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path: root/doc
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authorhut <>2014-04-11 15:59:07 +0200
committerhut <>2014-04-11 15:59:07 +0200
commitf57bb6033f146894db542c727c4910cafd25f3f2 (patch)
treeae54cfbc1d2149ae70328cc309cf0df4367a3d3d /doc
parent64e92ada2321ffe4149a4f3f2492a1e34a959881 (diff)
parenteb26387a52b8fbfc93d37ec18952e0837cbf9caf (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'taylorchu/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
n115' href='#n115'>115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
# The 4xx series is for primitives implemented in Mu.

# Signatures for major SubX functions defined so far.

# autogenerated
sig run-tests

# init.linux
# TODO: make this OS-specific
# TODO: include result type at least, even if register args are too much
sig syscall_exit  # status/ebx: int
sig syscall_read  # fd/ebx: int, buf/ecx: addr, size/edx: int -> nbytes-or-error/eax: int
sig syscall_write  # fd/ebx: int, buf/ecx: addr, size/edx: int -> nbytes-or-error/eax: int
sig syscall_open  # filename/ebx: (addr kernel-string), flags/ecx: int, dummy=0x180/edx -> fd-or-error/eax: int
sig syscall_close  # fd/ebx: int -> status/eax
sig syscall_creat  # filename/ebx: (addr kernel-string) -> fd-or-error/eax: int
sig syscall_unlink  # filename/ebx: (addr kernel-string) -> status/eax: int
sig syscall_rename  # source/ebx: (addr kernel-string), dest/ecx: (addr kernel-string) -> status/eax: int
sig syscall_mmap  # arg/ebx: (addr mmap_arg_struct) -> status/eax: int
sig syscall_ioctl  # fd/ebx: int, cmd/ecx: int, arg/edx: (addr _)
sig syscall_nanosleep  # req/ebx: (addr timespec)
sig syscall_clock_gettime  # clock/ebx: int, out/ecx: (addr timespec)

# Generated using:
#   grep -h '^[a-z]' [0-9]*.subx |grep -v '^test-'
# Functions we don't want to make accessible from Mu are commented out.
# Many functions here may not be usable yet because of missing features
# (global variable support, etc.)
sig check-ints-equal a: int, b: int, msg: (addr array byte)
sig kernel-string-equal? s: (addr kernel-string), benchmark: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig new-segment len: int, ad: (addr allocation-descriptor)
sig string-equal? s: (addr array byte), benchmark: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig string-starts-with? s: (addr array byte), benchmark: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig check-strings-equal s: (addr array byte), expected: (addr array byte), msg: (addr array byte)
sig clear-stream f: (addr stream _)
sig rewind-stream f: (addr stream _)
sig initialize-trace-stream n: int
sig trace line: (addr array byte)
sig check-trace-contains line: (addr string), msg: (addr string)
sig check-trace-scans-to line: (addr string), msg: (addr string)
sig trace-scan line: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig next-line-matches? t: (addr stream byte), line: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig skip-next-line t: (addr stream byte)
sig clear-trace-stream
sig write f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte)  # writing to file descriptor not supported; use buffered-file
sig stream-data-equal? f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig check-stream-equal f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte), msg: (addr array byte)
sig next-stream-line-equal? f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig check-next-stream-line-equal f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte), msg: (addr array byte)
sig tailor-exit-descriptor ed: (addr exit-descriptor), nbytes: int
sig stop ed: (addr exit-descriptor), value: int
#sig read f: fd or (addr stream byte), s: (addr stream byte) -> num-bytes-read/eax: int
sig read-byte-buffered f: (addr buffered-file) -> byte-or-Eof/eax: byte
sig read-byte s: (addr stream byte) -> result/eax: byte
#sig write-stream f: fd or (addr stream byte), s: (addr stream byte)
#sig error ed: (addr exit-descriptor), out: fd or (addr stream byte), msg: (addr array byte)
sig write-byte-buffered f: (addr buffered-file), n: int
sig flush f: (addr buffered-file)
sig append-byte f: (addr stream byte), n: int
sig write-buffered f: (addr buffered-file), msg: (addr array byte)
#sig to-hex-char in/eax: int -> out/eax: int
sig append-byte-hex f: (addr stream byte), n: int
sig write-byte-hex-buffered f: (addr buffered-file), n: int
sig write-int32-hex f: (addr stream byte), n: int
sig write-int32-hex-buffered f: (addr buffered-file), n: int
sig is-hex-int? in: (addr slice) -> result/eax: boolean
sig parse-hex-int in: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: int
sig parse-hex-int-from-slice in: (addr slice) -> result/eax: int
#sig parse-hex-int-helper start: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -> result/eax: int
sig is-hex-digit? c: byte -> result/eax: boolean
#sig from-hex-char in/eax: byte -> out/eax: nibble
sig parse-decimal-int in: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: int
sig parse-decimal-int-from-slice in: (addr slice) -> result/eax: int
sig parse-decimal-int-from-stream in: (addr stream byte) -> result/eax: int
#sig parse-decimal-int-helper start: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -> result/eax: int
sig decimal-size n: int -> result/eax: int
sig error-byte ed: (addr exit-descriptor), out: (addr buffered-file), msg: (addr array byte), n: byte
#sig allocate ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), n: int, out: (addr handle _)
#sig allocate-raw ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), n: int, out: (addr handle _)
sig lookup h: (handle _T) -> result/eax: (addr _T)
sig handle-equal? a: (handle _T), b: (handle _T) -> result/eax: boolean
sig copy-handle src: (handle _T), dest: (addr handle _T)
#sig allocate-region ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), n: int, out: (addr handle allocation-descriptor)
#sig allocate-array ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), n: int, out: (addr handle _)
sig copy-array ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), src: (addr array _T), out: (addr handle array _T)
#sig zero-out start: (addr byte), size: int
#sig new-stream ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), length: int, elemsize: int, out: (addr handle stream _)
sig read-line-buffered f: (addr buffered-file), s: (addr stream byte)
sig read-line f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr stream byte)
sig slice-empty? s: (addr slice) -> result/eax: boolean
sig slice-equal? s: (addr slice), p: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig slice-starts-with? s: (addr slice), head: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean
sig write-slice out: (addr stream byte), s: (addr slice)
sig write-slice-buffered out: (addr buffered-file), s: (addr slice)
sig slice-to-string ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), in: (addr slice), out: (addr handle array byte)
sig next-token in: (addr stream byte), delimiter: byte, out: (addr slice)
sig next-token-from-slice start: (addr byte), end: (addr byte), delimiter: byte, out: (addr slice)
sig skip-chars-matching in: (addr stream byte), delimiter: byte
sig skip-chars-matching-whitespace in: (addr stream byte)
sig skip-chars-not-matching in: (addr stream byte), delimiter: byte
sig skip-chars-not-matching-whitespace in: (addr stream byte)
#sig skip-chars-matching-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte), delimiter: byte -> curr/eax: (addr byte)
#sig skip-chars-matching-whitespace-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -> curr/eax: (addr byte)
#sig skip-chars-not-matching-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte), delimiter: byte -> curr/eax: (addr byte)
#sig skip-chars-not-matching-whitespace-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -> curr/eax: (addr byte)
sig skip-string line: (addr stream byte)
#sig skip-string-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -> curr/eax: (addr byte)
sig skip-until-close-paren line: (addr stream byte)
#sig skip-until-close-paren-in-slice curr: (addr byte), end: (addr byte) -> curr/eax: (addr byte)
sig write-stream-data f: (addr buffered-file), s: (addr stream byte)
sig write-int32-decimal out: (addr stream byte), n: int
sig is-decimal-digit? c: grapheme -> result/eax: boolean
sig to-decimal-digit in: grapheme -> out/eax: int
sig next-word line: (addr stream byte), out: (addr slice)
sig has-metadata? word: (addr slice), s: (addr string) -> result/eax: boolean
sig is-valid-name? in: (addr slice) -> result/eax: boolean
sig is-label? word: (addr slice) -> result/eax: boolean
sig emit-hex out: (addr buffered-file), n: int, width: int
sig emit out: (addr buffered-file), word: (addr slice), width: int
#sig get table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr array byte), row-size: int, abort-message-prefix: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: (addr T)
#sig get-slice table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr slice), row-size: int, abort-message-prefix: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: (addr T)
#sig get-or-insert table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr array byte), row-size: int, ad: (addr allocation-descriptor) -> result/eax: (addr T)
#sig get-or-insert-handle table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (handle array byte), row-size: int -> result/eax: (addr T)
#sig get-or-insert-slice table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr slice), row-size: int, ad: (addr allocation-descriptor) -> result/eax: (addr T)
#sig get-or-stop table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr array byte), row-size: int
#sig get-slice-or-stop table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), _}), key: (addr slice), row-size: int
#sig maybe-get table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr array byte), row-size: int -> result/eax: (addr T)
#sig maybe-get-slice table: (addr stream {(handle array byte), T}), key: (addr slice), row-size: int -> result/eax: (addr T)
sig slurp f: (addr buffered-file), s: (addr stream byte)
sig compute-width word: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: int
sig compute-width-of-slice s: (addr slice) -> result/eax: int
sig emit-hex-array out: (addr buffered-file), arr: (addr array byte)
sig next-word-or-string line: (addr stream byte), out: (addr slice)
sig write-int out: (addr stream byte), n: int
#sig clear-stack s: (addr stack)
#sig push s: (addr stack), n: int
#sig pop s: (addr stack) -> n/eax: int
#sig top s: (addr stack) -> n/eax: int
sig array-equal? a: (addr array int), b: (addr array int) -> result/eax: boolean
sig parse-array-of-ints ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), s: (addr string), out: (addr handle array int)
sig check-array-equal a: (addr array int), expected: (addr string), msg: (addr string)
#sig push-n-zero-bytes n: int
sig kernel-string-to-string ad: (addr allocation-descriptor), in: (addr kernel-string), out: (addr handle array byte)
sig kernel-string-length in: (addr kernel-string) -> result/eax: int
sig enable-screen-grid-mode
sig enable-screen-type-mode
sig real-screen-size -> nrows/eax: int, ncols/ecx: int
sig clear-real-screen
sig move-cursor-on-real-screen row: int, column: int
sig print-string-to-real-screen s: (addr array byte)
sig print-slice-to-real-screen s: (addr slice)
sig print-stream-to-real-screen s: (addr stream byte)
sig print-grapheme-to-real-screen c: grapheme
sig print-int32-hex-to-real-screen n: int
sig print-int32-decimal-to-real-screen n: int
sig write-int32-decimal-buffered f: (addr buffered-file), n: int
sig reset-formatting-on-real-screen
sig start-color-on-real-screen fg: int, bg: int
sig start-bold-on-real-screen
sig start-underline-on-real-screen
sig start-reverse-video-on-real-screen
sig start-blinking-on-real-screen
sig hide-cursor-on-real-screen
sig show-cursor-on-real-screen
sig enable-keyboard-immediate-mode
sig enable-keyboard-type-mode
sig read-key-from-real-keyboard -> result/eax: grapheme
sig read-line-from-real-keyboard in: (addr stream byte)
sig open filename: (addr array byte), write?: boolean, out: (addr handle buffered-file)
sig populate-buffered-file-containing contents: (addr array byte), out: (addr handle buffered-file)
sig new-buffered-file out: (addr handle buffered-file)
#sig size in: (addr array _) -> result/eax: int

sig stream-empty? s: (addr stream _) -> result/eax: boolean
sig stream-full? s: (addr stream _) -> result/eax: boolean
sig stream-to-string in: (addr stream _), out: (addr handle array _)

sig copy-bytes src: (addr byte), dest: (addr byte), n: int