1.1.0 -> 1.1.1:
* New install script, "setup.py"
* New flag for running programs: "w" (waits for enter press)
1.0.4 -> 1.1.0:
* Added a man page
* Tab support
* Improved directory loading performance
* Commands are definable in ~/.ranger/commands.py
* Case insensitive sorting (type zs)
* Better UTF support
* Possibility to turn off previews (zp and zP)
* Changing options with :set (e.g. :set column_ratios=1,2,3,4)
* Ask for confirmation when using :delete
* New invocation flag: --fail-unless-cd
* New hotkeys, commands, options.
* New syntax for ~/.ranger/keys.py
* Several user contributions
* And tons of general improvements
NOTE: The syntax for configuration is still subject to change.