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path: root/code/fm/draw.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'code/fm/draw.rb')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/code/fm/draw.rb b/code/fm/draw.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b07eb31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/fm/draw.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+module Fm
+	DONT_PREVIEW_THESE_FILES = /\.(avi|[mj]pe?g|iso|mp\d|og[gmv]|wm[av]|mkv|torrent|so|class|flv|png|bmp|vob|divx?)$/i
+	def column_put_file(n, file)
+		i = 0
+		if OPTIONS['filepreview'] and file.path !~ DONT_PREVIEW_THESE_FILES
+			m = lines - 2
+			attr_set(Color.base)
+			left, wid = get_boundaries(n)
+			if file.ext =~ /(?:rar|zip|7z|tar|gz)$/ and file.size < 10485760
+				text = `aunpack -l #{} 2>> /dev/null`
+				text.each_line do |l|
+					puti i+1, left, l[0, wid-1].ljust(wid)
+					i += 1
+					break if i == m
+				end
+			else
+, 'r') do |f|
+					check = true
+					left, wid = get_boundaries(n)
+					f.lines.each do |l|
+						if check
+							check = false
+							break unless l.each_char.all? {|x| x[0] > 0 and x[0] < 128}
+						end
+						puti i+1, left, l.gsub("\t","   ")[0, wid-1].ljust(wid)
+						i += 1
+						break if i == m
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		column_clear(n, i)
+	end
+	def put_directory(c, d)
+		l = 1
+		return column_clear(c, 0) unless d
+		infos = (c == COLUMNS - 2)
+		left, wid = get_boundaries(c)
+		right = left + wid
+		if not
+#			puti l, left, "" * (wid + 1)
+			Scheduler << d
+#			column_clear(c, 1)
+			return
+		elsif and d.empty?
+			puti l, left, 'empty'.ljust(wid+1)
+			column_clear(c, 1)
+			return
+		end
+		offset = get_offset(d, lines)
+		(lines - 1).times do |l|
+			lpo = l + offset
+			l += 1
+			break if (f = d.files[lpo]) == nil
+			mycolor = if lpo == d.pos
+				Color.selected
+			elsif f.marked?
+				Color.marked
+			else
+				Color.normal
+			end
+			dir = false
+			clrname = if f.symlink?
+				dir = f.dir?
+				if f.broken_symlink?
+					:badlink
+				else
+					:goodlink
+				end
+			elsif f.dir?
+				dir = true
+				:directory
+			elsif
+				:video
+			elsif f.executable?
+				:executable
+			else
+				:file
+			end
+			fn = f.basename
+			fn = "* #{fn}" if f.marked?
+			if infos
+				myinfo = " #{f.infostring}  "
+				sz = myinfo.size
+				str = fn[0, wid-1].ljust(wid+1)
+				if str.size > sz
+					str[-sz..-1] = myinfo
+					yes = true
+				else
+					yes = false
+				end
+				puti l, left, str
+				attr_at(l, right-sz, sz, Color.normal.send(clrname))
+			else
+				puti l, left, fn[0, wid-1].ljust(wid+1)
+			end
+			attr_at(l, left, fn.size.limit(wid-1), mycolor.send(clrname))
+		end
+		column_clear(c, l-1)
+	end
+	def self.column_clear(n, from=0)
+		attr_set(Color.base)
+		left, wid = get_boundaries(n)
+		(from -1).upto(lines) do |l|
+			puti l+2, left, ' ' * (wid+1)
+		end
+	end
+	def self.get_offset(dir, max)
+		pos = dir.pos
+		len = dir.files.size
+		max -= 2
+		if len <= max or pos < max/2
+			return 0
+		elsif pos >= (len - max/2)
+			return len - max
+		else
+			return pos - max/2
+		end
+	end
+	def self.get_boundaries(column)
+		cols = CLI.cols # to cache
+		case column
+		when 0
+			return 0, cols / 8
+		when 1
+			q = cols / 8
+			return q, q
+		when 2
+			q = cols / 4
+			w = @path.last.width.limit(cols/2, cols/8)
+			return q, w
+		when 3
+			l = cols / 4 + 1
+			l += @path.last.width.limit(cols/2, cols/8)
+			return l, cols - l
+		end
+	end
+	def self.draw
+#		bold false
+		@cur_y = get_boundaries(COLUMNS-2)[0]
+		if @buffer =~ /^block/
+			screensaver
+		elsif @buffer == '?'
+			cleari
+			puti 0, "      - - - Help - - -"
+			puti 2, "   h/j/k/l: Movement    J/K: fast Movement"
+			puti 3, "   H: Descend directory with respect to symlinks"
+			puti 4, "   L: Wait for <Enter> after execution of a program"
+			puti 6, "   t: Toggle Option     S: Change Sorting"
+			puti 7, "   E: Edit file         s: Enter Shell"
+			puti 8, "   rmdir: Remove whole dir  dD: Delete file or empty dir"
+			puti 9, "   dd: Move file to ~/.trash and memorize it's new path"
+			puti 10,"   yy: Memorize path    p: Copy memorized file here"
+			puti 11,"   mv<place>: move file to place  mkdir<name>: obvious"
+			puti 12,"   mX: Bookmark dir     'X: Enter bookmarked dir"
+			puti 13,"   '': Enter last visited dir (note: ' and ` are equal)"
+			puti 13,"   !<command> executes command"
+			puti 15,"   To interrupt current operations: <Ctrl-C>"
+			puti 16,"   To quit: q / ZZ / <Ctrl-D> / <Ctrl-C><Ctrl-C> (twice in a row)"
+			puti 18,"   Press one of those keys for more information: g f"
+		elsif @buffer == '?f'
+			cleari
+			puti 0, "      - - - Help - - -"
+			puti 2, "   f<regexp> or /<regexp> searches for pattern and presses l"
+			puti 3, "       when a matching file is found."
+			puti 4, "       Pressing L in this mode is like pressing l outside"
+			puti 6, "   F<regexp> like f but stay in this mode until <esc> is pressed"
+		elsif @buffer == '?g'
+			cleari
+			puti 0, "      - - - Help - - -"
+			puti 2, "   gg: go to top"
+			puti 3, "   G:  go to bottom"
+			puti 4, "   g0: go to /"
+			puti 5, "   gu: go to /usr/"
+			puti 6, "   gm: go to /media/"
+			puti 7, "   ge: go to /etc/"
+			puti 8, "   gh: go to ~/"
+			puti 9, "   gt: go to ~/.trash/"
+		else
+			@pwd.recheck_stuff()
+			cf = currentfile
+			if cf and s0 = cf.mimetype
+				puti 0, cols-s0.size, s0
+			end
+			s1 = "  "
+			s2 = "#{@path.last.path}#{"/" unless @path.size == 1}"
+			s3 = "#{cf ? cf.basename : ''}"
+			if s0
+				puti 0, (s1 + s2 + s3).ljust(cols-s0.size)
+			else
+				puti 0, (s1 + s2 + s3).ljust(cols)
+			end
+			bg = -1
+#			color_at 0, 0, -1, 7, bg
+#			color_at 0, 0, s1.size, 7, bg
+#			color_at 0, s1.size, s2.size, 6, bg
+#			color_at 0, s1.size + s2.size, s3.size, 5, bg
+#			bold false
+			begin
+				if cf.dir?
+					put_directory(3, @dirs[cf.path])
+				elsif cf.file?
+					column_put_file(3, cf)
+				else
+					column_clear(3)
+				end
+			rescue
+				column_clear(3)
+			end
+			pos_constant = @path.size - COLUMNS + 1
+			(COLUMNS - 1).times do |c|
+				pos = pos_constant + c
+				if pos >= 0
+					put_directory(c, @path[pos])
+				else
+					column_clear(c)
+				end
+			end
+#			bold false
+			attr_set(Color.base)
+#			color(-1, -1)
+			btm = lines - 1
+			case @buffer
+			when 'S'
+				puti btm, "Sort by (n)ame (s)ize (m)time (c)time (CAPITAL:reversed)"
+			when 't'
+				puti btm, "Toggle (h)idden_files (d)irs_first (c)olor (f)ilepreview"
+			else
+#				log(@pwd)
+#				log "Buffer: #{@buffer}"
+				puti btm, "#@buffer    #{@pwd.file_size.bytes(false)},#{@pwd.size},#{@pwd.pos+1}    ".rjust(cols)
+				more = ''
+				if cf.symlink?
+					more = "#{cf.readlink}"
+				end
+				puti btm, "  #{"%H:%M:%S %a %b %d")}  #{cf.rights} #{more}"
+#				color_at btm, 23, 10, (cf.writable? ? 6 : 5), -1
+				if more
+#					color_at btm, 34, more.size, (cf.exists? ? 6 : 1), -1
+				end
+			end
+			draw_bars unless @bars.empty?
+			movi(@pwd.pos + 1 - get_offset(@pwd, lines), @cur_y)
+		end
+		CLI.refresh
+	end
+	def self.draw_bars()
+		@bars.each_with_index do |bar, ix|
+			bar.update
+			l = -ix - 1
+			puti l, bar.text[0..cols-1].ljust(cols)
+			done = bar.done
+			c = (done * cols).to_i
+			unless done == 0
+#				color_at l, 0, c, 0, 4
+			end
+			unless done == cols
+#				color_at l, c, -1, 0, 6
+			end
+		end
+	end
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