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authorKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2014-12-30 14:52:58 -0800
committerKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2014-12-30 14:52:58 -0800
commit2858b4364758ce42edd99a522b40555dad41d420 (patch)
parent92d239247f1bbc6a93602daf9b854a2b5c0c9623 (diff)
467 - 'convert-names' now supports space metadata
To inform it about space metadata you have to tag environments with the
function that generated them. Every function can only ever be called
with environments generated by a single function. As an assembly-like
language, mu requires closures to be called with an explicit
environment, but it warns when the environment might not be what the
function expects.
2 files changed, 106 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/mu.arc b/mu.arc
index 3e045c85..663adedf 100644
--- a/mu.arc
+++ b/mu.arc
@@ -75,10 +75,13 @@
 ; things that a future assembler will need separate memory for:
 ;   code; types; args channel
+;   at compile time: name mapping
 (def clear ()
   (= type* (table))  ; name -> type info
   (= memory* (table))  ; address -> value
   (= function* (table))  ; name -> [instructions]
+  (= location* (table))  ; function -> {name -> index into default-scope}
+  (= parent* (table))  ; function -> name of function generating scope for the scope passed into it
 (enq clear initialization-fns*)
@@ -928,11 +931,33 @@
 ;; convert symbolic names to raw memory locations
-(def convert-names (instrs)
+(def add-parent-closure (instrs name)
+;?   (prn "== @name")
+  (each instr instrs
+    (when acons.instr
+      (let (oargs op args)  (parse-instr instr)
+        (each oarg oargs
+          (when (and (nondummy oarg)
+                     (is v.oarg 0)
+                     (iso ty.oarg '(scope-address)))
+            (assert (no parent*.name) "function can have only one parent environment")
+            (tr "parent of @name is @(alref oarg 'names)")
+            (= parent*.name (alref oarg 'names))))))))
+; just a helper for testing; in practice we unbundle assign-names-to-location
+; and replace-names-with-location.
+(def convert-names (instrs (o name))
 ;?   (tr "convert-names " instrs)
-  (with (location  (table)
-         isa-field  (table))
-    (let idx 1
+  (let location (table)
+    (= location*.name (assign-names-to-location instrs name))
+;?     (tr "save names for function @name: @(tostring:pr location*.name)")
+    )
+  (replace-names-with-location instrs name))
+(def assign-names-to-location (instrs name)
+  (ret location (table)
+    (with (isa-field  (table)
+           idx  1)  ; 0 always reserved for parent scope
       (each instr instrs
         (point continue
         (when atom.instr
@@ -973,21 +998,24 @@
               (when (maybe-add arg location idx)
                 (trace "cn0" "location for arg " arg ": " idx)
                 ; todo: can't allocate arrays on the stack
-                (++ idx (sizeof `((_ ,@ty.arg)))))))))))
-    (each instr instrs
-      (when (acons instr)
-        (let (oargs op args)  (parse-instr instr)
-          (each arg args
-            (when (and nondummy.arg not-raw-string.arg (location v.arg))
-              (zap location v.arg)))
-          (each arg oargs
-            (when (and nondummy.arg not-raw-string.arg (location v.arg))
-              (zap location v.arg))))))
-    instrs))
+                (++ idx (sizeof `((_ ,@ty.arg)))))))))))))
+(def replace-names-with-location (instrs name)
+  (each instr instrs
+    (when (acons instr)
+      (let (oargs op args)  (parse-instr instr)
+        (each arg args
+          (convert-name arg name))
+        (each arg oargs
+          (convert-name arg name)))))
+  instrs)
+; assign an index to an arg
 (def maybe-add (arg location idx)
   (trace "maybe-add" arg)
   (when (and nondummy.arg
+;?              (prn arg " " (assoc 'space arg))
+             (~assoc 'space arg)
              (~literal? arg)
              (~location v.arg)
              (isa v.arg 'sym)
@@ -995,6 +1023,27 @@
              (~pos '(raw) metadata.arg))
     (= (location v.arg) idx)))
+; convert the arg to corresponding index
+(def convert-name (arg default-name)
+;?   (prn "111 @arg @default-name")
+  (when (and nondummy.arg not-raw-string.arg)
+;?     (prn "112 @arg")
+    (let name (space-to-name arg default-name)
+;?       (prn "113 @arg @name @keys.location* @(tostring:pr location*.name)")
+;?       (when (is arg '((y integer) (space 1)))
+;?         (prn "@arg => @name"))
+      (when (aand location*.name (it v.arg))
+;?         (prn 114)
+        (zap location*.name v.arg))
+;?       (prn 115)
+      )))
+(def space-to-name (arg default-name)
+  (ret name default-name
+    (when (~is space.arg 'global)
+      (repeat space.arg
+        (zap parent* name)))))
 ;; literate tangling system for reordering code
 (def convert-quotes (instrs)
@@ -1108,9 +1157,15 @@
 ;?   (prn "freeze")
   (each (name body)  canon.function*
 ;?     (tr name)
-;?     (prn keys.before* " -- " keys.after*)
-;?     (= function*.name (convert-names:convert-labels:convert-braces:prn:insert-code body)))
-    (= function*.name (convert-names:convert-labels:convert-braces:tokenize-args:insert-code body name))))
+    (= function*.name (convert-labels:convert-braces:tokenize-args:insert-code body name)))
+  (each (name body)  canon.function*
+    (add-parent-closure body name))
+  (each (name body)  canon.function*
+    (= location*.name (assign-names-to-location body name)))
+  (each (name body)  canon.function*
+    (= function*.name (replace-names-with-location body name)))
+  ; we could clear location* at this point, but maybe we'll find a use for it
+  )
 (def tokenize-arg (arg)
 ;?   (tr "tokenize-arg " arg)
@@ -1183,7 +1238,7 @@
 (mac init-fn (name . body)
   `(= (system-function* ',name) 
-      (convert-names:convert-labels:convert-braces:tokenize-args:insert-code ',body ',name)))
+      (convert-names (convert-labels:convert-braces:tokenize-args:insert-code ',body ',name) ',name)))
   (each (name f) system-function*
diff --git a/mu.arc.t b/mu.arc.t
index b6f11a1e..df1a3477 100644
--- a/mu.arc.t
+++ b/mu.arc.t
@@ -2058,6 +2058,38 @@
       (2:integer <- increment-counter 1:scope-address)
       (3:integer <- increment-counter 1:scope-address)
+;? (set dump-trace*)
+(run 'main)
+(each routine completed-routines*
+  (aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
+;? (prn memory*)
+(if (or (~is memory*.2 4)
+        (~is memory*.3 5))
+  (prn "F - multiple calls to a function can share locals"))
+;? (quit)
+(new-trace "default-scope-closure-with-names")
+  '((function init-counter [
+      (default-scope:scope-address <- new scope:literal 30:literal)
+      (x:integer <- copy 23:literal)
+      (y:integer <- copy 3:literal)  ; correct copy of y
+      (reply default-scope:scope-address)
+     ])
+    (function increment-counter [
+      (default-scope:scope-address <- new scope:literal 30:literal)
+      (0:scope-address/names:init-counter <- next-input)  ; outer scope must be created by 'init-counter' above
+      (y:integer/space:1 <- add y:integer/space:1 1:literal)  ; increment
+      (y:integer <- copy 34:literal)  ; dummy
+      (reply y:integer/space:1)
+     ])
+    (function main [
+      (1:scope-address/names:init-counter <- init-counter)
+      (2:integer <- increment-counter 1:scope-address/names:init-counter)
+      (3:integer <- increment-counter 1:scope-address/names:init-counter)
+     ])))
+;? (set dump-trace*)
 (run 'main)
 (each routine completed-routines*
   (aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))