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path: root/cpp/tangle/030tangle.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpp/tangle/030tangle.cc')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpp/tangle/030tangle.cc b/cpp/tangle/030tangle.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2dda8667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/tangle/030tangle.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+int tangle_files_in_cwd() {
+  list<string> result;
+  vector<char*> files = sorted_files(".", /*no extension*/ "");
+  for (vector<char*>::iterator p = files.begin(); p != files.end(); ++p) {
+    if ((*p)[0] < '0' || (*p)[0] > '9') continue;
+    if (!Last_file.empty() && *p > Last_file) break;
+    ifstream in(*p);
+    tangle(in, result);
+  }
+  for (list<string>::iterator p = result.begin(); p != result.end(); ++p)
+    cout << *p << '\n';
+  return 0;
+void tangle(istream& in, list<string>& out) {
+  string curr_line;
+  while (!in.eof()) {
+    getline(in, curr_line);
+    if (starts_with(curr_line, ":("))
+      process_next_hunk(in, trim(curr_line), out);
+    else
+      out.push_back(curr_line);
+  }
+  trace_all("tangle", out);
+string Toplevel = "run";
+void process_next_hunk(istream& in, const string& directive, list<string>& out) {
+  list<string> hunk;
+  string curr_line;
+  while (!in.eof()) {
+    std::streampos old = in.tellg();
+    getline(in, curr_line);
+    if (starts_with(curr_line, ":(")) {
+      in.seekg(old);
+      break;
+    }
+    else {
+      hunk.push_back(curr_line);
+    }
+  }
+  istringstream directive_stream(directive.substr(2));  // length of ":("
+  string cmd = next_tangle_token(directive_stream);
+  if (cmd == "code") {
+    out.insert(out.end(), hunk.begin(), hunk.end());
+    return;
+  }
+  if (cmd == "scenarios") {
+    Toplevel = next_tangle_token(directive_stream);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (cmd == "scenario") {
+    list<string> result;
+    string name = next_tangle_token(directive_stream);
+    emit_test(name, hunk, result);
+    out.insert(out.end(), result.begin(), result.end());
+    return;
+  }
+  if (cmd == "before" || cmd == "after" || cmd == "replace" || cmd == "replace{}" || cmd == "delete" || cmd == "delete{}") {
+    string pat = next_tangle_token(directive_stream);
+    if (pat == "") {
+      RAISE << "No target for " << cmd << " directive.\n" << die();
+      return;
+    }
+    list<string>::iterator target = find_substr(out, pat);
+    if (target == out.end()) {
+      RAISE << "Couldn't find target " << pat << '\n' << die();
+      return;
+    }
+    indent_all(hunk, target);
+    if (cmd == "before") {
+      out.splice(target, hunk);
+    }
+    else if (cmd == "after") {
+      ++target;
+      out.splice(target, hunk);
+    }
+    else if (cmd == "replace" || cmd == "delete") {
+      out.splice(target, hunk);
+      out.erase(target);
+    }
+    else if (cmd == "replace{}" || cmd == "delete{}") {
+      if (find_trim(hunk, ":OLD_CONTENTS") == hunk.end()) {
+        out.splice(target, hunk);
+        out.erase(target, balancing_curly(target));
+      }
+      else {
+        list<string>::iterator next = balancing_curly(target);
+        list<string> old_version;
+        old_version.splice(old_version.begin(), out, target, next);
+        old_version.pop_back();  old_version.pop_front();  // contents only please, not surrounding curlies
+        list<string>::iterator new_pos = find_trim(hunk, ":OLD_CONTENTS");
+        indent_all(old_version, new_pos);
+        hunk.splice(new_pos, old_version);
+        hunk.erase(new_pos);
+        out.splice(next, hunk);
+      }
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  RAISE << "unknown directive " << cmd << '\n';
+// indent all lines in l like indentation at exemplar
+void indent_all(list<string>& l, list<string>::iterator exemplar) {
+  string curr_indent = indent(*exemplar);
+  for (list<string>::iterator p = l.begin(); p != l.end(); ++p)
+    if (!p->empty())
+      p->insert(p->begin(), curr_indent.begin(), curr_indent.end());
+string next_tangle_token(istream& in) {
+  in >> std::noskipws;
+  ostringstream out;
+  skip_whitespace(in);
+  if (in.peek() == '"')
+    slurp_tangle_string(in, out);
+  else
+    slurp_word(in, out);
+  return out.str();
+void slurp_tangle_string(istream& in, ostream& out) {
+  in.get();
+  char c;
+  while (in >> c) {
+    if (c == '\\')  // only works for double-quotes
+      continue;
+    if (c == '"')
+      break;
+    out << c;
+  }
+void slurp_word(istream& in, ostream& out) {
+  char c;
+  while (in >> c) {
+    if (isspace(c) || c == ')') {
+      in.putback(c);
+      break;
+    }
+    out << c;
+  }
+void skip_whitespace(istream& in) {
+  while (isspace(in.peek()))
+    in.get();
+list<string>::iterator balancing_curly(list<string>::iterator orig) {
+  list<string>::iterator curr = orig;
+  long open_curlies = 0;
+  do {
+    for (string::iterator p = curr->begin(); p != curr->end(); ++p) {
+      if (*p == '{') ++open_curlies;
+      if (*p == '}') --open_curlies;
+    }
+    ++curr;
+    // no guard so far against unbalanced curly
+  } while (open_curlies != 0);
+  return curr;
+// A scenario is one or more sessions separated by calls to CLEAR_TRACE ('===')
+//  A session is one or more lines of input
+//  followed by a return value ('=>')
+//  followed by one or more lines expected in trace in order ('+')
+//  followed by one or more lines trace shouldn't include ('-')
+// Remember to update is_input below if you add to this format.
+void emit_test(const string& name, list<string>& lines, list<string>& result) {
+  result.push_back("void test_"+name+"() {");
+  while (any_non_input_line(lines)) {
+    if (!any_line_starts_with(lines, "=>"))
+      emit_session(lines, result);  // simpler version; no need to check result
+    else
+      emit_result_checking_session(lines, result);
+    if (!lines.empty() && lines.front()[0] == '+')
+      result.push_back("  CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS(\""+expected_in_trace(lines)+"\");");
+    while (!lines.empty() && lines.front()[0] == '-') {
+      result.push_back("  CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN(\""+expected_not_in_trace(lines.front())+"\");");
+      lines.pop_front();
+    }
+    if (!lines.empty() && lines.front() == "===") {
+      result.push_back("  CLEAR_TRACE;");
+      lines.pop_front();
+    }
+  }
+  result.push_back("}");
+  while (!lines.empty() &&
+         (trim(lines.front()).empty() || starts_with(lines.front(), "//")))
+    lines.pop_front();
+  if (!lines.empty()) {
+    cerr << lines.size() << " unprocessed lines in scenario.\n";
+    exit(1);
+  }
+void emit_session(list<string>& lines, list<string>& result) {
+  result.push_back("  "+Toplevel+"(\""+input_lines(lines)+"\");");
+void emit_result_checking_session(list<string>& lines, list<string>& result) {
+  result.push_back("{");
+  result.push_back("  ostringstream os;");
+  result.push_back("  TEMP(tmp, "+Toplevel+"(\""+input_lines(lines)+"\"));");
+  result.push_back("  os << tmp;");
+  if (!lines.empty() && starts_with(lines.front(), "=>")) {
+    size_t pos = lines.front().find("=>")+2;  // length of '=>'
+    result.push_back("  CHECK_EQ(os.str(), \""+trim(string(lines.front(), pos))+"\");");
+    lines.pop_front();
+  }
+  result.push_back("}");
+bool is_input(const string& line) {
+  return line != "===" && line[0] != '+' && line[0] != '-' && !starts_with(line, "=>");
+string input_lines(list<string>& hunk) {
+  string result;
+  while (!hunk.empty() && is_input(hunk.front())) {
+    result += hunk.front()+"";  // temporary delimiter; replace with escaped newline after escaping other backslashes
+    hunk.pop_front();
+  }
+  return escape(result);
+string expected_in_trace(list<string>& hunk) {
+  string result;
+  while (!hunk.empty() && hunk.front()[0] == '+') {
+    hunk.front().erase(0, 1);
+    result += hunk.front()+"";
+    hunk.pop_front();
+  }
+  return escape(result);
+string expected_not_in_trace(const string& line) {
+  return escape(line.substr(1));
+list<string>::iterator find_substr(list<string>& in, const string& pat) {
+  for (list<string>::iterator p = in.begin(); p != in.end(); ++p)
+    if (p->find(pat) != NOT_FOUND)
+      return p;
+  return in.end();
+list<string>::iterator find_trim(list<string>& in, const string& pat) {
+  for (list<string>::iterator p = in.begin(); p != in.end(); ++p)
+    if (trim(*p) == pat)
+      return p;
+  return in.end();
+string escape(string s) {
+  s = replace_all(s, "\\", "\\\\");
+  s = replace_all(s, "\"", "\\\"");
+  s = replace_all(s, "", "\\n");
+  return s;
+string replace_all(string s, const string& a, const string& b) {
+  for (size_t pos = s.find(a); pos != NOT_FOUND; pos = s.find(a, pos+b.size()))
+    s = s.replace(pos, a.size(), b);
+  return s;
+bool any_line_starts_with(const list<string>& lines, const string& pat) {
+  for (list<string>::const_iterator p = lines.begin(); p != lines.end(); ++p)
+    if (starts_with(*p, pat)) return true;
+  return false;
+bool any_non_input_line(const list<string>& lines) {
+  for (list<string>::const_iterator p = lines.begin(); p != lines.end(); ++p)
+    if (!is_input(*p)) return true;
+  return false;
+#include <locale>
+using std::isspace;  // unicode-aware
+// does s start with pat, after skipping whitespace?
+// pat can't start with whitespace
+bool starts_with(const string& s, const string& pat) {
+  for (size_t pos = 0; pos < s.size(); ++pos)
+    if (!isspace(s[pos]))
+      return s.compare(pos, pat.size(), pat) == 0;
+  return false;
+string indent(const string& s) {
+  for (size_t pos = 0; pos < s.size(); ++pos)
+    if (!isspace(s[pos]))
+      return s.substr(0, pos);
+  return "";
+string strip_indent(const string& s, size_t n) {
+  if (s.empty()) return "";
+  string::const_iterator curr = s.begin();
+  while (curr != s.end() && n > 0 && isspace(*curr)) {
+    ++curr;
+    --n;
+  }
+  return string(curr, s.end());
+string trim(const string& s) {
+  string::const_iterator first = s.begin();
+  while (first != s.end() && isspace(*first))
+    ++first;
+  if (first == s.end()) return "";
+  string::const_iterator last = --s.end();
+  while (last != s.begin() && isspace(*last))
+    --last;
+  ++last;
+  return string(first, last);
+vector<char*> sorted_files(const char* dirname, const char* ext) {
+  vector<char*> result;
+  dirent** files;
+  int num_files = scandir(dirname, &files, NULL, alphasort);
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_files; ++i) {
+    unsigned long n = strlen(files[i]->d_name), extn = strlen(ext);
+    if (n < extn) continue;
+    if (strncmp(&files[i]->d_name[n-extn], ext, extn)) continue;
+    if (!isdigit(files[i]->d_name[0])) continue;
+    char* s = new char[n+1];
+    strncpy(s, files[i]->d_name, n+1);
+    result.push_back(s);
+    free(files[i]);
+  }
+  free(files);
+  return result;