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path: root/091run_interactive.cc
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authorKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2016-08-12 14:51:53 -0700
committerKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2016-08-12 14:51:53 -0700
commit1625e908ba6c415570008ef6767031a80be60aa3 (patch)
tree5c637b4f8120f9bd035b18e9572ee8f173026f44 /091run_interactive.cc
parent9e4f18449b1dce5448f97cd10c721d5085dae6cb (diff)
3168 - skip loading recipe 'main' in edit/
This is part of efforts to allow students to transition gradually from
the sandbox to running programs directly on the commandline, writing
real scenarios, etc. Running on the commandline requires 'main', but
overriding 'main' would mess up edit/ which is itself a Mu program.
Diffstat (limited to '091run_interactive.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 504 deletions
diff --git a/091run_interactive.cc b/091run_interactive.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 86f20894..00000000
--- a/091run_interactive.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-//: Helper for various programming environments: run arbitrary mu code and
-//: return some result in string form.
-:(scenario run_interactive_code)
-def main [
-  1:number/raw <- copy 0
-  2:address:array:character <- new [1:number/raw <- copy 34]
-  run-interactive 2:address:array:character
-  3:number/raw <- copy 1:number/raw
-+mem: storing 34 in location 3
-:(scenario run_interactive_empty)
-def main [
-  1:address:array:character <- copy 0/unsafe
-  2:address:array:character <- run-interactive 1:address:array:character
-# result is null
-+mem: storing 0 in location 2
-//: run code in 'interactive mode', i.e. with errors off and return:
-//:   stringified output in case we want to print it to screen
-//:   any errors encountered
-//:   simulated screen any prints went to
-//:   any 'app' layer traces generated
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
-put(Recipe_ordinal, "run-interactive", RUN_INTERACTIVE);
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
-  if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 1) {
-    raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'run-interactive' requires exactly one ingredient, but got '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end();
-    break;
-  }
-  if (!is_mu_string(inst.ingredients.at(0))) {
-    raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "first ingredient of 'run-interactive' should be a string, but got '" << to_string(inst.ingredients.at(0)) << "'\n" << end();
-    break;
-  }
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
-  bool new_code_pushed_to_stack = run_interactive(ingredients.at(0).at(0));
-  if (!new_code_pushed_to_stack) {
-    products.resize(5);
-    products.at(0).push_back(0);
-    products.at(1).push_back(trace_error_contents());
-    products.at(2).push_back(0);
-    products.at(3).push_back(trace_app_contents());
-    products.at(4).push_back(1);  // completed
-    run_code_end();
-    break;  // done with this instruction
-  }
-  else {
-    continue;  // not done with caller; don't increment current_step_index()
-  }
-:(before "End Globals")
-bool Track_most_recent_products = false;
-:(before "End Tracing")
-trace_stream* Save_trace_stream = NULL;
-string Save_trace_file;
-:(before "End Setup")
-Track_most_recent_products = false;
-// reads a string, tries to call it as code (treating it as a test), saving
-// all errors.
-// returns true if successfully called (no errors found during load and transform)
-bool run_interactive(int address) {
-  assert(contains_key(Recipe_ordinal, "interactive") && get(Recipe_ordinal, "interactive") != 0);
-  // try to sandbox the run as best you can
-  // todo: test this
-  if (!Current_scenario) {
-    for (int i = 1; i < Reserved_for_tests; ++i)
-      Memory.erase(i);
-  }
-  string command = trim(strip_comments(read_mu_string(address)));
-  Name[get(Recipe_ordinal, "interactive")].clear();
-  run_code_begin(/*should_stash_snapshots*/true);
-  if (command.empty()) return false;
-  // don't kill the current routine on parse errors
-  routine* save_current_routine = Current_routine;
-  Current_routine = NULL;
-  // call run(string) but without the scheduling
-  load(string("recipe! interactive [\n") +
-          "new-default-space\n" +  // disable automatic abandon so tests can see changes
-          "screen:address:screen <- next-ingredient\n" +
-          "$start-tracking-products\n" +
-          command + "\n" +
-          "$stop-tracking-products\n" +
-          "return screen\n" +
-       "]\n");
-  transform_all();
-  Current_routine = save_current_routine;
-  if (trace_count("error") > 0) return false;
-  // now call 'sandbox' which will run 'interactive' in a separate routine,
-  // and wait for it
-  if (Save_trace_stream) {
-    ++Save_trace_stream->callstack_depth;
-    trace(9999, "trace") << "run-interactive: incrementing callstack depth to " << Save_trace_stream->callstack_depth << end();
-    assert(Save_trace_stream->callstack_depth < 9000);  // 9998-101 plus cushion
-  }
-  Current_routine->calls.push_front(call(get(Recipe_ordinal, "sandbox")));
-  return true;
-//: Carefully update all state to exactly how it was -- including snapshots.
-:(before "End Globals")
-map<string, recipe_ordinal> Recipe_ordinal_snapshot_stash;
-map<recipe_ordinal, recipe> Recipe_snapshot_stash;
-map<string, type_ordinal> Type_ordinal_snapshot_stash;
-map<type_ordinal, type_info> Type_snapshot_stash;
-map<recipe_ordinal, map<string, int> > Name_snapshot_stash;
-map<string, vector<recipe_ordinal> > Recipe_variants_snapshot_stash;
-void run_code_begin(bool should_stash_snapshots) {
-  // stuff to undo later, in run_code_end()
-  Hide_errors = true;
-  Disable_redefine_checks = true;
-  if (should_stash_snapshots)
-    stash_snapshots();
-  Save_trace_stream = Trace_stream;
-  Trace_stream = new trace_stream;
-  Trace_stream->collect_depth = App_depth;
-void run_code_end() {
-  Hide_errors = false;
-  Disable_redefine_checks = false;
-  delete Trace_stream;
-  Trace_stream = Save_trace_stream;
-  Save_trace_stream = NULL;
-  Save_trace_file.clear();
-  Recipe.erase(get(Recipe_ordinal, "interactive"));  // keep past sandboxes from inserting errors
-  if (!Recipe_snapshot_stash.empty())
-    unstash_snapshots();
-// keep sync'd with save_snapshots and restore_snapshots
-void stash_snapshots() {
-  assert(Recipe_ordinal_snapshot_stash.empty());
-  Recipe_ordinal_snapshot_stash = Recipe_ordinal_snapshot;
-  assert(Recipe_snapshot_stash.empty());
-  Recipe_snapshot_stash = Recipe_snapshot;
-  assert(Type_ordinal_snapshot_stash.empty());
-  Type_ordinal_snapshot_stash = Type_ordinal_snapshot;
-  assert(Type_snapshot_stash.empty());
-  Type_snapshot_stash = Type_snapshot;
-  assert(Name_snapshot_stash.empty());
-  Name_snapshot_stash = Name_snapshot;
-  assert(Recipe_variants_snapshot_stash.empty());
-  Recipe_variants_snapshot_stash = Recipe_variants_snapshot;
-  save_snapshots();
-void unstash_snapshots() {
-  restore_snapshots();
-  Recipe_ordinal_snapshot = Recipe_ordinal_snapshot_stash;  Recipe_ordinal_snapshot_stash.clear();
-  Recipe_snapshot = Recipe_snapshot_stash;  Recipe_snapshot_stash.clear();
-  Type_ordinal_snapshot = Type_ordinal_snapshot_stash;  Type_ordinal_snapshot_stash.clear();
-  Type_snapshot = Type_snapshot_stash;  Type_snapshot_stash.clear();
-  Name_snapshot = Name_snapshot_stash;  Name_snapshot_stash.clear();
-  Recipe_variants_snapshot = Recipe_variants_snapshot_stash;  Recipe_variants_snapshot_stash.clear();
-:(before "End Load Recipes")
-"recipe interactive [\n") +  // just a dummy version to initialize the Recipe_ordinal and so on
-"]\n" +
-"recipe sandbox [\n" +
-  "local-scope\n" +
-  "screen:address:screen <- new-fake-screen 30, 5\n" +
-  "routine-id:number <- start-running interactive, screen\n" +
-  "limit-time routine-id, 100000/instructions\n" +
-  "wait-for-routine routine-id\n" +
-  "instructions-run:number <- number-of-instructions routine-id\n" +
-  "stash instructions-run [instructions run]\n" +
-  "sandbox-state:number <- routine-state routine-id\n" +
-  "completed?:boolean <- equal sandbox-state, 1/completed\n" +
-  "output:address:array:character <- $most-recent-products\n" +
-  "errors:address:array:character <- save-errors\n" +
-  "stashes:address:array:character <- save-app-trace\n" +
-  "$cleanup-run-interactive\n" +
-  "return output, errors, screen, stashes, completed?\n" +
-//: adjust errors in the sandbox
-:(after "string maybe(string s)")
-  if (s == "interactive") return "";
-:(scenario run_interactive_comments)
-def main [
-  1:address:array:character <- new [# ab
-add 2, 2]
-  2:address:array:character <- run-interactive 1:address:array:character
-  3:array:character <- copy *2:address:array:character
-+mem: storing 52 in location 4
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
-put(Recipe_ordinal, "$start-tracking-products", _START_TRACKING_PRODUCTS);
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
-  Track_most_recent_products = true;
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
-put(Recipe_ordinal, "$stop-tracking-products", _STOP_TRACKING_PRODUCTS);
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
-  Track_most_recent_products = false;
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
-put(Recipe_ordinal, "$most-recent-products", _MOST_RECENT_PRODUCTS);
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
-  products.resize(1);
-  products.at(0).push_back(new_mu_string(Most_recent_products));
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
-put(Recipe_ordinal, "save-errors", SAVE_ERRORS);
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
-case SAVE_ERRORS: {
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
-case SAVE_ERRORS: {
-  products.resize(1);
-  products.at(0).push_back(trace_error_contents());
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
-put(Recipe_ordinal, "save-app-trace", SAVE_APP_TRACE);
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
-  products.resize(1);
-  products.at(0).push_back(trace_app_contents());
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
-put(Recipe_ordinal, "$cleanup-run-interactive", _CLEANUP_RUN_INTERACTIVE);
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
-  run_code_end();
-  break;
-:(scenario "run_interactive_converts_result_to_text")
-def main [
-  # try to interactively add 2 and 2
-  1:address:array:character <- new [add 2, 2]
-  2:address:array:character <- run-interactive 1:address:array:character
-  10:array:character <- copy 2:address:array:character/lookup
-# first letter in the output should be '4' in unicode
-+mem: storing 52 in location 11
-:(scenario "run_interactive_returns_text")
-def main [
-  # try to interactively add 2 and 2
-  1:address:array:character <- new [
-    x:address:array:character <- new [a]
-    y:address:array:character <- new [b]
-    z:address:array:character <- append x:address:array:character, y:address:array:character
-  ]
-  2:address:array:character <- run-interactive 1:address:array:character
-  10:array:character <- copy 2:address:array:character/lookup
-# output contains "ab"
-+mem: storing 97 in location 11
-+mem: storing 98 in location 12
-:(scenario "run_interactive_returns_errors")
-def main [
-  # run a command that generates an error
-  1:address:array:character <- new [x:number <- copy 34
-get x:number, foo:offset]
-  2:address:array:character, 3:address:array:character <- run-interactive 1:address:array:character
-  10:array:character <- copy 3:address:array:character/lookup
-# error should be "unknown element foo in container number"
-+mem: storing 117 in location 11
-+mem: storing 110 in location 12
-+mem: storing 107 in location 13
-+mem: storing 110 in location 14
-# ...
-:(scenario run_interactive_with_comment)
-def main [
-  # 2 instructions, with a comment after the first
-  1:address:array:number <- new [a:number <- copy 0  # abc
-b:number <- copy 0
-  2:address:array:character, 3:address:array:character <- run-interactive 1:address:array:character
-# no errors
-+mem: storing 0 in location 3
-:(before "End Globals")
-string Most_recent_products;
-:(before "End Setup")
-Most_recent_products = "";
-:(before "End of Instruction")
-if (Track_most_recent_products) {
-  track_most_recent_products(current_instruction(), products);
-void track_most_recent_products(const instruction& instruction, const vector<vector<double> >& products) {
-  ostringstream out;
-  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(products); ++i) {
-    // string
-    if (i < SIZE(instruction.products)) {
-      if (is_mu_string(instruction.products.at(i))) {
-        if (!scalar(products.at(i))) continue;  // error handled elsewhere
-        out << read_mu_string(products.at(i).at(0)) << '\n';
-        continue;
-      }
-      // End Record Product Special-cases
-    }
-    for (int j = 0; j < SIZE(products.at(i)); ++j)
-      out << no_scientific(products.at(i).at(j)) << ' ';
-    out << '\n';
-  }
-  Most_recent_products = out.str();
-string strip_comments(string in) {
-  ostringstream result;
-  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(in); ++i) {
-    if (in.at(i) != '#') {
-      result << in.at(i);
-    }
-    else {
-      while (i+1 < SIZE(in) && in.at(i+1) != '\n')
-        ++i;
-    }
-  }
-  return result.str();
-int stringified_value_of_location(int address) {
-  // convert to string
-  ostringstream out;
-  out << no_scientific(get_or_insert(Memory, address));
-  return new_mu_string(out.str());
-int trace_error_contents() {
-  if (!Trace_stream) return 0;
-  ostringstream out;
-  for (vector<trace_line>::iterator p = Trace_stream->past_lines.begin(); p != Trace_stream->past_lines.end(); ++p) {
-    if (p->label != "error") continue;
-    out << p->contents;
-    if (*--p->contents.end() != '\n') out << '\n';
-  }
-  string result = out.str();
-  if (result.empty()) return 0;
-  truncate(result);
-  return new_mu_string(result);
-int trace_app_contents() {
-  if (!Trace_stream) return 0;
-  ostringstream out;
-  for (vector<trace_line>::iterator p = Trace_stream->past_lines.begin(); p != Trace_stream->past_lines.end(); ++p) {
-    if (p->depth != App_depth) continue;
-    out << p->contents;
-    if (*--p->contents.end() != '\n') out << '\n';
-  }
-  string result = out.str();
-  if (result.empty()) return 0;
-  truncate(result);
-  return new_mu_string(result);
-void truncate(string& x) {
-  if (SIZE(x) > 1024) {
-    x.erase(1024);
-    *x.rbegin() = '\n';
-    *++x.rbegin() = '.';
-    *++++x.rbegin() = '.';
-  }
-//: simpler version of run-interactive: doesn't do any running, just loads
-//: recipes and reports errors.
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
-put(Recipe_ordinal, "reload", RELOAD);
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
-case RELOAD: {
-  if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 1) {
-    raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'reload' requires exactly one ingredient, but got '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end();
-    break;
-  }
-  if (!is_mu_string(inst.ingredients.at(0))) {
-    raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "first ingredient of 'reload' should be a string, but got '" << inst.ingredients.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end();
-    break;
-  }
-  break;
-:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
-case RELOAD: {
-  // conundrum: need to support repeated reloads of the same code, but not
-  // wipe out state for the current test
-  // hacky solution: subset of restore_snapshots() without restoring recipes {
-  // can't yet define containers in a test that runs 'reload'
-  Type_ordinal = Type_ordinal_snapshot;
-  Type = Type_snapshot;
-  // can't yet create new specializations of shape-shifting recipes in a test
-  // that runs 'reload'
-  Recipe_variants = Recipe_variants_snapshot;
-  Name = Name_snapshot;
-  // }
-  string code = read_mu_string(ingredients.at(0).at(0));
-  run_code_begin(/*should_stash_snapshots*/false);
-  routine* save_current_routine = Current_routine;
-  Current_routine = NULL;
-  vector<recipe_ordinal> recipes_reloaded = load(code);
-  transform_all();
-  Trace_stream->newline();  // flush trace
-  Current_routine = save_current_routine;
-  products.resize(1);
-  products.at(0).push_back(trace_error_contents());
-  run_code_end();  // wait until we're done with the trace contents
-  break;
-:(scenario reload_continues_past_error)
-def main [
-  local-scope
-  x:address:array:character <- new [recipe foo [
-  get 1234:number, foo:offset
-  reload x
-  1:number/raw <- copy 34
-+mem: storing 34 in location 1
-:(scenario reload_can_repeatedly_load_container_definitions)
-# define a container and try to create it (merge requires knowing container size)
-def main [
-  local-scope
-  x:address:array:character <- new [
-    container foo [
-      x:number
-      y:number
-    ]
-    recipe bar [
-      local-scope
-      x:foo <- merge 34, 35
-    ]
-  ]
-  # save warning addresses in locations of type 'number' to avoid spurious changes to them due to 'abandon'
-  1:number/raw <- reload x
-  2:number/raw <- reload x
-# no errors on either load
-+mem: storing 0 in location 1
-+mem: storing 0 in location 2