echo $app
./translate_subx init.$OS 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/$app.subx
diff apps/$app a.elf
# Mu translator
echo mu
./translate_subx init.$OS 0*.subx apps/mu.subx
diff apps/mu a.elf
exit 0