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path: root/html/050_write.subx.html
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* 6384Kartik Agaram2020-05-221-1/+1
* 5925Kartik Agaram2020-01-271-4/+4
* 5897 - rename comparison instructionsKartik Agaram2020-01-161-1/+1
* 5884Kartik Agaram2020-01-121-67/+44
* 5876 - address -> addrKartik Agaram2020-01-031-1/+1
* 5835Kartik Agaram2019-12-281-55/+58
* 5806Kartik Agaram2019-12-091-43/+63
* 5701Kartik Agaram2019-10-171-3/+3
* 5592 - switch register names to lowercaseKartik Agaram2019-08-261-27/+27
* 5582Kartik Agaram2019-08-251-3/+3
* 5490Kartik Agaram2019-07-271-2/+2
* 5485 - promote SubX to top-levelKartik Agaram2019-07-271-0/+120
50'>150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278
module Fm
	def self.get_help()
		helptext = <<END

	Press a key to view the topic:
		?     quick summary
		m     basic movement and control
		g     quickly switching directories
		f     filtering and searching
		l     running files in different ways
		c     creating, modifying, moving files
		s     usage of the mouse
		o     more commands that don't fit elsewhere
		z     switching to the PWD after exiting ranger

   To interrupt current operations: <Ctrl-C>
   To quit: Q or ZZ or <Ctrl-D> or <Ctrl-C><Ctrl-C> (quickly twice in a row)

	And always take care of which keys you press. This tool not only
	makes it easy to access files but also to destroy them.

	Mouse keys:

	Left click: Point at specific files. If those files are not in the
	current directory, you will enter this directory.

	Left doubleclick: Executes a file in mode 0.

	CTRL + left double click: Executes a file in mode 1.

	Right click: Navigates. if clicked inside columns which are above
	the current directory, you will cd 1 dir up.
	if clicked inside the preview column, you cd into the selection if
	it is a folder or run the selection in mode 0 if its a file.

#	Left click on the adress bar: Go to the pointed directory.

	Movement:                h,j,k,l or arrow-keys
	Run file or enter dir:   l or RIGHT or ENTER
	Move 1 directory back:   h or LEFT or BACKSPACE

	R:      Refresh the view     <Ctrl-R>:    Reload everything
	Space:  Mark a file.  v:  Reverse markings.  V:  Clear markings
	Bookmark directories with mX and re-enter them with 'X

	To search, type / or f followed by the text
	If you use f, the first non-ambiguous match will be entered/run

	mkdir<name> or touch<name> to create dirs or files

	move file to ~/.trash:     dd
	delete selection forever:  delete

	copy file:     cp or yy
	cut file:      cut
	paste file:    p
	move/rename:   mv<name> or cw<name>

	R           refresh the view
	<Ctrl-R>    completely reloads the file memory

	k or UP     move 1 item up
	j or DOWN   move 1 item down
	K           move half the screen up
	J           move half the screen down
	PAGE UP     move the whole screen up
	PAGE DOWN   move the whole screen down
	HOME or gg  move to the top
	END or G    move to the bottom

	h or LEFT or BACKSPACE  move one directory back
	l or RIGHT or ENTER     enter the directory or run the file.
	H                       like h, but if if pwd is on a symlink,
                           you get to the original location

	m<key>   bookmark this directory
	um<key>  un-marks the specified bookmark
	'        shows an overview of all bookmarks
	'<key>   re-enter bookmarked directory.
	TAB      equivalent to ''

	the quote ', backquote ` and the command "go" do the same

   g0    go to /
   gu    go to /usr/
   gm    go to /media/
   gn    go to /mnt/
   ge    go to /etc/
   gs    go to /srv/
   gh    go to ~/
   gt    go to ~/.trash/

	all of this commands, and also quitting the program, will save
	the old directory at ` so you can re-enter it by typing `` or '' or TAB

	/<expr>    Search for a "regular expression"
	f<expr>    Like / but enters/runs the first non-ambiguous match
	F<expr>    Shows only files which match the regular expression.
	n or N     goes to the next or previous match.
	           if you search for nothing, n goes to the newest file.

	What is a regular expression:
	A very flexible way of defining patterns in text. By writing
	Special characters, you can specify what to search:
		.       matches any character
		\\d      matches any digit
		\\w      matches any letter (ascii)
		\\s      matches any whitespace
		|       either the preceding or next expression may match
		{m,n}   at least m and at most n repetitions of the preceding
		*       zero or more repetitions of the preceding
		+       one or more repetitions of the preceding
		?       at most one repetition of the preceding
		^ or $  the beginning or the end of the string

	More at: http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/UsersGuide/rg/regexp.html

	If you're just searching or a simple string, it's usually enough to write
	it down. To escape the special characters, precede them with a \\

	Space:  Mark a file.  v:  Reverse markings   V:  Clear markings

	l or RIGHT   Enter the directory or run the file in mode 0, flag "a"
   L            Run in a different way: mode 1, no flags
	r<n><f>r     Run with mode <n> and flags <f>. example: r3adr
	             Default mode: 0, default flags: no flags at all
	i and I      Like l and L but without the flag "a"

	What are flags:
	Letters that specify details on how ranger should run the program.
	Capital letters reverse the function. use as many flags as you want.

		a        Run the selection rather than just the highlighted file
		t        Run in a detached terminal (implies d)
		d or e   Run as a detached process inside the current terminal
		w        Wait for a <enter> after execution of the programm

	What are modes:
	A number from 0 to infinity that specifies what shell command should
	be executed, since most file types have different ways to be run.

	You can set up the commands for each type in the file  ranger/data/apps.rb

	the word "selection" means
	if you marked something: all marked items and NOT the highlighted item
	otherwise: the selected item.
	mkdir<name>   creates directory
	touch<name>   creates file

	cm<str>:    chmod. str can be like 777 or rwxr--r--
	co<n>:<g>:  chown. n is the name, g is the group
	cmr, cor:   chmod and chown recursively

   yy or cp    Memorize selection
	cut         like cp, but move instead of copy if "p" is pressed
	p           Copy memorized files here.
	o<key>      Copy selection to the bookmarked dir (see ?g)

	use deleteing commands with caution!
   dd:          Move selection to ~/.trash and memorize it's new path
	             (so it can be pasted with p)
	delete:      Remove whole selection with all contents recursively

   mv<name>:    move/rename file to <name>
	cw<name>:    same as mv
	A:           write "cw <name of current file>" to the key buffer

	t<x>         Toggle Option
	e<x>         Edit configuration files
	S<x>         Change Sorting. capital letter <x> for reversed sorting
	E            Edit file
	s            Enter Shell
   !<command>   Executes command
   !!<command>  Executes command and waits for enter-press afterwards
	term         Runs a detached terminal in the current directory
	tar          Packs the selection into the file pack.tar
	grep<str>    Displays text in files matching <str>
	block        Blocks the program, until you write: stop
	- or =       decreases or increases audio volume (alsa)

	One possible use of ranger is navigating quickly to a directory,
	exit ranger, return to the shell but stay at the location where you
	left with ranger.

	To use this feature, you have to start ranger with:
	. /path/to/ranger
	The dot and space at the start is important!

	of course you can create an alias in our ~/.bashrc
	alias fm='. /path/to/ranger'

	I use fm (which means filemanager) because it's quick to type
	and because fm was the working title of ranger in the early days.

	If you're inside ranger and decide to stay in the original directory
	after all, you can type tc or quit with ZX

		hash = {}
		current = nil
		helptext.gsub("\t", "   ").each_line do |l|
			if l =~ /^\s*key:(.*)$/
				current = hash[$1] = ""
			elsif current and l !~ /^#/
				current << l
		return hash

	HELP = get_help