Thank you for contributing to ranger by opening this issue.
Please check through this list, so you can be as helpful as possible:
1. Was this issue already reported? Please do a quick search.
2. Maybe the problem is solved in the current master branch already?
Simply clone ranger's git repository and run ./ranger.py to find out.
3. Provide all the relevant information, as outlined in this template.
Feel free to remove any sections you don't need.
#### Runtime Environment
<!-- Retrieve Python/ranger version and locale with `ranger --version` -->
- Operating system and version:
- Terminal emulator and version:
- Python version:
- Ranger version/commit:
- Locale:
#### Current Behavior
#### Expected Behavior
#### Context
<!-- How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish? -->
#### Possible Solutions
#### Steps to reproduce
#### Traceback
<!-- If ranger crashes, paste the traceback in the quotes below. -->