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path: root/403unicode.mu
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* 7842 - new directory organizationKartik K. Agaram2021-03-031-208/+5
* 7690Kartik Agaram2021-02-071-2/+2
* 7165Kartik Agaram2020-11-031-1/+1
* 7163 - first type checks for 'return' statementsKartik Agaram2020-11-031-3/+3
* 7158Kartik Agaram2020-11-021-28/+20
* 7123 - tile: truncate string if necessaryKartik Agaram2020-10-261-0/+8
* 6807 - tile: render intermediate stack stateKartik Agaram2020-09-191-0/+21
* 6751Kartik Agaram2020-09-071-0/+69
* 6737Kartik Agaram2020-09-061-0/+2
* 6733 - read utf-8 'grapheme' from byte streamKartik Agaram2020-08-281-0/+143
* 6732Kartik Agaram2020-08-281-0/+161
0 } /* Generic.Traceback */ .highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
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<span class="Comment"># example program: maintain multiple counters with isolated lexical scopes</span>
<span class="Comment"># (spaces)</span>

<span class="muRecipe">recipe</span> init-counter [
  <span class="Identifier">default-space</span>:address:array:location<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>new location:type, <span class="Constant">30:literal</span>
  n:number<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span><span class="Identifier">next-ingredient</span>
  <span class="Identifier">reply</span> <span class="Identifier">default-space</span>:address:space

<span class="muRecipe">recipe</span> increment-counter [
  <span class="Identifier">default-space</span>:address:array:location<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>new location:type, <span class="Constant">30:literal</span>
  0:address:array:location/names:init-counter<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span><span class="Identifier">next-ingredient</span>  <span class="Comment"># setup outer space; it *must* come from 'init-counter'</span>
  x:number<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span><span class="Identifier">next-ingredient</span>
  n:number/space:1<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>add n:number/space:1, x:number
  <span class="Identifier">reply</span> n:number/space:1

<span class="muRecipe">recipe</span> main [
  <span class="Identifier">default-space</span>:address:array:location<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>new location:type, <span class="Constant">30:literal</span>
  <span class="Comment"># counter A</span>
  a:address:space<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>init-counter <span class="Constant">34:literal</span>
  <span class="Comment"># counter B</span>
  b:address:space<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>init-counter <span class="Constant">23:literal</span>
  <span class="Comment"># increment both by 2 but in different ways</span>
  increment-counter a:address:space, <span class="Constant">1:literal</span>
  b-value:number<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>increment-counter b:address:space, <span class="Constant">2:literal</span>
  a-value:number<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>increment-counter a:address:space, <span class="Constant">1:literal</span>
  <span class="Comment"># check results</span>
 <span class="Identifier"> $print</span> <span class="Constant">[Contents of counters</span>
<span class="Constant">]</span>
  <span class="Comment"># trailing space in next line is to help with syntax highlighting</span>
 <span class="Identifier"> $print</span> <span class="Constant">[a: ]</span>, a-value:number, <span class="Constant">[ b: ]</span>, b-value:number, <span class="Constant">[ </span>
<span class="Constant">]</span>
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