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path: root/source.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'source.lua')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source.lua b/source.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f2b131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+source = {}
+Editor_state = {}
+-- called both in tests and real run
+function source.initialize_globals()
+  -- tests currently mostly clear their own state
+  Show_log_browser_side = false
+  Focus = 'edit'
+  Show_file_navigator = false
+  File_navigation = {
+    candidates = {
+      'run',
+      'run_tests',
+      'log',
+      'edit',
+      'text',
+      'search',
+      'select',
+      'undo',
+      'text_tests',
+      'file',
+      'source',
+      'source_tests',
+      'commands',
+      'log_browser',
+      'source_edit',
+      'source_text',
+      'source_undo',
+      'colorize',
+      'source_text_tests',
+      'source_file',
+      'main',
+      'button',
+      'keychord',
+      'app',
+      'test',
+      'json',
+    },
+    index = 1,
+  }
+  Menu_status_bar_height = nil  -- initialized below
+  -- a few text objects we can avoid recomputing unless the font changes
+  Text_cache = {}
+  -- blinking cursor
+  Cursor_time = 0
+-- called only for real run
+function source.initialize()
+  love.keyboard.setTextInput(true)  -- bring up keyboard on touch screen
+  love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(true)
+  love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(1,1,1)
+  if Settings and Settings.source then
+    source.load_settings()
+  else
+    source.initialize_default_settings()
+  end
+  source.initialize_edit_side{'run.lua'}
+  source.initialize_log_browser_side()
+  Menu_status_bar_height = 5 + Editor_state.line_height + 5
+  Editor_state.top = Editor_state.top + Menu_status_bar_height
+  Log_browser_state.top = Log_browser_state.top + Menu_status_bar_height
+-- environment for a mutable file of bifolded text
+-- TODO: some initialization is also happening in load_settings/initialize_default_settings. Clean that up.
+function source.initialize_edit_side(arg)
+  if #arg > 0 then
+    Editor_state.filename = arg[1]
+    load_from_disk(Editor_state)
+    Text.redraw_all(Editor_state)
+    Editor_state.screen_top1 = {line=1, pos=1}
+    Editor_state.cursor1 = {line=1, pos=1}
+  else
+    load_from_disk(Editor_state)
+    Text.redraw_all(Editor_state)
+  end
+  if #arg > 1 then
+    print('ignoring commandline args after '..arg[1])
+  end
+  -- We currently start out with side B collapsed.
+  -- Other options:
+  --  * save all expanded state by line
+  --  * expand all if any location is in side B
+  if Editor_state.cursor1.line > #Editor_state.lines then
+    Editor_state.cursor1 = {line=1, pos=1}
+  end
+  if Editor_state.screen_top1.line > #Editor_state.lines then
+    Editor_state.screen_top1 = {line=1, pos=1}
+  end
+  edit.eradicate_locations_after_the_fold(Editor_state)
+  if rawget(_G, 'jit') then
+    jit.off()
+    jit.flush()
+  end
+function source.load_settings()
+  local settings = Settings.source
+  love.graphics.setFont(love.graphics.newFont(settings.font_height))
+  -- maximize window to determine maximum allowable dimensions
+  love.window.setMode(0, 0)  -- maximize
+  Display_width, Display_height, App.screen.flags = love.window.getMode()
+  -- set up desired window dimensions
+  App.screen.flags.resizable = true
+  App.screen.flags.minwidth = math.min(Display_width, 200)
+  App.screen.flags.minheight = math.min(Display_height, 200)
+  App.screen.width, App.screen.height = settings.width, settings.height
+--?   print('setting window from settings:', App.screen.width, App.screen.height)
+  love.window.setMode(App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags)
+--?   print('loading source position', settings.x, settings.y, settings.displayindex)
+  source.set_window_position_from_settings(settings)
+  Show_log_browser_side = settings.show_log_browser_side
+  local right = App.screen.width - Margin_right
+  if Show_log_browser_side then
+    right = App.screen.width/2 - Margin_right
+  end
+  Editor_state = edit.initialize_state(Margin_top, Margin_left, right, settings.font_height, math.floor(settings.font_height*1.3))
+  Editor_state.filename = settings.filename
+  Editor_state.screen_top1 = settings.screen_top
+  Editor_state.cursor1 = settings.cursor
+function source.set_window_position_from_settings(settings)
+  -- setPosition doesn't quite seem to do what is asked of it on Linux.
+  love.window.setPosition(settings.x, settings.y-37, settings.displayindex)
+function source.initialize_default_settings()
+  local font_height = 20
+  love.graphics.setFont(love.graphics.newFont(font_height))
+  local em = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), 'm')
+  source.initialize_window_geometry(App.width(em))
+  Editor_state = edit.initialize_state(Margin_top, Margin_left, App.screen.width-Margin_right)
+  Editor_state.font_height = font_height
+  Editor_state.line_height = math.floor(font_height*1.3)
+  Editor_state.em = em
+function source.initialize_window_geometry(em_width)
+  -- maximize window
+  love.window.setMode(0, 0)  -- maximize
+  Display_width, Display_height, App.screen.flags = love.window.getMode()
+  -- shrink height slightly to account for window decoration
+  App.screen.height = Display_height-100
+  App.screen.width = 40*em_width
+  App.screen.flags.resizable = true
+  App.screen.flags.minwidth = math.min(App.screen.width, 200)
+  App.screen.flags.minheight = math.min(App.screen.width, 200)
+  love.window.setMode(App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags)
+  print('initializing source position')
+  if Settings == nil then Settings = {} end
+  if Settings.source == nil then Settings.source = {} end
+  Settings.source.x, Settings.source.y, Settings.source.displayindex = love.window.getPosition()
+function source.resize(w, h)
+--?   print(("Window resized to width: %d and height: %d."):format(w, h))
+  App.screen.width, App.screen.height = w, h
+  Text.redraw_all(Editor_state)
+  Editor_state.selection1 = {}  -- no support for shift drag while we're resizing
+  if Show_log_browser_side then
+    Editor_state.right = App.screen.width/2 - Margin_right
+  else
+    Editor_state.right = App.screen.width-Margin_right
+  end
+  Log_browser_state.left = App.screen.width/2 + Margin_right
+  Log_browser_state.right = App.screen.width-Margin_right
+  Editor_state.width = Editor_state.right-Editor_state.left
+  Text.tweak_screen_top_and_cursor(Editor_state, Editor_state.left, Editor_state.right)
+--?   print('end resize')
+function source.filedropped(file)
+  -- first make sure to save edits on any existing file
+  if Editor_state.next_save then
+    save_to_disk(Editor_state)
+  end
+  -- clear the slate for the new file
+  Editor_state.filename = file:getFilename()
+  file:open('r')
+  Editor_state.lines = load_from_file(file)
+  file:close()
+  Text.redraw_all(Editor_state)
+  Editor_state.screen_top1 = {line=1, pos=1}
+  Editor_state.cursor1 = {line=1, pos=1}
+-- a copy of source.filedropped when given a filename
+function source.switch_to_file(filename)
+  -- first make sure to save edits on any existing file
+  if Editor_state.next_save then
+    save_to_disk(Editor_state)
+  end
+  -- clear the slate for the new file
+  Editor_state.filename = filename
+  load_from_disk(Editor_state)
+  Text.redraw_all(Editor_state)
+  Editor_state.screen_top1 = {line=1, pos=1}
+  Editor_state.cursor1 = {line=1, pos=1}
+function source.draw()
+  source.draw_menu_bar()
+  edit.draw(Editor_state)
+  if Show_log_browser_side then
+    -- divider
+    App.color(Divider_color)
+    love.graphics.rectangle('fill', App.screen.width/2-1,Menu_status_bar_height, 3,App.screen.height)
+    --
+    log_browser.draw(Log_browser_state)
+  end
+function source.update(dt)
+  Cursor_time = Cursor_time + dt
+  if App.mouse_x() < Editor_state.right then
+    edit.update(Editor_state, dt)
+  elseif Show_log_browser_side then
+    log_browser.update(Log_browser_state, dt)
+  end
+function source.quit()
+  edit.quit(Editor_state)
+  log_browser.quit(Log_browser_state)
+  -- convert any bifold files here
+function source.convert_bifold_text(infilename, outfilename)
+  local contents = love.filesystem.read(infilename)
+  contents = contents:gsub('\u{1e}', ';')
+  love.filesystem.write(outfilename, contents)
+function source.settings()
+  if Current_app == 'source' then
+--?     print('reading source window position')
+    Settings.source.x, Settings.source.y, Settings.source.displayindex = love.window.getPosition()
+  end
+  local filename = Editor_state.filename
+  if filename:sub(1,1) ~= '/' then
+    filename = love.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory()..'/'..filename  -- '/' should work even on Windows
+  end
+--?   print('saving source settings', Settings.source.x, Settings.source.y, Settings.source.displayindex)
+  return {
+    x=Settings.source.x, y=Settings.source.y, displayindex=Settings.source.displayindex,
+    width=App.screen.width, height=App.screen.height,
+    font_height=Editor_state.font_height,
+    filename=filename,
+    screen_top=Editor_state.screen_top1, cursor=Editor_state.cursor1,
+    show_log_browser_side=Show_log_browser_side,
+    focus=Focus,
+  }
+function source.mouse_pressed(x,y, mouse_button)
+  Cursor_time = 0  -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves
+--?   print('mouse click', x, y)
+--?   print(Editor_state.left, Editor_state.right)
+--?   print(Log_browser_state.left, Log_browser_state.right)
+  if Editor_state.left <= x and x < Editor_state.right then
+--?     print('click on edit side')
+    if Focus ~= 'edit' then
+      Focus = 'edit'
+    end
+    edit.mouse_pressed(Editor_state, x,y, mouse_button)
+  elseif Show_log_browser_side and Log_browser_state.left <= x and x < Log_browser_state.right then
+--?     print('click on log_browser side')
+    if Focus ~= 'log_browser' then
+      Focus = 'log_browser'
+    end
+    log_browser.mouse_pressed(Log_browser_state, x,y, mouse_button)
+    for _,line_cache in ipairs(Editor_state.line_cache) do line_cache.starty = nil end  -- just in case we scroll
+  end
+function source.mouse_released(x,y, mouse_button)
+  Cursor_time = 0  -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves
+  if Focus == 'edit' then
+    return edit.mouse_released(Editor_state, x,y, mouse_button)
+  else
+    return log_browser.mouse_released(Log_browser_state, x,y, mouse_button)
+  end
+function source.textinput(t)
+  Cursor_time = 0  -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves
+  if Focus == 'edit' then
+    return edit.textinput(Editor_state, t)
+  else
+    return log_browser.textinput(Log_browser_state, t)
+  end
+function source.keychord_pressed(chord, key)
+  Cursor_time = 0  -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves
+--?   print('source keychord')
+  if Show_file_navigator then
+    keychord_pressed_on_file_navigator(chord, key)
+    return
+  end
+  if chord == 'C-l' then
+--?     print('C-l')
+    Show_log_browser_side = not Show_log_browser_side
+    if Show_log_browser_side then
+      App.screen.width = Log_browser_state.right + Margin_right
+    else
+      App.screen.width = Editor_state.right + Margin_right
+    end
+--?     print('setting window:', App.screen.width, App.screen.height)
+    love.window.setMode(App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags)
+--?     print('done setting window')
+    -- try to restore position if possible
+    -- if the window gets wider the window manager may not respect this
+    source.set_window_position_from_settings(Settings.source)
+    return
+  end
+  if chord == 'C-g' then
+    Show_file_navigator = true
+    File_navigation.index = 1
+    return
+  end
+  if Focus == 'edit' then
+    return edit.keychord_pressed(Editor_state, chord, key)
+  else
+    return log_browser.keychord_pressed(Log_browser_state, chord, key)
+  end
+function source.key_released(key, scancode)
+  Cursor_time = 0  -- ensure cursor is visible immediately after it moves
+  if Focus == 'edit' then
+    return edit.key_released(Editor_state, key, scancode)
+  else
+    return log_browser.keychord_pressed(Log_browser_state, chordkey, scancode)
+  end
+-- use this sparingly
+function to_text(s)
+  if Text_cache[s] == nil then
+    Text_cache[s] = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), s)
+  end
+  return Text_cache[s]