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path: root/code/fm.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'code/fm.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/code/fm.rb b/code/fm.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 77dd327c..00000000
--- a/code/fm.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-	'hidden' => false,
-	'sort' => :name,
-	'dir_first' => true,
-	'sort_reverse' => false,
-	'color' => true,
-	'filepreview' => true,
-class Void
-	oldv, $-v = $-v, nil
-	for method in instance_methods
-		remove_method(method) rescue nil
-	end
-	def self.method_missing(*a) end
-	$-v = oldv
-module Fm
-	VI = "vi -c 'map h :quit<CR>' -c 'map q :quit<CR>'" <<
-		" -c 'map H :unmap h<CR>:unmap H<CR>' %s"
-	def self.initialize(pwd=nil)
-		@bars = []
-		@bars_thread = nil
-		@buffer = ''
-#		@mutex =
-		@pwd = nil
-		@search_string = ''
-		@copy = []
-		@ignore_until = nil
-		@trash = File.expand_path('~/.trash')
-		pwd ||= Dir.getwd
-		# `' and `` are the original PWD unless overwritten by .fmrc
-		@memory = {
-			'`' => pwd,
-			'\'' => pwd
-		}
-		# Read the .fmrc
-		@fmrc = File.expand_path('~/.fmrc')
-		if (File.exists?(@fmrc))
-			loaded = Marshal.load( rescue nil
-			if Hash === loaded
-				@memory.update(loaded)
-			end
-		end
-		# `0 is always the original PWD
-		@memory['0'] = pwd
-		# Give me some way to redraw screen while waiting for
-		# input from Interface.geti
-		Signal.trap(Scheduler::UPDATE_SIGNAL) do
-			@pwd.refresh
-			draw
-		end
-#		for i in 1..20
-#			eval "Signal.trap(#{i}) do
-#				log #{i}
-#				exit if #{i} == 9 end"
-#		end
-		boot_up(pwd)
-	end
-	attr_reader(:dirs, :pwd)
-	def self.pwd() @pwd end
-	def self.boot_up(pwd=nil)
-		pwd ||= @pwd.path || Dir.getwd
-		Scheduler.reset
-		@dirs = do |hash, key|
-			hash[key] = newdir =
-#			newdir.schedule
-			newdir
-		end
-		@path = [@dirs['/']]
-		enter_dir(pwd)
-	end
-	def self.lines
-		Interface::lines - @bars.size
-	end
-	def self.dump
-		remember_dir
-		dumped = Marshal.dump(@memory)
-, 'w') do |f|
-			f.write(dumped)
-		end
-	end
-	def self.on_interrupt
-		@buffer = ''
-		sleep 0.2
-	end
-	def self.main_loop
-		bool = false
-		while true
-			if @pwd.size == 0 or @pwd.pos < 0
-				@pwd.pos = 0
-			elsif @pwd.pos >= @pwd.size - 1
-				@pwd.pos = @pwd.size - 1
-			end
-			begin
-				log "drawing"
-				draw()
-			rescue Interrupt
-				on_interrupt
-#			rescue Exception
-#				log($!)
-#				log(caller)
-			end
-			begin
-#				unless bool
-#					bool = true
-					key = geti
-#				else
-#					key = geti
-#					key = 'j'
-#				end
-#				@mutex.synchronize {
-					press(key)
-#				}
-			rescue Interrupt
-				on_interrupt
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	def self.current_path() @pwd.path end
-	def self.reset_title() set_title("fm: #{@pwd.path}") end
-	def self.enter_dir_safely(dir)
-		dir = File.expand_path(dir)
-		if File.exists?(dir) and
-			olddir = @pwd.path
-			begin
-				enter_dir(dir)
-				return true
-			rescue
-				log("NIGGER" * 100)
-				log($!)
-				log(caller)
-				enter_dir(olddir)
-				return false
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	def self.enter_dir(dir)
-		@pwd.restore if @pwd
-		@marked = []
-		dir = File.expand_path(dir)
-		oldpath = @path.dup
-		# NOTE: @dirs[unknown] is not nil but
-		@path = [@dirs['/']]
-		unless dir == '/'
-			dir.slice(0)
-			accumulated = '/'
-			for part in dir.split('/')
-				unless part.empty?
-					accumulated = File.join(accumulated, part)
-					@path << @dirs[accumulated]
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		@pwd = @path.last
-		@pwd.pos = @pwd.pos
-		@pwd.files_raw.dup.each do |x|
-			@dirs[x] if
-		end
-		reset_title()
-		if @path.size < oldpath.size
-			@pwd.pos = @pwd.files_raw.index(oldpath.last.path) || 0
-		end
-		i = 0
-		@path.each_with_index do |p, i|
-			p.schedule
-			unless i == @path.size - 1
-				p.pointed_file = @path[i+1].path
-			end
-		end
-		Dir.chdir(@pwd.path)
-	end
-	def self.currentfile() @pwd.files[@pwd.pos] end
-	def self.selection()
-		if @marked.empty?
-			[currentfile]
-		else
-			@marked.dup
-		end
-	end
-	def self.move_to_trash!(fn)
-		unless File.exists?(@trash)
-			Dir.mkdir(@trash)
-		end
-		new_path = File.join(@trash, fn.basename)
-		Action.move(fn, new_path)
-		return new_path
-	end
-	def self.move_to_trash(file)
-		unless file
-			return
-		end
-		if String === file
-			file =
-		end
-		if file.exists?
-			if file.dir?
-				if ! and file.size > 0
-					return move_to_trash!(file)
-				else
-					Dir.rmdir(file.path) rescue nil
-				end
-			elsif file.symlink?
-				file.delete!
-			else
-				if ! and file.size > 0
-					return move_to_trash!(file)
-				else
-					file.delete!
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		return nil
-	end
-	def self.bar_add(bar)
-		if @bars.empty?
-			# This thread updates the statusbars
-			@bars_thread = do
-				while true
-					draw_bars
-					sleep 0.5
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		@bars << bar
-	end
-	def self.bar_del(bar)
-		@bars.delete(bar)
-		if @bars.empty?
-			@bars_thread.kill
-			@bars_thread = nil
-		end
-	end