#ifndef PROCESS_H
#define PROCESS_H
#define KERNELMODE 0
#define USERMODE 1
#include "common.h"
#include "fs.h"
#include "fifobuffer.h"
#include "spinlock.h"
typedef enum ThreadState {
} ThreadState;
struct Process {
char name[32];
uint32 pid;
uint32 *pd;
uint32 b_exec;
uint32 e_exec;
uint32 b_bss;
uint32 e_bss;
char *heapBegin;
char *heapEnd;
char *heapNextUnallocatedPageBegin;
uint8 mmappedVirtualMemory[RAM_AS_4M_PAGES / 8];
uint32 signal;
void* sigfn[32];
FileSystemNode* tty;
FileSystemNode* workingDirectory;
//Thread* mainThread;
Process* parent;
// Save exit status of child process that most recently performed exit().
int32 childExitStatusPresent; // boolean
int32 childExitStatus;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
typedef struct Process Process;
struct Thread {
uint32 threadId;
struct {
uint32 eax, ecx, edx, ebx;
uint32 esp, ebp, esi, edi;
uint32 eip, eflags;
uint32 cs:16, ss:16, ds:16, es:16, fs:16, gs:16;
uint32 cr3;
} regs __attribute__ ((packed));
struct {
uint32 esp0;
uint16 ss0;
uint32 stackStart;
} kstack __attribute__ ((packed));
uint32 userMode;
ThreadState state;
Process* owner;
uint32 yield;
uint32 contextSwitchCount;
uint32 totalContextSwitchCount;
uint32 totalContextSwitchCountPrevious;
void* state_privateData;
FifoBuffer* messageQueue;
Spinlock messageQueueLock;
struct Thread* next;
typedef struct Thread Thread;
typedef struct TimerInt_Registers {
uint32 gs, fs, es, ds;
uint32 edi, esi, ebp, esp, ebx, edx, ecx, eax; //pushed by pushad
uint32 eip, cs, eflags, esp_if_privilege_change, ss_if_privilege_change; //pushed by the CPU
} TimerInt_Registers;
typedef void (*Function0)();
void initializeTasking();
Process* createUserProcessFromElfData(const char* name, uint8* elfData, char *const argv[], char *const envp[], Process* parent, FileSystemNode* tty);
Process* createUserProcessEx(const char* name, uint32 processId, uint32 threadId, Function0 func, uint8* elfData, char *const argv[], char *const envp[], Process* parent, FileSystemNode* tty);
void destroyThread(Thread* thread);
void destroyProcess(Process* process);
void threadStateToString(ThreadState state, uint8* buffer, uint32 bufferSize);
void waitForSchedule();
void yield(uint32 count);
int32 getEmptyFd(Process* process);
int32 addFileToProcess(Process* process, File* file);
int32 removeFileFromProcess(Process* process, File* file);
Thread* getThreadById(uint32 threadId);
Thread* getPreviousThread(Thread* thread);
Thread* getMainKernelThread();
Thread* getCurrentThread();
void schedule(TimerInt_Registers* registers);
BOOL isThreadValid(Thread* thread);
BOOL isProcessValid(Process* process);
uint32 getSystemContextSwitchCount();
#endif // PROCESS_H