(X) #0 09/12/06 console commands
(X) #1 09/12/06 quick find
(X) #2 09/12/06 open with
(X) #4 09/12/06 history for console
(X) #13 09/12/27 display docstring of a command
(X) #5 09/12/06 move code from fm into objects
(X) #6 09/12/06 move main to __init__
(X) #7 09/12/06 cooler titlebar
(X) #8 09/12/17 Add operations to modify files/directories
(X) #9 09/12/24 add a widget for managing running operations
(X) #10 09/12/24 sorting
(X) #11 09/12/27 filter
(X) #12 09/12/27 jump through the list in a specific order
(X) #14 09/12/29 make filelists inherit from pagers
(X) #15 09/12/29 better way of running processes!!~
(X) #16 10/01/01 list of bookmarks
(X) #21 10/01/01 write help!
(X) #22 10/01/03 add getopt options to change flags/mode
(X) #29 10/01/06 add chmod command
(X) #30 10/01/06 add a way to create symlinks
(X) #32 10/01/08 place the (hidden) cursor to a meaningful position
(X) #34 10/01/09 display free disk space
(X) #35 10/01/09 display disk usage of files in current directory
( ) #36 10/01/11 help coloring is terribly inefficient
( ) #37 10/01/13 better tab completion for OpenConsole
( ) #38 10/01/16 searching in pager
(X) #39 10/01/17 flushinput not always good
(X) #42 10/01/17 memorize directory for `` when using## clicking on sandbox results to 'fix' them and turn sandboxes into tests
scenario sandbox-click-on-result-toggles-color-to-green [
trace-until 100/app # trace too long
assume-screen 50/width, 20/height
# basic recipe
assume-resources [
[lesson/] <- [
|recipe foo [|
| reply 4|
env:&:environment <- new-programming-environment resources, screen, [foo]
render-all screen, env, render
# run it
assume-console [
press F4
event-loop screen, console, env, resources
screen-should-contain [
. run (F4) .
. .
.0 edit copy delete .
.foo .
.4 .
. .
# click on the '4' in the result
assume-console [
left-click 5, 21
run [
event-loop screen, console, env, resources
# color toggles to green
screen-should-contain-in-color 2/green, [
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
.4 .
. .
# don't render entire sandbox side
check-trace-count-for-label-lesser-than 250, [print-character] # say 5 sandbox lines
# cursor should remain unmoved
run [
cursor:char <- copy 9251/␣
print screen, cursor
screen-should-contain [
. run (F4) .
.␣ .
.0 edit copy delete .
.foo .
.4 .
. .
# now change the result
assume-resources [
[lesson/] <- [
|recipe foo [|
| reply 3|
# then rerun
assume-console [
press F4
run [
event-loop screen, console, env, resources
# result turns red
screen-should-contain-in-color 1/red, [
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
.3 .
. .
# this requires tracking a couple more things
container sandbox [
# include expected response when saving or restoring a sandbox
before <end-save-sandbox> [
expected-response:text <- get *sandbox, expected-response:offset
break-unless expected-response
filename <- append filename, [.out]
resources <- dump resources, filename, expected-response
before <end-restore-sandbox> [
filename <- append filename, [.out]
contents <- slurp resources, filename
break-unless contents
*curr <- put *curr, expected-response:offset, contents
# clicks on sandbox responses save it as 'expected'
after <global-touch> [
# check if it's inside the output of any sandbox
sandbox-left-margin:num <- get *current-sandbox, left:offset
click-column:num <- get t, column:offset
on-sandbox-side?:bool <- greater-or-equal click-column, sandbox-left-margin
break-unless on-sandbox-side?
first-sandbox:&:sandbox <- get *env, sandbox:offset
break-unless first-sandbox
first-sandbox-begins:num <- get *first-sandbox, starting-row-on-screen:offset
click-row:num <- get t, row:offset
below-sandbox-editor?:bool <- greater-or-equal click-row, first-sandbox-begins
break-unless below-sandbox-editor?
# identify the sandbox whose output is being clicked on
sandbox:&:sandbox, sandbox-index:num <- find-click-in-sandbox-output env, click-row
break-unless sandbox
# update it
sandbox <- toggle-expected-response sandbox
# minimal update to disk
save-sandbox resources, sandbox, sandbox-index
# minimal update to screen
sandbox-right-margin:num <- get *current-sandbox, right:offset
row:num <- render-sandbox-response screen, sandbox, sandbox-left-margin, sandbox-right-margin
height:num <- screen-height screen
at-bottom?:bool <- greater-or-equal row, height
break-if at-bottom?
draw-horizontal screen, row, sandbox-left-margin, sandbox-right-margin
screen <- update-cursor screen, current-sandbox, env
loop +next-event
def find-click-in-sandbox-output env:&:environment, click-row:num -> sandbox:&:sandbox, sandbox-index:num [
# assert click-row >= sandbox.starting-row-on-screen
sandbox:&:sandbox <- get *env, sandbox:offset
start:num <- get *sandbox, starting-row-on-screen:offset
clicked-on-sandboxes?:bool <- greater-or-equal click-row, start
assert clicked-on-sandboxes?, [extract-sandbox called on click to sandbox editor]
# while click-row <
sandbox-index <- copy 0
next-sandbox:&:sandbox <- get *sandbox, next-sandbox:offset
break-unless next-sandbox
next-start:num <- get *next-sandbox, starting-row-on-screen:offset
found?:bool <- lesser-than click-row, next-start
break-if found?
sandbox <- copy next-sandbox
sandbox-index <- add sandbox-index, 1
# return sandbox if click is in its output region
response-starting-row:num <- get *sandbox, response-starting-row-on-screen:offset
return-unless response-starting-row, null/no-click-in-sandbox-output, 0/sandbox-index
click-in-response?:bool <- greater-or-equal click-row, response-starting-row
return-unless click-in-response?, null/no-click-in-sandbox-output, 0/sandbox-index
return sandbox, sandbox-index
def toggle-expected-response sandbox:&:sandbox -> sandbox:&:sandbox [
expected-response:text <- get *sandbox, expected-response:offset
# if expected-response is set, reset
break-unless expected-response
*sandbox <- put *sandbox, expected-response:offset, null
# if not, set expected response to the current response
break-if expected-response
response:text <- get *sandbox, response:offset
*sandbox <- put *sandbox, expected-response:offset, response
# when rendering a sandbox, color it in red/green if expected response exists
after <render-sandbox-response> [
break-unless sandbox-response
*sandbox <- put *sandbox, response-starting-row-on-screen:offset, row
row <- render-sandbox-response screen, sandbox, left, right
jump +render-sandbox-end
def render-sandbox-response screen:&:screen, sandbox:&:sandbox, left:num, right:num -> row:num, screen:&:screen [
sandbox-response:text <- get *sandbox, response:offset
expected-response:text <- get *sandbox, expected-response:offset
row:num <- get *sandbox response-starting-row-on-screen:offset
break-if expected-response
row <- render-text screen, sandbox-response, left, right, 245/grey, row
response-is-expected?:bool <- equal expected-response, sandbox-response
break-if response-is-expected?
row <- render-text screen, sandbox-response, left, right, 1/red, row
break-unless response-is-expected?:bool
row <- render-text screen, sandbox-response, left, right, 2/green, row
before <end-render-sandbox-reset-hidden> [
*sandbox <- put *sandbox, response-starting-row-on-screen:offset, 0