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path: root/COPYING
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authorhut <>2011-01-04 01:51:25 +0100
committerhut <>2011-01-04 01:51:25 +0100
commitd176ad91fb02fb5bdc50fe85ee8b90105ba5ff90 (patch)
treea1efb8a1621976555e465dcb50ae9323b80956c1 /COPYING
parent2719decc9a05162516fd91a40a7b5f77e5eb1be0 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'COPYING')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
'#n73'>73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183

<TITLE>Character table for cp-1252</TITLE>
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<H1 ALIGN=center>cp-1252 table</H1> 

Description                                 Code            Entity name   
===================================         ============    ==============
quotation mark                              &amp;#34;  --> &#34;     &amp;quot;   --> &quot;
ampersand                                   &amp;#38;  --> &#38;     &amp;amp;    --> &amp;
less-than sign                              &amp;#60;  --> &#60;     &amp;lt;     --> &lt;
greater-than sign                           &amp;#62;  --> &#62;     &amp;gt;     --> &gt;

Description                            Char Code            Entity name   
===================================    ==== ============    ==============
euro sign                              �    &amp;128; --> &#128;
undefined                              �    &amp;129; --> &#129;
single low-9 quotation mark            �    &amp;130; --> &#130;
latin small letter f with hook         �    &amp;131; --> &#131;
double low-9 quotation mark            �    &amp;132; --> &#132;
horizontal ellipsis                    �    &amp;133; --> &#133;
dagger                                 �    &amp;134; --> &#134;
double dagger                          �    &amp;135; --> &#135;
modifier letter circumflex accent      �    &amp;136; --> &#136;
per mille sign                         �    &amp;137; --> &#137;
latin capital letter s with caron      �    &amp;138; --> &#138;
single left-pointing angle quote mark  �    &amp;139; --> &#139;
latin capital ligature oe              �    &amp;140; --> &#140;
undefined                              �    &amp;141; --> &#141;
latin capital letter z with caron      �    &amp;142; --> &#142;
undefined                              �    &amp;143; --> &#143;

undefined                              �    &amp;144; --> &#144;
left single quotation mark             �    &amp;145; --> &#145;
right single quotation mark            �    &amp;146; --> &#146;
left double quotation mark             �    &amp;147; --> &#147;
right double quotation mark            �    &amp;148; --> &#148;
bullet                                 �    &amp;149; --> &#149;
en dash                                �    &amp;150; --> &#150;
em dash                                �    &amp;151; --> &#151;
small tilde                            �    &amp;152; --> &#152;
trade mark sign                        �    &amp;153; --> &#153;
latin small letter s with caron        �    &amp;154; --> &#154;
single right-pointing angle quote mark �    &amp;155; --> &#155;
latin small ligature oe                �    &amp;156; --> &#156;
undefined                              �    &amp;157; --> &#157;
latin small letter z with caron        �    &amp;158; --> &#158;
latin capital letter y with diaeresis  �    &amp;159; --> &#159;

non-breaking space                     �    &amp;#160; --> &#160;    &amp;nbsp;   --> &nbsp;
inverted exclamation                   �    &amp;#161; --> &#161;    &amp;iexcl;  --> &iexcl;
cent sign                              �    &amp;#162; --> &#162;    &amp;cent;   --> &cent;
pound sterling                         �    &amp;#163; --> &#163;    &amp;pound;  --> &pound;
general currency sign                  �    &amp;#164; --> &#164;    &amp;curren; --> &curren;
yen sign                               �    &amp;#165; --> &#165;    &amp;yen;    --> &yen;
broken vertical bar                    �    &amp;#166; --> &#166;    &amp;brvbar; --> &brvbar;
section sign                           �    &amp;#167; --> &#167;    &amp;sect;   --> &sect;
umlaut (dieresis)                      �    &amp;#168; --> &#168;    &amp;uml;    --> &uml;
copyright                              �    &amp;#169; --> &#169;    &amp;copy;   --> &copy;
feminine ordinal                       �    &amp;#170; --> &#170;    &amp;ordf;   --> &ordf;
left angle quote, guillemotleft        �    &amp;#171; --> &#171;    &amp;laquo;  --> &laquo;
not sign                               �    &amp;#172; --> &#172;    &amp;not;    --> &not;
soft hyphen                            �    &amp;#173; --> &#173;    &amp;shy;    --> &shy;
registered trademark                   �    &amp;#174; --> &#174;    &amp;reg;    --> &reg;
macron accent                          �    &amp;#175; --> &#175;    &amp;macr;   --> &macr;

degree sign                            �    &amp;#176; --> &#176;    &amp;deg;    --> &deg;
plus or minus                          �    &amp;#177; --> &#177;    &amp;plusmn; --> &plusmn;
superscript two                        �    &amp;#178; --> &#178;    &amp;sup2;   --> &sup2;
superscript three                      �    &amp;#179; --> &#179;    &amp;sup3;   --> &sup3;
acute accent                           �    &amp;#180; --> &#180;    &amp;acute;  --> &acute;
micro sign                             �    &amp;#181; --> &#181;    &amp;micro;  --> &micro;
paragraph sign                         �    &amp;#182; --> &#182;    &amp;para;   --> &para;
middle dot                             �    &amp;#183; --> &#183;    &amp;middot; --> &middot;
cedilla                                �    &amp;#184; --> &#184;    &amp;cedil;  --> &cedil;
superscript one                        �    &amp;#185; --> &#185;    &amp;sup1;   --> &sup1;
masculine ordinal                      �    &amp;#186; --> &#186;    &amp;ordm;   --> &ordm;
right angle quote, guillemotright      �    &amp;#187; --> &#187;    &amp;raquo;  --> &raquo;
vulgar fraction one-quarter            �    &amp;#188; --> &#188;    &amp;frac14; --> &frac14;
vulgar fraction one-half               �    &amp;#189; --> &#189;    &amp;frac12; --> &frac12;
vulgar fraction three-fourths          �    &amp;#190; --> &#190;    &amp;frac34; --> &frac34;
inverted question mark                 �    &amp;#191; --> &#191;    &amp;iquest; --> &iquest;

latin capital letter a with grave      �    &amp;#192; --> &#192;    &amp;Agrave; --> &Agrave;
latin capital letter a with acute      �    &amp;#193; --> &#193;    &amp;Aacute; --> &Aacute;
latin capital letter a with circumflex �    &amp;#194; --> &#194;    &amp;Acirc;  --> &Acirc;
latin capital letter a with tilde      �    &amp;#195; --> &#195;    &amp;Atilde; --> &Atilde;
latin capital letter a with diaeresis  �    &amp;#196; --> &#196;    &amp;Auml;   --> &Auml;
latin capital letter a with ring above �    &amp;#197; --> &#197;    &amp;Aring;  --> &Aring;
latin capital letter ae                �    &amp;#198; --> &#198;    &amp;AElig;  --> &AElig;
latin capital letter c with cedilla    �    &amp;#199; --> &#199;    &amp;Ccedil; --> &Ccedil;
latin capital letter e with grave      �    &amp;#200; --> &#200;    &amp;Egrave; --> &Egrave;
latin capital letter e with acute      �    &amp;#201; --> &#201;    &amp;Eacute; --> &Eacute;
latin capital letter e with circumflex �    &amp;#202; --> &#202;    &amp;Ecirc;  --> &Ecirc;
latin capital letter e with diaeresis  �    &amp;#203; --> &#203;    &amp;Euml;   --> &Euml;
latin capital letter i with grave      �    &amp;#204; --> &#204;    &amp;Igrave; --> &Igrave;
latin capital letter i with acute      �    &amp;#205; --> &#205;    &amp;Iacute; --> &Iacute;
latin capital letter i with circumflex �    &amp;#206; --> &#206;    &amp;Icirc;  --> &Icirc;
latin capital letter i with diaeresis  �    &amp;#207; --> &#207;    &amp;Iuml;   --> &Iuml;

latin capital letter eth               �    &amp;#208; --> &#208;    &amp;ETH;    --> &ETH;
latin capital letter n with tilde      �    &amp;#209; --> &#209;    &amp;Ntilde; --> &Ntilde;
latin capital letter o with grave      �    &amp;#210; --> &#210;    &amp;Ograve; --> &Ograve;
latin capital letter o with acute      �    &amp;#211; --> &#211;    &amp;Oacute; --> &Oacute;
latin capital letter o with circumflex �    &amp;#212; --> &#212;    &amp;Ocirc;  --> &Ocirc;
latin capital letter o with tilde      �    &amp;#213; --> &#213;    &amp;Otilde; --> &Otilde;
latin capital letter o with diaeresis  �    &amp;#214; --> &#214;    &amp;Ouml;   --> &Ouml;
multiplication sign                    �    &amp;#215; --> &#215;    &amp;times;  --> &times;
latin capital letter o with stroke     �    &amp;#216; --> &#216;    &amp;Oslash; --> &Oslash;
latin capital letter u with grave      �    &amp;#217; --> &#217;    &amp;Ugrave; --> &Ugrave;
latin capital letter u with acute      �    &amp;#218; --> &#218;    &amp;Uacute; --> &Uacute;
latin capital letter u with circumflex �    &amp;#219; --> &#219;    &amp;Ucirc;  --> &Ucirc;
latin capital letter u with diaeresis  �    &amp;#220; --> &#220;    &amp;Uuml;   --> &Uuml;
latin capital letter y with acute      �    &amp;#221; --> &#221;    &amp;Yacute; --> &Yacute;
latin capital letter thorn             �    &amp;#222; --> &#222;    &amp;THORN;  --> &THORN;
latin small letter sharp s             �    &amp;#223; --> &#223;    &amp;szlig;  --> &szlig;

latin small letter a with grave        �    &amp;#224; --> &#224;    &amp;agrave; --> &agrave;
latin small letter a with acute        �    &amp;#225; --> &#225;    &amp;aacute; --> &aacute;
latin small letter a with circumflex   �    &amp;#226; --> &#226;    &amp;acirc;  --> &acirc;
latin small letter a with tilde        �    &amp;#227; --> &#227;    &amp;atilde; --> &atilde;
latin small letter a with diaeresis    �    &amp;#228; --> &#228;    &amp;auml;   --> &auml;
latin small letter a with ring above   �    &amp;#229; --> &#229;    &amp;aring;  --> &aring;
latin small letter ae                  �    &amp;#230; --> &#230;    &amp;aelig;  --> &aelig;
latin small letter c with cedilla      �    &amp;#231; --> &#231;    &amp;ccedil; --> &ccedil;
latin small letter e with grave        �    &amp;#232; --> &#232;    &amp;egrave; --> &egrave;
latin small letter e with acute        �    &amp;#233; --> &#233;    &amp;eacute; --> &eacute;
latin small letter e with circumflex   �    &amp;#234; --> &#234;    &amp;ecirc;  --> &ecirc;
latin small letter e with diaeresis    �    &amp;#235; --> &#235;    &amp;euml;   --> &euml;
latin small letter i with grave        �    &amp;#236; --> &#236;    &amp;igrave; --> &igrave;
latin small letter i with acute        �    &amp;#237; --> &#237;    &amp;iacute; --> &iacute;
latin small letter i with circumflex   �    &amp;#238; --> &#238;    &amp;icirc;  --> &icirc;
latin small letter i with diaeresis    �    &amp;#239; --> &#239;    &amp;iuml;   --> &iuml;

latin small letter eth                 �    &amp;#240; --> &#240;    &amp;eth;    --> &eth;
latin small letter n with tilde        �    &amp;#241; --> &#241;    &amp;ntilde; --> &ntilde;
latin small letter o with grave        �    &amp;#242; --> &#242;    &amp;ograve; --> &ograve;
latin small letter o with acute        �    &amp;#243; --> &#243;    &amp;oacute; --> &oacute;
latin small letter o with circumflex   �    &amp;#244; --> &#244;    &amp;ocirc;  --> &ocirc;
latin small letter o with tilde        �    &amp;#245; --> &#245;    &amp;otilde; --> &otilde;
latin small letter o with diaeresis    �    &amp;#246; --> &#246;    &amp;ouml;   --> &ouml;
division sign                          �    &amp;#247; --> &#247;    &amp;divide; --> &divide;
latin small letter o with stroke       �    &amp;#248; --> &#248;    &amp;oslash; --> &oslash;
latin small letter u with grave        �    &amp;#249; --> &#249;    &amp;ugrave; --> &ugrave;
latin small letter u with acute        �    &amp;#250; --> &#250;    &amp;uacute; --> &uacute;
latin small letter u with circumflex   �    &amp;#251; --> &#251;    &amp;ucirc;  --> &ucirc;
latin small letter u with diaeresis    �    &amp;#252; --> &#252;    &amp;uuml;   --> &uuml;
latin small letter y with acute        �    &amp;#253; --> &#253;    &amp;yacute; --> &yacute;
latin small letter thorn               �    &amp;#254; --> &#254;    &amp;thorn;  --> &thorn;
latin small letter y with diaeresis   {�}  {&amp;#255;}-->{&#255;}  {&amp;yuml;}  -->{&yuml;}

Some other characters of interest      Char Code            Entity name   
===================================    ==== ============    ==============
capital AE diphthong (ligature)        N/A  &amp;#198; --> &#198;    &amp;AElig;  --> &AElig;
small ae diphthong (ligature)          N/A  &amp;#230; --> &#230;    &amp;aelig;  --> &aelig;
capital OE ligature                    N/A {&amp;#338;}-->{&#338;}  {&amp;OElig;} -->{&OElig;}
small oe ligature                      N/A {&amp;#339;}-->{&#339;}  {&amp;oelig;} -->{&oelig;}
copyright                              N/A  &amp;#169; --> &#169;    &amp;copy;   --> &copy;
registered trademark                   N/A  &amp;#174; --> &#174;    &amp;reg;    --> &reg;
trademark sign                         N/A  &amp;#8482;--> &#8482;   &amp;trade;  --> &trade;
em space                               N/A [&amp;#8195;]->[&#8195;] [&amp;emsp;]  -->[&emsp;]
en space                               N/A [&amp;#8194;]->[&#8194;] [&amp;ensp;]  -->[&ensp;]
1/3-em space                           N/A [&amp;#8196;]->[&#8196;] [&amp;emsp13;] -->[&emsp13;]
1/4-em space                           N/A [&amp;#8197;]->[&#8197;] [&amp;emsp14;] -->[&emsp14;]
thin space                             N/A [&amp;#8201;]->[&#8201;] [&amp;thinsp;]-->[&thinsp;]
hair space                             N/A [&amp;#8202;]->[&#8202;] [&amp;hairsp;]-->[&hairsp;]
em dash                                N/A [&amp;#8212;]->[&#8212;] [&amp;mdash;] -->[&mdash;]
en dash                                N/A [&amp;#8211;]->[&#8211;] [&amp;ndash;] -->[&ndash;]
