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path: root/code/extensions.rb
diff options
authorhut <>2009-05-09 00:00:00 +0200
committerhut <>2009-05-09 00:00:00 +0200
commita0de7f95bc7525b99b2c2e16f566e0ee367e9c3c (patch)
tree62d1cdf9523f4e8fad28ca7df0e1d696c991d2db /code/extensions.rb
parent34bfb32ecf2cea5e5de95980beedb681139d9c01 (diff)
lots of changes. version 0.2.1 v0.2.1
Diffstat (limited to 'code/extensions.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 573 deletions
diff --git a/code/extensions.rb b/code/extensions.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a15fc952..00000000
--- a/code/extensions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,573 +0,0 @@
-class Bar
-	def initialize( text = '' )
-		@text = text
-		@done = 0
-		@thread = nil
-		@update_proc = nil
-		Fm.bar_add(self)
-	end
-	def kill(evil = true)
-		Fm.bar_del(self)
-		Fm.force_update
-		@thread.kill
-	end
-	def update(&block)
-		if block
-			@update_proc = block
-		elsif @update_proc
-		end
-	end
-	attr_accessor :text, :done, :thread
-class CopyBar < Bar
-	def initialize( text = '' )
-		super
-		@update_proc = proc do |b|
-			begin
-				b.done = File.size(fname).to_f / finished
-			rescue
-				b.done = 0
-			end
-		end
-	end
-module Action
-#	def self.get_all_files(path)
-#		glob =
-#	end
-	def self.make_a_bar_for_one(text, command)
-		bar =
-		finished = File.size(from[0]).to_f
-		fname = File.join(to, File.basename(from[0]))
-		bar.thread = do
-			begin
-				system('ionice', '-c3', command, *(from + [to]))
-			ensure
-				bar.kill(false)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	def self.copy(from, to)
-#		log [from, to]
-#		if String === from[0]
-#			from[0] =[0])
-#		end
-		if from.size == 1 and from[0].file?
-			from = from[0]
-			bar ="Copying...")
-			finished = from.size.to_f
-			fname = File.join(to, from.basename)
-			bar.update do |b|
-				begin
-					b.done = File.size(fname).to_f / finished
-				rescue
-					b.done = 0
-				end
-			end
-			bar.thread = do
-				begin
-					system('cp', from.to_s, to)
-				ensure
-					bar.kill(false)
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			bar ="Copying...")
-			from = from.dup
-			from = [from] unless Array === from
-			finished = Dir.number_of_files(*{|x| x.to_s})
-			count = 0
-			bar.update do |b|
-				begin
-					b.done = count / finished
-				rescue
-					b.done = 0
-				end
-			end
-!{|x| x.to_s}
-			bar.thread = do
-				begin
-					system('cp', '-r', *(from + [to.to_s]))
-#					IO.popen("cp -vr #{from.join(' ')} #{}") do |f|
-#					IO.popen(['cp', '-vr', *(from + [to])]) do |f|
-#						count += 1 while f.gets =~ /' -> `/
-#					end
-				ensure
-					bar.kill(false)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	def self.move(from, to)
-#		log [from, to]
-#		if String === from[0]
-#			from[0] =[0])
-#		end
-		if from.size == 1 and from[0].file?
-			from = from[0]
-			bar ="Moving...")
-			finished = from.size.to_f
-			fname = File.join(to, from.basename)
-			bar.update do |b|
-				begin
-					b.done = File.size(fname).to_f / finished
-				rescue
-					b.done = 0
-				end
-			end
-			bar.thread = do
-				begin
-					system('mv', from.to_s, to)
-				ensure
-					bar.kill(false)
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			bar ="Moving...")
-			from = from.dup
-			from = [from] unless Array === from
-			finished = Dir.number_of_files(*{|x| x.to_s})
-			count = 0
-			bar.update do |b|
-				begin
-					b.done = count / finished
-				rescue
-					b.done = 0
-				end
-			end
-!{|x| x.to_s}
-			bar.thread = do
-				begin
-					system('mv', *(from + [to.to_s]))
-#					IO.popen("mv -v #{from.join(' ')} #{}") do |f|
-#						count += 1 while f.gets =~ /' -> `/
-#					end
-				ensure
-					bar.kill(false)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-class Directory
-	class Entry #{{{
-		# Let's just cache every shit, because i don't want
-		# to call File methods all the time
-		def initialize(dirname, basename=nil)
-			if basename
-				@path = File.join(dirname, basename)
-				@dirname = dirname
-				@basename = basename
-			else
-				@path = dirname
-				@dirname = File.dirname(dirname)
-				@basename = File.basename(dirname)
-			end
-			@size = 0
-			@exists = false
-			@rights = '----------'
-			@readlink = ''
-			@symlink = false
-			@writable = false
-			@infostring = ''
-			@executable = false
-			@type = :nonexistent
-			@mtime = BAD_TIME
-			@ctime = BAD_TIME
-			@marked = false
-		end
-		attr_reader(:basename, :mtime, :rights, :type, :path,
-					  :infostring, :readlink, :basename, :size, :ctime)
-		attr_accessor(:marked)
-		def to_s() @path end
-		def exists?() @exists end
-		def marked?() @marked end
-		def symlink?() @symlink end
-		def broken_symlink?() @symlink and !@exists end
-		def dir?() @type == :dir end
-		def file?() @type == :file end
-		def writable?() @writable end
-		def executable?() @executable end
-		def delete!
-			if @type == :dir
-				Dir.delete(@path) rescue nil
-			else
-				File.delete(@path) rescue nil
-			end
-		end
-		def refresh
-			if File.exists?(@path)
-				if File.ctime(@path) != @ctime
-					get_data
-				end
-			else
-				get_data
-			end
-		end
-		def sh
-			res = @path.dup
-			res.gsub!('\\\\', "\000")
-			res.gsub!(' ', '\\ ')
-			res.gsub!('(', '\\(')
-			res.gsub!('&', '\\&')
-			res.gsub!(')', '\\)')
-			res.gsub!('*', '\\*')
-			res.gsub!('\'', '\\\'')
-			res.gsub!('"', '\\"')
-			res.gsub!("\000", '\\\\')
-			return res
-		end
-		def in? path
-			to_s[0, path.size] == path
-		end
-		def get_data
-			@size = 0
-			@infostring = ''
-			@exists = File.exists?(@path)
-			if @exists
-				@writable = File.writable?(@path)
-				@symlink = File.symlink?(@path)
-				if @symlink
-					@readlink = File.readlink(@path)
-				end
-				if
-					@type = :dir
-					begin
-						sz = Dir.entries(@path).size - 2
-						@size = sz
-					rescue
-						sz = "?"
-					end
-					@infostring << "#{sz}"
-				elsif File.socket?(@path)
-					@type = :socket
-				else
-					@type = :file
-					@size = File.size(@path)
-					if File.size?(@path)
-						@infostring << " #{File.size(@path).bytes 2}"
-					else
-						@infostring << ""
-					end
-				end
-				@rights = File.modestr(@path)
-				@executable = File.executable?(@path)
-				@mtime = File.mtime(@path)
-				@ctime = File.ctime(@path)
-			else
-				if File.symlink?(@path)
-					@readlink = File.readlink(@path)
-					@infostring = '->'
-					@symlink = true
-				else
-					@symlink = false
-				end
-				@executable = false
-				@writable = false
-				@type = :nonexistent
-				@rights = '----------'
-				@mtime = BAD_TIME
-				@ctime = BAD_TIME
-			end
-		end
-	end #}}}
-	PLACEHOLDER ='/', 'placeholder')
-	def initialize(path, allow_delay=false)
-		@path = path
-		@pos = 0
-		@files = [PLACEHOLDER]
-		@file_size = 0
-		@pointed_file = nil
-		@width = 1000
-		refresh
-	end
-	def read_dir
-		@mtime = File.mtime(@path)
-		@files =
-		if OPTIONS['hidden']
-			@files -= ['.', '..', 'lost+found']
-		else
-			@files.reject!{|x| x[0] == ?. or x == 'lost+found'}
-		end
-		if @files.empty?
-			@files = ['.']
-		end
-		@files_raw ={|bn| File.join(@path, bn)}
-!{|basename|, basename)}
-	end
-	attr_reader(:path, :files, :pos, :width, :files_raw, :file_size)
-	def pos=(x)
-		@pos = x
-		@pointed_file = @files[x]
-		resize
-	end
-	def restore()
-		for f in @files
-			f.marked = false
-		end
-	end
-	def pointed_file=(x)
-		if @files_raw.include?(x)
-			@pointed_file = x
-			@pos = @files_raw.index(x)
-		else
-			self.pos = 0
-		end
-		resize
-	end
-	def size() @files.size end
-	def resize()
-		pos = Fm.get_offset(self, lines)
-		if @files.empty?
-			@width = 0
-		else
-			@width = 0
-			@files[pos, lines-2].each_with_index do |fn, ix|
-				ix += pos
-				sz = fn.basename.size + fn.infostring.size + 2
-				@width = sz if @width < sz
-			end
-#			@width = @files[pos,lines-2].map{|x| File.basename(x).size}.max
-		end
-	end
-	def get_file_info()
-		@file_size = 0
-		@files.each do |f|
-			f.refresh
-			@file_size += f.size if f.file?
-		end
-	end
-#	def refresh()
-#		@files =
-#		if OPTIONS['hidden']
-#			@files -= ['.', '..', 'lost+found']
-#		else
-#			@files.reject!{|x| x[0] == ?. or x == 'lost+found'}
-#		end
-#		if @files.empty?
-#			@files = ['.']
-#		end
-#!{|basename|, basename)}
-#		if @pos >= @files.size
-#			@pos = @files.size - 1
-#		elsif @files.include?(@pointed_file)
-#			@pos = @files.index(@pointed_file)
-#		end
-#	end
-	def refresh(info=false)
-		if File.mtime(@path) != @mtime
-			read_dir
-		end
-		if info
-			log("getting file info of #{@path}")
-			get_file_info 
-		end
-		sort
-	end
-	def schedule()
-		Fm.schedule(self)
-	end
-	def refresh!()
-		read_dir
-		get_file_info
-		sort
-	end
-	def sort_sub(x, y)
-		case OPTIONS['sort']
-		when :name
-			x.basename <=> y.basename
-		when :size
-			x.size <=> y.size
-		when :ctime
-			x.ctime <=> y.ctime
-		when :mtime
-			x.mtime <=> y.mtime
-		else
-			x.basename <=> y.basename
-		end
-	end
-	def sort()
-		@files = @files.sort {|x,y|
-			if OPTIONS['dir_first']
-				if x.dir?
-					if y.dir? then sort_sub(x, y) else -1 end
-				else
-					if y.dir? then 1 else sort_sub(x, y) end
-				end
-			else
-				sort_sub(x, y)
-			end
-		}
-		@files.reverse! if OPTIONS['sort_reverse']
-		@files_raw ={|x| x.to_s}
-	end
-class File
-		'0' => '---',
-		'1' => '--x',
-		'2' => '-w-',
-		'3' => '-wx',
-		'4' => 'r--',
-		'5' => 'r-x',
-		'6' => 'rw-',
-		'7' => 'rwx'
-	}
-	def self.modestr(f)
-		unless exists?(f)
-			return '----------'
-		end
-		if symlink?(f)
-			result = 'l'
-		elsif directory?(f)
-			result = 'd'
-		else
-			result = '-'
-		end
-		s = ("%o" % File.stat(f).mode)[-3..-1]
-		for m in s.each_char
-			result << MODES_HASH[m]
-		end
-		result
-	end
-class Dir
-	def self.number_of_files(*dirs)
-		n = 0
-		dirs.each do |entry|
-			if
-				n += 1 + number_of_files(*( - ['.', '..']).map\
-												 {|x| File.join entry, x } )
-			else
-				n += 1
-			end
-		end
-		return n
-	end
-class Numeric
-	def limit(max, min = 0)
-		self < min ? min : (self > max ? max : self)
-	end
-	def bytes space = true, n_round = 2
-		n = 1024
-		a = %w(B K M G T Y)
-		i = 0
-		flt = self.to_f
-		while flt > n and i < a.length - 1
-			flt /= n
-			i += 1
-		end
-#		flt = flt.round(n_round)
-		r = 10 ** n_round
-		flt *= r
-		flt = flt.round.to_f / r
-		int = flt.to_i
-		flt = int if int == flt
-		return flt.to_s + (space ? ' ' + a[i] : a[i])
-	end
-class Array
-	def wrap(n)
-		n.times { push shift }
-	end
-class String
-	def clear
-		replace
-	end
-	if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
-		def ord
-			self[0]
-		end
-	end
-	def sh
-		res = self.dup
-		res.gsub!('\\\\', "\000")
-		res.gsub!(' ', '\\ ')
-		res.gsub!('(', '\\(')
-		res.gsub!('&', '\\&')
-		res.gsub!(')', '\\)')
-		res.gsub!('*', '\\*')
-		res.gsub!('\'', '\\\'')
-		res.gsub!('"', '\\"')
-		res.gsub!("\000", '\\\\')
-		return res
-	end