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authorhut <>2012-06-16 14:56:37 +0200
committerhut <>2012-06-16 14:56:37 +0200
commita222f3149d625a41b1596140e8c13c98973331d8 (patch)
parent542d3a2514e9d5ae6c59ab9a11e807864d4b2039 (diff)
colorschemes.default: draw "documents" in green
this is an experiment... give feedback if you don't like this.
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ranger/colorschemes/ b/ranger/colorschemes/
index fa1d92bc..6a43a9b9 100644
--- a/ranger/colorschemes/
+++ b/ranger/colorschemes/
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ class Default(ColorScheme):
 					fg = magenta
 			if context.container:
 				fg = red
+			if context.document:
+				fg = green
 				attr |= bold
 				fg = blue
' href='#n128'>128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445
//           The Nimrod Compiler
//        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
//    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
//    distribution, for details about the copyright.
unit llvmstat;

// this module implements the interface to LLVM.


{$include ''}

  nsystem, ropes;

{ Opaque types.  }
  The top-level container for all other LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR)
  objects. See the llvm::Module class.
  cuint = int32;

  TLLVMTypeKind = (
    LLVMVoidTypeKind, // type with no size
    LLVMFloatTypeKind, // 32 bit floating point type
    LLVMDoubleTypeKind, // 64 bit floating point type
    LLVMX86_FP80TypeKind, // 80 bit floating point type (X87)
    LLVMFP128TypeKind, // 128 bit floating point type (112-bit mantissa)
    LLVMPPC_FP128TypeKind, // 128 bit floating point type (two 64-bits)
    LLVMLabelTypeKind, // Labels
    LLVMIntegerTypeKind, // Arbitrary bit width integers
    LLVMFunctionTypeKind, // Functions
    LLVMStructTypeKind, // Structures
    LLVMArrayTypeKind, // Arrays
    LLVMPointerTypeKind, // Pointers
    LLVMOpaqueTypeKind, // Opaque: type with unknown structure
    LLVMVectorTypeKind // SIMD 'packed' format, or other vector type

  TLLVMLinkage = (
    LLVMExternalLinkage, // Externally visible function
    LLVMLinkOnceLinkage, // Keep one copy of function when linking (inline)
    LLVMWeakLinkage, // Keep one copy of function when linking (weak)
    LLVMAppendingLinkage, // Special purpose, only applies to global arrays
    LLVMInternalLinkage, // Rename collisions when linking (static functions)
    LLVMDLLImportLinkage, // Function to be imported from DLL
    LLVMDLLExportLinkage, // Function to be accessible from DLL
    LLVMExternalWeakLinkage, // ExternalWeak linkage description
    LLVMGhostLinkage // Stand-in functions for streaming fns from bitcode

  TLLVMVisibility = (
    LLVMDefaultVisibility, // The GV is visible
    LLVMHiddenVisibility, // The GV is hidden
    LLVMProtectedVisibility // The GV is protected

  TLLVMCallConv = (
    LLVMCCallConv = 0,
    LLVMFastCallConv = 8,
    LLVMColdCallConv = 9,
    LLVMX86StdcallCallConv = 64,
    LLVMX86FastcallCallConv = 65

  TLLVMIntPredicate = (
    LLVMIntEQ = 32, // equal
    LLVMIntNE, // not equal
    LLVMIntUGT, // unsigned greater than
    LLVMIntUGE, // unsigned greater or equal
    LLVMIntULT, // unsigned less than
    LLVMIntULE, // unsigned less or equal
    LLVMIntSGT, // signed greater than
    LLVMIntSGE, // signed greater or equal
    LLVMIntSLT, // signed less than
    LLVMIntSLE // signed less or equal

  TLLVMRealPredicate = (
    LLVMRealPredicateFalse, // Always false (always folded)
    LLVMRealOEQ, // True if ordered and equal
    LLVMRealOGT, // True if ordered and greater than
    LLVMRealOGE, // True if ordered and greater than or equal
    LLVMRealOLT, // True if ordered and less than
    LLVMRealOLE, // True if ordered and less than or equal
    LLVMRealONE, // True if ordered and operands are unequal
    LLVMRealORD, // True if ordered (no nans)
    LLVMRealUNO, // True if unordered: isnan(X) | isnan(Y)
    LLVMRealUEQ, // True if unordered or equal
    LLVMRealUGT, // True if unordered or greater than
    LLVMRealUGE, // True if unordered, greater than, or equal
    LLVMRealULT, // True if unordered or less than
    LLVMRealULE, // True if unordered, less than, or equal
    LLVMRealUNE, // True if unordered or not equal
    LLVMRealPredicateTrue // Always true (always folded)

  PLLVMBasicBlockRef = ^TLLVMBasicBlockRef;
  PLLVMMemoryBufferRef = ^TLLVMMemoryBufferRef;
  PLLVMTypeRef = ^TLLVMTypeRef;
  PLLVMValueRef = ^TLLVMValueRef;

  TLLVMOpaqueModule = record
    code: PRope;
  TLLVMModuleRef = ^TLLVMOpaqueModule;
  Each value in the LLVM IR has a type, an instance of [lltype]. See the
  llvm::Type class.
  TLLVMOpaqueType = record
    kind: TLLVMTypeKind;

  TLLVMTypeRef = ^TLLVMOpaqueType;
  When building recursive types using [refine_type], [lltype] values may become
  invalid; use [lltypehandle] to resolve this problem. See the
  llvm::AbstractTypeHolder] class.
  TLLVMOpaqueTypeHandle = record end;
  TLLVMTypeHandleRef = ^TLLVMOpaqueTypeHandle;
  TLLVMOpaqueValue = record end;
  TLLVMValueRef = ^TLLVMOpaqueValue;
  TLLVMOpaqueBasicBlock = record end;
  TLLVMBasicBlockRef = ^TLLVMOpaqueBasicBlock;

  TLLVMOpaqueBuilder = record end;
  TLLVMBuilderRef = ^TLLVMOpaqueBuilder;
{ Used to provide a module to JIT or interpreter.
  See the llvm::ModuleProvider class.
  TLLVMOpaqueModuleProvider = record end;
  TLLVMModuleProviderRef = ^TLLVMOpaqueModuleProvider;
{ Used to provide a module to JIT or interpreter.
  See the llvm: : MemoryBuffer class.
  TLLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer = record end;
  TLLVMMemoryBufferRef = ^TLLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer;

{===-- Error handling ----------------------------------------------------=== }
procedure LLVMDisposeMessage(msg: pchar); cdecl;
{===-- Modules -----------------------------------------------------------=== }
{ Create and destroy modules.  }
function LLVMModuleCreateWithName(ModuleID: pchar): TLLVMModuleRef; cdecl;
procedure LLVMDisposeModule(M: TLLVMModuleRef);cdecl;
{ Data layout  }
function LLVMGetDataLayout(M: TLLVMModuleRef): pchar;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetDataLayout(M: TLLVMModuleRef; Triple: pchar);cdecl;
{ Target triple  }
function LLVMGetTarget(M: TLLVMModuleRef): pchar;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetTarget(M: TLLVMModuleRef; Triple: pchar);cdecl;
{ Same as Module: : addTypeName.  }
function LLVMAddTypeName(M: TLLVMModuleRef; Name: pchar; Ty: TLLVMTypeRef): longint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMDeleteTypeName(M: TLLVMModuleRef; Name: pchar);cdecl;
{===-- Types -------------------------------------------------------------=== }
{ LLVM types conform to the following hierarchy:
 *   types:
 *     integer type
 *     real type
 *     function type
 *     sequence types:
 *       array type
 *       pointer type
 *       vector type
 *     void type
 *     label type
 *     opaque type
function LLVMGetTypeKind(Ty: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMTypeKind; cdecl;
procedure LLVMRefineAbstractType(AbstractType: TLLVMTypeRef; ConcreteType: TLLVMTypeRef); cdecl;
{ Operations on integer types  }
function LLVMInt1Type: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMInt8Type: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMInt16Type: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMInt32Type: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMInt64Type: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMIntType(NumBits: cuint): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(IntegerTy: TLLVMTypeRef): cuint;cdecl;
{ Operations on real types  }
function LLVMFloatType: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMDoubleType: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMX86FP80Type: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMFP128Type: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMPPCFP128Type: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
{ Operations on function types  }
function LLVMFunctionType(ReturnType: TLLVMTypeRef; ParamTypes: PLLVMTypeRef; ParamCount: cuint; IsVarArg: longint): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMIsFunctionVarArg(FunctionTy: TLLVMTypeRef): longint;cdecl;
function LLVMGetReturnType(FunctionTy: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMCountParamTypes(FunctionTy: TLLVMTypeRef): cuint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMGetParamTypes(FunctionTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Dest: PLLVMTypeRef);cdecl;
{ Operations on struct types  }
function LLVMStructType(ElementTypes: PLLVMTypeRef; ElementCount: cuint; isPacked: longint): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMCountStructElementTypes(StructTy: TLLVMTypeRef): cuint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMGetStructElementTypes(StructTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Dest: pLLVMTypeRef);cdecl;
function LLVMIsPackedStruct(StructTy: TLLVMTypeRef): longint;cdecl;
{ Operations on array, pointer, and vector types (sequence types)  }
function LLVMArrayType(ElementType: TLLVMTypeRef; ElementCount: cuint): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMPointerType(ElementType: TLLVMTypeRef; AddressSpace: cuint): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMVectorType(ElementType: TLLVMTypeRef; ElementCount: cuint): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMGetElementType(Ty: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMGetArrayLength(ArrayTy: TLLVMTypeRef): cuint;cdecl;
function LLVMGetPointerAddressSpace(PointerTy: TLLVMTypeRef): cuint;cdecl;
function LLVMGetVectorSize(VectorTy: TLLVMTypeRef): cuint;cdecl;
{ Operations on other types  }
function LLVMVoidType: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMLabelType: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMOpaqueType: TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
{ Operations on type handles  }
function LLVMCreateTypeHandle(PotentiallyAbstractTy: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMTypeHandleRef;cdecl;
procedure LLVMRefineType(AbstractTy: TLLVMTypeRef; ConcreteTy: TLLVMTypeRef);cdecl;
function LLVMResolveTypeHandle(TypeHandle: TLLVMTypeHandleRef): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
procedure LLVMDisposeTypeHandle(TypeHandle: TLLVMTypeHandleRef);cdecl;
{===-- Values ------------------------------------------------------------=== }
{ The bulk of LLVM's object model consists of values, which comprise a very
 * rich type hierarchy.
 *   values:
 *     constants:
 *       scalar constants
 *       composite contants
 *       globals:
 *         global variable
 *         function
 *         alias
 *       basic blocks
{ Operations on all values  }
function LLVMTypeOf(Val: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMTypeRef;cdecl;
function LLVMGetValueName(Val: TLLVMValueRef): pchar;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetValueName(Val: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar);cdecl;
procedure LLVMDumpValue(Val: TLLVMValueRef);cdecl;
{ Operations on constants of any type  }
function LLVMConstNull(Ty: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ all zeroes  }
function LLVMConstAllOnes(Ty: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ only for int/vector  }
function LLVMGetUndef(Ty: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMIsConstant(Val: TLLVMValueRef): longint;cdecl;
function LLVMIsNull(Val: TLLVMValueRef): longint;cdecl;
function LLVMIsUndef(Val: TLLVMValueRef): longint;cdecl;
{ Operations on scalar constants  }
function LLVMConstInt(IntTy: TLLVMTypeRef; N: qword; SignExtend: longint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstReal(RealTy: TLLVMTypeRef; N: double): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ Operations on composite constants  }
function LLVMConstString(Str: pchar; Length: cuint; DontNullTerminate: longint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstArray(ArrayTy: TLLVMTypeRef; ConstantVals: pLLVMValueRef; Length: cuint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstStruct(ConstantVals: pLLVMValueRef; Count: cuint; ispacked: longint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstVector(ScalarConstantVals: pLLVMValueRef; Size: cuint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ Constant expressions  }
function LLVMSizeOf(Ty: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstNeg(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstNot(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstAdd(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstSub(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstMul(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstUDiv(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstSDiv(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstFDiv(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstURem(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstSRem(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstFRem(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstAnd(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstOr(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstXor(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstICmp(Predicate: TLLVMIntPredicate; LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstFCmp(Predicate: TLLVMRealPredicate; LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstShl(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstLShr(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstAShr(LHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef; RHSConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstGEP(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ConstantIndices: PLLVMValueRef; NumIndices: cuint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstTrunc(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstSExt(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstZExt(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstFPTrunc(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstFPExt(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstUIToFP(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstSIToFP(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstFPToUI(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstFPToSI(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstPtrToInt(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstIntToPtr(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstBitCast(ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef; ToType: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstSelect(ConstantCondition: TLLVMValueRef; ConstantIfTrue: TLLVMValueRef; ConstantIfFalse: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstExtractElement(VectorConstant: TLLVMValueRef; IndexConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstInsertElement(VectorConstant: TLLVMValueRef; ElementValueConstant: TLLVMValueRef; IndexConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMConstShuffleVector(VectorAConstant: TLLVMValueRef; VectorBConstant: TLLVMValueRef; MaskConstant: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ Operations on global variables, functions, and aliases (globals)  }
function LLVMIsDeclaration(Global: TLLVMValueRef): longint;cdecl;
function LLVMGetLinkage(Global: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMLinkage;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetLinkage(Global: TLLVMValueRef; Linkage: TLLVMLinkage);cdecl;
function LLVMGetSection(Global: TLLVMValueRef): pchar;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetSection(Global: TLLVMValueRef; Section: pchar);cdecl;
function LLVMGetVisibility(Global: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMVisibility;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetVisibility(Global: TLLVMValueRef; Viz: TLLVMVisibility);cdecl;
function LLVMGetAlignment(Global: TLLVMValueRef): cuint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetAlignment(Global: TLLVMValueRef; Bytes: cuint);cdecl;
{ Operations on global variables  }
(* Const before type ignored *)
function LLVMAddGlobal(M: TLLVMModuleRef; Ty: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
(* Const before type ignored *)
function LLVMGetNamedGlobal(M: TLLVMModuleRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
procedure LLVMDeleteGlobal(GlobalVar: TLLVMValueRef);cdecl;
function LLVMHasInitializer(GlobalVar: TLLVMValueRef): longint;cdecl;
function LLVMGetInitializer(GlobalVar: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetInitializer(GlobalVar: TLLVMValueRef; ConstantVal: TLLVMValueRef);cdecl;
function LLVMIsThreadLocal(GlobalVar: TLLVMValueRef): longint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetThreadLocal(GlobalVar: TLLVMValueRef; IsThreadLocal: longint);cdecl;
function LLVMIsGlobalConstant(GlobalVar: TLLVMValueRef): longint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetGlobalConstant(GlobalVar: TLLVMValueRef; IsConstant: longint);cdecl;
{ Operations on functions  }
(* Const before type ignored *)
function LLVMAddFunction(M: TLLVMModuleRef; Name: pchar; FunctionTy: TLLVMTypeRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
(* Const before type ignored *)
function LLVMGetNamedFunction(M: TLLVMModuleRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
procedure LLVMDeleteFunction(Fn: TLLVMValueRef);cdecl;
function LLVMCountParams(Fn: TLLVMValueRef): cuint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMGetParams(Fn: TLLVMValueRef; Params: PLLVMValueRef);cdecl;
function LLVMGetParam(Fn: TLLVMValueRef; Index: cuint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMGetIntrinsicID(Fn: TLLVMValueRef): cuint;cdecl;
function LLVMGetFunctionCallConv(Fn: TLLVMValueRef): cuint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(Fn: TLLVMValueRef; CC: cuint);cdecl;
(* Const before type ignored *)
function LLVMGetCollector(Fn: TLLVMValueRef): pchar;cdecl;
(* Const before type ignored *)
procedure LLVMSetCollector(Fn: TLLVMValueRef; Coll: pchar);cdecl;
{ Operations on basic blocks  }
function LLVMBasicBlockAsValue(Bb: TLLVMBasicBlockRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMValueIsBasicBlock(Val: TLLVMValueRef): longint;cdecl;
function LLVMValueAsBasicBlock(Val: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMBasicBlockRef;cdecl;
function LLVMCountBasicBlocks(Fn: TLLVMValueRef): cuint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMGetBasicBlocks(Fn: TLLVMValueRef; BasicBlocks: PLLVMBasicBlockRef);cdecl;
function LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock(Fn: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMBasicBlockRef;cdecl;
(* Const before type ignored *)
function LLVMAppendBasicBlock(Fn: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMBasicBlockRef;cdecl;
(* Const before type ignored *)
function LLVMInsertBasicBlock(InsertBeforeBB: TLLVMBasicBlockRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMBasicBlockRef;cdecl;
procedure LLVMDeleteBasicBlock(BB: TLLVMBasicBlockRef);cdecl;
{ Operations on call sites  }
procedure LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(Instr: TLLVMValueRef; CC: cuint);cdecl;
function LLVMGetInstructionCallConv(Instr: TLLVMValueRef): cuint;cdecl;
{ Operations on phi nodes  }
procedure LLVMAddIncoming(PhiNode: TLLVMValueRef; IncomingValues: PLLVMValueRef; IncomingBlocks: PLLVMBasicBlockRef; Count: cuint);cdecl;
function LLVMCountIncoming(PhiNode: TLLVMValueRef): cuint;cdecl;
function LLVMGetIncomingValue(PhiNode: TLLVMValueRef; Index: cuint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMGetIncomingBlock(PhiNode: TLLVMValueRef; Index: cuint): TLLVMBasicBlockRef;cdecl;
{===-- Instruction builders ----------------------------------------------=== }
{ An instruction builder represents a point within a basic block, and is the
 * exclusive means of building instructions using the C interface.
function LLVMCreateBuilder: TLLVMBuilderRef;cdecl;
procedure LLVMPositionBuilderBefore(Builder: TLLVMBuilderRef; Instr: TLLVMValueRef);cdecl;
procedure LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder: TLLVMBuilderRef; theBlock: TLLVMBasicBlockRef);cdecl;
procedure LLVMDisposeBuilder(Builder: TLLVMBuilderRef);cdecl;
{ Terminators  }
function LLVMBuildRetVoid(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildRet(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; V: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildBr(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Dest: TLLVMBasicBlockRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildCondBr(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; IfCond: TLLVMValueRef; ThenBranch: TLLVMBasicBlockRef; ElseBranch: TLLVMBasicBlockRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildSwitch(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; V: TLLVMValueRef; ElseBranch: TLLVMBasicBlockRef; NumCases: cuint): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
(* Const before type ignored *)
function LLVMBuildInvoke(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Fn: TLLVMValueRef; Args: PLLVMValueRef; NumArgs: cuint; ThenBranch: TLLVMBasicBlockRef;
           Catch: TLLVMBasicBlockRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildUnwind(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildUnreachable(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ Add a case to the switch instruction  }
procedure LLVMAddCase(Switch: TLLVMValueRef; OnVal: TLLVMValueRef; Dest: TLLVMBasicBlockRef);cdecl;
{ Arithmetic  }
function LLVMBuildAdd(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildSub(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildMul(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildUDiv(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildSDiv(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildFDiv(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildURem(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildSRem(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildFRem(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildShl(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildLShr(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildAShr(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildAnd(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildOr(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildXor(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildNeg(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; V: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildNot(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; V: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ Memory  }
function LLVMBuildMalloc(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Ty: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildArrayMalloc(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Ty: TLLVMTypeRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildAlloca(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Ty: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Ty: TLLVMTypeRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildFree(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; PointerVal: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildLoad(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; PointerVal: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildStore(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; thePtr: TLLVMValueRef): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildGEP(B: TLLVMBuilderRef; Pointer: TLLVMValueRef; Indices: PLLVMValueRef; NumIndices: cuint; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ Casts  }
function LLVMBuildTrunc(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildZExt(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildSExt(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildFPToUI(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildFPToSI(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildUIToFP(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildSIToFP(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildFPTrunc(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildFPExt(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildPtrToInt(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildIntToPtr(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildBitCast(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Val: TLLVMValueRef; DestTy: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ Comparisons  }
function LLVMBuildICmp(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Op: TLLVMIntPredicate; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildFCmp(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Op: TLLVMRealPredicate; LHS: TLLVMValueRef; RHS: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{ Miscellaneous instructions  }
function LLVMBuildPhi(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Ty: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildCall(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; Fn: TLLVMValueRef; Args: PLLVMValueRef; NumArgs: cuint; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildSelect(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; IfCond: TLLVMValueRef; ThenBranch: TLLVMValueRef; ElseBranch: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildVAArg(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; List: TLLVMValueRef; Ty: TLLVMTypeRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildExtractElement(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; VecVal: TLLVMValueRef; Index: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildInsertElement(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; VecVal: TLLVMValueRef; EltVal: TLLVMValueRef; Index: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
function LLVMBuildShuffleVector(para1: TLLVMBuilderRef; V1: TLLVMValueRef; V2: TLLVMValueRef; Mask: TLLVMValueRef; Name: pchar): TLLVMValueRef;cdecl;
{===-- Module providers --------------------------------------------------=== }
{ Encapsulates the module M in a module provider, taking ownership of the
  See the constructor llvm: : ExistingModuleProvider: : ExistingModuleProvider.
function LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule(M: TLLVMModuleRef): TLLVMModuleProviderRef;cdecl;
{ Destroys the module provider MP as well as the contained module.
  See the destructor llvm: : ModuleProvider: : ~ModuleProvider.
procedure LLVMDisposeModuleProvider(MP: TLLVMModuleProviderRef);cdecl;
{===-- Memory buffers ----------------------------------------------------=== }
function LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(Path: pchar; OutMemBuf: pLLVMMemoryBufferRef; var OutMessage: pchar): longint;cdecl;
function LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN(OutMemBuf: pLLVMMemoryBufferRef; var OutMessage: pchar): longint;cdecl;
procedure LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer(MemBuf: TLLVMMemoryBufferRef);cdecl;

function LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(M: TLLVMModuleRef; path: pchar): int; cdecl;
// Writes a module to the specified path. Returns 0 on success.

