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<span id="L1" class="LineNr"> 1 </span><span class="Comment"># Example program showing that a 'paused' continuation can be 'resumed'</span>
<span id="L2" class="LineNr"> 2 </span><span class="Comment"># multiple times from the same point (but with changes to data).</span>
<span id="L3" class="LineNr"> 3 </span><span class="Comment">#</span>
<span id="L4" class="LineNr"> 4 </span><span class="Comment"># To run:</span>
<span id="L5" class="LineNr"> 5 </span><span class="Comment">#   $ git clone <a href="https://github.com/akkartik/mu">https://github.com/akkartik/mu</a></span>
<span id="L6" class="LineNr"> 6 </span><span class="Comment">#   $ cd mu</span>
<span id="L7" class="LineNr"> 7 </span><span class="Comment">#   $ ./mu continuation2.mu</span>
<span id="L8" class="LineNr"> 8 </span><span class="Comment">#</span>
<span id="L9" class="LineNr"> 9 </span><span class="Comment"># Expected output:</span>
<span id="L10" class="LineNr">10 </span><span class="Comment">#   1</span>
<span id="L11" class="LineNr">11 </span><span class="Comment">#   2</span>
<span id="L12" class="LineNr">12 </span><span class="Comment">#   3</span>
<span id="L13" class="LineNr">13 </span>
<span id="L14" class="LineNr">14 </span><span class="muRecipe">def</span> <a href='continuation2.mu.html#L14'>main</a> [
<span id="L15" class="LineNr">15 </span>  <span class="Constant">local-scope</span>
<span id="L16" class="LineNr">16 </span>  l:&amp;:<a href='064list.mu.html#L6'>list</a>:num <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> copy<span class="Constant"> 0</span>
<span id="L17" class="LineNr">17 </span>  l <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> push<span class="Constant"> 3</span>, l
<span id="L18" class="LineNr">18 </span>  l <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> push<span class="Constant"> 2</span>, l
<span id="L19" class="LineNr">19 </span>  l <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> push<span class="Constant"> 1</span>, l
<span id="L20" class="LineNr">20 </span>  k:continuation <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> <span class="muControl">call-with-continuation-mark</span> <span class="Constant">100/mark</span>, <a href='continuation2.mu.html#L29'>create-yielder</a>, l
<span id="L21" class="LineNr">21 </span>  <span class="Delimiter">{</span>
<span id="L22" class="LineNr">22 </span>    x:num, done?:bool <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> call k
<span id="L23" class="LineNr">23 </span>    <span class="muControl">break-if</span> done?
<span id="L24" class="LineNr">24 </span>    $print x <span class="Constant">10/newline</span>
<span id="L25" class="LineNr">25 </span>   <span class="muControl"> loop</span>
<span id="L26" class="LineNr">26 </span>  <span class="Delimiter">}</span>
<span id="L27" class="LineNr">27 </span>]
<span id="L28" class="LineNr">28 </span>
<span id="L29" class="LineNr">29 </span><span class="muRecipe">def</span> <a href='continuation2.mu.html#L29'>create-yielder</a> l:&amp;:<a href='064list.mu.html#L6'>list</a>:num<span class="muRecipe"> -&gt; </span>n:num, done?:bool [
<span id="L30" class="LineNr">30 </span>  <span class="Constant">local-scope</span>
<span id="L31" class="LineNr">31 </span>  <span class="Constant">load-inputs</span>
<span id="L32" class="LineNr">32 </span>  <span class="muControl">return-continuation-until-mark</span> <span class="Constant">100/mark</span>
<span id="L33" class="LineNr">33 </span>  done? <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> equal l, <span class="Constant">0/nil</span>
<span id="L34" class="LineNr">34 </span>  <span class="muControl">return-if</span> done?, <span class="Constant">0/false</span>
<span id="L35" class="LineNr">35 </span>  n <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> first l
<span id="L36" class="LineNr">36 </span>  l <span class="Special">&lt;-</span> <a href='064list.mu.html#L24'>rest</a> l
<span id="L37" class="LineNr">37 </span>]
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