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path: root/doc/uml/java_imports
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* moved /uml to /doc/umlhut2009-12-251-0/+1
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//: It's often convenient to express recipes in a textual fashion.
:(scenarios add_recipes)
:(scenario first_recipe)
recipe main [
  1:integer <- copy 23:literal
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}

vector<recipe_number> add_recipes(string form) {
  istringstream in(form);
  vector<recipe_number> result;
  while (!in.eof())
  return result;

recipe_number add_recipe(istream& in) {
  in >> std::noskipws;
  string _recipe = next_word(in);
//?   cout << _recipe; //? 1
  if (_recipe != "recipe")
    raise << "top-level forms must be of the form 'recipe _name_ [ _instruction_ ... ]'\n";

  string recipe_name = next_word(in);
//?   cout << "recipe name: ^" << recipe_name << "$\n"; //? 1
  if (recipe_name.empty())
    raise << "empty recipe name\n";
//?     raise << "empty recipe name in " << in.str() << '\n';
  if (Recipe_number.find(recipe_name) == Recipe_number.end())
    Recipe_number[recipe_name] = Next_recipe_number++;
  recipe_number r = Recipe_number[recipe_name];
//?   cout << recipe_name << ": adding recipe " << r << '\n'; //? 3

  if (next_word(in) != "[")
    raise << "recipe body must begin with '['\n";


  instruction curr;
  while (next_instruction(in, &curr)) {
  Recipe[r].name = recipe_name;
//?   cout << "recipe " << recipe_name << " has " << Recipe[r].steps.size() << " steps.\n"; //? 1
  return r;

bool next_instruction(istream& in, instruction* curr) {
  if (in.eof()) return false;
  skip_whitespace(in);  if (in.eof()) return false;
  skip_comments_and_newlines(in);  if (in.eof()) return false;

  vector<string> words;
  while (in.peek() != '\n') {
    skip_whitespace(in);  if (in.eof()) return false;
    string word = next_word(in);  if (in.eof()) return false;
    skip_whitespace(in);  if (in.eof()) return false;
  skip_comments_and_newlines(in);  if (in.eof()) return false;

//?   if (words.size() == 1) cout << words[0] << ' ' << words[0].size() << '\n'; //? 1
  if (words.size() == 1 && words[0] == "]") {
//?     cout << "AAA\n"; //? 1
    return false;  // end of recipe

  if (words.size() == 1 && !isalnum(words[0][0])) {
    curr->is_label = true;
    curr->label = words[0];
    trace("parse") << "label: " << curr->label;
    return !in.eof();

  vector<string>::iterator p = words.begin();
  if (find(words.begin(), words.end(), "<-") != words.end()) {
    for (; *p != "<-"; ++p) {
      if (*p == ",") continue;
    ++p;  // skip <-

  curr->name = *p;
  if (Recipe_number.find(*p) == Recipe_number.end())
    Recipe_number[*p] = Next_recipe_number++;
  curr->operation = Recipe_number[*p];  ++p;

  for (; p != words.end(); ++p) {
    if (*p == ",") continue;

  trace("parse") << "instruction: " << curr->operation;
  for (vector<reagent>::iterator p = curr->ingredients.begin(); p != curr->ingredients.end(); ++p) {
    trace("parse") << "  ingredient: " << p->to_string();
  for (vector<reagent>::iterator p = curr->products.begin(); p != curr->products.end(); ++p) {
    trace("parse") << "  product: " << p->to_string();
  return !in.eof();

string next_word(istream& in) {
  ostringstream out;
  slurp_word(in, out);
  return out.str();

void slurp_word(istream& in, ostream& out) {
  char c;
  if (in.peek() == ',') {
    in >> c;
    out << c;
  while (in >> c) {
    if (isspace(c) || c == ',') {
    out << c;

void skip_whitespace(istream& in) {
  while (isspace(in.peek()) && in.peek() != '\n') {

void skip_comments_and_newlines(istream& in) {
  while (in.peek() == '\n' || in.peek() == '#') {
    if (in.peek() == '#') {
      while (in.peek() != '\n') in.get();

void skip_comment(istream& in) {
  if (in.peek() == '#') {
    while (in.peek() != '\n') in.get();

void skip_comma(istream& in) {
  if (in.peek() == ',') in.get();

:(scenario parse_comment_outside_recipe)
# comment
recipe main [
  1:integer <- copy 23:literal
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}

:(scenario parse_comment_amongst_instruction)
recipe main [
  # comment
  1:integer <- copy 23:literal
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}

:(scenario parse_comment_amongst_instruction2)
recipe main [
  # comment
  1:integer <- copy 23:literal
  # comment
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}

:(scenario parse_comment_amongst_instruction3)
recipe main [
  1:integer <- copy 23:literal
  # comment
  2:integer <- copy 23:literal
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   product: {name: "2", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [2: integer]}

:(scenario parse_comment_after_instruction)
recipe main [
  1:integer <- copy 23:literal # comment
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}

:(scenario parse_label)
recipe main [
+parse: label: +foo
-parse: instruction: 1

:(scenario parse_multiple_properties)
recipe main [
  1:integer <- copy 23:literal/foo:bar:baz
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal, foo: bar:baz]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}

:(scenario parse_multiple_products)
recipe main [
  1:integer, 2:integer <- copy 23:literal
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}
+parse:   product: {name: "2", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [2: integer]}

:(scenario parse_multiple_ingredients)
recipe main [
  1:integer, 2:integer <- copy 23:literal, 4:integer
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "4", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [4: integer]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}
+parse:   product: {name: "2", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [2: integer]}

:(scenario parse_multiple_types)
recipe main [
  1:integer, 2:address:integer <- copy 23:literal, 4:integer
+parse: instruction: 1
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "23", value: 0, type: 0, properties: [23: literal]}
+parse:   ingredient: {name: "4", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [4: integer]}
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1, properties: [1: integer]}
+parse:   product: {name: "2", value: 0, type: 2-1, properties: [2: address:integer]}

:(scenario parse_properties)
recipe main [
  1:integer:address/deref <- copy 23:literal
+parse:   product: {name: "1", value: 0, type: 1-2, properties: [1: integer:address, deref: ]}