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path: root/linux/crenshaw2-1b.subx
blob: d5b8194e53192ae31f60a96c270b9582c215d539 (plain) (blame)
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.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
.highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */
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.highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */
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.highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */
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.highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */
.highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
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.highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */
.highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
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  <title>{{.Name}} - twtxt Registry</title>
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      twtxt registry
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      <p>API base URL:</p>
          <p>Formats available:</p>
  <p>Query by user:</p>
        <pre><code>$ curl '{{.URL}}/api/plain/users?q=foo'
foo               https://example.com/twtxt.txt     2019-05-09T08:42:23.000Z
foobar            https://example2.com/twtxt.txt    2019-03-14T19:23:00.000Z
foo_barrington    https://example3.com/twtxt.txt    2019-05-01T15:59:39.000Z</code></pre>
          <p>Query by tweet content:</p>
        <pre><code>$ curl '{{.URL}}/api/plain/tweets?q=getwtxt'
foo_barrington    https://example3.com/twtxt.txt    2019-04-30T06:00:09.000Z    I just built getwtxt, time to set it up!</code></pre>
          <p>Query by mention:</p>
        <pre><code>$ curl '{{.URL}}/api/plain/mentions?url=https://foobarrington.co.uk/twtxt.txt'
foo    https://example.com/twtxt.txt    2019-02-26T11:06:44.000Z    @<foo_barrington https://example3.com/twtxt.txt> Hey!! Are you still working on that project?</code></pre>
          <p>Query by tag:</p>
        <pre><code>$ curl '{{.URL}}/api/plain/tags/programming'
foo    https://example.com/twtxt.txt    2019-03-01T09:31:02.000Z    I love #programming!</code></pre>
          <p>Get latest 20 tweets:</p>
        <pre><code>$ curl '{{.URL}}/api/plain/tweets'
foobar    https://example2.com/twtxt.txt    2019-05-13T12:46:20.000Z    It's been a busy day at work!
          <p>Get all users:</p>
        <pre><code>$ curl '{{.URL}}/api/plain/users'
foo_barrington    https://example3.com/twtxt.txt    2018-11-21T18:31:00.000Z
          <p>Add new user:</p>
        <pre><code>$ curl -X POST '{{.URL}}/api/plain/users?url=https://example3.com/twtxt.txt&nickname=foo_barrington'
    <div id="info">
    Instance Owner: {{.Owner}}<br />
    Mail: {{.Mail}}<br />
    <div id="foot">
      powered by <a href="https://github.com/gbmor/getwtxt">getwtxt</a>
589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750
# Port of https://github.com/akkartik/crenshaw/blob/master/tutor2.1.pas
# which corresponds to the section "single digits" in https://compilers.iecc.com/crenshaw/tutor2.txt
# except that we support hex numbers of multiple digits.
# To run:
#   $ bootstrap/bootstrap translate [01]*.subx crenshaw2-1b.subx -o crenshaw2-1b
#   $ echo '1a'  |bootstrap/bootstrap run crenshaw2-1b
# Expected output:
#   # syscall(exit, 1a)
#   bb/copy-to-ebx  3/imm32
#   b8/copy-to-eax  1/imm32/exit
#   cd/syscall  0x80/imm8
# To run the generated output:
#   $ echo '1a'  |bootstrap/bootstrap run crenshaw2-1b > z1.subx
#   $ bootstrap/bootstrap translate z1.subx -o z1
#   $ bootstrap/bootstrap run z1
#   $ echo $?
#   26  # 0x1a in decimal
# Stdin must contain just a single hex digit. Other input will print an error:
#   $ echo 'xyz'  |bootstrap/bootstrap run crenshaw2-1b
#   Error: integer expected
# Names in this file sometimes follow Crenshaw's original rather than my usual
# naming conventions.

== code
#   instruction                     effective address                                                   register    displacement    immediate
# . op          subop               mod             rm32          base        index         scale       r32
# . 1-3 bytes   3 bits              2 bits          3 bits        3 bits      3 bits        2 bits      2 bits      0/1/2/4 bytes   0/1/2/4 bytes

Entry:  # run tests if necessary, call 'compile' if not
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp

    # initialize heap
    # . Heap = new-segment(Heap-size)
    # . . push args
    68/push  Heap/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        0/mod/indirect  5/rm32/.disp32            .             .           .           Heap-size/disp32                  # push *Heap-size
    # . . call
    e8/call  new-segment/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp

    # - if argc > 1 and argv[1] == "test", then return run_tests()
    # if (argc <= 1) goto run-main
    81          7/subop/compare     1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0/disp8         1/imm32           # compare *ebp
    7e/jump-if-<=  $run-main/disp8
    # if (!kernel-string-equal?(argv[1], "test")) goto run-main
    # . eax = kernel-string-equal?(argv[1], "test")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "test"/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           8/disp8         .                 # push *(ebp+8)
    # . . call
    e8/call  kernel-string-equal?/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # . if (eax == false) goto run-main
    3d/compare-eax-and  0/imm32/false
    74/jump-if-=  $run-main/disp8
    # run-tests()
    e8/call  run-tests/disp32
    # syscall(exit, *Num-test-failures)
    8b/copy                         0/mod/indirect  5/rm32/.disp32            .             .           3/r32/ebx   Num-test-failures/disp32          # copy *Num-test-failures to ebx
    eb/jump  $main:end/disp8
    # - otherwise read a program from stdin and emit its translation to stdout
    # . compile(Stdin, 1/stdout, 2/stderr, 0)
    # . . push args
    68/push  0/imm32/exit-descriptor
    68/push  2/imm32/stderr
    68/push  1/imm32/stdout
    68/push  Stdin/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  compile/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0x10/imm32        # add to esp
    # syscall(exit, 0)
    bb/copy-to-ebx  0/imm32
    e8/call  syscall_exit/disp32

# the main entry point
compile:  # in: (addr buffered-file), out: fd or (addr stream byte), err: fd or (addr stream byte), ed: (addr exit-descriptor)
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # . save registers
    # prime the pump
    # . Look = get-char(in)
    # . . push args
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           8/disp8      .                    # push *(ebp+8)
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-char/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # var num/ecx: (stream byte 7)
    # Numbers can be 32 bits or 8 hex bytes long. One of them will be in 'Look', so we need space for 7 bytes.
    # Sizing the stream just right buys us overflow-handling for free inside 'get-num'.
    # Add 12 bytes for 'read', 'write' and 'size' fields, for a total of 19 bytes, or 0x13 in hex.
    # The stack pointer is no longer aligned, so dump_stack() can be misleading past this point.
    81          5/subop/subtract    3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0x13/imm32        # subtract from esp
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    1/rm32/ecx    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ecx
    # initialize the stream
    # . num->size = 7
    c7          0/subop/copy        1/mod/*+disp8   1/rm32/ecx    .           .             .           .           8/disp8         7/imm32           # copy to *(ecx+8)
    # . clear-stream(num)
    # . . push args
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # read a digit from 'in' into 'num'
    # . get-num(in, num, err, ed)
    # . . push args
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0x14/disp8      .                 # push *(ebp+20)
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0x10/disp8      .                 # push *(ebp+16)
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           8/disp8      .                    # push *(ebp+8)
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-num/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0x10/imm32        # add to esp
    # render 'num' into the following template on 'out':
    #   bb/copy-to-ebx  _num_
    #   b8/copy-to-eax  1/imm32/exit
    #   cd/syscall  0x80/imm8
    # . write(out, "bb/copy-to-ebx  ")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "bb/copy-to-ebx  "/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(ebp+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # . write-stream(out, num)
    # . . push args
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(ebp+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  write-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # . write(out, Newline)
    # . . push args
    68/push  Newline/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(ebp+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # . write(out, "b8/copy-to-eax  1/imm32/exit\n")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "b8/copy-to-eax  1/imm32/exit\n"/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(ebp+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # . write(out, "cd/syscall  0x80/imm8\n")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "cd/syscall  0x80/imm8\n"/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(ebp+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # . restore registers
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

# Read a sequence of digits into 'out'. Abort if there are none, or if there is
# no space in 'out'.
# Input comes from the global variable 'Look' (first byte) and the argument
# 'in' (rest). We leave the next byte from 'in' into 'Look' on exit.
get-num:  # in: (addr buffered-file), out: (addr stream byte), err: fd or (addr stream byte), ed: (addr exit-descriptor)
    # pseudocode:
    #   if (!digit?(Look)) expected(ed, err, "integer")
    #   do
    #     if out->write >= out->size
    #       write(err, "Error: too many digits in number\n")
    #       stop(ed, 1)
    #     out->data[out->write] = LSB(Look)
    #     ++out->write
    #     Look = get-char(in)
    #   while digit?(Look)
    # This is complicated because I don't want to hard-code the error strategy in
    # a general helper like write-byte-buffered. Maybe I should just create a
    # local helper.
    # within the loop we'll try to keep things in registers:
    #   in: esi
    #   out: edi
    #   out->write: ecx (cached copy; need to keep in sync)
    #   out->size: edx
    #   temporaries: eax, ebx
    # We can't allocate Look to a register because it gets written implicitly in
    # get-char in each iteration of the loop. (Thereby demonstrating that it's
    # not the right interface for us. But we'll keep it just to follow Crenshaw.)
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # - if (digit?(Look)) expected(ed, err, "integer")
    # . eax = digit?(Look)
    # . . push args
    ff          6/subop/push        0/mod/indirect  5/rm32/.disp32            .             .           .           Look/disp32     .                 # push *Look
    # . . call
    e8/call  digit?/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . if (eax == false)
    3d/compare-eax-and  0/imm32/false
    75/jump-if-!=  $get-num:main/disp8
    # . expected(ed, err, "integer")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "integer"/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0x10/disp8      .                 # push *(ebp+16)
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0x14/disp8      .                 # push *(ebp+20)
    # . . call
    e8/call  expected/disp32  # never returns
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0xc/imm32         # add to esp
    # - otherwise read a digit
    # . save registers
    # read necessary variables to registers
    # esi = in
    8b/copy                         1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           6/r32/esi   8/disp8         .                 # copy *(ebp+8) to esi
    # edi = out
    8b/copy                         1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           7/r32/edi   0xc/disp8       .                 # copy *(ebp+12) to edi
    # ecx = out->write
    8b/copy                         0/mod/indirect  7/rm32/edi    .           .             .           1/r32/ecx   .               .                 # copy *edi to ecx
    # edx = out->size
    8b/copy                         1/mod/*+disp8   7/rm32/edi    .           .             .           2/r32/edx   8/disp8         .                 # copy *(edi+8) to edx
    # if (out->write >= out->size) error
    39/compare                      3/mod/direct    2/rm32/edx    .           .             .           1/r32/ecx   .               .                 # compare edx with ecx
    7d/jump-if-<  $get-num:loop-stage2/disp8
    # . error(ed, err, msg)  # TODO: show full number
    # . . push args
    68/push  "get-num: too many digits in number"/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0x10/disp8      .                 # push *(ebp+16)
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0x14/disp8      .                 # push *(ebp+20)
    # . . call
    e8/call  error/disp32  # never returns
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0xc/imm32         # add to esp
    # out->data[out->write] = LSB(Look)
    8d/copy-address                 1/mod/*+disp8   4/rm32/sib    7/base/edi  1/index/ecx   .           3/r32/ebx   0xc/disp8       .                 # copy edi+ecx+12 to ebx
    8b/copy                         0/mod/indirect  5/rm32/.disp32            .             .           0/r32/eax   Look/disp32     .                 # copy *Look to eax
    88/copy-byte                    0/mod/indirect  3/rm32/ebx    .           .             .           0/r32/AL    .               .                 # copy byte at AL to *ebx
    # ++out->write
    # Look = get-char(in)
    # . . push args
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-char/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # if (digit?(Look)) loop
    # . eax = digit?(Look)
    # . . push args
    ff          6/subop/push        0/mod/indirect  5/rm32/.disp32            .             .           .           Look/disp32     .                 # push *Look
    # . . call
    e8/call  digit?/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . if (eax != false) loop
    3d/compare-eax-and  0/imm32/false
    0f 85/jump-if-!=  $get-num:loop/disp32
    # persist necessary variables from registers
    89/copy                         0/mod/indirect  7/rm32/edi    .           .             .           1/r32/ecx   .               .                 # copy ecx to *edi
    # . restore registers
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

    # - check that get-num returns first character if it's a digit
    # This test uses exit-descriptors. Use ebp for setting up local variables.
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # clear all streams
    # . clear-stream(_test-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream($_test-buffered-file->buffer)
    # . . push args
    68/push  $_test-buffered-file->buffer/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream(_test-output-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-output-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream(_test-error-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-error-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # initialize 'in'
    # . write(_test-stream, "3")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "3"/imm32
    68/push  _test-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # initialize exit-descriptor 'ed' for the call to 'get-num' below
    # . var ed/eax: exit-descriptor
    81          5/subop/subtract    3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # subtract from esp
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to eax
    # . tailor-exit-descriptor(ed, 16)
    # . . push args
    68/push  0x10/imm32/nbytes-of-args-for-get-num
    # . . call
    e8/call  tailor-exit-descriptor/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # prime the pump
    # . get-char(_test-buffered-file)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-buffered-file/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-char/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # get-num(in, out, err, ed)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-error-stream/imm32
    68/push  _test-output-stream/imm32
    68/push  _test-buffered-file/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-num/disp32
    # registers except esp may be clobbered at this point
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0x10/imm32        # add to esp
    # check-ints-equal(*_test-output-stream->data, '3', msg)
    # . . push args
    68/push  "F - test-get-num-reads-single-digit"/imm32
    68/push  0x33/imm32
    b8/copy-to-eax  _test-output-stream/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(eax+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  check-ints-equal/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0xc/imm32         # add to esp
    # . reclaim locals
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp

    # - check that get-num returns first character if it's a digit
    # This test uses exit-descriptors. Use ebp for setting up local variables.
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # clear all streams
    # . clear-stream(_test-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream($_test-buffered-file->buffer)
    # . . push args
    68/push  $_test-buffered-file->buffer/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream(_test-output-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-output-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream(_test-error-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-error-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # initialize 'in'
    # . write(_test-stream, "3")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "3"/imm32
    68/push  _test-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # initialize exit-descriptor 'ed' for the call to 'get-num' below
    # . var ed/eax: exit-descriptor
    81          5/subop/subtract    3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # subtract from esp
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to eax
    # . tailor-exit-descriptor(ed, 16)
    # . . push args
    68/push  0x10/imm32/nbytes-of-args-for-get-num
    # . . call
    e8/call  tailor-exit-descriptor/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # *don't* prime the pump
    # get-num(in, out, err, ed)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-error-stream/imm32
    68/push  _test-output-stream/imm32
    68/push  _test-buffered-file/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-num/disp32
    # registers except esp may be clobbered at this point
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0x10/imm32        # add to esp
    # check that get-num tried to call exit(1)
    # . check-ints-equal(ed->value, 2, msg)  # i.e. stop was called with value 1
    # . . push args
    68/push  "F - test-get-num-aborts-on-non-digit-in-Look"/imm32
    68/push  2/imm32
    # . . push ed->value
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           4/disp8         .                 # push *(eax+4)
    # . . call
    e8/call  check-ints-equal/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0xc/imm32         # add to esp
    # . reclaim locals
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp

    # - check that get-num returns all initial digits until it encounters a non-digit
    # This test uses exit-descriptors. Use ebp for setting up local variables.
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # clear all streams
    # . clear-stream(_test-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream($_test-buffered-file->buffer)
    # . . push args
    68/push  $_test-buffered-file->buffer/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream(_test-output-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-output-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream(_test-error-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-error-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # initialize 'in'
    # . write(_test-stream, "3456 x")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "3456"/imm32
    68/push  _test-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # initialize exit-descriptor 'ed' for the call to 'get-num' below
    # . var ed/eax: exit-descriptor
    81          5/subop/subtract    3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # subtract from esp
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to eax
    # . tailor-exit-descriptor(ed, 16)
    # . . push args
    68/push  0x10/imm32/nbytes-of-args-for-get-num
    # . . call
    e8/call  tailor-exit-descriptor/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # prime the pump
    # . get-char(_test-buffered-file)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-buffered-file/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-char/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # get-num(in, out, err, ed)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-error-stream/imm32
    68/push  _test-output-stream/imm32
    68/push  _test-buffered-file/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-num/disp32
    # registers except esp may be clobbered at this point
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0x10/imm32        # add to esp
    # check-ints-equal(*_test-output-stream->data, '3456', msg)
    # . . push args
    68/push  "F - test-get-num-reads-multiple-digits"/imm32
    68/push  0x36353433/imm32
    b8/copy-to-eax  _test-output-stream/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(eax+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  check-ints-equal/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0xc/imm32         # add to esp
    # . reclaim locals
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp

    # - check that get-num returns all initial digits until it encounters a non-digit
    # This test uses exit-descriptors. Use ebp for setting up local variables.
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # clear all streams
    # . clear-stream(_test-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream($_test-buffered-file->buffer)
    # . . push args
    68/push  $_test-buffered-file->buffer/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream(_test-output-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-output-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # . clear-stream(_test-error-stream)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-error-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  clear-stream/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # initialize 'in'
    # . write(_test-stream, "3456 x")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "3456 x"/imm32
    68/push  _test-stream/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # initialize exit-descriptor 'ed' for the call to 'get-num' below
    # . var ed/eax: exit-descriptor
    81          5/subop/subtract    3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # subtract from esp
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to eax
    # . tailor-exit-descriptor(ed, 16)
    # . . push args
    68/push  0x10/imm32/nbytes-of-args-for-get-num
    # . . call
    e8/call  tailor-exit-descriptor/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # prime the pump
    # . get-char(_test-buffered-file)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-buffered-file/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-char/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # get-num(in, out, err, ed)
    # . . push args
    68/push  _test-error-stream/imm32
    68/push  _test-output-stream/imm32
    68/push  _test-buffered-file/imm32
    # . . call
    e8/call  get-num/disp32
    # registers except esp may be clobbered at this point
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0x10/imm32        # add to esp
    # check-ints-equal(*_test-output-stream->data, '3456', msg)
    # . . push args
    68/push  "F - test-get-num-reads-multiple-digits-followed-by-nondigit"/imm32
    68/push  0x36353433/imm32
    b8/copy-to-eax  _test-output-stream/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   0/rm32/eax    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(eax+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  check-ints-equal/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0xc/imm32         # add to esp
    # . reclaim locals
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp

## helpers

# write(f, "Error: "+s+" expected\n") then stop(ed, 1)
expected:  # ed: (addr exit-descriptor), f: fd or (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte)
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # write(f, "Error: ")
    # . . push args
    68/push  "Error: "/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(ebp+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # write(f, s)
    # . . push args
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0x10/disp8      .                 # push *(ebp+16)
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(ebp+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # write(f, " expected\n")
    # . . push args
    68/push  " expected\n"/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           0xc/disp8       .                 # push *(ebp+12)
    # . . call
    e8/call  write/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # stop(ed, 1)
    # . . push args
    68/push  1/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           8/disp8         .                 # push *(ebp+8)
    # . . call
    e8/call  stop/disp32
    # should never get past this point
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

# read a byte from 'f', and save it in 'Look'
get-char:  # f: (addr buffered-file)
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # . save registers
    # eax = read-byte-buffered(f)
    # . . push args
    ff          6/subop/push        1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           8/disp8         .                 # push *(ebp+8)
    # . . call
    e8/call  read-byte-buffered/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               4/imm32           # add to esp
    # save eax to Look
    89/copy                         0/mod/indirect  5/rm32/.disp32            .             .           0/r32/eax   Look/disp32     .                 # copy eax to *Look
    # . restore registers
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

digit?:  # c: int -> eax: boolean
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # eax = false
    b8/copy-to-eax  0/imm32
    # if (c < '0') return false
    81          7/subop/compare     1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           8/disp8         0x30/imm32        # compare *(ebp+8)
    7c/jump-if-<  $digit?:end/disp8
    # if (c > '9') return false
    81          7/subop/compare     1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           .           8/disp8         0x39/imm32        # compare *(ebp+8)
    7f/jump-if->  $digit?:end/disp8
    # otherwise return true
    b8/copy-to-eax  1/imm32
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

== data

Look:  # (char with some extra padding)

# . . vim:nowrap:textwidth=0