about summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/cpp/.traces/reply_same_as_ingredient
blob: 65f90f7d832f14a1b69811519cc554cde34c5cdc (plain) (blame)
parse/0: instruction: 37
parse/0:   ingredient: {name: "integer", value: 0, type: 0, properties: ["integer": "type"]}
parse/0:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 2-1, properties: ["1": "address":"integer"]}
parse/0: instruction: 1001
parse/0:   ingredient: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 2-1, properties: ["1": "address":"integer"]}
parse/0:   product: {name: "2", value: 0, type: 2-1, properties: ["2": "address":"integer"]}
parse/0: instruction: 25
parse/0:   product: {name: "10", value: 0, type: 2-1, properties: ["10": "address":"integer"]}
parse/0: instruction: 28
parse/0:   ingredient: {name: "10", value: 0, type: 2-1, properties: ["10": "address":"integer", "same-as-ingredient": "0"]}
new/0: integer -> 1
after-brace/0: recipe main
after-brace/0: new ...
after-brace/0: test1 ...
after-brace/0: recipe test1
after-brace/0: next-ingredient ...
after-brace/0: reply ...
new/0: routine allocated memory from 1000 to 101000
schedule/0: main
run/0: instruction main/0
mem/0: new alloc: 1000
mem/0: storing 1000 in location 1
run/0: instruction main/1
mem/0: location 1 is 1000
run/0: instruction test1/0
run/0: product 0 is 1000
mem/0: storing 1000 in location 10
run/0: instruction test1/1
mem/0: location 10 is 1000
run/0: result 0 is 1000
warn/0: 'same-as-ingredient' result 2 must be location 1
mem/0: storing 1000 in location 2
222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708

<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science</TITLE>
<H1><EM>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science</EM></H1>
<H3>2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT</H3>
<H1>Table of Contents</H1>

<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
<IMG SRC="simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
Wright</A><BR>Stanford University</CITE>
<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="pdf/ssch00.pdf">Download PDF frontmatter</A>
<TR><TD align="right">[no back]
chapter thread <A HREF="ssch0/foreword.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>


<P>Below this short table of contents is an expanded table of contents
including sections within each chapter.  Click on the chapter name
to jump down.  You can also download the complete text of each chapter
in PDF format for elegant printing, or browse the HTML version.

Part introductions are included in the PDF of the following chapter.
Projects are included in the PDF of the preceding chapter.

<P><EM>Note:  This book is still in copyright, and in print.  It is
posted here for your personal use, not for resale or redistribution.

<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#foreword">Foreword</A> by
<A HREF="http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/hal/hal.html">Hal Abelson</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch00.pdf">frontmatter in PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch0/foreword.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#preface">Preface</A>
(<A HREF="ssch0/preface.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#instructor">To the Instructor</A>
(<A HREF="ssch0/instructor.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#ack">Acknowledgements</A>
(<A HREF="ssch0/ack.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>I. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#part1">Introduction: Functions</A>
(<A HREF="ssch1/part1.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>1. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#showing">Showing Off Scheme</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch01.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch1/showing.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>2. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#functions">Functions</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch02.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch2/functions.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>II. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#part2">Composition of Functions</A>
(<A HREF="ssch3/part2.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>3. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#people">Expressions</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch03.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch3/people.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>4. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#defining">Defining Your Own Procedures</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch04.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch4/defining.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>5. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#words">Words and Sentences</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch05.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch5/words.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>6. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#true">True and False</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch06.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch6/true.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>7. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#variables">Variables</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch07.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch7/variables.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>III. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#part3">Functions as Data</A>
(<A HREF="ssch8/part3.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>8. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#higher">Higher-Order Functions</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch08.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch8/higher.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>9. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#lambda">Lambda</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch09.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch9/lambda.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#bridge">Project: Scoring Bridge Hands</A>
(<A HREF="ssch9/bridge.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>10. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#ttt">Example: Tic-Tac-Toe</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch10.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch10/ttt.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>IV. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#part4">Recursion</A>
(<A HREF="ssch11/part4.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>11. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#recursion">Introduction to Recursion</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch11.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch11/recursion.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>12. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#leap">The Leap of Faith</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch12.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch12/leap.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>13. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#convince-recur">How Recursion Works</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch13.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch13/convince-recur.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>14. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#recur-patterns">Common Patterns in Recursive Procedures</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch14.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch14/recur-patterns.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#number-name">Project: Spelling Names of Huge Numbers</A>
(<A HREF="ssch14/number-name.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>15. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#adv-recur">Advanced Recursion</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch15.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch15/adv-recur.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#poker">Project: Scoring Poker Hands</A>
(<A HREF="ssch15/poker.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>16. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#match">Example: Pattern Matcher</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch16.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch16/match.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>V. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#part5">Abstraction</A>
(<A HREF="ssch17/part5.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>17. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#lists">Lists</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch17.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch17/lists.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>18. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#trees">Trees</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch18.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch18/trees.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>19. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#implement-hof">Implementing Higher-Order Functions</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch19.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch19/implement-hof.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>VI. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#part6">Sequential Programming</A>
(<A HREF="ssch20/part6.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>20. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#io">Input and Output</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch20.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch20/io.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>21. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#functions-implement">Example: The <CODE>Functions</CODE> Program</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch21.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch21/functions-implement.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>22. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#files">Files</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch22.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch22/files.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>23. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#vectors">Vectors</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch23.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch23/vectors.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>24. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#spread">Example: A Spreadsheet Program</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch24.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch24/spread.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>25. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#spread-implement">Implementing the Spreadsheet Program</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch25.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch25/spread-implement.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#database">Project: A Database Program</A>
(<A HREF="ssch25/database.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>VII. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#part7">Conclusion: Computer Science</A>
(<A HREF="ssch26/part7.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>26. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#preview">What's Next?</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch26.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch26/preview.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>A. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#appendix-running">Running Scheme</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch27.pdf">backmatter in PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-running.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>B. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#appendix-cl">Common Lisp</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-cl.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>C. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#appendix-simply">Scheme Initialization File</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-simply.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>D. <A HREF="ss-toc2.html#appendix-gpl">GNU General Public License</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-gpl.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#credits">Credits</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/credits.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#appendix-funlist">Alphabetical Table of Scheme Primitives</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-funlist.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#glossary">Glossary</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/glossary.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#appuindex">Index of Defined Procedures</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appuindex.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#appindex">General Index</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appindex.html">HTML</A>)
<LI><A HREF="ss-toc2.html#category">Table of Scheme Primitives by Category</A>
(<A HREF="ssch27/category.html">HTML</A>)

<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="foreword">Foreword</A> by
<A HREF="http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/hal/hal.html">Hal Abelson</A>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch00.pdf">frontmatter in PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch0/foreword.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="preface">Preface</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch0/preface.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>One Big Idea: Symbolic Programming
<LI>Lisp and Radical Computer Science
<LI>Who Should Read This Book
<LI>How to Read This Book
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="instructor">To the Instructor</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch0/instructor.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Lists and Sentences
<LI>Sentences and Words
<LI>Overloading in the Text Abstraction
<LI>Higher-Order Procedures, Lambda, and Recursion
<LI>Mutators and Environments
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="ack">Acknowledgements</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch0/ack.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H2>I. <A name="part1">Introduction: Functions</A></H2><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch1/part1.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>1. <A name="showing">Showing Off Scheme</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch01.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch1/showing.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Talking to Scheme
<LI>Recovering from Typing Errors
<LI>Exiting Scheme
<LI>More Examples
<LI>Example: Acronyms
<LI>Example: Pig Latin
<LI>Example: Ice Cream Choices
<LI>Example: Combinations from a Set
<LI>Example: Factorial
<LI>Play with the Procedures
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>2. <A name="functions">Functions</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch02.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch2/functions.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Domain and Range
<LI>More Types: Sentences and Booleans
<LI>Our Favorite Type: Functions
<LI>Play with It
<LI>Thinking about What You've Done
<TABLE><TR><TD><H2>II. <A name="part2">Composition of Functions</A></H2><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch3/part2.html">HTML</A>)

<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>3. <A name="people">Expressions</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch03.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch3/people.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Little People
<LI>Result Replacement
<LI>Plumbing Diagrams
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>4. <A name="defining">Defining Your Own Procedures</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch04.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch4/defining.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>How to Define a Procedure
<LI>Special Forms
<LI>Functions and Procedures
<LI>Argument Names versus Argument Values
<LI>Procedure as Generalization
<LI>The Substitution Model
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>5. <A name="words">Words and Sentences</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch05.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch5/words.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>First-Class Words and Sentences
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>6. <A name="true">True and False</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch06.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch6/true.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Using Predicates
<LI><CODE>If</CODE> Is a Special Form
<LI>So Are <CODE>And</CODE> and <CODE>Or</CODE>
<LI>Everything That Isn't False Is True
<LI>Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
<LI><CODE>If</CODE> Is Composable
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>7. <A name="variables">Variables</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch07.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch7/variables.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>How Little People Do Variables
<LI>Global and Local Variables
<LI>The Truth about Substitution
<TABLE><TR><TD><H2>III. <A name="part3">Functions as Data</A></H2><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch8/part3.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>8. <A name="higher">Higher-Order Functions</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch08.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch8/higher.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>A Pause for Reflection
<LI>Combining Higher-Order Functions
<LI>Choosing the Right Tool
<LI>First-Class Functions and First-Class Sentences
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>9. <A name="lambda">Lambda</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch09.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch9/lambda.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Procedures That Return Procedures
<LI>The Truth about <CODE>Define</CODE>
<LI>The Truth about <CODE>Let</CODE>
<LI>Name Conflicts
<LI>Named and Unnamed Functions
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="bridge">Project: Scoring Bridge Hands</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch9/bridge.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>10. <A name="ttt">Example: Tic-Tac-Toe</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch10.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch10/ttt.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>A Warning
<LI>Technical Terms in Tic-Tac-Toe
<LI>Thinking about the Program Structure
<LI>The First Step: Triples
<LI>Finding the Triples
<LI>Using <CODE>Every</CODE> with Two-Argument Procedures
<LI>Can the Computer Win on This Move?
<LI>If So, in Which Square?
<LI>Second Verse, Same as the First
<LI>Now the Strategy Gets Complicated
<LI>Finding the Pivots
<LI>Taking the Offensive
<LI>Complete Program Listing
<TABLE><TR><TD><H2>IV. <A name="part4">Recursion</A></H2><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch11/part4.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>11. <A name="recursion">Introduction to Recursion</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch11.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch11/recursion.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>A Separate Procedure for Each Length
<LI>Use What You Have to Get What You Need
<LI>Notice That They're All the Same
<LI>Notice That They're Almost All the Same
<LI>Base Cases and Recursive Calls
<LI>Pig Latin
<LI>Problems for You to Try
<LI>Our Solutions
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>12. <A name="leap">The Leap of Faith</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch12.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch12/leap.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>From the Combining Method to the Leap of Faith
<LI>Example: <CODE>Reverse</CODE>
<LI>The Leap of Faith
<LI>The Base Case
<LI>Example: <CODE>Factorial</CODE>
<LI>Likely Guesses for Smaller Subproblems
<LI>Example: <CODE>Downup</CODE>
<LI>Example: <CODE>Evens</CODE>
<LI>Simplifying Base Cases
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>13. <A name="convince-recur">How Recursion Works</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch13.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch13/convince-recur.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Little People and Recursion
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>14. <A name="recur-patterns">Common Patterns in Recursive Procedures</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch14.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch14/recur-patterns.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>The <CODE>Every</CODE> Pattern
<LI>The <CODE>Keep</CODE> Pattern
<LI>The <CODE>Accumulate</CODE> Pattern
<LI>Combining Patterns
<LI>Helper Procedures
<LI>How to Use Recursive Patterns
<LI>Problems That Don't Follow Patterns
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="number-name">Project: Spelling Names of Huge Numbers</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch14/number-name.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>15. <A name="adv-recur">Advanced Recursion</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch15.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch15/adv-recur.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Example: <CODE>Sort</CODE>
<LI>Example: <CODE>From-Binary</CODE>
<LI>Example: <CODE>Mergesort</CODE>
<LI>Example: <CODE>Subsets</CODE>
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="poker">Project: Scoring Poker Hands</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch15/poker.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Extra Work for Hotshots
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>16. <A name="match">Example: Pattern Matcher</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch16.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch16/match.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Problem Description
<LI>Implementation: When Are Two Sentences Equal?
<LI>When Are Two Sentences Nearly Equal?
<LI>Matching with Alternatives
<LI>Matching Several Words
<LI>Combining the Placeholders
<LI>Naming the Matched Text
<LI>The Final Version
<LI>Abstract Data Types
<LI>Backtracking and <CODE>Known-Values</CODE>
<LI>How We Wrote It
<LI>Complete Program Listing
<TABLE><TR><TD><H2>V. <A name="part5">Abstraction</A></H2><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch17/part5.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>17. <A name="lists">Lists</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch17.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch17/lists.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Selectors and Constructors
<LI>Programming with Lists
<LI>The Truth about Sentences
<LI>Higher-Order Functions
<LI>Other Primitives for Lists
<LI>Association Lists
<LI>Functions That Take Variable Numbers of Arguments
<LI>Recursion on Arbitrary Structured Lists
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>18. <A name="trees">Trees</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch18.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch18/trees.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Example: The World
<LI>How Big Is My Tree?
<LI>Mutual Recursion
<LI>Searching for a Datum in the Tree
<LI>Locating a Datum in the Tree
<LI>Representing Trees as Lists
<LI>Abstract Data Types
<LI>An Advanced Example: Parsing Arithmetic Expressions
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>19. <A name="implement-hof">Implementing Higher-Order Functions</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch19.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch19/implement-hof.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Generalizing Patterns
<LI>The <CODE>Every</CODE> Pattern Revisited
<LI>The Difference between <CODE>Map</CODE> and <CODE>Every</CODE>
<LI><CODE>Accumulate</CODE> and <CODE>Reduce</CODE>
<LI>Higher-Order Functions for Structured Lists
<LI>The Zero-Trip Do Loop
<TABLE><TR><TD><H2>VI. <A name="part6">Sequential Programming</A></H2><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch20/part6.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>20. <A name="io">Input and Output</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch20.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch20/io.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Side Effects and Sequencing
<LI>The <CODE>Begin</CODE> Special Form
<LI>This Isn't Functional Programming
<LI>Not Moving to the Next Line
<LI>A Higher-Order Procedure for Sequencing
<LI>Tic-Tac-Toe Revisited
<LI>Accepting User Input
<LI>Aesthetic Board Display
<LI>Reading and Writing Normal Text
<LI>Formatted Text
<LI>Sequential Programming and Order of Evaluation
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>21. <A name="functions-implement">Example: The <CODE>Functions</CODE> Program</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch21.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch21/functions-implement.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>The Main Loop
<LI>The Difference between a Procedure and Its Name
<LI>The Association List of Functions
<LI>Domain Checking
<LI>Intentionally Confusing a Function with Its Name
<LI>More on Higher-Order Functions
<LI>More Robustness
<LI>Complete Program Listing
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>22. <A name="files">Files</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch22.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch22/files.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Writing Files for People to Read
<LI>Using a File as a Database
<LI>Transforming the Lines of a File
<LI>Justifying Text
<LI>Preserving Spacing of Text from Files
<LI>Merging Two Files
<LI>Writing Files for Scheme to Read
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>23. <A name="vectors">Vectors</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch23.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch23/vectors.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>The Indy 500
<LI>Using Vectors in Programs
<LI>Non-Functional Procedures and State
<LI>Shuffling a Deck
<LI>More Vector Tools
<LI>The Vector Pattern of Recursion
<LI>Vectors versus Lists
<LI>State, Sequence, and Effects
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>24. <A name="spread">Example: A Spreadsheet Program</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch24.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch24/spread.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Limitations of Our Spreadsheet
<LI>Spreadsheet Commands
<LI>Moving the Selection
<LI>Putting Values in Cells
<LI>Displaying Formula Values
<LI>Loading Spreadsheet Commands from a File
<LI>Application Programs and Abstraction
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>25. <A name="spread-implement">Implementing the Spreadsheet Program</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch25.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch25/spread-implement.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Cells, Cell Names, and Cell IDs
<LI>The Command Processor
<LI>Cell Selection Commands
<LI>The <CODE>Load</CODE> Command
<LI>The <CODE>Put</CODE> Command
<LI>The Formula Translator
<LI>The Dependency Manager
<LI>The Expression Evaluator
<LI>The Screen Printer
<LI>The Cell Manager
<LI>Complete Program Listing
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="database">Project: A Database Program</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch25/database.html">HTML</A>)

<LI>A Sample Session with Our Database
<LI>How Databases Are Stored Internally
<LI>The Current Database
<LI>Implementing the Database Program Commands
<LI>Additions to the Program
<LI>Extra Work for Hotshots
<TABLE><TR><TD><H2>VII. <A name="part7">Conclusion: Computer Science</A></H2><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch26/part7.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>26. <A name="preview">What's Next?</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch26.pdf">PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch26/preview.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>The Best Computer Science Book
<LI>Beyond <EM>SICP</EM>
<LI>Standard Scheme
<LI>Last Words
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>A. <A name="appendix-running">Running Scheme</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="pdf/ssch27.pdf">backmatter in PDF</A>)
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-running.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>The Program Development Cycle
<LI>Integrated Editing
<LI>Getting Our Programs
<LI>Tuning Our Programs for Your System
<LI>Loading Our Programs
<LI>Versions of Scheme
<LI>Scheme Standards
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>B. <A name="appendix-cl">Common Lisp</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-cl.html">HTML</A>)
<LI>Why Common Lisp Exists
<LI>Defining Procedures and Variables
<LI>The Naming Convention for Predicates
<LI>No Words or Sentences
<LI>True and False
<LI>Equivalents to Scheme Primitives
<LI>A Separate Name Space for Procedures
<LI>More about <CODE>Function</CODE>
<LI>Writing Higher-Order Procedures
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>C. <A name="appendix-simply">Scheme Initialization File</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-simply.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3>D. <A name="appendix-gpl">GNU General Public License</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-gpl.html">HTML</A>)

<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="credits">Credits</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/credits.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="appendix-funlist">Alphabetical Table of Scheme Primitives</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appendix-funlist.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="glossary">Glossary</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/glossary.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="appuindex">Index of Defined Procedures</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appuindex.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="appindex">General Index</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/appindex.html">HTML</A>)
<TABLE><TR><TD><H3><A name="category">Table of Scheme Primitives by Category</A></H3><TD>
(<A HREF="ssch27/category.html">HTML</A>)

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<A HREF="index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 