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path: root/archive/2.vm/064list.mu
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Diffstat (limited to 'archive/2.vm/064list.mu')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/archive/2.vm/064list.mu b/archive/2.vm/064list.mu
deleted file mode 100644
index d669ec2c..00000000
--- a/archive/2.vm/064list.mu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# A list links up multiple objects together to make them easier to manage.
-# The objects must be of the same type. If you want to store multiple types in
-# a single list, use an exclusive-container.
-container list:_elem [
-  value:_elem
-  next:&:list:_elem
-def push x:_elem, l:&:list:_elem -> result:&:list:_elem/contained-in:l [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  result <- new {(list _elem): type}
-  *result <- merge x, l
-def first in:&:list:_elem -> result:_elem [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  result <- get *in, value:offset
-def rest in:&:list:_elem -> result:&:list:_elem/contained-in:in [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  result <- get *in, next:offset
-scenario list-handling [
-  run [
-    local-scope
-    x:&:list:num <- push 3, null
-    x <- push 4, x
-    x <- push 5, x
-    10:num/raw <- first x
-    x <- rest x
-    11:num/raw <- first x
-    x <- rest x
-    12:num/raw <- first x
-    20:&:list:num/raw <- rest x
-  ]
-  memory-should-contain [
-    10 <- 5
-    11 <- 4
-    12 <- 3
-    20 <- 0  # nothing left
-  ]
-def length l:&:list:_elem -> result:num [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  result <- copy 0
-  {
-    break-unless l
-    result <- add result, 1
-    l <- rest l
-    loop
-  }
-# insert 'x' after 'in'
-def insert x:_elem, in:&:list:_elem -> in:&:list:_elem [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  new-node:&:list:_elem <- new {(list _elem): type}
-  *new-node <- put *new-node, value:offset, x
-  next-node:&:list:_elem <- get *in, next:offset
-  *in <- put *in, next:offset, new-node
-  *new-node <- put *new-node, next:offset, next-node
-scenario inserting-into-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 3, null
-  list <- push 4, list
-  list <- push 5, list
-  run [
-    list2:&:list:num <- rest list  # inside list
-    list2 <- insert 6, list2
-    # check structure
-    list2 <- copy list
-    10:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    11:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    12:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    13:num/raw <- first list2
-  ]
-  memory-should-contain [
-    10 <- 5  # scanning next
-    11 <- 4
-    12 <- 6  # inserted element
-    13 <- 3
-  ]
-scenario inserting-at-end-of-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 3, null
-  list <- push 4, list
-  list <- push 5, list
-  run [
-    list2:&:list:num <- rest list  # inside list
-    list2 <- rest list2  # now at end of list
-    list2 <- insert 6, list2
-    # check structure like before
-    list2 <- copy list
-    10:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    11:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    12:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    13:num/raw <- first list2
-  ]
-  memory-should-contain [
-    10 <- 5  # scanning next
-    11 <- 4
-    12 <- 3
-    13 <- 6  # inserted element
-  ]
-scenario inserting-after-start-of-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 3, null
-  list <- push 4, list
-  list <- push 5, list
-  run [
-    list <- insert 6, list
-    # check structure like before
-    list2:&:list:num <- copy list
-    10:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    11:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    12:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    13:num/raw <- first list2
-  ]
-  memory-should-contain [
-    10 <- 5  # scanning next
-    11 <- 6  # inserted element
-    12 <- 4
-    13 <- 3
-  ]
-# remove 'x' from its surrounding list 'in'
-# Returns null if and only if list is empty. Beware: in that case any other
-# pointers to the head are now invalid.
-def remove x:&:list:_elem/contained-in:in, in:&:list:_elem -> in:&:list:_elem [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  # if 'x' is null, return
-  return-unless x
-  next-node:&:list:_elem <- rest x
-  # clear next pointer of 'x'
-  *x <- put *x, next:offset, null
-  # if 'x' is at the head of 'in', return the new head
-  at-head?:bool <- equal x, in
-  return-if at-head?, next-node
-  # compute prev-node
-  prev-node:&:list:_elem <- copy in
-  curr:&:list:_elem <- rest prev-node
-  {
-    return-unless curr
-    found?:bool <- equal curr, x
-    break-if found?
-    prev-node <- copy curr
-    curr <- rest curr
-  }
-  # set its next pointer to skip 'x'
-  *prev-node <- put *prev-node, next:offset, next-node
-scenario removing-from-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 3, null
-  list <- push 4, list
-  list <- push 5, list
-  run [
-    list2:&:list:num <- rest list  # second element
-    list <- remove list2, list
-    10:bool/raw <- equal list2, null
-    # check structure like before
-    list2 <- copy list
-    11:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    12:num/raw <- first list2
-    20:&:list:num/raw <- rest list2
-  ]
-  memory-should-contain [
-    10 <- 0  # remove returned non-null
-    11 <- 5  # scanning next, skipping deleted element
-    12 <- 3
-    20 <- 0  # no more elements
-  ]
-scenario removing-from-start-of-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 3, null
-  list <- push 4, list
-  list <- push 5, list
-  run [
-    list <- remove list, list
-    # check structure like before
-    list2:&:list:num <- copy list
-    10:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    11:num/raw <- first list2
-    20:&:list:num/raw <- rest list2
-  ]
-  memory-should-contain [
-    10 <- 4  # scanning next, skipping deleted element
-    11 <- 3
-    20 <- 0  # no more elements
-  ]
-scenario removing-from-end-of-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 3, null
-  list <- push 4, list
-  list <- push 5, list
-  run [
-    # delete last element
-    list2:&:list:num <- rest list
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    list <- remove list2, list
-    10:bool/raw <- equal list2, null
-    # check structure like before
-    list2 <- copy list
-    11:num/raw <- first list2
-    list2 <- rest list2
-    12:num/raw <- first list2
-    20:&:list:num/raw <- rest list2
-  ]
-  memory-should-contain [
-    10 <- 0  # remove returned non-null
-    11 <- 5  # scanning next, skipping deleted element
-    12 <- 4
-    20 <- 0  # no more elements
-  ]
-scenario removing-from-singleton-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 3, null
-  run [
-    list <- remove list, list
-    1:num/raw <- deaddress list
-  ]
-  memory-should-contain [
-    1 <- 0  # back to an empty list
-  ]
-# reverse the elements of a list
-# (contributed by Caleb Couch)
-def reverse list:&:list:_elem temp:&:list:_elem/contained-in:result -> result:&:list:_elem [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  return-unless list, temp
-  object:_elem <- first, list
-  list <- rest list
-  temp <- push object, temp
-  result <- reverse list, temp
-scenario reverse-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 1, null
-  list <- push 2, list
-  list <- push 3, list
-  run [
-    stash [list:], list
-    list <- reverse list
-    stash [reversed:], list
-  ]
-  trace-should-contain [
-    app: list: 3 -> 2 -> 1
-    app: reversed: 1 -> 2 -> 3
-  ]
-scenario stash-list [
-  local-scope
-  list:&:list:num <- push 1, null
-  list <- push 2, list
-  list <- push 3, list
-  run [
-    stash [list:], list
-  ]
-  trace-should-contain [
-    app: list: 3 -> 2 -> 1
-  ]
-def to-text in:&:list:_elem -> result:text [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  buf:&:buffer:char <- new-buffer 80
-  buf <- to-buffer in, buf
-  result <- buffer-to-array buf
-# variant of 'to-text' which stops printing after a few elements (and so is robust to cycles)
-def to-text-line in:&:list:_elem -> result:text [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  buf:&:buffer:char <- new-buffer 80
-  buf <- to-buffer in, buf, 6  # max elements to display
-  result <- buffer-to-array buf
-def to-buffer in:&:list:_elem, buf:&:buffer:char -> buf:&:buffer:char [
-  local-scope
-  load-inputs
-  {
-    break-if in
-    buf <- append buf, [[]]
-    return
-  }
-  # append in.value to buf
-  val:_elem <- get *in, value:offset
-  buf <- append buf, val
-  # now prepare next
-  next:&:list:_elem <- rest in
-  nextn:num <- deaddress next
-  return-unless next
-  buf <- append buf, [ -> ]
-  # and recurse
-  remaining:num, optional-input-found?:bool <- next-input
-  {
-    break-if optional-input-found?
-    # unlimited recursion
-    buf <- to-buffer next, buf
-    return
-  }
-  {
-    break-unless remaining
-    # limited recursion
-    remaining <- subtract remaining, 1
-    buf <- to-buffer next, buf, remaining
-    return
-  }
-  # past recursion depth; insert ellipses and stop
-  append buf, [...]
-scenario stash-empty-list [
-  local-scope
-  x:&:list:num <- copy null
-  run [
-    stash x
-  ]
-  trace-should-contain [
-    app: []
-  ]