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path: root/doc/colorschemes.txt
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* doc/colorschemes: ugh, its no logical but bitwise OR!hut2010-03-171-1/+1
* standardized formatting of headings in doc/hut2010-03-121-6/+16
* added documentation on how colorschemes workhut2010-03-121-0/+91
'#n70'>70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367
**Mu: making programs easier to understand in the large**

Imagine a world where you can:

1. think of a tiny improvement to a program you use, clone its sources,
orient yourself on its organization and make your tiny improvement, all in a
single afternoon.

2. Record your program as it runs, and easily convert arbitrary logs of runs
into reproducible automatic tests.

3. Answer arbitrary what-if questions about a codebase by trying out changes
and seeing what tests fail, confident that *every* scenario previous authors
have considered has been encoded as a test.

4. Run first simple and successively more complex versions to stage your

I think all these abilities might be strongly correlated; not only are they
achievable with a few common concepts, but you can't easily attack one of them
without also chasing after the others. The core mechanism enabling them all is
recording manual tests right after the first time you perform them:

* keyboard input
* printing to screen
* website layout
* disk filling up
* performance metrics
* race conditions
* fault tolerance
* ...

I hope to attain this world by creating a comprehensive library of fakes and
hooks for the entire software stack, at all layers of abstraction (programming
language, OS, standard libraries, application libraries).

To reduce my workload and get to a proof-of-concept quickly, this is a very
*alien* software stack. I've stolen ideas from lots of previous systems, but
it's not like anything you're used to. The 'OS' will lack virtual memory, user
accounts, any unprivileged mode, address space isolation, and many other

To avoid building a compiler I'm going to do all my programming in (virtual
machine) assembly. To keep assembly from getting too painful I'm going to
pervasively use one trick: load-time directives to let me order code however I
want, and to write boilerplate once and insert it in multiple places. If
you're familiar with literate programming or aspect-oriented programming,
these directives may seem vaguely familiar. If you're not, think of them as a
richer interface for function inlining.

Trading off notational convenience for tests may seem regressive, but I
suspect high-level languages aren't particularly helpful in understanding
large codebases. No matter how good a notation is, it can only let you see a
tiny fraction of a large program at a time. Logs, on the other hand, can let
you zoom out and take in an entire *run* at a glance, making them a superior
unit of comprehension. If I'm right, it makes sense to prioritize the right
*tactile* interface for working with and getting feedback on large programs
before we invest in the *visual* tools for making them concise.

([More details.](

**Taking Mu for a spin**

First install [Racket]( (just for the initial
prototype). Then:

  $ cd mu
  $ git clone

As a sneak peek, here's how you compute factorial in Mu:

  function factorial [
    ; allocate local variables
    default-space:space-address <- new space:literal, 30:literal
    ; receive inputs in a queue
    n:integer <- next-input
      ; if n=0 return 1
      zero?:boolean <- equal n:integer, 0:literal
      break-unless zero?:boolean
      reply 1:literal
    ; return n*factorial(n-1)
    tmp1:integer <- subtract n:integer, 1:literal
    tmp2:integer <- factorial tmp1:integer
    result:integer <- multiply n:integer, tmp2:integer
    reply result:integer

Programs are lists of instructions, each on a line, sometimes grouped with
brackets. Each instruction operates on some *operands* and returns some *results*.

  [results] <- instruction [operands]

Result and operand values have to be simple; you can't nest operations. But
you can have any number of values. In particular you can have any number of
results. For example, you can perform integer division as follows:

  quotient:integer, remainder:integer <- divide-with-remainder 11:literal, 3:literal

Each value provides its name as well as its type separated by a colon. Types
can be multiple words, like:

  x:integer-array:3  ; x is an array of 3 integers
  y:list:integer  ; y is a list of integers

Try out the factorial program now:

  $ ./mu
  result: 120  # factorial of 5
  ...  # ignore the memory dump for now

(The code in `` has a few more parentheses than the idealized
syntax above. We'll drop them when we build a real parser.)


The name of a value is for humans, but what the computer needs to access it is
its address. Mu maps names to addresses for you like in other languages, but
in a more transparent, lightweight, hackable manner. This instruction:

  z:integer <- add x:integer, y:integer

might turn into this:

  3:integer <- add 1:integer, 2:integer

You shouldn't rely on the specific address Mu chooses for a variable, but it
will be unique (other variables won't clobber it) and consistent (all mentions
of the name will map to the same address inside a function).

Things get more complicated when your functions call other functions. Mu
doesn't preserve uniqueness of names across functions, so you need to organize
your names into spaces. At the start of each function (like `factorial`
above), set its *default space*:

    default-space:space-address <- new space:literal, 30:literal

Without this line, all variables in the function will be *global*, something
you rarely want. (Luckily, this is also the sort of mistake that will be
easily caught by tests. Later we'll automatically generate this boilerplate.)
*With* this line, all addresses in your function will by default refer to one
of the 30 slots inside this local space.

Spaces can do more than just implement local variables. You can string them
together, pass them around, return them from functions, share them between
parallel routines, and much else. However, any function receiving a space has
to know the names and types of variables in it, so any instruction should
always receive spaces created by the same function, no matter how many times
it's run. (If you're familiar with lexical scope, this constraint is
identical to it.)

To string two spaces together, write one into slot 0 of the other. This
instruction chains a space received from its caller:

  0:space-address <- next-input

Once you've chained spaces together, you can access variables in them by
adding a 'space' property to values:


This value is the integer in slot 3 of the space chained in slot 0 of the
default space. We usually call it slot 3 in the 'next space'. `/space:2` would
be the next space of the next space, and so on.

See `` for an example of managing multiple accumulators at once
without allowing them to clobber each other. This is a classic example of the
sorts of things closures and objects are useful for in other languages. Spaces
in Mu provide the same functionality.


You can append arbitrary properties to values besides types and spaces. Just
separate them with slashes.


Most properties are meaningless to Mu, and it'll silently skip them when
running, but they are fodder for *meta-programs* to check or modify your
programs, a task other languages typically hide from their programmers. For
example, where other programmers are restricted to the checks their type
system permits and forces them to use, you'll learn to create new checks that
make sense for your specific program. If it makes sense to perform different
checks in different parts of your program, you'll be able to do that.

To summarize: Mu instructions have multiple operand and result values. Values
can have multiple rows separated by slashes, and rows can have multiple
columns separated by colons. The address of a value is always in the very
first column of the first row of its 'table'. You can visualize the last
example above as:

  z           : list : integer  /
  assign-once : true            /
  assigned    : false


An alternative way to define factorial is by inserting *labels* and later
inserting code at them.

  function factorial [
    default-space:space-address <- new space:literal, 30:literal
    n:integer <- next-operand

  after base-case [
    ; if n=0 return 1
    zero?:boolean <- equal n:integer, 0:literal
    break-unless zero?:boolean
    reply 1:literal

  after recursive-case [
    ; return n*factorial(n-1)
    tmp1:integer <- subtract n:integer, 1:literal
    tmp2:integer <- factorial tmp1:integer
    result:integer <- multiply n:integer, tmp2:integer
    reply result:integer

(You'll find this version in ``.)

This is a good time to point out that `{` and `}` are also just labels in Mu
syntax, and that `break` and `loop` get rewritten as jumps to just after the
enclosing `}` and `{` respectively. This gives us a simple sort of structured
programming without adding complexity to the parser -- Mu functions remain
just flat lists of instructions.


Another example, this time with concurrency.

  $ ./mu

Notice that it repeatedly prints either '34' or '35' at random. Hit ctrl-c to

Yet another example forks two 'routines' that communicate over a channel:

  $ ./mu
  produce: 0
  produce: 1
  produce: 2
  produce: 3
  consume: 0
  consume: 1
  consume: 2
  produce: 4
  consume: 3
  consume: 4

  # The exact order above might shift over time, but you'll never see a number
  # consumed before it's produced.

  error - deadlock detected

Channels are the unit of synchronization in Mu. Blocking on channels are the
only way tasks can sleep waiting for results. The plan is to do all I/O over
channels that wait for data to return.

Routines are expected to communicate purely by message passing, though nothing
stops them from sharing memory since all routines share a common address
space. However, idiomatic Mu will make it hard to accidentally read or clobber
random memory locations. Bounds checking is baked deeply into the semantics,
and pointer arithmetic will be mostly forbidden (except inside the memory
allocator and a few other places).

Notice also the error at the end. Mu can detect deadlock when running tests:
routines waiting on channels that nobody will ever write to.


Try running the tests:

  $ ./mu test mu.arc.t
  $  # all tests passed!

Now start reading `mu.arc.t` to see how it works. A colorized copy of it is at
`mu.arc.t.html` and

You might also want to peek in the `.traces` directory, which automatically
includes logs for each test showing you just how it ran on my machine. If Mu
eventually gets complex enough that you have trouble running examples, these
logs might help figure out if my system is somehow different from yours or if
I've just been insufficiently diligent and my documentation is out of date.

The immediate goal of Mu is to build up towards an environment for parsing and
visualizing these traces in a hierarchical manner, and to easily turn traces
into reproducible tests by flagging inputs entering the log and outputs
leaving it. The former will have to be faked in, and the latter will want to
be asserted on, to turn a trace into a test.


Mu builds on many ideas that have come before, especially:

- [Peter Naur](,+Ehn,+Musashi%22)
  for articulating the paramount problem of programming: communicating a
  codebase to others;
- [Christopher Alexander](
  and [Richard Gabriel]( for
  the intellectual tools for reasoning about the higher order design of a
- Unix and C for showing us how to co-evolve language and OS, and for teaching
  the (much maligned, misunderstood and underestimated) value of concise
  *implementation* in addition to a clean interface;
- Donald Knuth's [literate programming](
  for liberating "code for humans to read" from the tyranny of compiler order;
- [David Parnas](
  and others for highlighting the value of separating concerns and stepwise
- [Lisp]( for showing the power of
  dynamic languages, late binding and providing the right primitives a la
  carte, especially lisp macros;
- The folklore of debugging by print and the trace facility in many lisp
- Automated tests for showing the value of developing programs inside an
  elaborate harness;
- [Python doctest]( for
  exemplifying interactive documentation that doubles as tests;
- [ReStructuredText](
  and [its antecedents]( for showing that
  markup can be clean;
- BDD for challenging us all to write tests at a higher level;
- JavaScript and CSS for demonstrating the power of a DOM for complex
  structured documents.