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2 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ranger/config/ b/ranger/config/
index 2eff68e6..962b9fd1 100644
--- a/ranger/config/
+++ b/ranger/config/
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class open_with(Command):
 		Extracts the application, flags and mode from a string.
-		"mplayer d 1" => ("mplayer", "d", 1)
+		"mplayer f 1" => ("mplayer", "f", 1)
 		"aunpack 4" => ("aunpack", "", 4)
 		"p" => ("", "p", 0)
 		"" => None
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ class terminal(Command):
 			command = 'x-terminal-emulator'
 		if command not in get_executables():
 			command = 'xterm'
-, flags='d')
+, flags='f')
 class delete(Command):
diff --git a/ranger/core/ b/ranger/core/
index c5decf4c..96f557b3 100644
--- a/ranger/core/
+++ b/ranger/core/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ run()                             # prints an error message
 List of allowed flags:
 s: silent mode. output will be discarded.
-d: detach the process.
+f: fork the process.
 p: redirect output to the pager
 c: run only the current file (not handled here)
 w: wait for enter-press afterwards
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ class Runner(object):
 			toggle_ui = False
 			pipe_output = True
 			context.wait = False
-		if 's' in context.flags or 'd' in context.flags:
+		if 's' in context.flags or 'f' in context.flags:
 			devnull_writable = open(os.devnull, 'w')
 			devnull_readable = open(os.devnull, 'r')
 			for key in ('stdout', 'stderr'):
 				popen_kws[key] = devnull_writable
 			popen_kws['stdin'] = devnull_readable
-		if 'd' in context.flags:
+		if 'f' in context.flags:
 			if not isinstance(action, str) and 'setsid' in get_executables():
 				action = ['setsid'] + action
 			toggle_ui = False
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@ class Runner(object):
 		if 'r' in context.flags:
 			if 'sudo' not in get_executables():
 				return self._log("Can not run with 'r' flag, sudo is not installed!")
-			dflag = ('d' in context.flags)
+			f_flag = ('f' in context.flags)
 			if isinstance(action, str):
-				action = 'sudo ' + (dflag and '-b ' or '') + action
+				action = 'sudo ' + (f_flag and '-b ' or '') + action
-				action = ['sudo'] + (dflag and ['-b'] or []) + action
+				action = ['sudo'] + (f_flag and ['-b'] or []) + action
 			toggle_ui = True
 			context.wait = True
 		if 't' in context.flags:
> 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214

                      DJGPP Keyhandler Keymaps

Control_A            0x001
Control_B            0x002
Control_C            0x003
Control_D            0x004
Control_E            0x005
Control_F            0x006
Control_G            0x007
BackSpace            0x008
Control_H            0x008
Tab                  0x009
Control_I            0x009
LineFeed             0x00a
Control_J            0x00a
Control_K            0x00b
Control_L            0x00c
Return               0x00d
Control_M            0x00d
Control_N            0x00e
Control_O            0x00f
Control_P            0x010
Control_Q            0x011
Control_R            0x012
Control_S            0x013
Control_T            0x014
Control_U            0x015
Control_V            0x016
Control_W            0x017
Control_X            0x018
Control_Y            0x019
Control_Z            0x01a
Control_LBracket     0x01b
Escape               0x01b
Control_BackSlash    0x01c
Control_RBracket     0x01d
Control_Caret        0x01e
Control_Underscore   0x01f
Space                0x020
ExclamationPoint     0x021
DoubleQuote          0x022
Hash                 0x023
Dollar               0x024
Percent              0x025
Ampersand            0x026
Quote                0x027
LParen               0x028
RParen               0x029
Star                 0x02a
Plus                 0x02b
Comma                0x02c
Dash                 0x02d
Period               0x02e
Slash                0x02f
Colon                0x03a
SemiColon            0x03b
LAngle               0x03c
Equals               0x03d
RAngle               0x03e
QuestionMark         0x03f
At                   0x040
LBracket             0x05b
BackSlash            0x05c
RBracket             0x05d
Caret                0x05e
UnderScore           0x05f
BackQuote            0x060
LBrace               0x07b
Pipe                 0x07c
RBrace               0x07d
Tilde                0x07e
Control_Backspace    0x07f
BackTab              0x10f
Alt_Q                0x110
Alt_W                0x111
Alt_E                0x112
Alt_R                0x113
Alt_T                0x114
Alt_Y                0x115
Alt_U                0x116
Alt_I                0x117
Alt_O                0x118
Alt_P                0x119
Alt_LBracket         0x11a
Alt_RBracket         0x11b
Alt_Return           0x11c
Alt_A                0x11e
Alt_S                0x11f
Alt_D                0x120
Alt_F                0x121
Alt_G                0x122
Alt_H                0x123
Alt_J                0x124
Alt_K                0x125
Alt_L                0x126
Alt_Semicolon        0x127
Alt_Quote            0x128
Alt_Backquote        0x129
Alt_Backslash        0x12b
Alt_Z                0x12c
Alt_X                0x12d
Alt_C                0x12e
Alt_V                0x12f
Alt_B                0x130
Alt_N                0x131
Alt_M                0x132
Alt_Comma            0x133
Alt_Period           0x134
Alt_Slash            0x135
Alt_KPStar           0x137
F2                   0x13c
F3                   0x13d
F4                   0x13e
F5                   0x13f
F6                   0x140
F7                   0x141
F8                   0x142
F9                   0x143
F10                  0x144
Alt_KPMinus          0x14a
Center               0x14c
Alt_KPPlus           0x14e
Shift_F1             0x154
Shift_F2             0x155
Shift_F3             0x156
Shift_F4             0x157
Shift_F5             0x158
Shift_F6             0x159
Shift_F7             0x15a
Shift_F8             0x15b
Shift_F9             0x15c
Shift_F10            0x15d
Control_F1           0x15e
Control_F2           0x15f
Control_F3           0x160
Control_F4           0x161
Control_F5           0x162
Control_F6           0x163
Control_F7           0x164
Control_F8           0x165
Control_F9           0x166
Control_F10          0x167
Alt_F1               0x168
Alt_F2               0x169
Alt_F3               0x16a
Alt_F4               0x16b
Alt_F5               0x16c
Alt_F6               0x16d
Alt_F7               0x16e
Alt_F8               0x16f
Alt_F9               0x170
Alt_F10              0x171
Control_Print	     0x172
Control_Left         0x173
Control_Right        0x174
Control_End          0x175
Control_PageDown     0x176
Control_Home         0x177
Alt_1                0x178
Alt_2                0x179
Alt_3                0x17a
Alt_4                0x17b
Alt_5                0x17c
Alt_6                0x17d
Alt_7                0x17e
Alt_8                0x17f
Alt_9                0x180
Alt_0                0x181
Alt_Dash             0x182
Alt_Equals           0x183
Control_PageUp       0x184
F11                  0x185
F12                  0x186
Shift_F11            0x187
Shift_F12            0x188
Control_F11          0x189
Control_F12          0x18a
Alt_F11              0x18b
Alt_F12              0x18c
Control_Up           0x18d
Control_KPDash       0x18e
Control_Center       0x18f
Control_KPPlus       0x190
Control_Down         0x191
Control_Insert       0x192
Control_Delete       0x193
Control_KPSlash      0x195
Control_KPStar       0x196
Alt_EHome            0x197
Alt_EUp              0x198
Alt_EPageUp          0x199
Alt_ELeft            0x19b
Alt_ERight           0x19d
Alt_EEnd             0x19f
Alt_EDown            0x1a0
Alt_EPageDown        0x1a1
Alt_EInsert          0x1a2
Alt_EDelete          0x1a3
Alt_KPSlash          0x1a4
Alt_Tab              0x1a5
Alt_Enter            0x1a6
Alt_Escape           0x1a7
Control_At           0x1a8
Alt_Backspace        0x1a9
Control_ELeft        0x273
Control_ERight       0x274
Control_EEnd         0x275
Control_EPageDown    0x276
Control_EHome        0x277
Control_EPageUp      0x284
Control_EUp          0x28d
Control_EDown        0x291
Control_EInsert      0x292
Control_EDelete      0x293