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path: root/tools/browse_trace
blob: e68b541b9fa1fd0a47e1e62a7de484d0b0fd26c3 (plain) (tree)

set -e

test "$CXX" || export CXX=c++
test "$CC" || export CC=cc
test "$CFLAGS" || export CFLAGS="-g -O2"
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wextra -ftrapv -fno-strict-aliasing"

# build if doesn't exist
[ ! -f `dirname $0`/browse_trace_bin ] && (
  cd `dirname $0`
  [ ! -f termbox/libtermbox.a ] && (
    cd termbox
    $CC $CFLAGS -c utf8.c
    $CC $CFLAGS -c termbox.c
    ar rcs libtermbox.a *.o
  $CXX $CFLAGS browse_trace.cc termbox/libtermbox.a -o browse_trace_bin

`dirname $0`/browse_trace_bin $*
href='#n316'>316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498
; a simple line editor for reading lisp expressions.
; colors strings and comments. nested parens get different colors.
; needs to do its own raw keyboard/screen management since we need to decide
; how to color each key right as it is printed.
; lots of logic devoted to handling backspace correctly.

; keyboard screen abort continuation -> string
(function read-expression [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 60:literal)
  (k:keyboard-address <- next-input)
  (screen:terminal-address <- next-input)
  (abort:continuation <- next-input)
  (history:buffer-address <- next-input)  ; buffer of strings
  (history-length:integer <- get history:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
  (current-history-index:integer <- copy history-length:integer)
  (result:buffer-address <- init-buffer 10:literal)  ; string to maybe add to
  (open-parens:integer <- copy 0:literal)  ; for balancing parens and tracking nesting depth
  ; we can change color when backspacing over parens or comments or strings,
  ; but we need to know that they aren't escaped
  (escapes:buffer-address <- init-buffer 5:literal)
  ; to not return after just a comment
  (not-empty?:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
  { begin
    ; repeatedly read keys from the keyboard
    ;   test: 34<enter>
    (done?:boolean <- process-key default-space:space-address k:keyboard-address screen:terminal-address)
    (loop-unless done?:boolean)
  ; trim trailing newline in result (easier history management below)
  { begin
    (l:character <- last result:buffer-address)
    (trailing-newline?:boolean <- equal l:character ((#\newline literal)))
    (break-unless trailing-newline?:boolean)
    (len:integer-address <- get-address result:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
    (len:integer-address/deref <- subtract len:integer-address/deref 1:literal)
  ; test: 3<enter> => size of s is 2
  (s:string-address <- to-array result:buffer-address)
  (reply s:string-address)

(function process-key [  ; return t to signal end of expression
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 60:literal)
  (0:space-address/names:read-expression <- next-input)
  (k:keyboard-address <- next-input)
  (screen:terminal-address <- next-input)
  (c:character <- wait-for-key k:keyboard-address silent:literal/terminal)
  (len:integer-address <- get-address result:buffer-address/space:1/deref length:offset)
  (maybe-cancel-this-expression c:character abort:continuation/space:1)
  ; check for ctrl-d and exit
  { begin
    (eof?:boolean <- equal c:character ((ctrl-d literal)))
    (break-unless eof?:boolean)
    ; return empty expression
    (s:string-address-address <- get-address result:buffer-address/space:1/deref data:offset)
    (s:string-address-address/deref <- copy nil:literal)
    (reply t:literal)
  ; check for backspace
  ;   test: 3<backspace>4<enter>
  ;   todo: backspace past newline
  { begin
    (backspace?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\backspace literal)))
    (break-unless backspace?:boolean)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character/backspace)
    { begin
      ; delete last character if any
      (zero?:boolean <- lesser-or-equal len:integer-address/deref 0:literal)
      (break-if zero?:boolean)
      (len:integer-address/deref <- subtract len:integer-address/deref 1:literal)
      ; switch colors
      ;   test: "a"<backspace>bc"
      ;   test: "a\"<backspace>bc"
      { begin
        (backspaced-over-close-quote?:boolean <- backspaced-over-unescaped? result:buffer-address/space:1 ((#\" literal)) escapes:buffer-address/space:1)  ; "
        (break-unless backspaced-over-close-quote?:boolean)
        (slurp-string result:buffer-address/space:1 escapes:buffer-address/space:1 abort:continuation/space:1 k:keyboard-address screen:terminal-address)
        (reply nil:literal)
      ;   test: (+ 1 (<backspace>2)
      ;   test: (+ 1 #\(<backspace><backspace><backspace>2)
      { begin
        (backspaced-over-open-paren?:boolean <- backspaced-over-unescaped? result:buffer-address/space:1 ((#\( literal)) escapes:buffer-address/space:1)
        (break-unless backspaced-over-open-paren?:boolean)
        (open-parens:integer/space:1 <- subtract open-parens:integer/space:1 1:literal)
        (reply nil:literal)
      ;   test: (+ 1 2)<backspace> 3)
      ;   test: (+ 1 2#\)<backspace><backspace><backspace> 3)
      { begin
        (backspaced-over-close-paren?:boolean <- backspaced-over-unescaped? result:buffer-address/space:1 ((#\) literal)) escapes:buffer-address/space:1)
        (break-unless backspaced-over-close-paren?:boolean)
        (open-parens:integer/space:1 <- add open-parens:integer/space:1 1:literal)
        (reply nil:literal)
    (reply nil:literal)
  ; up arrow; switch to previous item in history
  { begin
    (up-arrow?:boolean <- equal c:character ((up literal)))
    (break-unless up-arrow?:boolean)
    ; if history exists
    ;   test: <up><enter>  up without history has no effect
    { begin
      (empty-history?:boolean <- lesser-or-equal history-length:integer/space:1 0:literal)
      (break-unless empty-history?:boolean)
      (reply nil:literal)
    ; if pointer not already at start of history
    ;   test: 34<enter><up><up><enter>  up past history has no effect
    { begin
      (at-history-start?:boolean <- lesser-or-equal current-history-index:integer/space:1 0:literal)
      (break-unless at-history-start?:boolean)
      (reply nil:literal)
    ; then update history index, copy into current buffer
    ;   test: 34<enter><up><enter>  up restores previous command
    ;   test todo: 34<enter>23<up>34<down><enter>  up doesn't mess up typing on current line
    ;   test todo: 34<enter><up>5<enter><up><up>  commands don't modify history
    ;   test todo: multi-line expressions
    ; identify the history item
    (current-history-index:integer/space:1 <- subtract current-history-index:integer/space:1 1:literal)
    (switch-to-history 0:space-address screen:terminal-address)
    ; <enter> is trimmed in the history expression, so wait for the human to
    ; hit <enter> again or backspace to make edits
    (reply nil:literal)
  ; down arrow; switch to next item in history
  { begin
    (down-arrow?:boolean <- equal c:character ((down literal)))
    (break-unless down-arrow?:boolean)
    ; if history exists
    ;   test: <down><enter>  down without history has no effect
    { begin
      (empty-history?:boolean <- lesser-or-equal history-length:integer/space:1 0:literal)
      (break-unless empty-history?:boolean)
      (reply nil:literal)
    ; if pointer not already at end of history
    ;   test: 34<enter><down><down><enter>  up past history has no effect
    { begin
      (x:integer <- subtract history-length:integer/space:1 1:literal)
      (before-history-end?:boolean <- greater-or-equal current-history-index:integer/space:1 x:integer)
      (break-unless before-history-end?:boolean)
      (reply nil:literal)
    ; then update history index, copy into current buffer
    ;   test: 34<enter><up><enter>  up restores previous command
    ;   test todo: 34<enter>23<up>34<down><enter>  up doesn't mess up typing on current line
    ;   test todo: 34<enter><up>5<enter><up><up>  commands don't modify history
    ;   test todo: multi-line expressions
    ; identify the history item
    (current-history-index:integer/space:1 <- add current-history-index:integer/space:1 1:literal)
    (switch-to-history 0:space-address screen:terminal-address)
    ; <enter> is trimmed in the history expression, so wait for the human to
    ; hit <enter> again or backspace to make edits
    (reply nil:literal)
  ; if it's a newline, decide whether to return
  ;   test: <enter>34<enter>
  { begin
    (newline?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\newline literal)))
    (break-unless newline?:boolean)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character/newline)
    (at-top-level?:boolean <- lesser-or-equal open-parens:integer/space:1 0:literal)
    (end-expression?:boolean <- and at-top-level?:boolean not-empty?:boolean/space:1)
    (reply end-expression?:boolean)
  ; printable character; save
;?   ($print (("append\n" literal))) ;? 2
  (result:buffer-address/space:1 <- append result:buffer-address/space:1 c:character)
;?   ($print (("done\n" literal))) ;? 2
  ; if it's backslash, read, save and print one additional character
  ;   test: (prn #\()
  { begin
    (backslash?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\\ literal)))
    (break-unless backslash?:boolean)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character/backslash 7:literal/white)
    (result:buffer-address/space:1 escapes:buffer-address/space:1 <- slurp-escaped-character result:buffer-address/space:1 7:literal/white escapes:buffer-address/space:1 abort:continuation/space:1 k:keyboard-address screen:terminal-address)
    (reply nil:literal)
  ; if it's a semi-colon, parse a comment
  { begin
    (comment?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\; literal)))
    (break-unless comment?:boolean)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character/semi-colon 4:literal/fg/blue)
    (comment-read?:boolean <- slurp-comment result:buffer-address/space:1 escapes:buffer-address/space:1 abort:continuation/space:1 k:keyboard-address screen:terminal-address)
    ; return if comment was read (i.e. consumed a newline)
    ; test: ;a<backspace><backspace> (shouldn't end command until <enter>)
    { begin
      (break-if comment-read?:boolean)
      (reply nil:literal)
    ; and we're not within parens
    ;   test: (+ 1 2)  ; comment<enter>
    ;   test: (+ 1<enter>; abc<enter>2)<enter>
    ;   test: ; comment<enter>(+ 1 2)<enter>
    ;   too expensive to build: 3<backspace>; comment<enter>(+ 1 2)<enter>
    (at-top-level?:boolean <- lesser-or-equal open-parens:integer/space:1 0:literal)
    (end-expression?:boolean <- and at-top-level?:boolean not-empty?:boolean/space:1)
    (reply end-expression?:boolean)
  ; if it's not whitespace, set not-empty? and continue
  { begin
    (space?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\space literal)))
    (break-if space?:boolean)
    (newline?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\newline literal)))
    (break-if newline?:boolean)
    (tab?:boolean <- equal c:character ((tab literal)))
    (break-if tab?:boolean)
    (not-empty?:boolean/space:1 <- copy t:literal)
    ; fall through
  ; if it's a quote, parse a string
  { begin
    (string-started?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\" literal)))  ; for vim: "
    (break-unless string-started?:boolean)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character/open-quote 6:literal/fg/cyan)
    (slurp-string result:buffer-address/space:1 escapes:buffer-address/space:1 abort:continuation/space:1 k:keyboard-address screen:terminal-address)
    (reply nil:literal)
  ; color parens by depth, so they're easy to balance
  ;   test: (+ 1 1)<enter>
  ;   test: (def foo () (+ 1 (* 2 3)))<enter>
  { begin
    (open-paren?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\( literal)))
    (break-unless open-paren?:boolean)
    (_ color-code:integer <- divide-with-remainder open-parens:integer/space:1 3:literal)  ; 3 distinct colors for parens
    (color-code:integer <- add color-code:integer 1:literal)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character/open-paren color-code:integer)
    (open-parens:integer/space:1 <- add open-parens:integer/space:1 1:literal)
;?     ($print open-parens:integer/space:1) ;? 2
    (reply nil:literal)
  { begin
    (close-paren?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\) literal)))
    (break-unless close-paren?:boolean)
    (open-parens:integer/space:1 <- subtract open-parens:integer/space:1 1:literal)
    (_ color-code:integer <- divide-with-remainder open-parens:integer/space:1 3:literal)  ; 3 distinct colors for parens
    (color-code:integer <- add color-code:integer 1:literal)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character/close-paren color-code:integer)
;?     ($print open-parens:integer/space:1) ;? 2
    (reply nil:literal)
  ; if all else fails, print the character without color
  (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character/regular)
  ;   todo: error on space outside parens, like python
  ;   todo: []
  ;   todo: history on up/down
  (reply nil:literal)

(function switch-to-history [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  (0:space-address/names:read-expression <- next-input)
  (screen:terminal-address <- next-input)
  (clear-repl-state 0:space-address)
  (curr-history:string-address <- buffer-index history:buffer-address/space:1 current-history-index:integer/space:1)
  (curr-history-len:integer <- length curr-history:string-address/deref)
  ; and retype it into the current expression
  (hist:keyboard-address <- init-keyboard curr-history:string-address)
  (hist-index:integer-address <- get-address hist:keyboard-address/deref index:offset)
  { begin
    (done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal hist-index:integer-address/deref curr-history-len:integer)
    (break-if done?:boolean)
    (sub-return:boolean <- process-key 0:space-address hist:keyboard-address screen:terminal-address)
    (assert-false sub-return:boolean (("recursive call to process keys thought it was done" literal)))

(function clear-repl-state [
  (default-space:space-address/names:read-expression <- next-input)
  ; clear result
  (len:integer-address <- get-address result:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
  (backspace-over len:integer-address/deref screen:terminal-address)
  (len:integer-address/deref <- copy 0:literal)
  ; clear other state accumulated for the existing expression
  (open-parens:integer <- copy 0:literal)
  (escapes:buffer-address <- init-buffer 5:literal)
  (not-empty?:boolean <- copy nil:literal)

(function backspace-over [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  (len:integer <- next-input)
  (screen:terminal-address <- next-input)
  { begin
    (done?:boolean <- lesser-or-equal len:integer 0:literal)
    (break-if done?:boolean)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\backspace literal)))
    (len:integer <- subtract len:integer 1:literal)

; list of characters, list of indices of escaped characters, abort continuation
; -> whether a comment was consumed (can also return by backspacing past comment leader ';')
(function slurp-comment [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  (in:buffer-address <- next-input)
  (escapes:buffer-address <- next-input)
  (abort:continuation <- next-input)
  (k:keyboard-address <- next-input)
  (screen:terminal-address <- next-input)
  ; test: ; abc<enter>
  { begin
    (c:character <- wait-for-key k:keyboard-address silent:literal/terminal)
    (maybe-cancel-this-expression c:character abort:continuation screen:terminal-address)  ; test: check needs to come before print
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character 4:literal/fg/blue)
    ; handle backspace
    ;   test: ; abc<backspace><backspace>def<enter>
    ;   todo: how to exit comment?
    { begin
      (backspace?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\backspace literal)))
      (break-unless backspace?:boolean)
      (len:integer-address <- get-address in:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
      ; buffer has to have at least the semi-colon so can't be empty
      (len:integer-address/deref <- subtract len:integer-address/deref 1:literal)
      ; if we erase start of comment, return
      (comment-deleted?:boolean <- backspaced-over-unescaped? in:buffer-address ((#\; literal)) escapes:buffer-address)  ; "
      (jump-unless comment-deleted?:boolean next-key-in-comment:offset)  ; loop
      (reply nil:literal/read-comment?)
    (in:buffer-address <- append in:buffer-address c:character)
    (newline?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\newline literal)))
    (loop-unless newline?:boolean)
  (reply t:literal/read-comment?)

(function slurp-string [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  (in:buffer-address <- next-input)
  (escapes:buffer-address <- next-input)
  (abort:continuation <- next-input)
  (k:keyboard-address <- next-input)
  (screen:terminal-address <- next-input)
  ; test: "abc"
  { begin
    (c:character <- wait-for-key k:keyboard-address silent:literal/terminal)
    (maybe-cancel-this-expression c:character abort:continuation screen:terminal-address)  ; test: check needs to come before print
    (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character 6:literal/fg/cyan)
    ; handle backspace
    ;   test: "abc<backspace>d"
    ;   todo: how to exit string?
    { begin
      (backspace?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\backspace literal)))
      (break-unless backspace?:boolean)
      (len:integer-address <- get-address in:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
      ; typed a quote before calling slurp-string, so can't be empty
      (len:integer-address/deref <- subtract len:integer-address/deref 1:literal)
      ; if we erase start of string, return
      ;   test: "<backspace>34
      (string-deleted?:boolean <- backspaced-over-unescaped? in:buffer-address ((#\" literal)) escapes:buffer-address)  ; "
;?       ($print string-deleted?:boolean) ;? 1
      (jump-if string-deleted?:boolean end:offset)  ; break
      (jump next-key-in-string:offset)  ; loop
    (in:buffer-address <- append in:buffer-address c:character)
    ; break on quote -- unless escaped by backslash
    ;   test: "abc\"ef"
    { begin
      (backslash?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\\ literal)))
      (break-unless backslash?:boolean)
      (in:buffer-address escapes:buffer-address <- slurp-escaped-character in:buffer-address 6:literal/cyan escapes:buffer-address abort:continuation k:keyboard-address screen:terminal-address)
      (jump next-key-in-string:offset)  ; loop
    ; if not backslash
    (end-quote?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\" literal)))  ; for vim: "
    (loop-unless end-quote?:boolean)

; buffer to add character to, color to print it in to the screen, abort continuation
(function slurp-escaped-character [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  (in:buffer-address <- next-input)
  (color-code:integer <- next-input)
  (escapes:buffer-address <- next-input)
  (abort:continuation <- next-input)
  (k:keyboard-address <- next-input)
  (screen:terminal-address <- next-input)
  (c:character <- wait-for-key k:keyboard-address silent:literal/terminal)
  (maybe-cancel-this-expression c:character abort:continuation screen:terminal-address)  ; test: check needs to come before print
  (print-character screen:terminal-address c:character color-code:integer)
  (len:integer-address <- get-address in:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
  (escapes:buffer-address <- append escapes:buffer-address len:integer-address/deref)
;?   ($print (("+" literal))) ;? 1
  ; handle backspace
  ;   test: "abc\<backspace>def"
  ;   test: #\<backspace>
  { begin
    (backspace?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\backspace literal)))
    (break-unless backspace?:boolean)
    ; just typed a backslash, so buffer can't be empty
    (len:integer-address/deref <- subtract len:integer-address/deref 1:literal)
    (elen:integer-address <- get-address escapes:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
    (elen:integer-address/deref <- subtract elen:integer-address/deref 1:literal)
;?     ($print (("-" literal))) ;? 1
    (reply in:buffer-address/same-as-arg:0 escapes:buffer-address/same-as-arg:2)
  ; if not backspace, save and return
  (in:buffer-address <- append in:buffer-address c:character)
  (reply in:buffer-address/same-as-arg:0 escapes:buffer-address/same-as-arg:2)

(function backspaced-over-unescaped? [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  (in:buffer-address <- next-input)
  (expected:character <- next-input)
  (escapes:buffer-address <- next-input)
  ; char just backspaced over matches
  { begin
    (c:character <- past-last in:buffer-address)
    (char-match?:boolean <- equal c:character expected:character)
    (break-if char-match?:boolean)
    (reply nil:literal)
  ; and char before cursor is not an escape
  { begin
    (most-recent-escape:integer <- last escapes:buffer-address)
    (last-idx:integer <- get in:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
;?     ($print most-recent-escape:integer) ;? 1
;?     ($print last-idx:integer) ;? 1
    (was-unescaped?:boolean <- not-equal last-idx:integer most-recent-escape:integer)
    (break-if was-unescaped?:boolean)
    (reply nil:literal)
  (reply t:literal)

; return the character past the end of the buffer, if there's room
(function past-last [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  (in:buffer-address <- next-input)
  (n:integer <- get in:buffer-address/deref length:offset)
  (s:string-address <- get in:buffer-address/deref data:offset)
  (capacity:integer <- length s:string-address/deref)
  { begin
    (no-space?:boolean <- greater-or-equal n:integer capacity:integer)
    (break-unless no-space?:boolean)
    (reply ((#\null literal)))
  (result:character <- index s:string-address/deref n:integer)
  (reply result:character)

(function maybe-cancel-this-expression [
  ; check for ctrl-g and abort
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  (c:character <- next-input)
  (abort:continuation <- next-input)
  (screen:terminal-address <- next-input)
  { begin
    (interrupt?:boolean <- equal c:character ((ctrl-g literal)))
    (break-unless interrupt?:boolean)
    (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\^ literal)))
    (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\G literal)))
    (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\newline literal)))
    (continue-from abort:continuation)

(function main [
  (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
  ($print (("connected to anarki! type in an expression, then hit enter. ctrl-d exits. ctrl-g clears the current expression." literal)))
  (print-character nil:literal/terminal ((#\newline literal)))
  ; todo: ctrl-g shouldn't clear history
  (abort:continuation <- current-continuation)
  (history:buffer-address <- init-buffer 5:literal)  ; buffer of buffers of strings, one per expression typed in
  { begin
    (s:string-address <- read-expression nil:literal/keyboard nil:literal/terminal abort:continuation history:buffer-address)
    (break-unless s:string-address)
;?     (x:integer <- length s:string-address/deref) ;? 1
;?     ($print x:integer) ;? 1
;?     ($print ((#\newline literal))) ;? 1
    (history:buffer-address <- append history:buffer-address s:string-address)
;?     (len:integer <- get history:buffer-address/deref length:offset) ;? 1
;?     ($print len:integer) ;? 1
;?     ($print ((#\newline literal))) ;? 1
    (retro-mode)  ; print errors cleanly
;?       (print-string nil:literal/terminal s:string-address) ;? 1
      (t:string-address <- $eval s:string-address)
    ($print (("=> " literal)))
    (print-string nil:literal/terminal t:string-address)
    (print-character nil:literal/terminal ((#\newline literal)))
    (print-character nil:literal/terminal ((#\newline literal)))  ; empty line separates each expression and result