import curses
from curses.ascii import *
from ranger import RANGERDIR
from ranger.gui.widgets.console import Console
from ranger.container.bookmarks import ALLOWED_KEYS as ALLOWED_BOOKMARK_KEYS
def do(method, *args, **kw):
return lambda fm: getattr(fm, method)(*args, **kw)
# syntax for binding keys: bind(*keys, fnc)
# fnc is a function which is called with the FM instance,
# keys are one or more key-combinations which are either:
# * a string
# * an integer which represents an ascii code
# * a tuple of integers
# in initialize_console_commands, fnc is a function which is
# called with the console widget instance instead.
def initialize_commands(command_list):
"""Initialize the commands for the main user interface"""
def bind(*args):
command_list.bind(args[-1], *args[:-1])
bind('h', curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, DEL, do('move_left'))
bind('l', do('move_right'))
bind(curses.KEY_ENTER, ctrl('j'), do('move_right', mode=1))
bind('H', do('history_go', -1))
bind('L', do('history_go', 1))
bind('j', do('move_pointer', relative = 1))
bind('J', do('move_pointer_by_pages', 0.5))
bind('k', do('move_pointer', relative = -1))
bind('K', do('move_pointer_by_pages', -0.5))
bind('gg', do('move_pointer', absolute = 0))
bind('G', do('move_pointer', absolute = -1))
bind('E', do('edit_file'))
bind('o', do('force_load_preview'))
bind('yy', 'cp', do('copy'))
bind('cut', do('cut'))
bind('p', do('paste'))
bind('th', do('toggle_boolean_option', 'show_hidden'))
bind('tp', do('toggle_boolean_option', 'preview_files'))
bind('td', do('toggle_boolean_option', 'directories_first'))
bind('cd', do('open_console', ':', 'cd '))
bind('f', do('open_console', '>', 'find '))
# key combinations which change the current directory
def cd(path):
return lambda fm: fm.enter_dir(path)
bind('gh', do('cd', '~'))
bind('ge', do('cd', '/etc'))
bind('gu', do('cd', '/usr'))
bind('gr', do('cd', '/'))
bind('gm', do('cd', '/media'))
bind('gn', do('cd', '/mnt'))
bind('gt', do('cd', '~/.trash'))
bind('gs', do('cd', '/srv'))
bind('gR', do('cd', RANGERDIR))
bind('n', do('search_forward'))
bind('N', do('search_backward'))
# bookmarks
bind("`" + key, "'" + key, do('enter_bookmark', key))
bind("m" + key, do('set_bookmark', key))
bind("um" + key, do('unset_bookmark', key))
# system functions
bind(ctrl('D'), 'q', 'ZZ', do('exit'))
bind(ctrl('R'), do('reset'))
bind(ctrl('L'), do('redraw_window'))
bind(ctrl('C'), do('interrupt'))
bind(curses.KEY_RESIZE, do('resize'))
bind(curses.KEY_MOUSE, do('handle_mouse'))
bind(':', do('open_console', ':'))
bind('>', do('open_console', '>'))
bind('/', do('open_console', '/'))
bind('?', do('open_console', '?'))
bind('!', do('open_console', '!'))
bind('r', do('open_console', '@'))
def test(fm):
from ranger import log
bind('x', test)
def initialize_console_commands(command_list):
"""Initialize the commands for the console widget only"""
def bind(*args):
command_list.bind(args[-1], *args[:-1])
def do_fm(method, *args, **kw):
return lambda con: getattr(, method)(*args, **kw)
# movement
bind(curses.KEY_UP, do('history_move', -1))
bind(curses.KEY_DOWN, do('history_move', 1))
bind(ctrl('b'), curses.KEY_LEFT, do('move', relative = -1))
bind(ctrl('f'), curses.KEY_RIGHT, do('move', relative = 1))
bind(ctrl('a'), curses.KEY_HOME, do('move', absolute = 0))
bind(ctrl('e'), curses.KEY_END, do('move', absolute = -1))
bind(ctrl('d'), curses.KEY_DC, do('delete', 0))
bind(ctrl('h'), curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, DEL, do('delete', -1))
bind(ctrl('w'), do('delete_word'))
bind(ctrl('k'), do('delete_rest', 1))
bind(ctrl('u'), do('delete_rest', -1))
bind(ctrl('y'), do('paste'))
# system functions
bind(ctrl('c'), ESC, do('close'))
bind(ctrl('j'), curses.KEY_ENTER, do('execute'))
bind(ctrl('l'), do_fm('redraw'))
bind(TAB, do('tab'))
bind(curses.KEY_BTAB, do('tab', -1))
bind(curses.KEY_RESIZE, do_fm('resize'))
# type keys
def type_key(key):
return lambda con: con.type_key(key)
for i in range(ord(' '), ord('~')+1):
bind(i, type_key(i))