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path: root/Makefile
blob: 884bae5da6068b208c1f9dbed8055dc71ec4f5e3 (plain) (tree)
pre { line-height: 125%; }
td.linenos .normal { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; }
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.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
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.highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */
.highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */
.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
.highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */
.highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */
.highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */
.highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */
.highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */
.highlight .ges { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */
.highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */
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.highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */
.highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */
.highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */
.highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */
.highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
.highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */
.highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */
.highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */
.highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */
.highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */
.highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */
.highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */
.highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */
.highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */
.highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */
.highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */
.highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */
.highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */
.highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */
.highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */
.highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */
.highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */
.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
.highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */
.highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: 
NAME = ranger
VERSION = 1.0.4
PYTHON ?= python
DOCDIR ?= doc/pydoc
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
CWD = $(shell pwd)
EDITOR ?= vim
DEST ?= $(shell $(PYTHON) -c 'import sys; sys.stdout.write( \
	[p for p in sys.path if "site" in p][0])' 2> /dev/null)/ranger

.PHONY: all compile clean doc cleandoc edit push test commit \
	install uninstall info snapshot minimal_snapshot

	@echo 'This makefile provides shortcuts for common tasks.'
	@echo 'make clean: Remove all unnecessary files (.pyc, .pyo)'
	@echo 'make cleandoc: Remove the pydoc documentation'
	@echo 'make doc: Create the pydoc documentation'
	@echo 'make install: Install ranger'
	@echo 'make snapshot: Create a tar.gz of the current git revision'
	@echo 'For developers:'
	@echo 'make commit: Test and commit the changes'
	@echo 'make test: Run all unittests.'
	@echo 'make push: push the changes via git'
	@echo 'make edit: open all relevant files in your editor'

all: test install

compile: clean
	@echo 'Compiling...'
	python -m compileall -q ranger
	PYTHONOPTIMIZE=$(PYTHONOPTIMIZE) python -m compileall -q ranger

doc: cleandoc
	mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)
	cd $(DOCDIR); \
		$(PYTHON) -c 'import pydoc, sys; \
		sys.path[0] = "$(CWD)"; \

	@echo 'To uninstall ranger, please remove these files:'
	@echo $(DEST)'/*'
	@echo $(PREFIX)'/bin/ranger'
	@echo 'and optionally the config files at:'
	@echo '~/.ranger'

install: compile
	@if [ '$(DEST)' == '/ranger' ]; then \
		echo 'Cannot find a suitable destination for the files.'; \
		false; \
	@echo "Installing..."
	cp $(PREFIX)/bin/ranger
	cp -ruT ranger $(DEST)
	chmod 755 $(PREFIX)/bin/ranger
	chmod -R +rX $(DEST)
	@echo '--------------------------------------'
	@echo 'Finished.'
	@echo 'If you use BASH or ZSH, you can activate an extra feature now:'
	@echo 'When you exit ranger, the directory of the current shell can be'
	@echo 'changed to the last visited directory in ranger.  To do so, add'
	@echo 'this alias to your shell rc file (like ~/.bashrc):'
	@echo 'alias rng="source ranger ranger"'
	@echo 'And run ranger by typing rng.'

	test -d $(DOCDIR) && rm -f -- $(DOCDIR)/*.html

	find . -regex [^\ ]\*.py[co]$ | xargs rm -f --


	@$(EDITOR) Makefile README COPYING HACKING INSTALL $(shell find ranger test -regex .\*py$ )

	@for repo in $(shell git remote); do \
		echo "Pushing to $$repo..."; \
		git push $$repo master; \

commit: test
	@git citool

	git archive HEAD | gzip > $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(shell git rev-list HEAD | head -n 1 | cut -b 1-8).tar.gz

	@echo 'This is not quite working well. I will abort now' && false
	git checkout -b no_help
	git rm -rf doc
	git rm -rf test
	git rm
	git rm TODO
	git commit -a -m'removed documentation'
	git archive HEAD | gzip > $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(shell git rev-list HEAD | head -n 1 | cut -b 1-8).tar.gz
	git reset --hard no_help^
	git branch -D no_help
>>sig</span> syscall_write <span class="Comment"># fd/ebx: int, buf/ecx: addr, size/edx: int -&gt; nbytes-or-error/eax: int</span> <span id="L14" class="LineNr"> 14 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_open <span class="Comment"># filename/ebx: (addr kernel-string), flags/ecx: int, dummy=0x180/edx -&gt; fd-or-error/eax: int</span> <span id="L15" class="LineNr"> 15 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_close <span class="Comment"># fd/ebx: int -&gt; status/eax</span> <span id="L16" class="LineNr"> 16 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_creat <span class="Comment"># filename/ebx: (addr kernel-string) -&gt; fd-or-error/eax: int</span> <span id="L17" class="LineNr"> 17 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_unlink <span class="Comment"># filename/ebx: (addr kernel-string) -&gt; status/eax: int</span> <span id="L18" class="LineNr"> 18 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_rename <span class="Comment"># source/ebx: (addr kernel-string), dest/ecx: (addr kernel-string) -&gt; status/eax: int</span> <span id="L19" class="LineNr"> 19 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_mmap <span class="Comment"># arg/ebx: (addr mmap_arg_struct) -&gt; status/eax: int</span> <span id="L20" class="LineNr"> 20 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_ioctl <span class="Comment"># fd/ebx: int, cmd/ecx: int, arg/edx: (addr _)</span> <span id="L21" class="LineNr"> 21 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_nanosleep <span class="Comment"># req/ebx: (addr timespec)</span> <span id="L22" class="LineNr"> 22 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> syscall_clock_gettime <span class="Comment"># clock/ebx: int, out/ecx: (addr timespec)</span> <span id="L23" class="LineNr"> 23 </span> <span id="L24" class="LineNr"> 24 </span><span class="Comment"># Generated using:</span> <span id="L25" class="LineNr"> 25 </span><span class="Comment"># grep -h '^[a-z]' [0-9]*.subx |grep -v '^test-'</span> <span id="L26" class="LineNr"> 26 </span><span class="Comment"># Functions we don't want to make accessible from Mu are commented out.</span> <span id="L27" class="LineNr"> 27 </span><span class="Comment"># Many functions here may not be usable yet because of missing features</span> <span id="L28" class="LineNr"> 28 </span><span class="Comment"># (global variable support, type definitions for stuff like `stream`)</span> <span id="L29" class="LineNr"> 29 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='102test.subx.html#L23'>check-ints-equal</a> a: int, b: int, msg: (addr array byte) <span id="L30" class="LineNr"> 30 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='103kernel-string-equal.subx.html#L31'>kernel-string-equal?</a> s: (addr kernel-string), benchmark: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L31" class="LineNr"> 31 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='104new-segment.subx.html#L40'>new-segment</a> len: int, ad: (addr allocation-descriptor) <span id="L32" class="LineNr"> 32 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='105string-equal.subx.html#L15'>string-equal?</a> s: (addr array byte), benchmark: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L33" class="LineNr"> 33 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='105string-equal.subx.html#L57'>string-starts-with?</a> s: (addr array byte), benchmark: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L34" class="LineNr"> 34 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='105string-equal.subx.html#L220'>check-strings-equal</a> s: (addr array byte), expected: (addr array byte), msg: (addr array byte) <span id="L35" class="LineNr"> 35 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='106stream.subx.html#L17'>clear-stream</a> f: (addr stream byte) <span id="L36" class="LineNr"> 36 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='106stream.subx.html#L56'>rewind-stream</a> f: (addr stream byte) <span id="L37" class="LineNr"> 37 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='107trace.subx.html#L48'>initialize-trace-stream</a> n: int <span id="L38" class="LineNr"> 38 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='107trace.subx.html#L86'>trace</a> line: (addr array byte) <span id="L39" class="LineNr"> 39 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='107trace.subx.html#L253'>check-trace-contains</a> line: (addr string), msg: (addr string) <span id="L40" class="LineNr"> 40 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='107trace.subx.html#L278'>check-trace-scans-to</a> line: (addr string), msg: (addr string) <span id="L41" class="LineNr"> 41 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='107trace.subx.html#L309'>trace-scan</a> line: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L42" class="LineNr"> 42 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='107trace.subx.html#L561'>next-line-matches?</a> t: (addr stream byte), line: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L43" class="LineNr"> 43 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='107trace.subx.html#L737'>skip-next-line</a> t: (addr stream byte) <span id="L44" class="LineNr"> 44 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='107trace.subx.html#L845'>clear-trace-stream</a> <span id="L45" class="LineNr"> 45 </span><span class="Comment">#sig write f: fd or (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte)</span> <span id="L46" class="LineNr"> 46 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='109stream-equal.subx.html#L9'>stream-data-equal?</a> f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L47" class="LineNr"> 47 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='109stream-equal.subx.html#L194'>check-stream-equal</a> f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte), msg: (addr array byte) <span id="L48" class="LineNr"> 48 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='109stream-equal.subx.html#L230'>next-stream-line-equal?</a> f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L49" class="LineNr"> 49 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='109stream-equal.subx.html#L565'>check-next-stream-line-equal</a> <span id="L50" class="LineNr"> 50 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='110stop.subx.html#L44'>tailor-exit-descriptor</a> ed: (addr exit-descriptor), nbytes: int <span id="L51" class="LineNr"> 51 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='110stop.subx.html#L92'>stop</a> ed: (addr exit-descriptor), value: int <span id="L52" class="LineNr"> 52 </span><span class="Comment">#sig read f: fd or (addr stream byte), s: (addr stream byte) -&gt; num-bytes-read/eax: int</span> <span id="L53" class="LineNr"> 53 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='112read-byte.subx.html#L38'>read-byte-buffered</a> f: (addr buffered-file)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>byte-or-Eof/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: byte <span id="L54" class="LineNr"> 54 </span><span class="Comment">#sig write-stream f: fd or (addr stream byte), s: (addr stream byte)</span> <span id="L55" class="LineNr"> 55 </span><span class="Comment">#sig error ed: (addr exit-descriptor), out: fd or (addr stream byte), msg: (addr array byte)</span> <span id="L56" class="LineNr"> 56 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='115write-byte.subx.html#L33'>write-byte-buffered</a> f: (addr buffered-file), n: int <span id="L57" class="LineNr"> 57 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='115write-byte.subx.html#L81'>flush</a> f: (addr buffered-file) <span id="L58" class="LineNr"> 58 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='115write-byte.subx.html#L208'>append-byte</a> f: (addr stream byte), n: int <span id="L59" class="LineNr"> 59 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='116write-buffered.subx.html#L8'>write-buffered</a> f: (addr buffered-file), msg: (addr array byte) <span id="L60" class="LineNr"> 60 </span><span class="Comment">#sig to-hex-char in/eax: int -&gt; out/eax: int</span> <span id="L61" class="LineNr"> 61 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='117write-int-hex.subx.html#L21'>append-byte-hex</a> f: (addr stream byte), n: int <span id="L62" class="LineNr"> 62 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='117write-int-hex.subx.html#L93'>write-byte-hex-buffered</a> f: (addr buffered-file), n: int <span id="L63" class="LineNr"> 63 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='117write-int-hex.subx.html#L178'>write-int32-hex</a> f: (addr stream byte), n: int <span id="L64" class="LineNr"> 64 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='117write-int-hex.subx.html#L266'>write-int32-hex-buffered</a> f: (addr buffered-file), n: int <span id="L65" class="LineNr"> 65 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='118parse-hex.subx.html#L9'>is-hex-int?</a> in: (addr slice)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L66" class="LineNr"> 66 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='118parse-hex.subx.html#L354'>parse-hex-int</a> in: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int <span id="L67" class="LineNr"> 67 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='118parse-hex.subx.html#L387'>parse-hex-int-from-slice</a> in: (addr slice)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int <span id="L68" class="LineNr"> 68 </span><span class="Comment">#sig parse-hex-int-helper start: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -&gt; result/eax: int</span> <span id="L69" class="LineNr"> 69 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='118parse-hex.subx.html#L701'>is-hex-digit?</a> c: byte<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L70" class="LineNr"> 70 </span><span class="Comment">#sig from-hex-char in/eax: byte -&gt; out/eax: nibble</span> <span id="L71" class="LineNr"> 71 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='119error-byte.subx.html#L26'>error-byte</a> ed: (addr exit-descriptor), out: (addr buffered-file), msg: (addr array byte), n: byte <span id="L72" class="LineNr"> 72 </span><span class="Comment">#sig allocate ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), n: int, out: (addr handle _)</span> <span id="L73" class="LineNr"> 73 </span><span class="Comment">#sig allocate-raw ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), n: int, out: (addr handle _)</span> <span id="L74" class="LineNr"> 74 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='120allocate.subx.html#L256'>lookup</a> h: (handle _T)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: (addr _T) <span id="L75" class="LineNr"> 75 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='120allocate.subx.html#L458'>handle-equal?</a> a: (handle _T), b: (handle _T)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L76" class="LineNr"> 76 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='120allocate.subx.html#L489'>copy-handle</a> src: (handle _T), dest: (addr handle _T) <span id="L77" class="LineNr"> 77 </span><span class="Comment">#sig allocate-region ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), n: int, out: (addr handle allocation-descriptor)</span> <span id="L78" class="LineNr"> 78 </span><span class="Comment">#sig allocate-array ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), n: int, out: (addr handle _)</span> <span id="L79" class="LineNr"> 79 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='120allocate.subx.html#L710'>copy-array</a> ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), src: (addr array _T), out: (addr handle array _T) <span id="L80" class="LineNr"> 80 </span><span class="Comment">#sig zero-out start: (addr byte), size: int</span> <span id="L81" class="LineNr"> 81 </span><span class="Comment">#sig new-stream ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), length: int, elemsize: int, out: (addr handle stream _)</span> <span id="L82" class="LineNr"> 82 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='122read-line.subx.html#L9'>read-line-buffered</a> f: (addr buffered-file), s: (addr stream byte) <span id="L83" class="LineNr"> 83 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='122read-line.subx.html#L218'>read-line</a> f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr stream byte) <span id="L84" class="LineNr"> 84 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='123slice.subx.html#L9'>slice-empty?</a> s: (addr slice)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L85" class="LineNr"> 85 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='123slice.subx.html#L120'>slice-equal?</a> s: (addr slice), p: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L86" class="LineNr"> 86 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='123slice.subx.html#L487'>slice-starts-with?</a> s: (addr slice), head: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L87" class="LineNr"> 87 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='123slice.subx.html#L793'>write-slice</a> out: (addr stream byte), s: (addr slice) <span id="L88" class="LineNr"> 88 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='123slice.subx.html#L908'>write-slice-buffered</a> out: (addr buffered-file), s: (addr slice) <span id="L89" class="LineNr"> 89 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='123slice.subx.html#L1043'>slice-to-string</a> ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), in: (addr slice), out: (addr handle array byte) <span id="L90" class="LineNr"> 90 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='124next-token.subx.html#L10'>next-token</a> in: (addr stream byte), delimiter: byte, out: (addr slice) <span id="L91" class="LineNr"> 91 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='124next-token.subx.html#L163'>next-token-from-slice</a> start: (addr byte), end: (addr byte), delimiter: byte, out: (addr slice) <span id="L92" class="LineNr"> 92 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='124next-token.subx.html#L341'>skip-chars-matching</a> in: (addr stream byte), delimiter: byte <span id="L93" class="LineNr"> 93 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='124next-token.subx.html#L464'>skip-chars-matching-whitespace</a> in: (addr stream byte) <span id="L94" class="LineNr"> 94 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='124next-token.subx.html#L554'>skip-chars-not-matching</a> in: (addr stream byte), delimiter: byte <span id="L95" class="LineNr"> 95 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='124next-token.subx.html#L716'>skip-chars-not-matching-whitespace</a> in: (addr stream byte) <span id="L96" class="LineNr"> 96 </span><span class="Comment">#sig skip-chars-matching-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte), delimiter: byte -&gt; curr/eax: (addr byte)</span> <span id="L97" class="LineNr"> 97 </span><span class="Comment">#sig skip-chars-matching-whitespace-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -&gt; curr/eax: (addr byte)</span> <span id="L98" class="LineNr"> 98 </span><span class="Comment">#sig skip-chars-not-matching-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte), delimiter: byte -&gt; curr/eax: (addr byte)</span> <span id="L99" class="LineNr"> 99 </span><span class="Comment">#sig skip-chars-not-matching-whitespace-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -&gt; curr/eax: (addr byte)</span> <span id="L100" class="LineNr">100 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='124next-token.subx.html#L1171'>skip-string</a> line: (addr stream byte) <span id="L101" class="LineNr">101 </span><span class="Comment">#sig skip-string-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -&gt; curr/eax: (addr byte)</span> <span id="L102" class="LineNr">102 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='124next-token.subx.html#L1599'>skip-until-close-paren</a> line: (addr stream byte) <span id="L103" class="LineNr">103 </span><span class="Comment">#sig skip-until-close-paren-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -&gt; curr/eax: (addr byte)</span> <span id="L104" class="LineNr">104 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='125write-stream-data.subx.html#L11'>write-stream-data</a> f: (addr buffered-file), s: (addr stream byte) <span id="L105" class="LineNr">105 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='126write-int-decimal.subx.html#L8'>write-int32-decimal</a> out: (addr stream byte), n: int32 <span id="L106" class="LineNr">106 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='126write-int-decimal.subx.html#L306'>is-decimal-digit?</a> c: byte<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L107" class="LineNr">107 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='126write-int-decimal.subx.html#L405'>to-decimal-digit</a> in: byte<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>out/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int <span id="L108" class="LineNr">108 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='127next-word.subx.html#L10'>next-word</a> line: (addr stream byte), out: (addr slice) <span id="L109" class="LineNr">109 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='128subx-words.subx.html#L8'>has-metadata?</a> word: (addr slice), s: (addr string)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L110" class="LineNr">110 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='128subx-words.subx.html#L278'>is-valid-name?</a> in: (addr slice)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L111" class="LineNr">111 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='128subx-words.subx.html#L535'>is-label?</a> word: (addr slice)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L112" class="LineNr">112 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='129emit-hex.subx.html#L7'>emit-hex</a> out: (addr buffered-file), n: int, width: int <span id="L113" class="LineNr">113 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='130emit.subx.html#L10'>emit</a> out: (addr buffered-file), word: (addr slice), width: int <span id="L114" class="LineNr">114 </span><span class="Comment">#sig get table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr array byte), row-size: int, abort-message-prefix: (addr array byte) -&gt; result/eax: (addr T)</span> <span id="L115" class="LineNr">115 </span><span class="Comment">#sig get-slice table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr slice), row-size: int, abort-message-prefix: (addr array byte) -&gt; result/eax: (addr T)</span> <span id="L116" class="LineNr">116 </span><span class="Comment">#sig get-or-insert table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr array byte), row-size: int, ad: (addr allocation-descriptor) -&gt; result/eax: (addr T)</span> <span id="L117" class="LineNr">117 </span><span class="Comment">#sig get-or-insert-handle table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (handle array byte), row-size: int -&gt; result/eax: (addr T)</span> <span id="L118" class="LineNr">118 </span><span class="Comment">#sig get-or-insert-slice table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr slice), row-size: int, ad: (addr allocation-descriptor) -&gt; result/eax: (addr T)</span> <span id="L119" class="LineNr">119 </span><span class="Comment">#sig get-or-stop table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr array byte), row-size: int,</span> <span id="L120" class="LineNr">120 </span><span class="Comment">#sig get-slice-or-stop table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), _}), key: (addr slice), row-size: int,</span> <span id="L121" class="LineNr">121 </span><span class="Comment">#sig maybe-get table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr array byte), row-size: int -&gt; result/eax: (addr T)</span> <span id="L122" class="LineNr">122 </span><span class="Comment">#sig maybe-get-slice table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr slice), row-size: int -&gt; result/eax: (addr T)</span> <span id="L123" class="LineNr">123 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='132slurp.subx.html#L8'>slurp</a> f: (addr buffered-file), s: (addr stream byte) <span id="L124" class="LineNr">124 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='133subx-widths.subx.html#L11'>compute-width</a> word: (addr array byte)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int <span id="L125" class="LineNr">125 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='133subx-widths.subx.html#L45'>compute-width-of-slice</a> s: (addr slice)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int <span id="L126" class="LineNr">126 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='134emit-hex-array.subx.html#L7'>emit-hex-array</a> out: (addr buffered-file), arr: (addr array byte) <span id="L127" class="LineNr">127 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='135next-word-or-string.subx.html#L8'>next-word-or-string</a> line: (addr stream byte), out: (addr slice) <span id="L128" class="LineNr">128 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='202write-int.subx.html#L8'>write-int</a> out: (addr stream byte), n: int <span id="L129" class="LineNr">129 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='203stack.subx.html#L13'>clear-stack</a> s: (addr stack) <span id="L130" class="LineNr">130 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='203stack.subx.html#L114'>push</a> s: (addr stack), n: int <span id="L131" class="LineNr">131 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='203stack.subx.html#L234'>pop</a> s: (addr stack)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>n/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int <span id="L132" class="LineNr">132 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='203stack.subx.html#L338'>top</a> s: (addr stack)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>n/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int <span id="L133" class="LineNr">133 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='301array-equal.subx.html#L5'>array-equal?</a> a: (addr array int), b: (addr array int)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L134" class="LineNr">134 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='301array-equal.subx.html#L174'>parse-array-of-ints</a> ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), s: (addr string), out: (addr handle array int) <span id="L135" class="LineNr">135 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='301array-equal.subx.html#L370'>check-array-equal</a> a: (addr array int), expected: (addr string), msg: (addr string) <span id="L136" class="LineNr">136 </span><span class="Comment">#sig push-n-zero-bytes n: int</span> <span id="L137" class="LineNr">137 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='303kernel-string.subx.html#L7'>kernel-string-to-string</a> ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), in: (addr kernel-string), out: (addr handle array byte) <span id="L138" class="LineNr">138 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='303kernel-string.subx.html#L57'>kernel-string-length</a> in: (addr kernel-string)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int <span id="L139" class="LineNr">139 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L6'>enable-screen-grid-mode</a> <span id="L140" class="LineNr">140 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L24'>enable-screen-type-mode</a> <span id="L141" class="LineNr">141 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L37'>screen-size</a><span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>nrows/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: int, ncols/<span class="Constant">ecx</span>: int <span id="L142" class="LineNr">142 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L75'>clear-screen</a> <span id="L143" class="LineNr">143 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L91'>move-cursor-on-screen</a> row: int, column: int <span id="L144" class="LineNr">144 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L122'>print-string-to-screen</a> s: (addr array byte) <span id="L145" class="LineNr">145 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L134'>print-byte-to-screen</a> c: byte <span id="L146" class="LineNr">146 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L155'>print-int32-hex-to-screen</a> n: int <span id="L147" class="LineNr">147 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L168'>reset-formatting-on-screen</a> <span id="L148" class="LineNr">148 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L183'>start-color-on-screen</a> fg: int, bg: int <span id="L149" class="LineNr">149 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L218'>start-bold-on-screen</a> <span id="L150" class="LineNr">150 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L231'>start-underline-on-screen</a> <span id="L151" class="LineNr">151 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L244'>start-reverse-video-on-screen</a> <span id="L152" class="LineNr">152 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L258'>start-blinking-on-screen</a> <span id="L153" class="LineNr">153 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L271'>hide-cursor-on-screen</a> <span id="L154" class="LineNr">154 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='304screen.subx.html#L284'>show-cursor-on-screen</a> <span id="L155" class="LineNr">155 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='305keyboard.subx.html#L6'>enable-keyboard-immediate-mode</a> <span id="L156" class="LineNr">156 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='305keyboard.subx.html#L72'>enable-keyboard-type-mode</a> <span id="L157" class="LineNr">157 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='305keyboard.subx.html#L122'>read-key</a><span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: byte <span id="L158" class="LineNr">158 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='306files.subx.html#L3'>open</a> filename: (addr array byte), write?: boolean, out: (addr handle buffered-file) <span id="L159" class="LineNr">159 </span><span class="Comment">#sig size in: (addr array _) -&gt; result/eax: int</span> <span id="L160" class="LineNr">160 </span> <span id="L161" class="LineNr">161 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='309stream.subx.html#L4'>stream-empty?</a> s: (addr stream _)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean <span id="L162" class="LineNr">162 </span><span class="PreProc">sig</span> <a href='309stream.subx.html#L28'>stream-full?</a> s: (addr stream _)<span class="PreProc"> -&gt; </span>result/<span class="Constant">eax</span>: boolean </pre> </body> </html> <!-- vim: set foldmethod=manual : -->