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path: root/cpp/.traces/add
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* 949 - paving the way for jumps to labelsKartik K. Agaram2015-03-171-7/+7
| | | | Addresses for reagents are now computed after all transforms.
* 941 - c++: basic break/loop conversionKartik K. Agaram2015-03-161-0/+4
* 940 - c++: some changes to instruction modelKartik K. Agaram2015-03-161-7/+7
* 832 - call-stack for C++ versionKartik K. Agaram2015-02-251-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | These #defines and references now span many different layers. Let's see if the lack of encapsulation causes problems. Also interesting to run into a case where I need to modify a foundational layer and touch every single scenario/trace. Only alternative was to duplicate all the different layers that add instructions. Sign of problems with this model?
* 787 - arithmetic operationsKartik K. Agaram2015-02-191-0/+23
Lots of duplication here; we'll clean it up later.
n128'>128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
import curses
from curses import *
from curses.ascii import *
from ranger import RANGERDIR
from ranger import log
from ranger.gui.widgets.console import Console
from ranger.container.bookmarks import ALLOWED_KEYS as ALLOWED_BOOKMARK_KEYS

# syntax for binding keys: bind(*keys, fnc)
# fnc is a function which is called with the FM instance,
# keys are one or more key-combinations which are either:
# * a string
# * an integer which represents an ascii code
# * a tuple of integers
# in initialize_console_commands, fnc is a function which is
# called with the console widget instance instead.

def initialize_commands(command_list):
	"""Initialize the commands for the main user interface"""

	def do(method, *args, **kw):
		return lambda fm, n: getattr(fm, method)(*args, **kw)

	def bind(*args):
		command_list.bind(args[-1], *args[:-1])

	bind('l', KEY_RIGHT, do('move_right'))
	bind(KEY_ENTER, ctrl('j'), do('move_right', mode=1))
	bind('H', do('history_go', -1))
	bind('L', do('history_go',  1))
	bind('J', do('move_pointer_by_pages', 0.5))
	bind('K', do('move_pointer_by_pages', -0.5))
	bind('E', do('edit_file'))
#	bind('o', do('force_load_preview'))

	bind(' ', do('mark', toggle=True))
	bind('v', do('mark', all=True, toggle=True))
	bind('V', do('mark', all=True, val=False))

	bind('yy', 'cp', do('copy'))
	bind('cut', do('cut'))
	bind('p', do('paste'))

	t_hint = "show_//h//idden //p//review_files //d//irectories_first //a//uto_load_preview //c//ollapse_preview"
	command_list.hint(t_hint, 't')
	bind('th', do('toggle_boolean_option', 'show_hidden'))
	bind('tp', do('toggle_boolean_option', 'preview_files'))
	bind('td', do('toggle_boolean_option', 'directories_first'))
	bind('ta', do('toggle_boolean_option', 'auto_load_preview'))
	bind('tc', do('toggle_boolean_option', 'collapse_preview'))

	sort_hint = "//s//ize //b//ase//n//ame //m//time //t//ype //r//everse"
	sort_dict = {
		's': 'size',
		'b': 'basename',
		'n': 'basename',
		'm': 'mtime',
		't': 'type',
	for key, val in sort_dict.items():
		for key, is_upper in ((key.lower(), False), (key.upper(), True)):
			# reverse if any of the two letters is capital
			bind('o' + key, do('sort', func=val, reverse=is_upper))
			bind('O' + key, do('sort', func=val, reverse=True))
	bind('or', 'Or', 'oR', 'OR', lambda fm, n: \
			fm.sort(reverse=not fm.settings.reverse))
	command_list.hint(sort_hint, 'o', 'O')

	bind('cd', do('open_console', ':', 'cd '))
	bind('f', do('open_console', '>', 'find '))

	# key combinations which change the current directory
	def cd(path):
		return lambda fm: fm.enter_dir(path)

	bind('gh', do('cd', '~'))
	bind('ge', do('cd', '/etc'))
	bind('gu', do('cd', '/usr'))
	bind('gr', do('cd', '/'))
	bind('gm', do('cd', '/media'))
	bind('gn', do('cd', '/mnt'))
	bind('gt', do('cd', '~/.trash'))
	bind('gs', do('cd', '/srv'))
	bind('gR', do('cd', RANGERDIR))

	bind('n', do('search_forward'))
	bind('N', do('search_backward'))

	# bookmarks
		bind("`" + key, "'" + key, do('enter_bookmark', key))
		bind("m" + key, do('set_bookmark', key))
		bind("um" + key, do('unset_bookmark', key))

	# system functions
	bind(ctrl('D'), 'q', 'ZZ', do('exit'))
	bind(ctrl('R'), do('reset'))
	bind(ctrl('L'), do('redraw_window'))
	bind(ctrl('C'), do('interrupt'))
	bind(KEY_RESIZE, do('resize'))
	bind(KEY_MOUSE, do('handle_mouse'))
	bind(':', do('open_console', ':'))
	bind('>', do('open_console', '>'))
	bind('/', do('open_console', '/'))
	bind('?', do('open_console', '?'))
	bind('!', do('open_console', '!'))
	bind('r', do('open_console', '@'))

	# definitions which require their own function:
	def test(fm, n):
		from ranger import log
	bind('x', test)

	def ggG(default):
		# moves to an absolute point, or to a predefined default
		# if no number is specified.
		return lambda fm, n: \
				fm.move_pointer(absolute=(n or default)-1)

	bind('gg', ggG(1))
	bind('G', ggG(0))

	bind('%', lambda fm, n: fm.move_pointer_by_percentage(absolute=n or 50))

	def jk(direction):
		# moves up or down by the specified number or one, in
		# the predefined direction
		return lambda fm, n: \
				fm.move_pointer(relative=(n or 1) * direction)

	bind('j', KEY_DOWN, jk(1))
	bind('k', KEY_UP, jk(-1))

	bind('h', KEY_LEFT, KEY_BACKSPACE, DEL, lambda fm, n: \


def initialize_console_commands(command_list):
	"""Initialize the commands for the console widget only"""

	def bind(*args):
		command_list.bind(args[-1], *args[:-1])

	def do(method, *args, **kw):
		return lambda fm: getattr(fm, method)(*args, **kw)

	def do_fm(method, *args, **kw):
		return lambda con: getattr(con.fm, method)(*args, **kw)

	# movement
	bind(KEY_UP, do('history_move', -1))
	bind(KEY_DOWN, do('history_move', 1))
	bind(ctrl('b'), KEY_LEFT, do('move', relative = -1))
	bind(ctrl('f'), KEY_RIGHT, do('move', relative = 1))
	bind(ctrl('a'), KEY_HOME, do('move', absolute = 0))
	bind(ctrl('e'), KEY_END, do('move', absolute = -1))
	bind(ctrl('d'), KEY_DC, do('delete', 0))
	bind(ctrl('h'), KEY_BACKSPACE, DEL, do('delete', -1))
	bind(ctrl('w'), do('delete_word'))
	bind(ctrl('k'), do('delete_rest', 1))
	bind(ctrl('u'), do('delete_rest', -1))
	bind(ctrl('y'), do('paste'))

	# system functions
	bind(ctrl('c'), ESC, do('close'))
	bind(ctrl('j'), KEY_ENTER, do('execute'))
	bind(ctrl('l'), do_fm('redraw'))
	bind(TAB, do('tab'))
	bind(KEY_BTAB, do('tab', -1))
	bind(KEY_RESIZE, do_fm('resize'))

	# type keys
	def type_key(key):
		return lambda con: con.type_key(key)

	for i in range(ord(' '), ord('~')+1):
		bind(i, type_key(i))
