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+# Mu: a human-scale computer
+Mu is a minimal-dependency hobbyist computing stack (everything above the
+processor and OS kernel).
+Mu is not designed to operate in large clusters providing services for
+millions of people. Mu is designed for _you_, to run one computer. (Or a few.)
+Running the code you want to run, and nothing else.
+  ```sh
+  $ git clone https://github.com/akkartik/mu
+  $ cd mu
+  $ ./translate_mu apps/ex2.mu  # emits a.elf
+  $ ./a.elf  # adds 3 and 4
+  $ echo $?
+  7
+  ```
+[![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/akkartik/mu.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/akkartik/mu)
+The Mu translator is built up from machine code and requires just a Unix-like
+kernel and nothing else. You can also bootstrap it from C++. Both C++ and
+self-hosted versions emit identical binaries. The generated binaries require
+just a Unix-like kernel and nothing else.
+## Goals
+In priority order:
+* [Reward curiosity.](http://akkartik.name/about)
+  * Easy to build, easy to run. [Minimal dependencies](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16882140#16882555),
+    so that installation is always painless.
+  * All design decisions comprehensible to a single individual. (On demand.)
+  * All design decisions comprehensible without needing to talk to anyone.
+    (I always love talking to you, but I try hard to make myself redundant.)
+  * [A globally comprehensible _codebase_ rather than locally clean code.](http://akkartik.name/post/readable-bad)
+  * Clear error messages over expressive syntax.
+* Safe.
+  * Thorough test coverage. If you break something you should immediately see
+    an error message. If you can manually test for something you should be
+    able to write an automated test for it.
+  * Memory leaks over memory corruption.
+* Teach the computer bottom-up.
+## Non-goals
+* Efficiency. Clear programs over fast programs.
+* Portability. Runs on any computer as long as it's x86.
+* Compatibility. The goal is to get off mainstream stacks, not to perpetuate
+  them. Sometimes the right long-term solution is to [bump the major version number](http://akkartik.name/post/versioning).
+* Syntax. Mu code is meant to be comprehended by [running, not just reading](http://akkartik.name/post/comprehension).
+  For now it's a thin veneer over machine code. I'm working on memory safety
+  before expressive syntax.
+## Language
+Mu's main language is [still being built](http://akkartik.name/post/mu-2019-2).
+When completed, it will be type- and memory-safe. At the moment it performs no
+checks and only supports variables of type `int`. Here's the program we
+translated above:
+  ```
+  fn main -> result/ebx: int {
+    result <- do-add 3 4
+  }
+  fn do-add a: int, b: int -> result/ebx: int {
+    result <- copy a
+    result <- add b
+  }
+  ```
+Most instructions here translate to a single machine code instruction.
+Programs must specify registers when they want to use them. Functions always
+return results in registers. Execution begins at the function `main`, which
+always returns its result in register `ebx`. [The post on Mu](http://akkartik.name/post/mu-2019-2)
+has more details.
+## SubX
+Mu is built out of a thin syntax called SubX for programming in (a subset of)
+x86 machine code. Here's a program (`apps/ex1.subx`) that returns 42:
+  ```sh
+  bb/copy-to-ebx  0x2a/imm32  # 42 in hex
+  b8/copy-to-eax  1/imm32/exit
+  cd/syscall  0x80/imm8
+  ```
+You can generate tiny zero-dependency ELF binaries from SubX that run on Linux.
+  ```sh
+  $ ./bootstrap translate init.linux apps/ex1.subx -o apps/ex1  # on Linux or BSD or Mac
+  $ ./apps/ex1  # only on Linux
+  $ echo $?
+  42
+ ```
+(Running `bootstrap` requires a C++ compiler, transparently invoking it as
+You can run the generated binaries on an interpreter/VM for better error
+  ```sh
+  $ ./bootstrap run apps/ex1  # on Linux or BSD or Mac
+  $ echo $?
+  42
+  ```
+Emulated runs can generate a trace that permits [time-travel debugging](https://github.com/akkartik/mu/blob/master/tools/browse_trace.readme.md).
+  ```sh
+  $ ./bootstrap --debug translate init.linux apps/factorial.subx -o apps/factorial
+  saving address->label information to 'labels'
+  saving address->source information to 'source_lines'
+  $ ./bootstrap --debug --trace run apps/factorial
+  saving trace to 'last_run'
+  $ tools/browse_trace last_run  # text-mode debugger UI
+  ```
+You can write tests for your programs. The entire stack is thoroughly covered
+by automated tests. SubX's tagline: tests before syntax.
+  ```sh
+  $ ./bootstrap test
+  $ ./bootstrap run apps/factorial test
+  ```
+You can use SubX to translate itself. For example, running natively on Linux:
+  ```sh
+  # generate translator phases using the C++ translator
+  $ ./bootstrap translate init.linux 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/hex.subx    -o hex
+  $ ./bootstrap translate init.linux 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/survey.subx -o survey
+  $ ./bootstrap translate init.linux 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/pack.subx   -o pack
+  $ ./bootstrap translate init.linux 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/assort.subx -o assort
+  $ ./bootstrap translate init.linux 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/dquotes.subx -o dquotes
+  $ ./bootstrap translate init.linux 0*.subx apps/subx-params.subx apps/tests.subx  -o tests
+  $ chmod +x hex survey pack assort dquotes tests
+  # use the generated translator phases to translate SubX programs
+  $ cat init.linux apps/ex1.subx |./tests |./dquotes |./assort |./pack |./survey |./hex > a.elf
+  $ chmod +x a.elf
+  $ ./a.elf
+  $ echo $?
+  42
+  # or, automating the above steps
+  $ ./translate_subx init.linux apps/ex1.subx
+  $ ./a.elf
+  $ echo $?
+  42
+  ```
+Or, running in a VM on other platforms (much slower):
+  ```sh
+  $ ./translate_subx_emulated init.linux ex1.subx  # generates identical a.elf to above
+  $ ./bootstrap run a.elf
+  $ echo $?
+  42
+  ```
+You can package up SubX binaries with the minimal hobbyist OS [Soso](https://github.com/ozkl/soso)
+and run them on Qemu. (Requires graphics and sudo access. Currently doesn't
+work on a cloud server.)
+  ```sh
+  # dependencies
+  $ sudo apt install build-essential util-linux nasm xorriso  # maybe also dosfstools and mtools
+  # package up a "hello world" program with a third-party kernel into mu_soso.iso
+  # requires sudo
+  $ tools/iso/soso init.soso apps/ex6.subx
+  # try it out
+  $ qemu-system-i386 -cdrom mu_soso.iso
+  ```
+You can also package up SubX binaries with a Linux kernel and run them on
+either Qemu or [a cloud server that supports custom images](http://akkartik.name/post/iso-on-linode).
+(Takes 12 minutes with 2GB RAM. Requires 12 million LoC of C for the Linux
+kernel; that number will gradually go down.)
+  ```sh
+  $ sudo apt install build-essential flex bison wget libelf-dev libssl-dev xorriso
+  $ tools/iso/linux init.linux apps/ex6.subx
+  $ qemu-system-x86_64 -m 256M -cdrom mu_linux.iso -boot d
+  ```
+## The syntax of SubX instructions
+Here is the above SubX example again:
+  ```sh
+  bb/copy-to-ebx  0x2a/imm32  # 42 in hex
+  b8/copy-to-eax  1/imm32/exit
+  cd/syscall  0x80/imm8
+  ```
+Every line contains at most one instruction. Instructions consist of words
+separated by whitespace. Words may be _opcodes_ (defining the operation being
+performed) or _arguments_ (specifying the data the operation acts on). Any
+word can have extra _metadata_ attached to it after `/`. Some metadata is
+required (like the `/imm32` and `/imm8` above), but unrecognized metadata is
+silently skipped so you can attach comments to words (like the instruction
+name `/copy-to-eax` above, or the `/exit` argument).
+What do all these numbers mean? SubX supports a small subset of the 32-bit x86
+instruction set that likely runs on your computer. (Think of the name as short
+for "sub-x86".) The instruction set contains instructions like `89/copy`,
+`01/add`, `3d/compare` and `51/push-ecx` which modify registers and a byte-addressable
+memory. For a complete list of supported instructions, run `subx help opcodes`.
+The registers instructions operate on are as follows:
+* Six general-purpose 32-bit registers: `0/eax`, `1/ebx`, `2/ecx`, `3/edx`,
+  `6/esi` and `7/edi`.
+* Two additional 32-bit registers: `4/esp` and `5/ebp`. (I suggest you only
+  use these to manage the call stack.)
+* Four 1-bit _flag_ registers for conditional branching:
+  - zero/equal flag `ZF`
+  - sign flag `SF`
+  - overflow flag `OF`
+  - carry flag `CF`
+(SubX doesn't support floating-point registers yet. Intel processors support
+an 8-bit mode, 16-bit mode and 64-bit mode. SubX will never support them.
+There are other flags. SubX will never support them. There are also _many_
+more instructions that SubX will never support.)
+While SubX doesn't provide the usual mnemonics for opcodes, it _does_ provide
+error-checking. If you miss an argument or accidentally add an extra argument,
+you'll get a nice error. SubX won't arbitrarily interpret bytes of data as
+instructions or vice versa.
+It's worth distinguishing between an instruction's arguments and its _operands_.
+Arguments are provided directly in instructions. Operands are pieces of data
+in register or memory that are operated on by instructions.
+Intel processors typically operate on no more than two operands, and at most
+one of them (the 'reg/mem' operand) can access memory. The address of the
+reg/mem operand is constructed by expressions of one of these forms:
+  * `%reg`: operate on just a register, not memory
+  * `*reg`: look up memory with the address in some register
+  * `*(reg + disp)`: add a constant to the address in some register
+  * `*(base + (index << scale) + disp)` where `base` and `index` are registers,
+    and `scale` and `disp` are 2- and 32-bit constants respectively.
+Under the hood, SubX turns expressions of these forms into multiple arguments
+with metadata in some complex ways. See [SubX-addressing-modes.md](SubX-addressing-modes.md).
+That covers the complexities of the reg/mem operand. The second operand is
+simpler. It comes from exactly one of the following argument types:
+  - `/r32`
+  - displacement: `/disp8` or `/disp32`
+  - immediate: `/imm8` or `/imm32`
+Putting all this together, here's an example that adds the integer in `eax` to
+the one at address `edx`:
+  ```
+  01/add %edx 0/r32/eax
+  ```
+## The syntax of SubX programs
+SubX programs map to the same ELF binaries that a conventional Linux system
+uses. Linux ELF binaries consist of a series of _segments_. In particular, they
+distinguish between code and data. Correspondingly, SubX programs consist of a
+series of segments, each starting with a header line: `==` followed by a name
+and approximate starting address.
+All code must lie in a segment called 'code'.
+Segments can be added to.
+== code 0x09000000  # first mention requires starting address
+== data 0x0a000000
+== code             # no address necessary when adding
+The `code` segment now contains the instructions of `A` as well as `C`.
+Within the `code` segment, each line contains a comment, label or instruction.
+Comments start with a `#` and are ignored. Labels should always be the first
+word on a line, and they end with a `:`.
+Instructions can refer to labels in displacement or immediate arguments, and
+they'll obtain a value based on the address of the label: immediate arguments
+will contain the address directly, while displacement arguments will contain
+the difference between the address and the address of the current instruction.
+The latter is mostly useful for `jump` and `call` instructions.
+Functions are defined using labels. By convention, labels internal to functions
+(that must only be jumped to) start with a `$`. Any other labels must only be
+called, never jumped to. All labels must be unique.
+A special label is `Entry`, which can be used to specify/override the entry
+point of the program. It doesn't have to be unique, and the latest definition
+will override earlier ones.
+(The `Entry` label, along with duplicate segment headers, allows programs to
+be built up incrementally out of multiple [_layers_](http://akkartik.name/post/wart-layers).)
+The data segment consists of labels as before and byte values. Referring to
+data labels in either `code` segment instructions or `data` segment values
+yields their address.
+Automatic tests are an important part of SubX, and there's a simple mechanism
+to provide a test harness: all functions that start with `test-` are called in
+turn by a special, auto-generated function called `run-tests`. How you choose
+to call it is up to you.
+I try to keep things simple so that there's less work to do when implementing
+SubX in SubX. But there _is_ one convenience: instructions can provide a
+string literal surrounded by quotes (`"`) in an `imm32` argument. SubX will
+transparently copy it to the `data` segment and replace it with its address.
+Strings are the only place where a SubX word is allowed to contain spaces.
+That should be enough information for writing SubX programs. The `apps/`
+directory provides some fodder for practice in the `apps/ex*` files, giving a
+more gradual introduction to SubX features. This repo includes binaries for
+all examples. At any commit, an example's binary should be identical bit for
+bit with the result of translating the corresponding `.subx` file. The binary
+should also be natively runnable on a Linux system running on Intel x86
+processors, either 32- or 64-bit. If either of these invariants is broken it's
+a bug on my part.
+## Running
+`subx` currently has the following sub-commands:
+* `subx help`: some helpful documentation to have at your fingertips.
+* `subx test`: runs all automated tests.
+* `subx translate <input files> -o <output ELF binary>`: translates `.subx`
+  files into an executable ELF binary.
+* `subx run <ELF binary>`: simulates running the ELF binaries emitted by `subx
+  translate`. Useful for testing and debugging.
+  Remember, not all 32-bit Linux binaries are guaranteed to run. I'm not
+  building general infrastructure here for all of the x86 instruction set.
+  SubX is about programming with a small, regular subset of 32-bit x86.
+## A few hints for debugging
+Writing programs in SubX is surprisingly pleasant and addictive. Reading
+programs is a work in progress, and hopefully the extensive unit tests help.
+However, _debugging_ programs is where one really faces up to the low-level
+nature of SubX. Even the smallest modifications need testing to make sure they
+work. In my experience, there is no modification so small that I get it working
+on the first attempt. And when it doesn't work, there are no clear error
+messages. Machine code is too simple-minded for that. You can't use a debugger,
+since SubX's simplistic ELF binaries contain no debugging information. So
+debugging requires returning to basics and practicing with a new, more
+rudimentary but hopefully still workable toolkit:
+* Start by nailing down a concrete set of steps for reproducibly obtaining the
+  error or erroneous behavior.
+* If possible, turn the steps into a failing test. It's not always possible,
+  but SubX's primary goal is to keep improving the variety of tests one can
+  write.
+* Start running the single failing test alone. This involves modifying the top
+  of the program (or the final `.subx` file passed in to `subx translate`) by
+  replacing the call to `run-tests` with a call to the appropriate `test-`
+  function.
+* Generate a trace for the failing test while running your program in emulated
+  mode (`subx run`):
+  ```
+  $ ./bootstrap translate input.subx -o binary
+  $ ./bootstrap --trace run binary arg1 arg2  2>trace
+  ```
+  The ability to generate a trace is the essential reason for the existence of
+  `subx run` mode. It gives far better visibility into program internals than
+  running natively.
+* As a further refinement, it is possible to render label names in the trace
+  by adding a second flag to both the `translate` and `run` commands:
+  ```
+  $ ./bootstrap --debug translate input.subx -o binary
+  $ ./bootstrap --debug --trace run binary arg1 arg2  2>trace
+  ```
+  `subx --debug translate` emits a mapping from label to address in a file
+  called `labels`. `subx --debug --trace run` reads in the `labels` file at
+  the start and prints out any matching label name as it traces each instruction
+  executed.
+  Here's a sample of what a trace looks like, with a few boxes highlighted:
+  <img alt='trace example' src='html/trace.png'>
+  Each of the green boxes shows the trace emitted for a single instruction.
+  It starts with a line of the form `run: inst: ___` followed by the opcode
+  for the instruction, the state of registers before the instruction executes,
+  and various other facts deduced during execution. Some instructions first
+  print a matching label. In the above screenshot, the red boxes show that
+  address `0x0900005e` maps to label `$loop` and presumably marks the start of
+  some loop. Function names get similar `run: == label` lines.
+* One trick when emitting traces with labels:
+  ```
+  $ grep label trace
+  ```
+  This is useful for quickly showing you the control flow for the run, and the
+  function executing when the error occurred. I find it useful to start with
+  this information, only looking at the complete trace after I've gotten
+  oriented on the control flow. Did it get to the loop I just modified? How
+  many times did it go through the loop?
+* Once you have SubX displaying labels in traces, it's a short step to modify
+  the program to insert more labels just to gain more insight. For example,
+  consider the following function:
+  <img alt='control example -- before' src='html/control0.png'>
+  This function contains a series of jump instructions. If a trace shows
+  `is-hex-lowercase-byte?` being encountered, and then `$is-hex-lowercase-byte?:end`
+  being encountered, it's still ambiguous what happened. Did we hit an early
+  exit, or did we execute all the way through? To clarify this, add temporary
+  labels after each jump:
+  <img alt='control example -- after' src='html/control1.png'>
+  Now the trace should have a lot more detail on which of these labels was
+  reached, and precisely when the exit was taken.
+* If you find yourself wondering, "when did the contents of this memory
+  address change?", `subx run` has some rudimentary support for _watch
+  points_. Just insert a label starting with `$watch-` before an instruction
+  that writes to the address, and its value will start getting dumped to the
+  trace after every instruction thereafter.
+* Once we have a sense for precisely which instructions we want to look at,
+  it's time to look at the trace as a whole. Key is the state of registers
+  before each instruction. If a function is receiving bad arguments it becomes
+  natural to inspect what values were pushed on the stack before calling it,
+  tracing back further from there, and so on.
+  I occasionally want to see the precise state of the stack segment, in which
+  case I uncomment a commented-out call to `dump_stack()` in the `vm.cc`
+  layer. It makes the trace a lot more verbose and a lot less dense, necessitating
+  a lot more scrolling around, so I keep it turned off most of the time.
+* If the trace seems overwhelming, try [browsing it](https://github.com/akkartik/mu/blob/master/tools/browse_trace.readme.md)
+  in the 'time-travel debugger'.
+Hopefully these hints are enough to get you started. The main thing to
+remember is to not be afraid of modifying the sources. A good debugging
+session gets into a nice rhythm of generating a trace, staring at it for a
+while, modifying the sources, regenerating the trace, and so on. Email
+[me](mailto:mu@akkartik.com) if you'd like another pair of eyes to stare at a
+trace, or if you have questions or complaints.
+## Reference documentation on available primitives
+### Data Structures
+* Kernel strings: null-terminated arrays of bytes. Unsafe and to be avoided,
+  but needed for interacting with the kernel.
+* Strings: length-prefixed arrays of bytes. String contents are preceded by
+  4 bytes (32 bytes) containing the `length` of the array.
+* Slices: a pair of 32-bit addresses denoting a [half-open](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_(mathematics))
+  \[`start`, `end`) interval to live memory with a consistent lifetime.
+  Invariant: `start` <= `end`
+* Streams: strings prefixed by 32-bit `write` and `read` indexes that the next
+  write or read goes to, respectively.
+  * offset 0: write index
+  * offset 4: read index
+  * offset 8: length of array (in bytes)
+  * offset 12: start of array data
+  Invariant: 0 <= `read` <= `write` <= `length`
+* File descriptors (fd): Low-level 32-bit integers that the kernel uses to
+  track files opened by the program.
+* File: 32-bit value containing either a fd or an address to a stream (fake
+  file).
+* Buffered files (buffered-file): Contain a file descriptor and a stream for
+  buffering reads/writes. Each `buffered-file` must exclusively perform either
+  reads or writes.
+### 'system calls'
+As I said at the top, a primary design goal of SubX (and Mu more broadly) is
+to explore ways to turn arbitrary manual tests into reproducible automated
+tests. SubX aims for this goal by baking testable interfaces deep into the
+stack, at the OS syscall level. The idea is that every syscall that interacts
+with hardware (and so the environment) should be *dependency injected* so that
+it's possible to insert fake hardware in tests.
+But those are big goals. Here are the syscalls I have so far:
+* `write`: takes two arguments, a file `f` and an address to array `s`.
+  Comparing this interface with the Unix `write()` syscall shows two benefits:
+  1. SubX can handle 'fake' file descriptors in tests.
+  1. `write()` accepts buffer and its length in separate arguments, which
+     requires callers to manage the two separately and so can be error-prone.
+     SubX's wrapper keeps the two together to increase the chances that we
+     never accidentally go out of array bounds.
+* `read`: takes two arguments, a file `f` and an address to stream `s`. Reads
+  as much data from `f` as can fit in (the free space of) `s`.
+  Like with `write()`, this wrapper around the Unix `read()` syscall adds the
+  ability to handle 'fake' file descriptors in tests, and reduces the chances
+  of clobbering outside array bounds.
+  One bit of weirdness here: in tests we do a redundant copy from one stream
+  to another. See [the comments before the implementation](http://akkartik.github.io/mu/html/060read.subx.html)
+  for a discussion of alternative interfaces.
+* `stop`: takes two arguments:
+  - `ed` is an address to an _exit descriptor_. Exit descriptors allow us to
+    `exit()` the program in production, but return to the test harness within
+    tests. That allows tests to make assertions about when `exit()` is called.
+  - `value` is the status code to `exit()` with.
+  For more details on exit descriptors and how to create one, see [the
+  comments before the implementation](http://akkartik.github.io/mu/html/059stop.subx.html).
+* `new-segment`
+  Allocates a whole new segment of memory for the program, discontiguous with
+  both existing code and data (heap) segments. Just a more opinionated form of
+  [`mmap`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/mmap.2.html).
+* `allocate`: takes two arguments, an address to allocation-descriptor `ad`
+  and an integer `n`
+  Allocates a contiguous range of memory that is guaranteed to be exclusively
+  available to the caller. Returns the starting address to the range in `eax`.
+  An allocation descriptor tracks allocated vs available addresses in some
+  contiguous range of memory. The int specifies the number of bytes to allocate.
+  Explicitly passing in an allocation descriptor allows for nested memory
+  management, where a sub-system gets a chunk of memory and further parcels it
+  out to individual allocations. Particularly helpful for (surprise) tests.
+* ... _(to be continued)_
+I will continue to import syscalls over time from [the old Mu VM in the parent
+directory](https://github.com/akkartik/mu), which has experimented with
+interfaces for the screen, keyboard, mouse, disk and network.
+### primitives built atop system calls
+_(Compound arguments are usually passed in by reference. Where the results are
+compound objects that don't fit in a register, the caller usually passes in
+allocated memory for it.)_
+#### assertions for tests
+* `check-ints-equal`: fails current test if given ints aren't equal
+* `check-stream-equal`: fails current test if stream doesn't match string
+* `check-next-stream-line-equal`: fails current test if next line of stream
+  until newline doesn't match string
+#### error handling
+* `error`: takes three arguments, an exit-descriptor, a file and a string (message)
+  Prints out the message to the file and then exits using the provided
+  exit-descriptor.
+* `error-byte`: like `error` but takes an extra byte value that it prints out
+  at the end of the message.
+#### predicates
+* `kernel-string-equal?`: compares a kernel string with a string
+* `string-equal?`: compares two strings
+* `stream-data-equal?`: compares a stream with a string
+* `next-stream-line-equal?`: compares with string the next line in a stream, from
+  `read` index to newline
+* `slice-empty?`: checks if the `start` and `end` of a slice are equal
+* `slice-equal?`: compares a slice with a string
+* `slice-starts-with?`: compares the start of a slice with a string
+* `slice-ends-with?`: compares the end of a slice with a string
+#### writing to disk
+* `write`: string -> file
+  - Can also be used to cat a string into a stream.
+  - Will abort the entire program if destination is a stream and doesn't have
+    enough room.
+* `write-stream`: stream -> file
+  - Can also be used to cat one stream into another.
+  - Will abort the entire program if destination is a stream and doesn't have
+    enough room.
+* `write-slice`: slice -> stream
+  - Will abort the entire program if there isn't enough room in the
+    destination stream.
+* `append-byte`: int -> stream
+  - Will abort the entire program if there isn't enough room in the
+    destination stream.
+* `append-byte-hex`: int -> stream
+  - textual representation in hex, no '0x' prefix
+  - Will abort the entire program if there isn't enough room in the
+    destination stream.
+* `print-int32`: int -> stream
+  - textual representation in hex, including '0x' prefix
+  - Will abort the entire program if there isn't enough room in the
+    destination stream.
+* `write-buffered`: string -> buffered-file
+* `write-slice-buffered`: slice -> buffered-file
+* `flush`: buffered-file
+* `write-byte-buffered`: int -> buffered-file
+* `print-byte-buffered`: int -> buffered-file
+  - textual representation in hex, no '0x' prefix
+* `print-int32-buffered`: int -> buffered-file
+  - textual representation in hex, including '0x' prefix
+#### reading from disk
+* `read`: file -> stream
+  - Can also be used to cat one stream into another.
+  - Will silently stop reading when destination runs out of space.
+* `read-byte-buffered`: buffered-file -> byte
+* `read-line-buffered`: buffered-file -> stream
+  - Will abort the entire program if there isn't enough room.
+#### non-IO operations on streams
+* `new-stream`: allocates space for a stream of `n` elements, each occupying
+  `b` bytes.
+  - Will abort the entire program if `n*b` requires more than 32 bits.
+* `clear-stream`: resets everything in the stream to `0` (except its `length`).
+* `rewind-stream`: resets the read index of the stream to `0` without modifying
+  its contents.
+#### reading/writing hex representations of integers
+* `is-hex-int?`: takes a slice argument, returns boolean result in `eax`
+* `parse-hex-int`: takes a slice argument, returns int result in `eax`
+* `is-hex-digit?`: takes a 32-bit word containing a single byte, returns
+  boolean result in `eax`.
+* `from-hex-char`: takes a hexadecimal digit character in `eax`, returns its
+  numeric value in `eax`
+* `to-hex-char`: takes a single-digit numeric value in `eax`, returns its
+  corresponding hexadecimal character in `eax`
+#### tokenization
+from a stream:
+* `next-token`: stream, delimiter byte -> slice
+* `skip-chars-matching`: stream, delimiter byte
+* `skip-chars-not-matching`: stream, delimiter byte
+from a slice:
+* `next-token-from-slice`: start, end, delimiter byte -> slice
+  - Given a slice and a delimiter byte, returns a new slice inside the input
+    that ends at the delimiter byte.
+* `skip-chars-matching-in-slice`: curr, end, delimiter byte -> new-curr (in `eax`)
+* `skip-chars-not-matching-in-slice`:  curr, end, delimiter byte -> new-curr (in `eax`)
+## Resources
+* [Single-page cheatsheet for the x86 ISA](https://net.cs.uni-bonn.de/fileadmin/user_upload/plohmann/x86_opcode_structure_and_instruction_overview.pdf)
+  (pdf; [cached local copy](https://github.com/akkartik/mu/blob/master/cheatsheet.pdf))
+* [Concise reference for the x86 ISA](https://c9x.me/x86)
+* [Intel processor manual](http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/manuals/64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-instruction-set-reference-manual-325383.pdf) (pdf)
+- [&ldquo;Bootstrapping a compiler from nothing&rdquo;](http://web.archive.org/web/20061108010907/http://www.rano.org/bcompiler.html) by Edmund Grumley-Evans.
+- [&ldquo;Creating tiny ELF executables&rdquo;](https://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/teensy.html) by Brian Raiter.
+- [StoneKnifeForth](https://github.com/kragen/stoneknifeforth) by [Kragen Sitaker](http://canonical.org/~kragen).
+## Conclusion
+The hypothesis of Mu and SubX is that designing the entire system to be
+testable from day 1 and from the ground up would radically impact the culture
+of the eco-system in a way that no bolted-on tool or service at higher levels
+can replicate:
+* Tests would make it easier to write programs that can be easily understood
+  by newcomers.
+* More broad-based understanding would lead to more forks.
+* Tests would make it easy to share code across forks. Copy the tests over,
+  and then copy code over and polish it until the tests pass. Manual work, but
+  tractable and without major risks.
+* The community would gain a diversified portfolio of forks for each program,
+  a “wavefront” of possible combinations of features and alternative
+  implementations of features. Application writers who wrote thorough tests
+  for their apps (something they just can’t do today) would be able to bounce
+  around between forks more easily without getting locked in to a single one
+  as currently happens.
+* There would be a stronger culture of reviewing the code for programs you use
+  or libraries you depend on. [More eyeballs would make more bugs shallow.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus%27s_Law)
+To falsify these hypotheses, here's a roadmap of the next few planned features:
+* Testable, dependency-injected vocabulary of primitives
+  - Streams: `read()`, `write()`. (✓)
+  - `exit()` (✓)
+  - Client-like non-blocking socket/file primitives: `load`, `save`
+  - Concurrency, and a framework for testing blocking code
+  - Server-like blocking socket/file primitives
+* Gradually streamline the bundled kernel, stripping away code we don't need.
+If you're still reading, here are some more things to check out:
+a) Try running the tests:
+  ```shell
+  $ ./test_apps
+  ```
+b) Check out the online help. Try typing just `./bootstrap`, and then `./bootstrap
+c) Familiarize yourself with `./bootstrap help opcodes`. You'll spend a lot of time
+with it. (It's also [in this repo](https://github.com/akkartik/mu/blob/master/opcodes).)
+are some tips on my setup for quickly finding the right opcode for any
+situation from within Vim.
+d) Try working on [the starter exercises](https://github.com/akkartik/mu/pulls)
+(labelled `hello`).
+e) SubX comes with some useful [syntax sugar](http://akkartik.name/post/mu-2019-1).
+Check it out.
+## Credits
+Mu builds on many ideas that have come before, especially:
+- [Peter Naur](http://akkartik.name/naur.pdf) for articulating the paramount
+  problem of programming: communicating a codebase to others;
+- [Christopher Alexander](http://www.amazon.com/Notes-Synthesis-Form-Harvard-Paperbacks/dp/0674627512)
+  and [Richard Gabriel](http://dreamsongs.net/Files/PatternsOfSoftware.pdf) for
+  the intellectual tools for reasoning about the higher order design of a
+  codebase;
+- Unix and C for showing us how to co-evolve language and OS, and for teaching
+  the (much maligned, misunderstood and underestimated) value of concise
+  *implementation* in addition to a clean interface;
+- Donald Knuth's [literate programming](http://www.literateprogramming.com/knuthweb.pdf)
+  for liberating "code for humans to read" from the tyranny of compiler order;
+- [David Parnas](http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2003/cmsc838p/Design/criteria.pdf)
+  and others for highlighting the value of separating concerns and stepwise
+  refinement;
+- [Lisp](http://www.paulgraham.com/rootsoflisp.html) for showing the power of
+  dynamic languages, late binding and providing the right primitives *a la
+  carte*, especially lisp macros;
+- The folklore of debugging by print and the trace facility in many lisp
+  systems;
+- Automated tests for showing the value of developing programs inside an
+  elaborate harness;
+- [Python doctest](http://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html) for
+  exemplifying interactive documentation that doubles as tests;
+- [ReStructuredText](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReStructuredText)
+  and [its antecedents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setext) for showing that
+  markup can be clean;
+- BDD for challenging us all to write tests at a higher level;
+- JavaScript and CSS for demonstrating the power of a DOM for complex
+  structured documents;
+- Rust for demonstrating that a system-programming language can be safe;
+- Forth for demonstrating that ergonomics don't require grammar; and
+- [Minimal Linux Live](http://minimal.linux-bg.org) for teaching how to create
+  a bootable disk image.
+- [Soso](https://github.com/ozkl/soso), a tiny hackable OS.
+## Coda
+* [Some details on the unconventional organization of this project.](http://akkartik.name/post/four-repos)
+* Previous prototypes: [mu0](https://github.com/akkartik/mu0), [mu1](https://github.com/akkartik/mu1).