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path: root/archive/1.vm/054static_dispatch.cc
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authorKartik Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2020-01-01 17:04:37 -0800
committerKartik Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2020-01-01 17:04:37 -0800
commit2a4088119cf41175457414dfa59bd4064b8f0562 (patch)
tree64fe184e399f9870ebd481a90eec34d51e5dff68 /archive/1.vm/054static_dispatch.cc
parent23fd294d85959c6b476bcdc35ed6ad508cc99b8f (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/1.vm/054static_dispatch.cc')
1 files changed, 683 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/1.vm/054static_dispatch.cc b/archive/1.vm/054static_dispatch.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..289dce87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/1.vm/054static_dispatch.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+//: Transform to maintain multiple variants of a recipe depending on the
+//: number and types of the ingredients and products. Allows us to use nice
+//: names like 'print' or 'length' in many mutually extensible ways.
+void test_static_dispatch() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  7:num/raw <- test 3\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:num -> z:num [\n"
+      "  z <- copy 1\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:num, b:num -> z:num [\n"
+      "  z <- copy 2\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "mem: storing 1 in location 7\n"
+  );
+//: When loading recipes, accumulate variants if headers don't collide, and
+//: flag an error if headers collide.
+:(before "End Globals")
+map<string, vector<recipe_ordinal> > Recipe_variants;
+:(before "End One-time Setup")
+put(Recipe_variants, "main", vector<recipe_ordinal>());  // since we manually added main to Recipe_ordinal
+:(before "End Globals")
+map<string, vector<recipe_ordinal> > Recipe_variants_snapshot;
+:(before "End save_snapshots")
+Recipe_variants_snapshot = Recipe_variants;
+:(before "End restore_snapshots")
+Recipe_variants = Recipe_variants_snapshot;
+:(before "End Load Recipe Header(result)")
+// there can only ever be one variant for main
+if (result.name != "main" && contains_key(Recipe_ordinal, result.name)) {
+  const recipe_ordinal r = get(Recipe_ordinal, result.name);
+  if (!contains_key(Recipe, r) || get(Recipe, r).has_header) {
+    string new_name = matching_variant_name(result);
+    if (new_name.empty()) {
+      // variant doesn't already exist
+      new_name = next_unused_recipe_name(result.name);
+      put(Recipe_ordinal, new_name, Next_recipe_ordinal++);
+      get_or_insert(Recipe_variants, result.name).push_back(get(Recipe_ordinal, new_name));
+    }
+    trace(101, "load") << "switching " << result.name << " to " << new_name << end();
+    result.name = new_name;
+    result.is_autogenerated = true;
+  }
+else {
+  // save first variant
+  put(Recipe_ordinal, result.name, Next_recipe_ordinal++);
+  get_or_insert(Recipe_variants, result.name).push_back(get(Recipe_ordinal, result.name));
+string matching_variant_name(const recipe& rr) {
+  const vector<recipe_ordinal>& variants = get_or_insert(Recipe_variants, rr.name);
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(variants);  ++i) {
+    if (!contains_key(Recipe, variants.at(i))) continue;
+    const recipe& candidate = get(Recipe, variants.at(i));
+    if (!all_reagents_match(rr, candidate)) continue;
+    return candidate.name;
+  }
+  return "";
+bool all_reagents_match(const recipe& r1, const recipe& r2) {
+  if (SIZE(r1.ingredients) != SIZE(r2.ingredients)) return false;
+  if (SIZE(r1.products) != SIZE(r2.products)) return false;
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(r1.ingredients);  ++i) {
+    expand_type_abbreviations(r1.ingredients.at(i).type);
+    expand_type_abbreviations(r2.ingredients.at(i).type);
+    if (!deeply_equal_type_names(r1.ingredients.at(i), r2.ingredients.at(i)))
+      return false;
+  }
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(r1.products);  ++i) {
+    expand_type_abbreviations(r1.products.at(i).type);
+    expand_type_abbreviations(r2.products.at(i).type);
+    if (!deeply_equal_type_names(r1.products.at(i), r2.products.at(i)))
+      return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+:(before "End Globals")
+set<string> Literal_type_names;
+:(before "End One-time Setup")
+bool deeply_equal_type_names(const reagent& a, const reagent& b) {
+  return deeply_equal_type_names(a.type, b.type);
+bool deeply_equal_type_names(const type_tree* a, const type_tree* b) {
+  if (!a) return !b;
+  if (!b) return !a;
+  if (a->atom != b->atom) return false;
+  if (a->atom) {
+    if (a->name == "literal" && b->name == "literal")
+      return true;
+    if (a->name == "literal")
+      return Literal_type_names.find(b->name) != Literal_type_names.end();
+    if (b->name == "literal")
+      return Literal_type_names.find(a->name) != Literal_type_names.end();
+    return a->name == b->name;
+  }
+  return deeply_equal_type_names(a->left, b->left)
+      && deeply_equal_type_names(a->right, b->right);
+string next_unused_recipe_name(const string& recipe_name) {
+  for (int i = 2;  /*forever*/;  ++i) {
+    ostringstream out;
+    out << recipe_name << '_' << i;
+    if (!contains_key(Recipe_ordinal, out.str()))
+      return out.str();
+  }
+//: Once all the recipes are loaded, transform their bodies to replace each
+//: call with the most suitable variant.
+void test_static_dispatch_picks_most_similar_variant() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  7:num/raw <- test 3, 4, 5\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:num -> z:num [\n"
+      "  z <- copy 1\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:num, b:num -> z:num [\n"
+      "  z <- copy 2\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "mem: storing 2 in location 7\n"
+  );
+//: support recipe headers in a previous transform to fill in missing types
+:(before "End check_or_set_invalid_types")
+for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(caller.ingredients);  ++i)
+  check_or_set_invalid_types(caller.ingredients.at(i).type, maybe(caller.name), "recipe header ingredient");
+for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(caller.products);  ++i)
+  check_or_set_invalid_types(caller.products.at(i).type, maybe(caller.name), "recipe header product");
+//: save original name of recipes before renaming them
+:(before "End recipe Fields")
+string original_name;
+//: original name is only set during load
+:(before "End Load Recipe Name")
+result.original_name = result.name;
+//: after filling in all missing types (because we'll be introducing 'blank' types in this transform in a later layer, for shape-shifting recipes)
+:(after "Transform.push_back(transform_names)")
+Transform.push_back(resolve_ambiguous_calls);  // idempotent
+//: In a later layer we'll introduce recursion in resolve_ambiguous_calls, by
+//: having it generate code for shape-shifting recipes and then transform such
+//: code. This data structure will help error messages be more useful.
+//: We're punning the 'call' data structure just because it has slots for
+//: calling recipe and calling instruction.
+:(before "End Globals")
+list<call> Resolve_stack;
+void resolve_ambiguous_calls(const recipe_ordinal r) {
+  recipe& caller_recipe = get(Recipe, r);
+  trace(101, "transform") << "--- resolve ambiguous calls for recipe " << caller_recipe.name << end();
+  for (int index = 0;  index < SIZE(caller_recipe.steps);  ++index) {
+    instruction& inst = caller_recipe.steps.at(index);
+    if (inst.is_label) continue;
+    resolve_ambiguous_call(r, index, inst, caller_recipe);
+  }
+void resolve_ambiguous_call(const recipe_ordinal r, int index, instruction& inst, const recipe& caller_recipe) {
+  // End resolve_ambiguous_call(r, index, inst, caller_recipe) Special-cases
+  if (non_ghost_size(get_or_insert(Recipe_variants, inst.name)) == 0) return;
+  trace(102, "transform") << "instruction " << to_original_string(inst) << end();
+  Resolve_stack.push_front(call(r, index));
+  string new_name = best_variant(inst, caller_recipe);
+  if (!new_name.empty())
+    inst.name = new_name;
+  assert(Resolve_stack.front().running_recipe == r);
+  assert(Resolve_stack.front().running_step_index == index);
+  Resolve_stack.pop_front();
+string best_variant(const instruction& inst, const recipe& caller_recipe) {
+  const vector<recipe_ordinal>& variants = get(Recipe_variants, inst.name);
+  vector<recipe_ordinal> candidates;
+  // Static Dispatch Phase 1
+//?   cerr << inst.name << " phase 1\n";
+  candidates = strictly_matching_variants(inst, variants);
+  if (!candidates.empty()) return best_variant(inst, candidates).name;
+//?   cerr << inst.name << " phase 3\n";
+  // Static Dispatch Phase 2
+  //: (shape-shifting recipes in a later layer)
+  // End Static Dispatch Phase 2
+  // Static Dispatch Phase 3
+//?   cerr << inst.name << " phase 4\n";
+  candidates = matching_variants(inst, variants);
+  if (!candidates.empty()) return best_variant(inst, candidates).name;
+  // error messages
+  if (!is_primitive(get(Recipe_ordinal, inst.name))) {  // we currently don't check types for primitive variants
+    if (SIZE(variants) == 1) {
+      raise << maybe(caller_recipe.name) << "types don't match in call for '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
+      raise << "  which tries to call '" << original_header_label(get(Recipe, variants.at(0))) << "'\n" << end();
+    }
+    else {
+      raise << maybe(caller_recipe.name) << "failed to find a matching call for '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
+      raise << "  available variants are:\n" << end();
+      for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(variants);  ++i)
+        raise << "    " << original_header_label(get(Recipe, variants.at(i))) << '\n' << end();
+    }
+    for (list<call>::iterator p = /*skip*/++Resolve_stack.begin();  p != Resolve_stack.end();  ++p) {
+      const recipe& specializer_recipe = get(Recipe, p->running_recipe);
+      const instruction& specializer_inst = specializer_recipe.steps.at(p->running_step_index);
+      if (specializer_recipe.name != "interactive")
+        raise << "  (from '" << to_original_string(specializer_inst) << "' in " << specializer_recipe.name << ")\n" << end();
+      else
+        raise << "  (from '" << to_original_string(specializer_inst) << "')\n" << end();
+      // One special-case to help with the rewrite_stash transform. (cross-layer)
+      if (specializer_inst.products.at(0).name.find("stash_") == 0) {
+        instruction stash_inst;
+        if (next_stash(*p, &stash_inst)) {
+          if (specializer_recipe.name != "interactive")
+            raise << "  (part of '" << to_original_string(stash_inst) << "' in " << specializer_recipe.name << ")\n" << end();
+          else
+            raise << "  (part of '" << to_original_string(stash_inst) << "')\n" << end();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return "";
+// phase 1
+vector<recipe_ordinal> strictly_matching_variants(const instruction& inst, const vector<recipe_ordinal>& variants) {
+  vector<recipe_ordinal> result;
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(variants);  ++i) {
+    if (variants.at(i) == -1) continue;
+    trace(102, "transform") << "checking variant (strict) " << i << ": " << header_label(variants.at(i)) << end();
+    if (all_header_reagents_strictly_match(inst, get(Recipe, variants.at(i))))
+      result.push_back(variants.at(i));
+  }
+  return result;
+bool all_header_reagents_strictly_match(const instruction& inst, const recipe& variant) {
+  for (int i = 0;  i < min(SIZE(inst.ingredients), SIZE(variant.ingredients));  ++i) {
+    if (!types_strictly_match(variant.ingredients.at(i), inst.ingredients.at(i))) {
+      trace(103, "transform") << "strict match failed: ingredient " << i << end();
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0;  i < min(SIZE(inst.products), SIZE(variant.products));  ++i) {
+    if (is_dummy(inst.products.at(i))) continue;
+    if (!types_strictly_match(variant.products.at(i), inst.products.at(i))) {
+      trace(103, "transform") << "strict match failed: product " << i << end();
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+// phase 3
+vector<recipe_ordinal> matching_variants(const instruction& inst, const vector<recipe_ordinal>& variants) {
+  vector<recipe_ordinal> result;
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(variants);  ++i) {
+    if (variants.at(i) == -1) continue;
+    trace(102, "transform") << "checking variant " << i << ": " << header_label(variants.at(i)) << end();
+    if (all_header_reagents_match(inst, get(Recipe, variants.at(i))))
+      result.push_back(variants.at(i));
+  }
+  return result;
+bool all_header_reagents_match(const instruction& inst, const recipe& variant) {
+  for (int i = 0;  i < min(SIZE(inst.ingredients), SIZE(variant.ingredients));  ++i) {
+    if (!types_match(variant.ingredients.at(i), inst.ingredients.at(i))) {
+      trace(103, "transform") << "match failed: ingredient " << i << end();
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0;  i < min(SIZE(variant.products), SIZE(inst.products));  ++i) {
+    if (is_dummy(inst.products.at(i))) continue;
+    if (!types_match(variant.products.at(i), inst.products.at(i))) {
+      trace(103, "transform") << "match failed: product " << i << end();
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+// tie-breaker for each phase
+const recipe& best_variant(const instruction& inst, vector<recipe_ordinal>& candidates) {
+  assert(!candidates.empty());
+  if (SIZE(candidates) == 1) return get(Recipe, candidates.at(0));
+  int min_score = 999;
+  int min_index = 0;
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(candidates);  ++i) {
+    const recipe& candidate = get(Recipe, candidates.at(i));
+    // prefer variants without extra or missing ingredients or products
+    int score = abs(SIZE(candidate.products)-SIZE(inst.products))
+                          + abs(SIZE(candidate.ingredients)-SIZE(inst.ingredients));
+    // prefer variants with non-address ingredients or products
+    for (int j = 0;  j < SIZE(candidate.ingredients);  ++j) {
+      if (is_mu_address(candidate.ingredients.at(j)))
+        ++score;
+    }
+    for (int j = 0;  j < SIZE(candidate.products);  ++j) {
+      if (is_mu_address(candidate.products.at(j)))
+        ++score;
+    }
+    assert(score < 999);
+    if (score < min_score) {
+      min_score = score;
+      min_index = i;
+    }
+  }
+  return get(Recipe, candidates.at(min_index));
+int non_ghost_size(vector<recipe_ordinal>& variants) {
+  int result = 0;
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(variants);  ++i)
+    if (variants.at(i) != -1) ++result;
+  return result;
+bool next_stash(const call& c, instruction* stash_inst) {
+  const recipe& specializer_recipe = get(Recipe, c.running_recipe);
+  int index = c.running_step_index;
+  for (++index;  index < SIZE(specializer_recipe.steps);  ++index) {
+    const instruction& inst = specializer_recipe.steps.at(index);
+    if (inst.name == "stash") {
+      *stash_inst = inst;
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+void test_static_dispatch_disabled_in_recipe_without_variants() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  1:num <- test 3\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test [\n"
+      "  2:num <- next-ingredient  # ensure no header\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "mem: storing 34 in location 1\n"
+  );
+void test_static_dispatch_disabled_on_headerless_definition() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  run(
+      "def test a:num -> z:num [\n"
+      "  z <- copy 1\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test [\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "error: redefining recipe test\n"
+  );
+void test_static_dispatch_disabled_on_headerless_definition_2() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  run(
+      "def test [\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:num -> z:num [\n"
+      "  z <- copy 1\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "error: redefining recipe test\n"
+  );
+void test_static_dispatch_on_primitive_names() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  1:num <- copy 34\n"
+      "  2:num <- copy 34\n"
+      "  3:bool <- equal 1:num, 2:num\n"
+      "  4:bool <- copy false\n"
+      "  5:bool <- copy false\n"
+      "  6:bool <- equal 4:bool, 5:bool\n"
+      "]\n"
+      // temporarily hardcode number equality to always fail
+      "def equal x:num, y:num -> z:bool [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  z <- copy false\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "# comparing numbers used overload\n"
+  );
+      // comparing numbers used overload
+      "mem: storing 0 in location 3\n"
+      // comparing booleans continues to use primitive
+      "mem: storing 1 in location 6\n"
+  );
+void test_static_dispatch_works_with_dummy_results_for_containers() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  _ <- test 3, 4\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:num -> z:point [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  z <- merge a, 0\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:num, b:num -> z:point [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  z <- merge a, b\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+  CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
+void test_static_dispatch_works_with_compound_type_containing_container_defined_after_first_use() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  x:&:foo <- new foo:type\n"
+      "  test x\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "container foo [\n"
+      "  x:num\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:&:foo -> z:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  z:num <- get *a, x:offset\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+  CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
+void test_static_dispatch_works_with_compound_type_containing_container_defined_after_second_use() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  x:&:foo <- new foo:type\n"
+      "  test x\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def test a:&:foo -> z:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  z:num <- get *a, x:offset\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "container foo [\n"
+      "  x:num\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+  CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
+void test_static_dispatch_on_non_literal_character_ignores_variant_with_numbers() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  x:char <- copy 10/newline\n"
+      "  1:num/raw <- foo x\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:num -> y:num [\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "error: main: ingredient 0 has the wrong type at '1:num/raw <- foo x'\n"
+  );
+  CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("mem: storing 34 in location 1");
+void test_static_dispatch_dispatches_literal_to_character() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  1:num/raw <- foo 97\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:char -> y:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "# character variant is preferred\n"
+  );
+      "mem: storing 34 in location 1\n"
+  );
+void test_static_dispatch_dispatches_literal_to_number_if_at_all_possible() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  1:num/raw <- foo 97\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:char -> y:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:num -> y:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 35\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      // number variant is preferred
+      "mem: storing 35 in location 1\n"
+  );
+:(replace{} "string header_label(const recipe_ordinal r)")
+string header_label(const recipe_ordinal r) {
+  return header_label(get(Recipe, r));
+string header_label(const recipe& caller) {
+  ostringstream out;
+  out << "recipe " << caller.name;
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(caller.ingredients);  ++i)
+    out << ' ' << to_string(caller.ingredients.at(i));
+  if (!caller.products.empty()) out << " ->";
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(caller.products);  ++i)
+    out << ' ' << to_string(caller.products.at(i));
+  return out.str();
+string original_header_label(const recipe& caller) {
+  ostringstream out;
+  out << "recipe " << caller.original_name;
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(caller.ingredients);  ++i)
+    out << ' ' << caller.ingredients.at(i).original_string;
+  if (!caller.products.empty()) out << " ->";
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(caller.products);  ++i)
+    out << ' ' << caller.products.at(i).original_string;
+  return out.str();
+void test_reload_variant_retains_other_variants() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  1:num <- copy 34\n"
+      "  2:num <- foo 1:num\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:num -> y:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:&:num -> y:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 35\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def! foo x:&:num -> y:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 36\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "mem: storing 34 in location 2\n"
+  );
+  CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
+void test_dispatch_errors_come_after_unknown_name_errors() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  y:num <- foo x\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo a:num -> b:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo a:bool -> b:num [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "  return 35\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "error: main: missing type for 'x' in 'y:num <- foo x'\n"
+      "error: main: failed to find a matching call for 'y:num <- foo x'\n"
+  );
+void test_override_methods_with_type_abbreviations() {
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  s:text <- new [abc]\n"
+      "  1:num/raw <- foo s\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo a:address:array:character -> result:number [\n"
+      "  return 34\n"
+      "]\n"
+      // identical to previous variant once you take type abbreviations into account
+      "def! foo a:text -> result:num [\n"
+      "  return 35\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "mem: storing 35 in location 1\n"
+  );
+void test_ignore_static_dispatch_in_type_errors_without_overloading() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  x:&:num <- copy 0\n"
+      "  foo x\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:&:char [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "error: main: types don't match in call for 'foo x'\n"
+      "error:   which tries to call 'recipe foo x:&:char'\n"
+  );
+void test_show_available_variants_in_dispatch_errors() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  run(
+      "def main [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  x:&:num <- copy 0\n"
+      "  foo x\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:&:char [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "]\n"
+      "def foo x:&:bool [\n"
+      "  local-scope\n"
+      "  load-ingredients\n"
+      "]\n"
+  );
+      "error: main: failed to find a matching call for 'foo x'\n"
+      "error:   available variants are:\n"
+      "error:     recipe foo x:&:char\n"
+      "error:     recipe foo x:&:bool\n"
+  );
+:(before "End Includes")
+using std::abs;