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path: root/code/directory.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'code/directory.rb')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/code/directory.rb b/code/directory.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c42392aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/directory.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+class Directory
+	MOVIE_EXTENSIONS = %w(avi mpg mpeg mp4 mp5 ogv ogm wmv mkv flv fid vob div divx)
+	class Entry #{{{
+		# Let's just cache every shit, because i don't want
+		# to call File methods all the time
+		def initialize(dirname, basename=nil)
+			if basename
+				@path = File.join(dirname, basename)
+				@dirname = dirname
+				@basename = basename
+			else
+				@path = dirname
+				@dirname = File.dirname(dirname)
+				@basename = File.basename(dirname)
+			end
+			@name, @ext = @basename.split_at_last_dot
+#			@ext = @basename.from_last('.') || ''
+			@movie = MOVIE_EXTENSIONS.include?(@ext)
+			@size = 0
+			@exists = false
+			@rights = '----------'
+			@readlink = ''
+			@symlink = false
+			@writable = false
+			@infostring = ''
+			@executable = false
+			@type = :nonexistent
+			@mtime = BAD_TIME
+			@ctime = BAD_TIME
+			@marked = false
+		end
+		attr_reader *%w(
+			basename mtime rights type path ext
+			infostring readlink basename size ctime name
+		)
+		attr_accessor(:marked)
+		def to_s() @path end
+		def exists?() @exists end
+		def marked?() @marked end
+		def symlink?() @symlink end
+		def movie?() @movie end
+		def broken_symlink?() @symlink and !@exists end
+		def dir?() @type == :dir end
+		def file?() @type == :file end
+		def writable?() @writable end
+		def executable?() @executable end
+		def mimetype()
+			if @type == :dir
+				nil
+			else
+				Fm::MIMETYPES[@ext]
+			end
+		end
+		def delete!
+			if @type == :dir
+				Dir.delete(@path) rescue nil
+			else
+				File.delete(@path) rescue nil
+			end
+		end
+		def refresh
+			if File.exists?(@path)
+				if File.ctime(@path) != @ctime
+					get_data
+				end
+			else
+				get_data
+			end
+		end
+		def sh
+		end
+		def in? path
+			to_s[0, path.size] == path
+		end
+		def get_data
+			@size = 0
+			@infostring = ''
+			@exists = File.exists?(@path)
+			if @exists
+				@writable = File.writable?(@path)
+				@symlink = File.symlink?(@path)
+				if @symlink
+					@readlink = File.readlink(@path)
+				end
+				if
+					@type = :dir
+					begin
+						sz = Dir.entries(@path).size - 2
+						@size = sz
+					rescue
+						sz = "?"
+					end
+					@infostring << "#{sz}"
+				elsif File.socket?(@path)
+					@type = :socket
+				else
+					@type = :file
+					@size = File.size(@path)
+					if File.size?(@path)
+						@infostring << " #{File.size(@path).bytes 2}"
+					else
+						@infostring << ""
+					end
+				end
+				@rights = File.modestr(@path)
+				@executable = File.executable?(@path)
+				@mtime = File.mtime(@path)
+				@ctime = File.ctime(@path)
+			else
+				if File.symlink?(@path)
+					@readlink = File.readlink(@path)
+					@infostring = '->'
+					@symlink = true
+				else
+					@symlink = false
+				end
+				@executable = false
+				@writable = false
+				@type = :nonexistent
+				@rights = '----------'
+				@mtime = BAD_TIME
+				@ctime = BAD_TIME
+			end
+		end
+	end #}}}
+	PLACEHOLDER ='/', 'placeholder')
+	def initialize(path, allow_delay=false)
+		@path = path
+		@pos = 0
+		@files = [PLACEHOLDER]
+		@file_size = 0
+		@pointed_file = nil
+		@width = 1000
+		@read = false
+		@empty = true
+		@scheduled = false
+		refresh
+	end
+	def read_dir
+		@mtime = File.mtime(@path)
+		@files =
+		if OPTIONS['hidden']
+			@files -= ['.', '..', 'lost+found']
+		else
+			@files.reject!{|x| x[0] == ?. or x == 'lost+found'}
+		end
+		if @files.empty?
+			@files = ['.']
+		end
+		@files_raw ={|bn| File.join(@path, bn)}
+!{|basename|, basename)}
+	end
+	attr_reader(:path, :files, :pos, :width, :files_raw,
+					:file_size, :read)
+	attr_accessor(:scheduled)
+	def scheduled?() @scheduled end
+	def read?() @read end
+	def pos=(x)
+#		if @files.size <= 1 or x < 0
+#			x = 0
+#		elsif x > @files.size
+#			x = @files.size - 1
+#		end
+		@pos = x
+		make_sure_cursor_is_in_range()
+		@pointed_file = @files[x]
+		resize
+	end
+	def recheck_stuff()
+#		log "pointed file: #@pointed_file"
+#		log @files_raw
+#		log ""
+		if test = @files_raw.index(@pointed_file)
+#			log("if")
+			@pos = test
+		else
+#			log("else")
+			make_sure_cursor_is_in_range()
+		end
+	end
+	def make_sure_cursor_is_in_range()
+		if @files.size <= 1 or @pos < 0
+			@pos = 0
+		elsif @pos > @files.size
+			@pos = @files.size - 1
+		end
+	end
+	def find_file(x)
+		x = File.basename(x)
+		files.each_with_index do |file, i|
+			if file.basename == x
+				self.pos = i
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	def empty?()
+		Dir.entries(@path).size <= 2
+	end
+	def restore()
+		for f in @files
+			f.marked = false
+		end
+	end
+	def pointed_file=(x)
+		if @files_raw.include?(x)
+			@pointed_file = x
+			@pos = @files_raw.index(x)
+		else
+			self.pos = 0
+		end
+		resize
+	end
+	def size() @files.size end
+	def resize()
+		pos = Fm.get_offset(self, lines)
+		if @files.empty?
+			@width = 0
+		else
+			@width = 0
+			@files[pos, lines-2].each_with_index do |fn, ix|
+				ix += pos
+				sz = fn.basename.size + fn.infostring.size + 2
+				@width = sz if @width < sz
+			end
+#			@width = @files[pos,lines-2].map{|x| File.basename(x).size}.max
+		end
+	end
+	def get_file_info()
+		@file_size = 0
+		@files.each do |f|
+			f.refresh
+			@file_size += f.size if f.file?
+		end
+		@read = true
+	end
+#	def refresh()
+#		@files =
+#		if OPTIONS['hidden']
+#			@files -= ['.', '..', 'lost+found']
+#		else
+#			@files.reject!{|x| x[0] == ?. or x == 'lost+found'}
+#		end
+#		if @files.empty?
+#			@files = ['.']
+#		end
+#!{|basename|, basename)}
+#		if @pos >= @files.size
+#			@pos = @files.size - 1
+#		elsif @files.include?(@pointed_file)
+#			@pos = @files.index(@pointed_file)
+#		end
+#	end
+	def refresh(info=false)
+		if File.mtime(@path) != @mtime
+			read_dir
+		end
+		if info
+			log("getting file info of #{@path}")
+			get_file_info 
+		end
+		sort
+	end
+	def schedule()
+		@scheduled = true
+		Fm.schedule(self)
+	end
+	def refresh!()
+		oldfile = @pointed_file
+		read_dir
+		get_file_info
+		sort
+		if @files.include? oldfile
+			self.pointed_file = oldfile
+		end
+	end
+	def sort_sub(x, y)
+		case OPTIONS['sort']
+		when :name
+			x.basename <=> y.basename
+		when :ext
+			x.ext <=> y.ext
+		when :type
+			x.ext.filetype <=> y.ext.filetype
+		when :size
+			x.size <=> y.size
+		when :ctime
+			x.ctime <=> y.ctime
+		when :mtime
+			x.mtime <=> y.mtime
+		else
+			x.basename <=> y.basename
+		end
+	end
+	def sort()
+		@files = @files.sort {|x,y|
+			if OPTIONS['dir_first']
+				if x.dir?
+					if y.dir? then sort_sub(x, y) else -1 end
+				else
+					if y.dir? then 1 else sort_sub(x, y) end
+				end
+			else
+				sort_sub(x, y)
+			end
+		}
+		@files.reverse! if OPTIONS['sort_reverse']
+		@files_raw ={|x| x.to_s}
+	end