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path: root/055stream.subx
blob: 15d82ce6891ed68f394969069829e314b7cc2f84 (plain) (blame)
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# streams: data structure for operating on arrays in a stateful manner
# A stream looks like this:
#   write: int  # index at which writes go
#   read: int  # index that we've read until
#   data: (array byte)  # prefixed by length as usual
# some primitives for operating on streams:
#   - clear-stream (clears everything but the data length)
#   - rewind-stream (resets read pointer)

== code
#   instruction                     effective address                                                   register    displacement    immediate
# . op          subop               mod             rm32          base        index         scale       r32
# . 1-3 bytes   3 bits              2 bits          3 bits        3 bits      3 bits        2 bits      2 bits      0/1/2/4 bytes   0/1/2/4 bytes

clear-stream:  # f: (addr stream byte)
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # . save registers
    # eax = f
    8b/copy                         1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .                         0/r32/eax   8/disp8         .                 # copy *(ebp+8) to eax
    # var count/ecx: int = f->length
    8b/copy                         1/mod/*+disp8   0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           1/r32/ecx   8/disp8         .                 # copy *(eax+8) to ecx
    # var max/ecx: (addr byte) = &f->data[f->length]
    8d/copy-address                 1/mod/*+disp8   4/rm32/sib    0/base/eax  1/index/ecx   .           1/r32/ecx   0xc/disp8       .                 # copy eax+ecx+12 to ecx
    # f->write = 0
    c7          0/subop/copy        0/mod/direct    0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           .               0/imm32           # copy to *eax
    # f->read = 0
    c7          0/subop/copy        1/mod/*+disp8   0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           4/disp8         0/imm32           # copy to *(eax+4)
    # - clear all stream data
    # - this isn't strictly necessary, and it can slow things down *a lot*, but better safe than sorry.
    # var curr/eax: (addr byte) = f->data
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           .               0xc/imm32         # add to eax
    # if (curr >= max) break
    39/compare                      3/mod/direct    0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           1/r32/ecx   .               .                 # compare eax with ecx
    73/jump-if-addr>=  $clear-stream:end/disp8
    # *curr = 0
    c6          0/subop/copy-byte   0/mod/direct    0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           .               0/imm8            # copy byte to *eax
    # ++curr
    eb/jump  $clear-stream:loop/disp8
    # . restore registers
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

rewind-stream:  # f: (addr stream byte)
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # . save registers
    # eax = f
    8b/copy                         1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .                         0/r32/eax   8/disp8         .                 # copy *(ebp+8) to eax
    # f->read = 0
    c7          0/subop/copy        1/mod/*+disp8   0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           4/disp8         0/imm32           # copy to *(eax+4)
    # . restore registers
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

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