blob: 881fcef1dfc7a7fa68e5c5551fbb1e1a8af3426f (
plain) (
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.highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt#!/bin/sh
# Translate given SubX files to 'baremetal', a raw disk image that can boot and
# run without any OS.
# This script uses emulation, so it does not require x86 or Linux. However it
# is slow.
set -e
cat $* |./bootstrap run apps/braces > a.braces
cat a.braces |./bootstrap run apps/calls > a.calls
cat a.calls |./bootstrap run apps/sigils > a.sigils
cat a.sigils |./bootstrap run apps/tests > a.tests
# no assort since baremetal SubX doesn't have segments yet
cat a.tests |./bootstrap run apps/dquotes > a.dquotes
cat a.dquotes |./bootstrap run apps/pack > a.pack
cat a.pack |./bootstrap run apps/survey_baremetal > a.survey
cat a.survey |./bootstrap run apps/hex > a.bin
# Create disk.img containing baremetal/boot.hex and a.bin
dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img count=20160 # 512-byte sectors, so 10MB
./bootstrap run apps/hex < baremetal/boot.hex > boot.bin
cat boot.bin a.bin > disk.bin
dd if=disk.bin of=disk.img conv=notrunc
if [ `stat --printf="%s" disk.bin` -ge 129024 ] # 4 tracks * 63 sectors per track * 512 bytes per sector (keep this sync'd with boot.hex)
echo "disk.bin won't all be loaded on boot"
exit 1