summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/ranger
diff options
authorhut <>2012-08-02 05:41:40 +0200
committerhut <>2012-08-02 05:41:40 +0200
commit0d1b5bac1f0a5ee78f2de80e8dfecb19fccbe596 (patch)
treee3d76a1909cc0ea53094cf732f1b38f01ec0c1ee /ranger
parent54b4f4eae328d09502117986c675ea9ef7a19590 (diff)
core.helper: moved functions to ranger and ranger.core.main
Diffstat (limited to 'ranger')
4 files changed, 172 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/ranger/ b/ranger/
index a740c18a..85ec0b5e 100644
--- a/ranger/
+++ b/ranger/
@@ -31,4 +31,27 @@ VERSION = 'ranger-git based on %s' % __version__
 # and the configuration directory will be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ranger instead.
 CONFDIR = '~/.config/ranger'
+# Debugging functions.  These will be activated when run with --debug.
+# Example usage in the code:
+# import ranger; ranger.log("hello world")
+def log(*objects, **keywords):
+	"""
+	Writes objects to a logfile (for the purpose of debugging only.)
+	Has the same arguments as print() in python3.
+	"""
+	from ranger import arg
+	if LOGFILE is None or not arg.debug or arg.clean: return
+	start = 'start' in keywords and keywords['start'] or 'ranger:'
+	sep   =   'sep' in keywords and keywords['sep']   or ' '
+	_file =  'file' in keywords and keywords['file']  or open(LOGFILE, 'a')
+	end   =   'end' in keywords and keywords['end']   or '\n'
+	_file.write(sep.join(map(str, (start, ) + objects)) + end)
+def log_traceback():
+	from ranger import arg
+	if LOGFILE is None or not arg.debug or arg.clean: return
+	import traceback
+	traceback.print_stack(file=open(LOGFILE, 'a'))
 from ranger.core.main import main
diff --git a/ranger/core/ b/ranger/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index e46e686d..00000000
--- a/ranger/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011  Roman Zimbelmann <>
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.
-"""Helper functions"""
-from errno import EEXIST
-import os.path
-import sys
-from ranger import CONFDIR, USAGE, VERSION
-def parse_arguments():
-	"""Parse the program arguments"""
-	from optparse import OptionParser
-	from ranger.ext.openstruct import OpenStruct
-	from os.path import expanduser
-	if 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME' in os.environ and os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME']:
-		default_confdir = os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] + '/ranger'
-	else:
-		default_confdir = CONFDIR
-	parser = OptionParser(usage=USAGE, version=VERSION)
-	parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
-			help="activate debug mode")
-	parser.add_option('-c', '--clean', action='store_true',
-			help="don't touch/require any config files. ")
-	parser.add_option('--copy-config', type='string', metavar='which',
-			help="copy the default configs to the local config directory. "
-			"Possible values: all, rc, rifle, commands, options, scope")
-	parser.add_option('--fail-unless-cd', action='store_true',
-			help="experimental: return the exit code 1 if ranger is" \
-					"used to run a file (with `ranger filename`)")
-	parser.add_option('-r', '--confdir', type='string',
-			metavar='dir', default=default_confdir,
-			help="the configuration directory. (%default)")
-	parser.add_option('-m', '--mode', type='int', default=0, metavar='n',
-			help="if a filename is supplied, run it with this mode")
-	parser.add_option('-f', '--flags', type='string', default='',
-			metavar='string',
-			help="if a filename is supplied, run it with these flags.")
-	parser.add_option('--choosefile', type='string', metavar='TARGET',
-			help="Makes ranger act like a file chooser. When opening "
-			"a file, it will quit and write the name of the selected "
-			"file to TARGET.")
-	parser.add_option('--choosefiles', type='string', metavar='TARGET',
-			help="Makes ranger act like a file chooser for multiple files "
-			"at once. When opening a file, it will quit and write the name "
-			"of all selected files to TARGET.")
-	parser.add_option('--choosedir', type='string', metavar='TARGET',
-			help="Makes ranger act like a directory chooser. When ranger quits"
-			", it will write the name of the last visited directory to TARGET")
-	parser.add_option('--list-unused-keys', action='store_true',
-			help="List common keys which are not bound to any action.")
-	parser.add_option('--selectfile', type='string', metavar='filepath',
-			help="Open ranger with supplied file selected.")
-	parser.add_option('--list-tagged-files', type='string', default=None,
-			metavar='tag',
-			help="List all files which are tagged with the given tag, default: *")
-	parser.add_option('--profile', action='store_true',
-			help="Print statistics of CPU usage on exit.")
-	parser.add_option('--cmd', action='append', type='string', metavar='COMMAND',
-			help="Execute COMMAND after the configuration has been read. "
-			"Use this option multiple times to run multiple commands.")
-	options, positional = parser.parse_args()
-	arg = OpenStruct(options.__dict__, targets=positional)
-	arg.confdir = expanduser(arg.confdir)
-	return arg
-def load_settings(fm, clean):
-	from ranger.core.actions import Actions
-	import ranger.core.shared
-	import ranger.api.commands
-	from ranger.config import commands
-	# Load default commands
-	fm.commands = ranger.api.commands.CommandContainer()
-	exclude = ['settings']
-	include = [name for name in dir(Actions) if name not in exclude]
-	fm.commands.load_commands_from_object(fm, include)
-	fm.commands.load_commands_from_module(commands)
-	if not clean:
-		allow_access_to_confdir(ranger.arg.confdir, True)
-		# Load custom commands
-		try:
-			import commands
-			fm.commands.load_commands_from_module(commands)
-		except ImportError:
-			pass
-		# Load rc.conf
-		custom_conf = fm.confpath('rc.conf')
-		default_conf = fm.relpath('config', 'rc.conf')
-		load_default_rc = fm.settings.load_default_rc
-		if load_default_rc:
-			fm.source(default_conf)
-		if os.access(custom_conf, os.R_OK):
-			fm.source(custom_conf)
-		# XXX Load plugins (experimental)
-		try:
-			plugindir = fm.confpath('plugins')
-			plugins = [p[:-3] for p in os.listdir(plugindir) \
-					if p.endswith('.py') and not p.startswith('_')]
-		except:
-			pass
-		else:
-			if not os.path.exists(fm.confpath('plugins', '')):
-				f = open(fm.confpath('plugins', ''), 'w')
-				f.close()
- = fm
-			for plugin in sorted(plugins):
-				try:
-					module = __import__('plugins', fromlist=[plugin])
-					fm.log.append("Loaded plugin '%s'." % module)
-				except Exception as e:
-					fm.log.append("Error in plugin '%s'" % plugin)
-					import traceback
-					for line in traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e):
-						fm.log.append(line)
- = None
-		allow_access_to_confdir(ranger.arg.confdir, False)
-	else:
-		fm.source(fm.relpath('config', 'rc.conf'))
-def allow_access_to_confdir(confdir, allow):
-	if allow:
-		try:
-			os.makedirs(confdir)
-		except OSError as err:
-			if err.errno != EEXIST:  # EEXIST means it already exists
-				print("This configuration directory could not be created:")
-				print(confdir)
-				print("To run ranger without the need for configuration")
-				print("files, use the --clean option.")
-				raise SystemExit()
-		if not confdir in sys.path:
-			sys.path[0:0] = [confdir]
-	else:
-		if sys.path[0] == confdir:
-			del sys.path[0]
-# Debugging functions.  These will be activated when run with --debug.
-# Example usage in the code:
-# import ranger; ranger.log("hello world")
-def log(*objects, **keywords):
-	"""
-	Writes objects to a logfile (for the purpose of debugging only.)
-	Has the same arguments as print() in python3.
-	"""
-	from ranger import arg
-	if LOGFILE is None or not arg.debug or arg.clean: return
-	start = 'start' in keywords and keywords['start'] or 'ranger:'
-	sep   =   'sep' in keywords and keywords['sep']   or ' '
-	_file =  'file' in keywords and keywords['file']  or open(LOGFILE, 'a')
-	end   =   'end' in keywords and keywords['end']   or '\n'
-	_file.write(sep.join(map(str, (start, ) + objects)) + end)
-def log_traceback():
-	from ranger import arg
-	if LOGFILE is None or not arg.debug or arg.clean: return
-	import traceback
-	traceback.print_stack(file=open(LOGFILE, 'a'))
diff --git a/ranger/core/ b/ranger/core/
index 961bbb8c..55d52f59 100644
--- a/ranger/core/
+++ b/ranger/core/
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
 The main function responsible to initialize the FM object and stuff.
+import os.path
 def main():
 	"""initialize objects and run the filemanager"""
 	import locale
-	import os.path
 	import ranger
 	import sys
 	from ranger.core.shared import (EnvironmentAware, FileManagerAware,
 	from import FM
-	from ranger.core.helper import parse_arguments, load_settings
 	if not sys.stdin.isatty():
 		sys.stderr.write("Error: Must run ranger from terminal\n")
@@ -164,3 +164,149 @@ def main():
 			return 1
 		return 0
+def parse_arguments():
+	"""Parse the program arguments"""
+	from optparse import OptionParser
+	from os.path import expanduser
+	from ranger import CONFDIR, USAGE, VERSION
+	from ranger.ext.openstruct import OpenStruct
+	if 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME' in os.environ and os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME']:
+		default_confdir = os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] + '/ranger'
+	else:
+		default_confdir = CONFDIR
+	parser = OptionParser(usage=USAGE, version=VERSION)
+	parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
+			help="activate debug mode")
+	parser.add_option('-c', '--clean', action='store_true',
+			help="don't touch/require any config files. ")
+	parser.add_option('--copy-config', type='string', metavar='which',
+			help="copy the default configs to the local config directory. "
+			"Possible values: all, rc, rifle, commands, options, scope")
+	parser.add_option('--fail-unless-cd', action='store_true',
+			help="experimental: return the exit code 1 if ranger is" \
+					"used to run a file (with `ranger filename`)")
+	parser.add_option('-r', '--confdir', type='string',
+			metavar='dir', default=default_confdir,
+			help="the configuration directory. (%default)")
+	parser.add_option('-m', '--mode', type='int', default=0, metavar='n',
+			help="if a filename is supplied, run it with this mode")
+	parser.add_option('-f', '--flags', type='string', default='',
+			metavar='string',
+			help="if a filename is supplied, run it with these flags.")
+	parser.add_option('--choosefile', type='string', metavar='TARGET',
+			help="Makes ranger act like a file chooser. When opening "
+			"a file, it will quit and write the name of the selected "
+			"file to TARGET.")
+	parser.add_option('--choosefiles', type='string', metavar='TARGET',
+			help="Makes ranger act like a file chooser for multiple files "
+			"at once. When opening a file, it will quit and write the name "
+			"of all selected files to TARGET.")
+	parser.add_option('--choosedir', type='string', metavar='TARGET',
+			help="Makes ranger act like a directory chooser. When ranger quits"
+			", it will write the name of the last visited directory to TARGET")
+	parser.add_option('--list-unused-keys', action='store_true',
+			help="List common keys which are not bound to any action.")
+	parser.add_option('--selectfile', type='string', metavar='filepath',
+			help="Open ranger with supplied file selected.")
+	parser.add_option('--list-tagged-files', type='string', default=None,
+			metavar='tag',
+			help="List all files which are tagged with the given tag, default: *")
+	parser.add_option('--profile', action='store_true',
+			help="Print statistics of CPU usage on exit.")
+	parser.add_option('--cmd', action='append', type='string', metavar='COMMAND',
+			help="Execute COMMAND after the configuration has been read. "
+			"Use this option multiple times to run multiple commands.")
+	options, positional = parser.parse_args()
+	arg = OpenStruct(options.__dict__, targets=positional)
+	arg.confdir = expanduser(arg.confdir)
+	return arg
+def load_settings(fm, clean):
+	from ranger.core.actions import Actions
+	import ranger.core.shared
+	import ranger.api.commands
+	from ranger.config import commands
+	# Load default commands
+	fm.commands = ranger.api.commands.CommandContainer()
+	exclude = ['settings']
+	include = [name for name in dir(Actions) if name not in exclude]
+	fm.commands.load_commands_from_object(fm, include)
+	fm.commands.load_commands_from_module(commands)
+	if not clean:
+		allow_access_to_confdir(ranger.arg.confdir, True)
+		# Load custom commands
+		try:
+			import commands
+			fm.commands.load_commands_from_module(commands)
+		except ImportError:
+			pass
+		# Load rc.conf
+		custom_conf = fm.confpath('rc.conf')
+		default_conf = fm.relpath('config', 'rc.conf')
+		load_default_rc = fm.settings.load_default_rc
+		if load_default_rc:
+			fm.source(default_conf)
+		if os.access(custom_conf, os.R_OK):
+			fm.source(custom_conf)
+		# XXX Load plugins (experimental)
+		try:
+			plugindir = fm.confpath('plugins')
+			plugins = [p[:-3] for p in os.listdir(plugindir) \
+					if p.endswith('.py') and not p.startswith('_')]
+		except:
+			pass
+		else:
+			if not os.path.exists(fm.confpath('plugins', '')):
+				f = open(fm.confpath('plugins', ''), 'w')
+				f.close()
+ = fm
+			for plugin in sorted(plugins):
+				try:
+					module = __import__('plugins', fromlist=[plugin])
+					fm.log.append("Loaded plugin '%s'." % module)
+				except Exception as e:
+					fm.log.append("Error in plugin '%s'" % plugin)
+					import traceback
+					for line in traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e):
+						fm.log.append(line)
+ = None
+		allow_access_to_confdir(ranger.arg.confdir, False)
+	else:
+		fm.source(fm.relpath('config', 'rc.conf'))
+def allow_access_to_confdir(confdir, allow):
+	import sys
+	from errno import EEXIST
+	if allow:
+		try:
+			os.makedirs(confdir)
+		except OSError as err:
+			if err.errno != EEXIST:  # EEXIST means it already exists
+				print("This configuration directory could not be created:")
+				print(confdir)
+				print("To run ranger without the need for configuration")
+				print("files, use the --clean option.")
+				raise SystemExit()
+		if not confdir in sys.path:
+			sys.path[0:0] = [confdir]
+	else:
+		if sys.path[0] == confdir:
+			del sys.path[0]
diff --git a/ranger/gui/ b/ranger/gui/
index c77c1500..b36048e2 100644
--- a/ranger/gui/
+++ b/ranger/gui/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from curses import color_pair
 import ranger
 from ranger.gui.color import get_color
 from ranger.gui.context import Context
-from ranger.core.helper import allow_access_to_confdir
+from ranger.core.main import allow_access_to_confdir
 from ranger.core.shared import SettingsAware
 from ranger.ext.cached_function import cached_function
 from ranger.ext.iter_tools import flatten