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path: root/505colors.mu
blob: 45b13ab57f6e2e995ddbff28448022bceb52d183 (plain) (blame)
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.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
# Add 1 and 1, and return the result in the exit code.
# To run (from the subx directory):
#   $ ./subx translate examples/ex2.subx -o examples/ex2
#   $ ./subx run examples/ex2
# Expected result:
#   $ echo $?
#   2

== code

# EBX = 1
bb/copy-to-EBX  1/imm32
# increment EBX
# syscall(exit, EBX)
b8/copy-to-EAX  1/imm32/exit
cd/syscall  0x80/imm8

# . . vim:nowrap:textwidth=0
17 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358
fn nearest-color-euclidean r: int, g: int, b: int -> _/eax: int {
  var result/edi: int <- copy 0x100/invalid
  var max-distance/esi: int <- copy 0x30000/max  # 3 * 0x100*0x100
  var r2/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var g2/edx: int <- copy 0
  var b2/ebx: int <- copy 0
  var color/eax: int <- copy 0
    compare color, 0x100
    $nearest-color-euclidean:body: {
      r2, g2, b2 <- color-rgb color
        var curr-distance/eax: int <- euclidean-distance-squared r, g, b, r2, g2, b2
        compare curr-distance, max-distance
        break-if->= $nearest-color-euclidean:body
        max-distance <- copy curr-distance
      result <- copy color
    color <- increment
  return result

fn euclidean-distance-squared r1: int, g1: int, b1: int, r2: int, g2: int, b2: int -> _/eax: int {
  var result/edi: int <- copy 0
  # red
  var tmp/eax: int <- copy r1
  tmp <- subtract r2
  tmp <- multiply tmp
  result <- add tmp
  # green
  tmp <- copy g1
  tmp <- subtract g2
  tmp <- multiply tmp
  result <- add tmp
  # blue
  tmp <- copy b1
  tmp <- subtract b2
  tmp <- multiply tmp
  result <- add tmp
  return result

# Hue/saturation/luminance for an rgb triple.
# rgb are in [0, 256)
# hsl are also returned in [0, 256)
# from https://www.niwa.nu/2013/05/math-behind-colorspace-conversions-rgb-hsl
fn hsl r: int, g: int, b: int -> _/ecx: int, _/edx: int, _/ebx: int {
  var _max/eax: int <- maximum r, g
  _max <- maximum _max, b
  var max/ecx: int <- copy _max
  var _min/eax: int <- minimum r, g
  _min <- minimum _min, b
  var min/edx: int <- copy _min
  var luminance/ebx: int <- copy min
  luminance <- add max
  luminance <- shift-right 1  # TODO: round up instead of down
  # if rgb are all equal, it's a shade of grey
  compare min, max
    return 0, 0, luminance
  # saturation =
  #   luminance < 128 | 255*(max-min)/         (max+min)
  #   otherwise       | 255*(max-min)/(2*255 - (max+min))
  var nr/esi: int <- copy max
  nr <- subtract min
  var dr/eax: int <- copy 0
  compare luminance, 0x80
    dr <- copy max
    dr <- add min
    dr <- copy 0xff
    dr <- shift-left 1
    dr <- subtract max
    dr <- subtract min
  var q/xmm0: float <- convert nr
  var tmp/xmm1: float <- convert dr
  q <- divide tmp
  var int-255/eax: int <- copy 0xff
  tmp <- convert int-255
  q <- multiply tmp
  var saturation/esi: int <- convert q
  # hue = 
  #   red is max   | 256.0/6*       (g-b)/(max-min)
  #   green is max | 256.0/6*(2.0 + (b-r)/(max-min))
  #   blue is max  | 256.0/6*(4.0 + (r-g)/(max-min))
  var zero/eax: int <- copy 0
  var hue-f/xmm0: float <- convert zero
  var dr/eax: int <- copy max
  dr <- subtract min
  var dr-f/xmm1: float <- convert dr
  $hsl:compute-hue-normalized: {
    compare r, max
      var nr/eax: int <- copy g
      nr <- subtract b
      hue-f <- convert nr
      hue-f <- divide dr-f
      break $hsl:compute-hue-normalized
    compare g, max
      var nr/eax: int <- copy b
      nr <- subtract r
      var f/xmm2: float <- convert nr
      f <- divide dr-f
      var two/ecx: int <- copy 2
      hue-f <- convert two
      hue-f <- add f
      break $hsl:compute-hue-normalized
    compare b, max
      var nr/eax: int <- copy r
      nr <- subtract g
      var f/xmm2: float <- convert nr
      f <- divide dr-f
      var two/ecx: int <- copy 4
      hue-f <- convert two
      hue-f <- add f
      break $hsl:compute-hue-normalized
  var int-256/eax: int <- copy 0x100
  var scaling-factor/xmm1: float <- convert int-256
  var int-6/eax: int <- copy 6
  var six-f/xmm2: float <- convert int-6
  scaling-factor <- divide six-f
  hue-f <- multiply scaling-factor
  var hue/eax: int <- convert hue-f
  # if hue < 0, hue = 256 - hue
  compare hue, 0
    var tmp/ecx: int <- copy 0x100
    tmp <- subtract hue
    hue <- copy tmp
  return hue, saturation, luminance

fn test-hsl-black {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0, 0, 0
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-black/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0, "F - test-hsl-black/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0, "F - test-hsl-black/luminance"

fn test-hsl-white {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-white/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0, "F - test-hsl-white/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-white/luminance"

fn test-hsl-grey {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0x30, 0x30, 0x30
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-grey/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0, "F - test-hsl-grey/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x30, "F - test-hsl-grey/luminance"

# red hues: 0-0x54
fn test-hsl-slightly-red {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xff, 0xfe, 0xfe
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-slightly-red/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-slightly-red/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0xfe, "F - test-hsl-slightly-red/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

fn test-hsl-extremely-red {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xff, 0, 0
  check-ints-equal h, 0, "F - test-hsl-extremely-red/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-extremely-red/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x7f, "F - test-hsl-extremely-red/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

# green hues: 0x55-0xaa
fn test-hsl-slightly-green {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xfe, 0xff, 0xfe
  check-ints-equal h, 0x55, "F - test-hsl-slightly-green/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-slightly-green/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0xfe, "F - test-hsl-slightly-green/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

fn test-hsl-extremely-green {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0, 0xff, 0
  check-ints-equal h, 0x55, "F - test-hsl-extremely-green/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-extremely-green/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x7f, "F - test-hsl-extremely-green/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

# blue hues: 0xab-0xff
fn test-hsl-slightly-blue {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xff
  check-ints-equal h, 0xab, "F - test-hsl-slightly-blue/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-slightly-blue/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0xfe, "F - test-hsl-slightly-blue/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

fn test-hsl-extremely-blue {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0, 0, 0xff
  check-ints-equal h, 0xab, "F - test-hsl-extremely-blue/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-extremely-blue/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x7f, "F - test-hsl-extremely-blue/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

# cyan: 0x7f

fn test-hsl-cyan {
  var h/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var s/edx: int <- copy 0
  var l/ebx: int <- copy 0
  h, s, l <- hsl 0, 0xff, 0xff
  check-ints-equal h, 0x80, "F - test-hsl-cyan/hue"
  check-ints-equal s, 0xff, "F - test-hsl-cyan/saturation"
  check-ints-equal l, 0x7f, "F - test-hsl-cyan/luminance"  # TODO: should round up

fn nearest-color-euclidean-hsl h: int, s: int, l: int -> _/eax: int {
  var result/edi: int <- copy 0x100/invalid
  var max-distance/esi: int <- copy 0x30000/max  # 3 * 0x100*0x100
  var a/ecx: int <- copy 0
  var b/edx: int <- copy 0
  var c/ebx: int <- copy 0
  var color/eax: int <- copy 0
    compare color, 0x100
    $nearest-color-euclidean-hsl:body: {
      a, b, c <- color-rgb color
      a, b, c <- hsl a, b, c
        var curr-distance/eax: int <- euclidean-hsl-squared a, b, c, h, s, l
        compare curr-distance, max-distance
        break-if->= $nearest-color-euclidean-hsl:body
        max-distance <- copy curr-distance
      result <- copy color
    color <- increment
  return result

fn test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl {
  # red from lightest to darkest
  var red/eax: int <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0xff, 0xff
  check-ints-equal red, 0x58/88, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/full-red1"
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0xff, 0xc0
  check-ints-equal red, 0x40/64, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/full-red2"
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0xff, 0x80
  check-ints-equal red, 0x28/40, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/full-red3"
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0xff, 0x40
  check-ints-equal red, 0x28/40, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/full-red4"
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0xff, 0
  check-ints-equal red, 0x28/40, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/full-red5"
  # try a number really close to red but on the other side of the cylinder
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
#?   draw-int32-decimal-wrapping-right-then-down-from-cursor-over-full-screen 0/screen, red, 7/fg 0/bg
  check-ints-equal red, 0x57/87, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/other-end-of-red"  # still looks red
  # half-saturation red from lightest to darkest
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0x80, 0xff
  check-ints-equal red, 0xf/15, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/half-red1"   # ?? grey ??
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0x80, 0xc0
  check-ints-equal red, 4, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/half-red2"
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0x80, 0x80
  check-ints-equal red, 4, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/half-red3"
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0x80, 0x40
  check-ints-equal red, 4, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/half-red4"
  red <- nearest-color-euclidean-hsl 0, 0x80, 0
  check-ints-equal red, 0x70/112, "F - test-nearest-color-euclidean-hsl/half-red5"

fn euclidean-hsl-squared h1: int, s1: int, l1: int, h2: int, s2: int, l2: int -> _/eax: int {
  var result/edi: int <- copy 0
  # hue
  var tmp/eax: int <- copy h1
  tmp <- subtract h2
  tmp <- multiply tmp
  # TODO: should we do something to reflect that hue is a cylindrical space?
  # I can't come up with a failing test.
  result <- add tmp
  # saturation
  tmp <- copy s1
  tmp <- subtract s2
  tmp <- multiply tmp
  result <- add tmp
  # luminance
  tmp <- copy l1
  tmp <- subtract l2
  tmp <- multiply tmp
  result <- add tmp
  return result


fn maximum a: int, b: int -> _/eax: int {
  var a2/eax: int <- copy a
  compare a2, b
    return a
  return b

fn minimum a: int, b: int -> _/eax: int {
  var a2/eax: int <- copy a
  compare a2, b
    return a
  return b