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path: root/archive/2.vm/mu.vim
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authorKartik Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2019-07-27 16:01:55 -0700
committerKartik Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2019-07-27 17:47:59 -0700
commit6e1eeeebfb453fa7c871869c19375ce60fbd7413 (patch)
tree539c4a3fdf1756ae79770d5c4aaf6366f1d1525e /archive/2.vm/mu.vim
parent8846a7f85cc04b77b2fe8a67b6d317723437b00c (diff)
5485 - promote SubX to top-level
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/2.vm/mu.vim')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/2.vm/mu.vim b/archive/2.vm/mu.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd0763a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/2.vm/mu.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:    mu
+" Maintainer:  Kartik Agaram <mu@akkartik.com>
+" URL:         http://github.com/akkartik/mu
+" License:     public domain
+" Copy this into your ftplugin directory, and add the following to your vimrc
+" or to .vim/ftdetect/mu.vim:
+"   autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.mu set filetype=mu
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" todo: why does this periodically lose syntax, like on file reload?
+"   $ vim x.mu
+"   :e
+"? if exists("b:syntax")
+"?   finish
+"? endif
+"? let b:syntax = "mu"
+setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,?,!,_,$,-
+setlocal formatoptions-=t  " Mu programs have long lines
+setlocal formatoptions+=c  " but comments should still wrap
+syntax match muComment /#.*$/  | highlight link muComment Comment
+syntax match muSalientComment /##.*$/  | highlight link muSalientComment SalientComment
+syntax match muComment /;.*$/  | highlight link muComment Comment
+syntax match muSalientComment /;;.*$/  | highlight link muSalientComment SalientComment
+set comments+=n:#
+syntax match muCommentedCode "#? .*"  | highlight link muCommentedCode CommentedCode
+let b:cmt_head = "#? "
+syntax match muDelimiter "[{}]"  | highlight link muDelimiter Delimiter
+" Mu strings are inside [ ... ] and can span multiple lines
+" don't match '[' at end of line, that's usually code
+syntax match muLiteral %^[^ a-zA-Z0-9(){}\[\]#$_*@&,=-][^ ,]*\|[ ,]\@<=[^ a-zA-Z0-9(){}\[\]#$_*@&,=-][^ ,]*%
+syntax region muString start=+\[[^\]]+ end=+\]+
+syntax match muString "\[\]"
+highlight link muString String
+" Mu syntax for representing the screen in scenarios
+syntax region muScreen start=+ \.+ end=+\.$\|$+
+highlight link muScreen muString
+" Mu literals
+syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:literal/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:literal\>%
+syntax match muLiteral %\<[0-9-]\?[0-9]\+/[^ ,]*%
+syntax match muLiteral % [0-9-]\?[0-9]\+[, ]\@=\| [0-9-]\?[0-9]\+$%
+syntax match muLiteral "^\s\+[^ 0-9a-zA-Z{}$#\[\]][^ ]*\s*$"
+" labels
+syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:label/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:label\>%
+" other literal types
+syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:type/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:type\>%
+syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:offset/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:offset\>%
+syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:variant/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:variant\>%
+syntax match muLiteral % true\(\/[^ ]*\)\?\| false\(\/[^ ]*\)\?%  " literals will never be the first word in an instruction
+syntax match muLiteral % null\(\/[^ ]*\)\?%
+highlight link muLiteral Constant
+" sources of action at a distance
+syntax match muAssign "<-"
+syntax match muAssign "\<raw\>"
+highlight link muAssign SpecialChar
+syntax match muGlobal %[^ ]\+:global/\?[^ ,]*%  | highlight link muGlobal SpecialChar
+" common keywords
+" use regular expressions for common words that may come after '/'
+syntax keyword muKeyword default-space local-scope
+syntax keyword muKeyword next-input rewind-inputs load-inputs
+syntax keyword muKeyword next-ingredient rewind-ingredients load-ingredients
+syntax match muKeyword " input\>\| ingredient\>"
+highlight link muKeyword Constant
+syntax keyword muControl return return-if return-unless
+syntax keyword muControl reply reply-if reply-unless
+syntax keyword muControl output-if output-unless
+syntax match muControl "^return\>\| return\>\|^reply\>\| reply\>\|^output\|^ output\>"
+syntax keyword muControl jump-if jump-unless
+syntax keyword muControl break-if break-unless
+syntax keyword muControl loop-if loop-unless
+syntax match muControl "^jump\>\| jump\>\|^break\>\| break\>\|^loop\>\| loop\>"
+syntax keyword muControl start-running
+syntax keyword muControl call-with-continuation-mark return-continuation-until-mark
+highlight link muControl Identifier
+syntax match muRecipe "->"
+syntax match muRecipe "^recipe\>\|^def\>\|^before\>\|^after\>\| -> "
+syntax keyword muRecipe recipe! def! function fn
+highlight link muRecipe PreProc
+syntax match muScenario "^scenario\>"  | highlight link muScenario Statement
+syntax keyword muPendingScenario pending-scenario  | highlight link muPendingScenario SpecialChar
+syntax match muData "^type\>\|^container\>"
+syntax keyword muData exclusive-container
+highlight link muData Constant
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo