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path: root/linux/bootstrap/011run.cc
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authorKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2021-03-03 22:09:50 -0800
committerKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2021-03-03 22:21:03 -0800
commit71e4f3812982dba2efb471283d310224e8db363e (patch)
treeea111a1acb8b8845dbda39c0e1b4bac1d198143b /linux/bootstrap/011run.cc
parentc6b928be29ac8cdb4e4d6e1eaa20420ff03e5a4c (diff)
7842 - new directory organization
Baremetal is now the default build target and therefore has its sources
at the top-level. Baremetal programs build using the phase-2 Mu toolchain
that requires a Linux kernel. This phase-2 codebase which used to be at
the top-level is now under the linux/ directory. Finally, the phase-2 toolchain,
while self-hosting, has a way to bootstrap from a C implementation, which
is now stored in linux/bootstrap. The bootstrap C implementation uses some
literate programming tools that are now in linux/bootstrap/tools.

So the whole thing has gotten inverted. Each directory should build one
artifact and include the main sources (along with standard library). Tools
used for building it are relegated to sub-directories, even though those
tools are often useful in their own right, and have had lots of interesting
programs written using them.

A couple of things have gotten dropped in this process:
  - I had old ways to run on just a Linux kernel, or with a Soso kernel.
    No more.
  - I had some old tooling for running a single test at the cursor. I haven't
    used that lately. Maybe I'll bring it back one day.

The reorg isn't done yet. Still to do:
  - redo documentation everywhere. All the README files, all other markdown,
    particularly vocabulary.md.
  - clean up how-to-run comments at the start of programs everywhere
  - rethink what to do with the html/ directory. Do we even want to keep
    supporting it?

In spite of these shortcomings, all the scripts at the top-level, linux/
and linux/bootstrap are working. The names of the scripts also feel reasonable.
This is a good milestone to take stock at.
Diffstat (limited to 'linux/bootstrap/011run.cc')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/linux/bootstrap/011run.cc b/linux/bootstrap/011run.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..424e40e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux/bootstrap/011run.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+//: Running SubX programs on the VM.
+//: (Not to be confused with the 'run' subcommand for running ELF binaries on
+//: the VM. That comes later.)
+:(before "End Help Texts")
+put_new(Help, "syntax",
+  "SubX programs consist of segments, each segment in turn consisting of lines.\n"
+  "Line-endings are significant; each line should contain a single\n"
+  "instruction, macro or directive.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "Comments start with the '#' character. It should be at the start of a word\n"
+  "(start of line, or following a space).\n"
+  "\n"
+  "Each segment starts with a header line: a '==' delimiter followed by the name of\n"
+  "the segment and a (sometimes approximate) starting address in memory.\n"
+  "The name 'code' is special; instructions to execute should always go here.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "The resulting binary starts running code from a label called 'Entry'\n"
+  "in the code segment.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "Segments with the same name get merged together. This rule helps keep functions\n"
+  "and their data close together in .subx files.\n"
+  "You don't have to specify the starting address after the first time.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "Lines consist of a series of words. Words can contain arbitrary metadata\n"
+  "after a '/', but they can never contain whitespace. Metadata has no effect\n"
+  "at runtime, but can be handy when rewriting macros.\n"
+  "\n"
+  "Check out the example programs in the apps/ directory, particularly apps/ex*.\n"
+:(before "End Help Contents")
+cerr << "  syntax\n";
+void test_copy_imm32_to_EAX() {
+  // At the lowest level, SubX programs are a series of hex bytes, each
+  // (variable-length) instruction on one line.
+  run(
+      // Comments start with '#' and are ignored.
+      "# comment\n"
+      // Segment headers start with '==', a name and a starting hex address.
+      // There's usually one code and one data segment. The code segment
+      // always comes first.
+      "== code 0x1\n"  // code segment
+      // After the header, each segment consists of lines, and each line
+      // consists of words separated by whitespace.
+      //
+      // All words can have metadata after a '/'. No spaces allowed in
+      // metadata, of course.
+      // Unrecognized metadata never causes errors, so you can use it for
+      // documentation.
+      //
+      // Within the code segment in particular, x86 instructions consist of
+      // some number of the following parts and sub-parts (see the Readme and
+      // cheatsheet.pdf for details):
+      //   opcodes: 1-3 bytes
+      //   ModR/M byte
+      //   SIB byte
+      //   displacement: 0/1/2/4 bytes
+      //   immediate: 0/1/2/4 bytes
+      // opcode        ModR/M                    SIB                   displacement    immediate
+      // instruction   mod, reg, Reg/Mem bits    scale, index, base
+      // 1-3 bytes     0/1 byte                  0/1 byte              0/1/2/4 bytes   0/1/2/4 bytes
+      "  b8            .                         .                     .               0a 0b 0c 0d\n"  // copy 0x0d0c0b0a to EAX
+      // The periods are just to help the eye track long gaps between columns,
+      // and are otherwise ignored.
+  );
+  // This program, when run, causes the following events in the trace:
+      "load: 0x00000001 -> b8\n"
+      "load: 0x00000002 -> 0a\n"
+      "load: 0x00000003 -> 0b\n"
+      "load: 0x00000004 -> 0c\n"
+      "load: 0x00000005 -> 0d\n"
+      "run: copy imm32 0x0d0c0b0a to EAX\n"
+  );
+// top-level helper for tests: parse the input, load the hex bytes into memory, run
+void run(const string& text_bytes) {
+  program p;
+  istringstream in(text_bytes);
+  // Loading Test Program
+  parse(in, p);
+  if (trace_contains_errors()) return;  // if any stage raises errors, stop immediately
+  // Running Test Program
+  load(p);
+  if (trace_contains_errors()) return;
+  // convenience to keep tests concise: 'Entry' label need not be provided
+  // not allowed in real programs
+  if (p.entry)
+    EIP = p.entry;
+  else
+    EIP = find(p, "code")->start;
+  while (EIP < End_of_program)
+    run_one_instruction();
+//:: core data structures
+:(before "End Types")
+struct program {
+  uint32_t entry;
+  vector<segment> segments;
+  program() { entry = 0; }
+:(before "struct program")
+struct segment {
+  string name;
+  uint32_t start;
+  vector<line> lines;
+  // End segment Fields
+  segment() {
+    start = 0;
+    // End segment Constructor
+  }
+:(before "struct segment")
+struct line {
+  vector<word> words;
+  vector<string> metadata;
+  string original;
+:(before "struct line")
+struct word {
+  string original;
+  string data;
+  vector<string> metadata;
+//:: parse
+void parse(istream& fin, program& out) {
+  segment* curr_segment = NULL;
+  vector<line> l;
+  while (has_data(fin)) {
+    string line_data;
+    line curr;
+    getline(fin, line_data);
+    curr.original = line_data;
+    trace(99, "parse") << "line: " << line_data << end();
+    // End Line Parsing Special-cases(line_data -> l)
+    istringstream lin(line_data);
+    while (has_data(lin)) {
+      string word_data;
+      lin >> word_data;
+      if (word_data.empty()) continue;
+      if (word_data[0] == '#') break;  // comment
+      if (word_data == ".") continue;  // comment token
+      if (word_data == "==") {
+        flush(curr_segment, l);
+        string segment_name;
+        lin >> segment_name;
+        curr_segment = find(out, segment_name);
+        if (curr_segment != NULL) {
+          trace(3, "parse") << "appending to segment '" << segment_name << "'" << end();
+        }
+        else {
+          trace(3, "parse") << "new segment '" << segment_name << "'" << end();
+          uint32_t seg_start = 0;
+          lin >> std::hex >> seg_start;
+          sanity_check_program_segment(out, seg_start);
+          out.segments.push_back(segment());
+          curr_segment = &out.segments.back();
+          curr_segment->name = segment_name;
+          curr_segment->start = seg_start;
+          if (trace_contains_errors()) continue;
+          trace(3, "parse") << "starts at address 0x" << HEXWORD << curr_segment->start << end();
+        }
+        break;  // skip rest of line
+      }
+      if (word_data[0] == ':') {
+        // todo: line metadata
+        break;
+      }
+      curr.words.push_back(word());
+      parse_word(word_data, curr.words.back());
+      trace(99, "parse") << "word: " << to_string(curr.words.back());
+    }
+    if (!curr.words.empty())
+      l.push_back(curr);
+  }
+  flush(curr_segment, l);
+  trace(99, "parse") << "done" << end();
+segment* find(program& p, const string& segment_name) {
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(p.segments);  ++i) {
+    if (p.segments.at(i).name == segment_name)
+      return &p.segments.at(i);
+  }
+  return NULL;
+void flush(segment* s, vector<line>& lines) {
+  if (lines.empty()) return;
+  if (s == NULL) {
+    raise << "input does not start with a '==' section header\n" << end();
+    return;
+  }
+  trace(3, "parse") << "flushing segment" << end();
+  s->lines.insert(s->lines.end(), lines.begin(), lines.end());
+  lines.clear();
+void parse_word(const string& data, word& out) {
+  out.original = data;
+  istringstream win(data);
+  if (getline(win, out.data, '/')) {
+    string m;
+    while (getline(win, m, '/'))
+      out.metadata.push_back(m);
+  }
+void sanity_check_program_segment(const program& p, uint32_t addr) {
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(p.segments);  ++i) {
+    if (p.segments.at(i).start == addr)
+      raise << "can't have multiple segments starting at address 0x" << HEXWORD << addr << '\n' << end();
+  }
+// helper for tests
+void parse(const string& text_bytes) {
+  program p;
+  istringstream in(text_bytes);
+  parse(in, p);
+void test_detect_duplicate_segments() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  parse(
+      "== segment1 0xee\n"
+      "ab\n"
+      "== segment2 0xee\n"
+      "cd\n"
+  );
+      "error: can't have multiple segments starting at address 0x000000ee\n"
+  );
+//:: load
+void load(const program& p) {
+  if (find(p, "code") == NULL) {
+    raise << "no code to run\n" << end();
+    return;
+  }
+  // Ensure segments are disjoint.
+  set<uint32_t> overlap;
+  for (int i = 0;   i < SIZE(p.segments);  ++i) {
+    const segment& seg = p.segments.at(i);
+    uint32_t addr = seg.start;
+    if (!already_allocated(addr))
+      Mem.push_back(vma(seg.start));
+    trace(99, "load") << "loading segment " << i << " from " << HEXWORD << addr << end();
+    for (int j = 0;  j < SIZE(seg.lines);  ++j) {
+      const line& l = seg.lines.at(j);
+      for (int k = 0;  k < SIZE(l.words);  ++k) {
+        const word& w = l.words.at(k);
+        uint8_t val = hex_byte(w.data);
+        if (trace_contains_errors()) return;
+        assert(overlap.find(addr) == overlap.end());
+        write_mem_u8(addr, val);
+        overlap.insert(addr);
+        trace(99, "load") << "0x" << HEXWORD << addr << " -> " << HEXBYTE << NUM(read_mem_u8(addr)) << end();
+        ++addr;
+      }
+    }
+    if (seg.name == "code") {
+      End_of_program = addr;
+    }
+  }
+const segment* find(const program& p, const string& segment_name) {
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(p.segments);  ++i) {
+    if (p.segments.at(i).name == segment_name)
+      return &p.segments.at(i);
+  }
+  return NULL;
+uint8_t hex_byte(const string& s) {
+  if (contains_uppercase(s)) {
+    raise << "uppercase hex not allowed: " << s << '\n' << end();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  istringstream in(s);
+  int result = 0;
+  in >> std::hex >> result;
+  if (!in || !in.eof()) {
+    raise << "token '" << s << "' is not a hex byte\n" << end();
+    return '\0';
+  }
+  if (result > 0xff || result < -0x8f) {
+    raise << "token '" << s << "' is not a hex byte\n" << end();
+    return '\0';
+  }
+  return static_cast<uint8_t>(result);
+void test_number_too_large() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  parse_and_load(
+      "== code 0x1\n"
+      "01 cab\n"
+  );
+      "error: token 'cab' is not a hex byte\n"
+  );
+void test_invalid_hex() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  parse_and_load(
+      "== code 0x1\n"
+      "01 cx\n"
+  );
+      "error: token 'cx' is not a hex byte\n"
+  );
+void test_negative_number() {
+  parse_and_load(
+      "== code 0x1\n"
+      "01 -02\n"
+  );
+  CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
+void test_negative_number_too_small() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  parse_and_load(
+      "== code 0x1\n"
+      "01 -12345\n"
+  );
+      "error: token '-12345' is not a hex byte\n"
+  );
+void test_hex_prefix() {
+  parse_and_load(
+      "== code 0x1\n"
+      "0x01 -0x02\n"
+  );
+  CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
+void test_repeated_segment_merges_data() {
+  parse_and_load(
+      "== code 0x1\n"
+      "11 22\n"
+      "== code\n"  // again
+      "33 44\n"
+  );
+      "parse: new segment 'code'\n"
+      "parse: appending to segment 'code'\n"
+      // first segment
+      "load: 0x00000001 -> 11\n"
+      "load: 0x00000002 -> 22\n"
+      // second segment
+      "load: 0x00000003 -> 33\n"
+      "load: 0x00000004 -> 44\n"
+  );
+void test_error_on_missing_segment_header() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  parse_and_load(
+      "01 02\n"
+  );
+      "error: input does not start with a '==' section header\n"
+  );
+void test_error_on_uppercase_hex() {
+  Hide_errors = true;
+  parse_and_load(
+      "== code\n"
+      "01 Ab\n"
+  );
+      "error: uppercase hex not allowed: Ab\n"
+  );
+//: helper for tests
+void parse_and_load(const string& text_bytes) {
+  program p;
+  istringstream in(text_bytes);
+  parse(in, p);
+  if (trace_contains_errors()) return;  // if any stage raises errors, stop immediately
+  load(p);
+//:: run
+:(before "End Initialize Op Names")
+put_new(Name, "b8", "copy imm32 to EAX (mov)");
+//: our first opcode
+:(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
+case 0xb8: {  // copy imm32 to EAX
+  const int32_t src = next32();
+  trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "copy imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << src << " to EAX" << end();
+  Reg[EAX].i = src;
+  break;
+void test_copy_imm32_to_EAX_again() {
+  run(
+      "== code 0x1\n"  // code segment
+      // op     ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
+      "  b8                                 0a 0b 0c 0d \n"  // copy 0x0d0c0b0a to EAX
+  );
+      "run: copy imm32 0x0d0c0b0a to EAX\n"
+  );
+// read a 32-bit int in little-endian order from the instruction stream
+int32_t next32() {
+  int32_t result = read_mem_i32(EIP);
+  EIP+=4;
+  return result;
+//:: helpers
+string to_string(const word& w) {
+  ostringstream out;
+  out << w.data;
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(w.metadata);  ++i)
+    out << " /" << w.metadata.at(i);
+  return out.str();
+bool contains_uppercase(const string& s) {
+  for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(s);  ++i)
+    if (isupper(s.at(i))) return true;
+  return false;