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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 449 deletions
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-Mu explores ways to turn arbitrary manual tests into reproducible automated
-tests. Hoped-for benefits:
-1. Projects release with confidence without requiring manual QA or causing
-   regressions for their users.
-1. Open source projects become easier for outsiders to comprehend, since they
-   can more confidently try out changes with the knowledge that they'll get
-   rapid feedback if they break something. Projects also become more
-   *rewrite-friendly* for insiders: it's easier to leave your project's
-   historical accidents and other baggage behind if you can be confident of
-   not causing regressions.
-1. It becomes easier to teach programming by emphasizing tests far earlier
-   than we do today.
-The hypothesis is that designing the entire system to be testable from day 1
-and from the ground up would radically impact the culture of an eco-system in
-a way that no bolted-on tool or service at higher levels can replicate. It
-would make it easier to write programs that can be [easily understood by newcomers](http://akkartik.name/about).
-It would reassure authors that an app is free from regression if all automated
-tests pass. It would make the stack easy to rewrite and simplify by dropping
-features, without fear that a subset of targeted apps might break. As a result
-people might fork projects more easily, and also exchange code between
-disparate forks more easily (copy the tests over, then try copying code over
-and making tests pass, rewriting and polishing where necessary). The community
-would have in effect a diversified portfolio of forks, a “wavefront” of
-possible combinations of features and alternative implementations of features
-instead of the single trunk with monotonically growing complexity that we get
-today. Application writers who wrote thorough tests for their apps (something
-they just can’t do today) would be able to bounce around between forks more
-easily without getting locked in to a single one as currently happens.
-In this quest, Mu is currently experimenting with the following mechanisms:
-1. New, testable interfaces for the operating system. Currently manual tests
-   are hard to automate because a file you rely on might be deleted, the
-   network might go down, etc. To make manual tests reproducible it suffices
-   to improve the 15 or so OS syscalls through which a computer talks to the
-   outside world. We have to allow programs to transparently write to a fake
-   screen, read from a fake disk/network, etc. In Mu, printing to screen
-   explicitly takes a screen object, so it can be called on the real screen,
-   or on a fake screen inside tests, so that we can then check the expected
-   state of the screen at the end of a test. Here's a test for a little
-   text-mode chessboard program in Mu (delimiting the edge of the 'screen'
-   with dots):
-   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt='a screen test' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/chessboard-test.png'>
-   We've built up similarly *dependency-injected* interfaces to the keyboard,
-   mouse, disk and network.
-1. Support for testing side-effects like performance, deadlock-freedom,
-   race-freeness, memory usage, etc. Mu's *white-box tests* can check not just
-   the results of a function call, but also the presence or absence of
-   specific events in the log of its progress. For example, here's a test that
-   our string-comparison function doesn't scan individual characters unless it
-   has to:
-   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt='white-box test' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/tracing-test.png'>
-   Another example: if a sort function logs each swap, a performance test can
-   check that the number of swaps doesn't quadruple when the size of the input
-   doubles.
-   Besides expanding the scope of tests, this ability also allows more
-   radical refactoring without needing to modify tests. All Mu's tests call a
-   top-level function rather than individual sub-systems directly. As a result
-   the way the subsystems are invoked can be radically changed (interface
-   changes, making synchronous functions asynchronous, etc.). As long as the
-   new versions emit the same implementation-independent events in the logs,
-   the tests will continue to pass. ([More information.](http://akkartik.name/post/tracing-tests))
-1. Organizing code and tests in layers of functionality, so that outsiders can
-   build simple and successively more complex versions of a project, gradually
-   enabling more peripheral features. Think of it as a cleaned-up `git log`
-   for the project. ([More information.](http://akkartik.name/post/wart-layers))
-These mechanisms exist in the context of a low-level statement-oriented
-language (like Basic, or Assembly). The language is as powerful as C for
-low-level pointer operations and manual memory management, but much safer,
-paying some run-time overhead to validate pointers. It also provides a number
-of features usually associated with higher-level languages: strong
-type-safety, function overloading, lexical scope, generic functions,
-higher-order functions, and [delimited continuations](http://akkartik.name/coroutines-in-mu).
-*Taking Mu for a spin*
-Mu is currently implemented in C++ and requires a Unix-like environment. It's
-been tested on Ubuntu, Mac OS X and OpenBSD; on x86, x86\_64 and ARMv7; and on
-recent versions of GCC and Clang. Since it uses no bleeding-edge language
-features and has no exotic dependencies, it should work with most reasonable
-versions, compilers or processors.
-Running Mu will always (re)compile it if necessary:
-  ```shell
-  $ cd mu/archives/2.vm
-  $ ./mu
-  ```
-As a simple example, here's a program with some arithmetic:
-<img alt='code example' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/example1.png'>
-Mu functions are lists of instructions, one to a line. Each instruction
-operates on some *ingredients* and returns some *products*.
-  ```
-  [products] <- instruction [ingredients]
-  ```
-Product and ingredient *reagents* cannot contain instructions or infix
-expressions. On the other hand, you can have any number of them. In
-particular, you can have any number of products. For example, you can perform
-integer division as follows:
-  ```
-  quotient:number, remainder:number <- divide-with-remainder 11, 3
-  ```
-Each reagent consists of a name and its type, separated by a colon. You only
-have to specify the type the first time you mention a name, but you can be
-more explicit if you choose. Types can be multiple words and even arbitrary
-trees, like:
-  ```nim
-  x:array:number:3  # x is an array of 3 numbers
-  y:list:number  # y is a list of numbers
-  # ':' is just syntactic sugar
-  {z: (map (address array character) (list number))}   # map from string to list of numbers
-  ```
-Try out the program now:
-  ```shell
-  $ ./mu example1.mu
-  $
-  ```
-Not much to see yet, since it doesn't print anything. To print the result, try
-adding the instruction `$print a` to the function.
-Here's a second example, of a function that can take ingredients:
-<img alt='fahrenheit to celsius' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/f2c-1.png'>
-Functions can specify headers showing their expected ingredients and products,
-separated by `->` (unlike the `<-` in calls).
-Once defined, functions can be called just like primitives. No need to mess
-with a `CALL` instruction or push/pop arguments to the stack.
-Since Mu is a low-level VM language, it provides extra control at the cost of
-verbosity. Using `local-scope`, you have explicit control over stack frames to
-isolate your functions in a type-safe manner. You can also create more
-sophisticated setups like closures. One consequence of this extra control: you
-have to explicitly `load-ingredients` after you set up the stack.
-An alternative syntax is what the above example is converted to internally:
-<img alt='fahrenheit to celsius desugared' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/f2c-2.png'>
-The header gets dropped after checking types at call-sites, and after
-replacing `load-ingredients` with explicit instructions to load each
-ingredient separately, and to explicitly return products to the caller. After
-this translation functions are once again just lists of instructions.
-This alternative syntax isn't just an implementation detail. It turns out to
-be easier to teach functions to non-programmers by starting with this syntax,
-so that they can visualize a pipe from caller to callee, and see the names of
-variables get translated one by one through the pipe.
-A third example, this time illustrating conditionals:
-<img alt='factorial example' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/factorial.png'>
-In spite of how it looks, this is still just a list of instructions and
-labels. Internally, the instructions `break` and `loop` get converted to
-`jump` instructions to after the enclosing `}` or `{` labels, respectively.
-Try out the factorial program now:
-  ```shell
-  $ ./mu factorial.mu
-  result: 120  # factorial of 5
-  ```
-You can also run its unit tests:
-  ```shell
-  $ ./mu test factorial.mu
-  ```
-Here's what one of the tests inside `factorial.mu` looks like:
-<img alt='test example' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/factorial-test.png'>
-Every test conceptually spins up a really lightweight virtual machine, so you
-can do things like check the value of specific locations in memory. You can
-also print to screen and check that the screen contains what you expect at the
-end of a test. For example, you've seen earlier how `chessboard.mu` checks the
-initial position of a game of chess (delimiting the edges of the screen with
-<img alt='screen test' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/chessboard-test.png'>
-Similarly you can fake the keyboard to pretend someone typed something:
-<img alt='fake keyboard' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/fake-keyboard.png'>
-..or clicked somewhere:
-<img alt='fake console (keyboard, mouse, ..)' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/fake-console.png'>
-Within tests you can map arbitrary paths (local files or URLs) to contents:
-<img alt='fake file-system and network' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/resources.png'>
-As we add graphics, audio, and so on, we'll augment scenarios with
-corresponding abilities.
-Mu assumes that all ingredients passed in to functions are immutable by
-default -- *unless* they are also products. So this program will throw an
-<img alt='immutable ingredient triggering an error' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/immutable-error.png'>
-To modify `foo`'s ingredient, you have to add it to the list of products
-<img alt='mutable ingredient' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/mutable.png'>
-The names of the variables are important here: a function that takes an
-(immutable) address and returns a different one is different from a function
-that takes a mutable address (and also returns it).
-These immutability checks can be annoying, but the benefit they provide is
-that you can always tell what a function modifies just by looking at its
-header. In combination with dependency-injected hardware, they provide all the
-benefits of [referential transparency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Referential_transparency)
-that we typically associate with purely functional languages -- along with the
-option of imperatively modifying variables willy-nilly.
-You can append arbitrary properties to reagents besides types. Just separate
-them with slashes.
-  ```nim
-  x:array:number:3/uninitialized
-  y:string/tainted:yes
-  z:number/assign-once:true/assigned:false
-  ```
-Most properties are meaningless to Mu, and it'll silently skip them when
-running, but they are fodder for *meta-programs* to check or modify your
-programs, a task other languages typically hide from their programmers. For
-example, where other programmers are restricted to the checks their type
-system permits and forces them to use, you'll learn to create new checks that
-make sense for your specific program. If it makes sense to perform different
-checks in different parts of your program, you'll be able to do that.
-You can imagine each reagent as a table, rows separated by slashes, columns
-within a row separated by colons. So the last example above would become
-something like this:
-  ```
-  z           : number   /
-  assign-once : true     /
-  assigned    : false
-  ```
-An alternative way to define factorial is by inserting labels and later
-inserting code at them.
-<img alt='literate programming' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/tangle.png'>
-(You'll find this version in `tangle.mu`.)
-By convention we use the prefix '+' to indicate function-local label names you
-can jump to, and surround in '<>' global label names for inserting code at.
-Another example, this time with concurrency:
-<img alt='forking concurrent routines' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/fork.png'>
-  ```shell
-  $ ./mu fork.mu
-  ```
-Notice that it repeatedly prints either '34' or '35' at random. Hit ctrl-c to
-[Yet another example](https://github.com/akkartik/mu/blob/master/archive/2.vm/channel.mu) forks
-two 'routines' that communicate over a channel:
-  ```shell
-  $ ./mu channel.mu
-  produce: 0
-  produce: 1
-  produce: 2
-  produce: 3
-  consume: 0
-  consume: 1
-  consume: 2
-  produce: 4
-  consume: 3
-  consume: 4
-  # The exact order above might shift over time, but you'll never see a number
-  # consumed before it's produced.
-  ```
-Channels are the unit of synchronization in Mu. Blocking on a channel is the
-only way for the OS to put a task to sleep. The plan is to do all I/O over
-Routines are expected to communicate purely by message passing, though nothing
-stops them from sharing memory since all routines share a common address
-space. However, idiomatic Mu will make it hard to accidentally read or
-clobber random memory locations. Bounds checking is baked deeply into
-the semantics, and using pointers after freeing them immediately fails.
-Mu has a programming environment:
-  ```shell
-  $ ./mu edit
-  ```
-<img alt='programming environment' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/edit.png'>
-You write functions on the left and try them out in *sandboxes* on the right.
-Hit F4 to rerun all sandboxes with the latest version of the code. More
-details: http://akkartik.name/post/mu. Beware, it won't save your edits by
-default. But if you create a sub-directory called `lesson/` under `mu/` it
-will. If you turn that directory into a git repo with `git init`, it will also
-back up your changes each time you hit F4. Use the provided `new_lesson`
-script to take care of these details.
-Once you have a sandbox you can click on its result to mark it as expected:
-<img alt='expected result' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/expected-result.png'>
-Later if the result changes it'll be flagged in red to draw your attention to
-it. Thus, manually tested sandboxes become reproducible automated tests.
-<img alt='unexpected result' src='https://github.com/akkartik/mu/html/archive/2.vm/unexpected-result.png'>
-Another feature: Clicking on the code in a sandbox expands its trace for you
-to browse. To add to the trace, use `stash`. For example:
-  ```nim
-  stash [first ingredient is], x
-  ```
-Invaluable at times for understanding program behavior, but it won't clutter
-up your screen by default.
-If you're still reading, here are some more things to check out:
-a) Look at the [chessboard program](https://github.com/akkartik/mu/blob/master/archive/2.vm/chessboard.mu)
-for a more complex example with tests of blocking reads from the keyboard and
-what gets printed to the screen -- things we don't typically associate with
-automated tests.
-b) Try running the tests:
-  ```shell
-  $ ./mu test
-  ```
-c) Check out [the programming environment](https://github.com/akkartik/mu/tree/master/edit#readme),
-the largest app built so far in Mu.
-d) Check out the tracing infrastructure which gives you a maps-like zoomable
-UI for browsing Mu's traces:
-  ```shell
-  $ ./mu --trace nqueens.mu  # just an example
-  saving trace to 'last_run'
-  $ ./browse_trace/browse_trace last_run
-  # hit 'q' to exit
-  ```
-For more details see the [Readme](browse_trace/Readme.md).
-e) Look at the `build` scripts. Mu's compilation process is itself designed to
-support staged learning. Each of the scripts (`build0`, `build1`, `build2`,
-etc.) is self-contained and can compile the project by itself. Successive
-versions add new features and configurability -- and complexity -- to the
-compilation process.
-f) Try skimming the source code. You should be able to get a pretty good sense
-for how things work just by skimming the files in order, skimming the top of
-each file and ignoring details lower down.
-[Some details on my unconventional approach to organizing projects.](http://akkartik.name/post/four-repos)
-Mu builds on many ideas that have come before, especially:
-- [Peter Naur](http://alistair.cockburn.us/ASD+book+extract%3A+%22Naur,+Ehn,+Musashi%22)
-  for articulating the paramount problem of programming: communicating a
-  codebase to others;
-- [Christopher Alexander](http://www.amazon.com/Notes-Synthesis-Form-Harvard-Paperbacks/dp/0674627512)
-  and [Richard Gabriel](http://dreamsongs.net/Files/PatternsOfSoftware.pdf) for
-  the intellectual tools for reasoning about the higher order design of a
-  codebase;
-- Unix and C for showing us how to co-evolve language and OS, and for teaching
-  the (much maligned, misunderstood and underestimated) value of concise
-  *implementation* in addition to a clean interface;
-- Donald Knuth's [literate programming](http://www.literateprogramming.com/knuthweb.pdf)
-  for liberating "code for humans to read" from the tyranny of compiler order;
-- [David Parnas](http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2003/cmsc838p/Design/criteria.pdf)
-  and others for highlighting the value of separating concerns and stepwise
-  refinement;
-- [Lisp](http://www.paulgraham.com/rootsoflisp.html) for showing the power of
-  dynamic languages, late binding and providing the right primitives *a la
-  carte*, especially lisp macros;
-- The folklore of debugging by print and the trace facility in many lisp
-  systems;
-- Automated tests for showing the value of developing programs inside an
-  elaborate harness;
-- [Python doctest](http://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html) for
-  exemplifying interactive documentation that doubles as tests;
-- [ReStructuredText](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReStructuredText)
-  and [its antecedents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setext) for showing that
-  markup can be clean;
-- BDD for challenging us all to write tests at a higher level;
-- JavaScript and CSS for demonstrating the power of a DOM for complex
-  structured documents.
-- Rust for demonstrating that a system-programming language can be safe.