1 //: You guessed right: the '000' prefix means you should start reading here.
  2 //:
  3 //: This project is set up to load all files with a numeric prefix. Just
  4 //: create a new file and start hacking.
  5 //:
  6 //: The first few files (00*) are independent of what this program does, an
  7 //: experimental skeleton that will hopefully make it both easier for others to
  8 //: understand and more malleable, easier to rewrite and remould into radically
  9 //: different shapes without breaking in subtle corner cases. The premise is
 10 //: that understandability and rewrite-friendliness are related in a virtuous
 11 //: cycle. Doing one well makes it easier to do the other.
 12 //:
 13 //: Lower down, this file contains a legal, bare-bones C++ program. It doesn't
 14 //: do anything yet; subsequent files will contain :(...) directives to insert
 15 //: lines into it. For example:
 16 //:   :(after "more events")
 17 //: This directive means: insert the following lines after a line in the
 18 //: program containing the words "more events".
 19 //:
 20 //: A simple tool is included to 'tangle' all the files together in sequence
 21 //: according to their directives into a single source file containing all the
 22 //: code for the project, and then feed the source file to the compiler.
 23 //: (It'll drop these comments starting with a '//:' prefix that only make
 24 //: sense before tangling.)
 25 //:
 26 //: Directives free up the programmer to order code for others to read rather
 27 //: than as forced by the computer or compiler. Each individual feature can be
 28 //: organized in a self-contained 'layer' that adds code to many different data
 29 //: structures and functions all over the program. The right decomposition into
 30 //: layers will let each layer make sense in isolation.
 31 //:
 32 //:   "If I look at any small part of it, I can see what is going on -- I don't
 33 //:   need to refer to other parts to understand what something is doing.
 34 //:
 35 //:   If I look at any large part in overview, I can see what is going on -- I
 36 //:   don't need to know all the det
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