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authorKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2014-11-29 00:57:06 -0800
committerKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2014-11-29 00:57:06 -0800
commitba7e56926df02be575ba772c33c8e1614f13f1f8 (patch)
parentc00202cc5eeeea9b2ea5c7c7b0180f168c9ac570 (diff)
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/mu.arc b/mu.arc
index ec681c08..d278fee6 100644
--- a/mu.arc
+++ b/mu.arc
@@ -599,7 +599,9 @@
             (= memory*.addr val))
         (do (if ((types* typeof.loc) 'array)
               ; size check for arrays
-              (when (~is rep.val.0 (- n 1))
+              (when (~is n
+                         (+ 1  ; array length
+                            (* rep.val.0 (sizeof ((types* typeof.loc) 'elem)))))
                 (die "writing invalid array @(tostring prn.val)"))
               ; size check for non-arrays
               (when (~is sizeof.loc n)
@@ -646,14 +648,18 @@
 (def sizeof (x)
   (trace "sizeof" x)
   (point return
-  (when (and (acons x)
-             (pos 'deref metadata.x))
-    (assert typeinfo.x!address)
-    (return (sizeof deref.x)))
-  (when (and (acons x)
-             typeinfo.x!array)
-    (return (+ 1 (* (m `(,v.x integer))
-                    (sizeof typeinfo.x!elem)))))
+  (when (acons x)
+;?     (tr "aa " x)
+    (zap absolutize x)
+;?     (tr "bb " x)
+    (while (pos 'deref metadata.x)
+;?       (tr "cc " x)
+      (zap deref x))
+;?     (tr "dd " x)
+;?     (trace "sizeof" "after canonizing: " x)
+    (when typeinfo.x!array
+      (return (+ 1 (* (m `(,v.x integer ,@(cut x 2)))
+                      (sizeof typeinfo.x!elem))))))
   (let type (if (and acons.x (pos 'deref metadata.x))
                   typeinfo.x!elem  ; deref pointer
diff --git a/mu.arc.t b/mu.arc.t
index 946a164c..40a2ff64 100644
--- a/mu.arc.t
+++ b/mu.arc.t
@@ -1892,6 +1892,30 @@
             (~is 23 (memory* (+ before 1))))
     (prn "F - default-scope skipped for locations with metadata 'global'")))
+(new-trace "array-copy-indirect-scoped")
+  '((def main [
+      ((10 integer) <- copy (30 literal))  ; pretend allocation
+      ((default-scope scope-address) <- copy (10 literal))  ; unsafe
+      ((1 integer) <- copy (2 literal))
+      ((2 integer) <- copy (23 literal))
+      ((3 boolean) <- copy (nil literal))
+      ((4 integer) <- copy (24 literal))
+      ((5 boolean) <- copy (t literal))
+      ((6 integer-boolean-pair-array-address) <- copy (11 literal))  ; unsafe
+      ((7 integer-boolean-pair-array) <- copy (6 integer-boolean-pair-array-address deref))
+     ])))
+;? (set dump-trace*)
+;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("run" "m" "sizeof")))
+(run 'main)
+;? (prn memory*)
+(each routine completed-routines*
+  (aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
+(if (~iso memory*.17 2)
+  (prn "F - indirect array copy in the presence of 'default-scope'"))
+;? (quit)
 ;; Dynamic dispatch
 ; Putting it all together, here's how you define generic functions that run
@@ -3251,6 +3275,12 @@
   (prn "F - 'sizeof' works on record operands with record fields"))
 (if (~is 2 (sizeof '(34 integer-boolean-pair-address deref)))
   (prn "F - 'sizeof' works on pointers to records"))
+(= memory*.35 4)  ; size of array
+(= memory*.34 35)
+;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("sizeof")))
+(if (~is 9 (sizeof '(34 integer-boolean-pair-array-address deref)))
+  (prn "F - 'sizeof' works on pointers to arrays"))
+;? (quit)
 (= memory*.4 23)
 (if (~is 24 (sizeof '(4 integer-array)))
@@ -3266,6 +3296,13 @@
 (= memory*.10 5)  ; bounds check for default-scope
 (if (~is 35 (sizeof '(4 integer-array)))
   (prn "F - 'sizeof' reads array lengths from memory using default-scope"))
+(= memory*.35 4)  ; size of array
+(= memory*.14 35)
+;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("sizeof")))
+(aif rep.routine*!error (prn "error - " it))
+(if (~is 9 (sizeof '(4 integer-boolean-pair-array-address deref)))
+  (prn "F - 'sizeof' works on pointers to arrays using default-scope"))
+;? (quit)
 ; m
@@ -3350,6 +3387,17 @@
 (setm '(4 integer-array) (annotate 'record '(2 31 32 33)))
 (if (~posmatch "invalid array" rep.routine*!error)
   (prn "F - 'setm' checks that array written is well-formed"))
+(= routine* make-routine!foo)
+;? (prn 111)
+;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("sizeof" "setm")))
+(setm '(4 integer-boolean-pair-array) (annotate 'record '(2 31 nil 32 nil 33)))
+(if (~posmatch "invalid array" rep.routine*!error)
+  (prn "F - 'setm' checks that array of records is well-formed"))
+(= routine* make-routine!foo)
+;? (prn 222)
+(setm '(4 integer-boolean-pair-array) (annotate 'record '(2 31 nil 32 nil)))
+(if (posmatch "invalid array" rep.routine*!error)
+  (prn "F - 'setm' checks that array of records is well-formed - 2"))
 (wipe routine*)
 (reset)  ; end file with this to persist the trace for the final test