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path: root/makefile
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authorKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2016-08-29 21:42:41 -0700
committerKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2016-08-29 21:47:13 -0700
commita800400c360c302a06c4127a34023b92244bcbf6 (patch)
tree8bbd071e3f365caec6dcd2e641d2e7667a77ee62 /makefile
parent45912cf8c7ffa429eab1dfb66b8851752ae7ff27 (diff)
3281 - faster incremental builds for layers

  layers -> tangle -> g++

  All changes to (C++) layers triggered recompilation of everything,
  taking 35s on my laptop, and over 4 minutes on a puny server with just
  512MB of RAM.


  layers -> tangle -> cleave -> g++

  Now a tiny edit takes just 5s to recompile on my laptop.

My initial approach was to turn each function into a separate
compilation unit under the .build/ directory. That blew up the time for
a full/initial compilation to almost 6 minutes on my laptop. Trial and
error showed 4 compilation units to be close to the sweet spot. Full
compilation is still slightly slower (43s) but not by much.

I could speed things up further by building multiple of the compilation
units in parallel (the recursive invocation in 'makefile'). But that
would put more pressure on a puny server, so I'm going to avoid getting
too aggressive.

--- Other considerations

I spent some time manually testing the dependency structure to the
makefile, making sure that files aren't unnecessarily written to disk,
modifying their timestamp and triggering dependent work; that changes to
layers don't unnecessarily modify the common headers or list of globals;
that changes to the cleave/ tool itself rebuild the entire project; that
the old auto-generated '_list' files plug in at the right stage in the
pipeline; that changes to common headers trigger recompilation of
everything; etc. Too bad it's not easy to write some tests for all this.

I spent some time trying to make sure the makefile was not too opaque to
a newcomer. The targets mostly flow from top to bottom. There's a little
diagram at the top that is hopefully illuminating. When I had 700
compilation units for 700 functions I stopped printing each one of those
compilation commands, but when I backed off to just 4 compilation units
I decided to err on the side of making the build steps easy to see.
Diffstat (limited to 'makefile')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index a4c97916..3938cbb2 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -1,27 +1,51 @@
+# [0-9]*.cc -> mu.cc -> .build/*.cc -> .build/*.o -> .build/mu_bin
+# (layers)   |        |              |             |
+#          tangle  cleave          $CXX          $CXX
+# [0-9]*.mu -> core.mu
 all: mu_bin core.mu
 CXX ?= c++
 CXXFLAGS ?= -g -O3
-# reduce memory usage for small servers
-CXXFLAGS := ${CXXFLAGS} --param ggc-min-expand=1 --param ggc-min-heapsize=32768
+CXXFLAGS := ${CXXFLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -ftrapv -fno-strict-aliasing
+core.mu: [0-9]*.mu mu.cc makefile
+	cat $$(./enumerate/enumerate --until zzz |grep '.mu$$') > core.mu
+mu_bin: mu.cc makefile function_list test_list cleave/cleave
+	@mkdir -p .build
+	@cp function_list test_list .build
+	@mkdir -p .build/termbox
+	@cp termbox/termbox.h .build/termbox
+	./cleave/cleave mu.cc .build
+	@# recursive (potentially parallel) make to pick up BUILD_SRC after cleave
+	@make .build/mu_bin
+	cp .build/mu_bin .
+BUILD_SRC=$(wildcard .build/*.cc)
+.build/mu_bin: $(BUILD_SRC:.cc=.o) termbox/libtermbox.a
+	${CXX} .build/*.o termbox/libtermbox.a -o .build/mu_bin
-mu_bin: makefile mu.cc termbox/libtermbox.a function_list test_list
-	${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -ftrapv -fno-strict-aliasing mu.cc termbox/libtermbox.a -o mu_bin
+.build/%.o: .build/%.cc .build/header .build/global_declarations_list
+	@# explicitly state default rule since we added dependencies
+	${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -c $< -o $@
 # To see what the program looks like after all layers have been applied, read
 # mu.cc
 mu.cc: [0-9]*.cc enumerate/enumerate tangle/tangle
 	./tangle/tangle $$(./enumerate/enumerate --until zzz |grep -v '.mu$$') > mu.cc
-core.mu: [0-9]*.mu mu.cc
-	cat $$(./enumerate/enumerate --until zzz |grep '.mu$$') > core.mu
 	cd enumerate && make
 	cd tangle && make && ./tangle test
+cleave/cleave: cleave/cleave.cc
+	cd cleave && make
+	rm -rf .build
 termbox/libtermbox.a: termbox/*.c termbox/*.h termbox/*.inl
 	cd termbox && make
@@ -43,12 +67,17 @@ test_list: mu.cc
 	@grep -h "^\s*void test_" mu.cc |perl -pwe 's/^\s*void (.*)\(\) \{.*/$$1,/' > test_list
 	@grep -h "^\s*TEST(" mu.cc |perl -pwe 's/^\s*TEST\((.*)\)$$/test_$$1,/' >> test_list
+.build/global_declarations_list: .build/global_definitions_list
+	grep ';' .build/global_definitions_list |perl -pwe 's/[=(].*/;/' |perl -pwe 's/^[^\/# ]/extern $$&/' |perl -pwe 's/^extern extern /extern /' > .build/global_declarations_list
 .PHONY: all clean clena
 clena: clean
 	cd enumerate && make clean
 	cd tangle && make clean
+	cd cleave && make clean
 	cd termbox && make clean
 	-rm mu.cc core.mu mu_bin *_list
 	-rm -rf mu_bin.*
+	-rm -rf .build