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path: root/build1
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* 5004Kartik Agaram2019-03-141-1/+1
* 4403Kartik Agaram2018-07-251-0/+2
* 4253 - support running just a single C testKartik Agaram2018-06-061-0/+1
* 4233 - no real difference between -O2 or -O3Kartik K. Agaram2018-03-221-1/+1
* 4222Kartik K. Agaram2018-03-131-0/+0
* 4221 - more docs about build processKartik K. Agaram2018-03-131-0/+13
* 4220Kartik K. Agaram2018-03-131-4/+2
* 4219 - add an even simpler build scriptKartik K. Agaram2018-03-131-134/+31
* 4216 - include simpler alternative to build scriptKartik K. Agaram2018-03-121-0/+157
' href='#n85'>85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234

# Hue/saturation/luminance for an rgb triple.
# rgb are in [0, 256)
# hsl are also returned in [0, 256)
# from https://www.niwa.nu/2013/05/math-behind-colorspace-conversions-rgb-hsl
fn hsl r: int, g: int, b: int -> _/ecx: int, _/edx: int, _/ebx: int {
  var _max/eax: int <- maximum r, g
  _max <- maximum _max, b
  var max/ecx: int <- copy _max
  var _min/eax: int <- minimum r, g
  _min <- minimum _min, b
  var min/edx: int <- copy _min
  var luminance/ebx: int <- copy min
  luminance <- add max
  luminance <- shift-right 1  # TODO: round up instead of down
  # if rgb are all equal, it's a shade of grey
  compare min, max
    return 0, 0, luminance
  # saturation =
  #   luminance < 128 | 255*(max-min)/         (max+min)
  #   otherwise       | 255*(max-min)/(2*255 - (max+min))
  var nr/esi: int <- copy max
  nr <- subtract min
  var dr/eax: int <- copy 0
  compare luminance, 0x80
    dr <- copy max
    dr <- add min
    dr <- copy 0xff
    dr <- shift-left 1
    dr <- subtract max
    dr <- subtract min
  var q/xmm0: float <- convert nr
  var tmp/xmm1: float <- convert dr
  q <- divide tmp
  var int-255/eax: int <- copy 0xff
  tmp <- convert int-255
  q <- multiply tmp
  var saturation/esi: int <- convert q
  # hue = 
  #   red is max   | 256.0/6*       (g-b)/(max-min)
  #   green is max | 256.0/6*(2.0 + (b-r)/(max-min))
  #   blue is max  | 256.0/6*(4.0 + (r-g)/(max-min))
  var zero/eax: int <- copy 0
  var hue-f/xmm0: float <- convert zero
  var dr/eax: int <- copy max
  dr <- subtract min
  var dr-f/xmm1: float <- convert dr
  $hsl:compute-hue-normalized: {
    compare r, max
      var nr/eax: int <- copy g
      nr <- subtract b
      hue-f <- convert nr
      hue-f <- divide dr-f
      break $hsl:compute-hue-normalized
    compare g, max
      var nr/eax: int <- copy b
      nr <- subtract r
      var f/xmm2: float <- convert nr
      f <- divide dr-f
      var two/ecx: int <- copy 2
      hue-f <- convert two
      hue-f <- add f
      break $hsl:compute-hue-normalized
    compare b, max
      var nr/eax: int <- copy r
      nr <- subtract g
      var f/xmm2: float <- convert nr
      f <- divide dr-f
      var two/ecx: int <- copy 4
      hue-f <- convert two
      hue-f <- add f
      break $hsl:compute-hue-normalized
  var int-256/eax: int <- copy 0x100
  var scaling-factor/xmm1: float <- convert int-256
  var int-6/eax: int <- copy 6
  var six-f/xmm2: float <- convert int-6
  scaling-factor <- divide six-f
  hue-f <- multiply scaling-factor
  var hue/eax: int <- convert hue-f
  # if hue < 0, hue = 256 - hue
  compare hue, 0
    var tmp/ecx: int <- copy 0x100
    tmp <- subtract hue
    hue <- copy tmp
  return hue, saturation, luminance

fn test-hsl-black {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0, 0, 0
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-black/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0, "F - test-hsl-black/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0, "F - test-hsl-black/luminance"

fn test-hsl-white {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-white/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0, "F - test-hsl-white/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-white/luminance"

fn test-hsl-grey {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0x30, 0x30, 0x30
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-grey/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0, "F - test-hsl-grey/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x30, "F - test-hsl-grey/luminance"

# red hues: 0-0x54
fn test-hsl-slightly-red {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xff, 0xfe, 0xfe
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-slightly-red/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-slightly-red/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0xfe, "F - test-hsl-slightly-red/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

fn test-hsl-extremely-red {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xff, 0, 0
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-extremely-red/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-extremely-red/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x7f, "F - test-hsl-extremely-red/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

# green hues: 0x55-0xaa
fn test-hsl-slightly-green {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xfe, 0xff, 0xfe
  check-ints-equal h, 0x55, "F - test-hsl-slightly-green/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-slightly-green/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0xfe, "F - test-hsl-slightly-green/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

fn test-hsl-extremely-green {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0, 0xff, 0
  check-ints-equal h, 0x55, "F - test-hsl-extremely-green/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-extremely-green/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x7f, "F - test-hsl-extremely-green/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

# blue hues: 0xab-0xff
fn test-hsl-slightly-blue {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xff
  check-ints-equal h, 0xab, "F - test-hsl-slightly-blue/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-slightly-blue/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0xfe, "F - test-hsl-slightly-blue/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

fn test-hsl-extremely-blue {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0, 0, 0xff
  check-ints-equal h, 0xab, "F - test-hsl-extremely-blue/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-extremely-blue/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x7f, "F - test-hsl-extremely-blue/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

# cyan: 0x7f

fn test-hsl-cyan {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0, 0xff, 0xff
  check-ints-equal h, 0x80, "F - test-hsl-cyan/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-cyan/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x7f, "F - test-hsl-cyan/luminance"  # TODO: should round up


fn maximum a: int, b: int -> _/eax: int {
  var a2/eax: int <- copy a
  compare a2, b
    return a
  return b

fn minimum a: int, b: int -> _/eax: int {
  var a2/eax: int <- copy a
  compare a2, b
    return a
  return b