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path: root/doc
-rw-r--r--HACKING2323log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--colorschemes.txt3258log stats plain blame
-rwxr-xr-xprint_colors.py512log stats plain blame
-rwxr-xr-xprint_keys.py189log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--ranger.137108log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--ranger.pod26672log stats plain blame
a> 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
;;; init-windows.el --- Window/Buffer Configuration File -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:

(use-feature emacs
  (switch-to-buffer-obey-display-actions t)
  (split-height-threshold nil)
  (split-width-threshold 200))

(use-feature ibuffer
  ("C-x M-b" . ibuffer)
  (:map ibuffer-mode-map
        ("{" . ibuffer-backwards-next-marked)
        ("}" . ibuffer-forward-next-marked)
        ("[" . ibuffer-backward-filter-group)
        ("]" . ibuffer-forward-filter-group)
        ("$" . ibuffer-toggle-filter-group))
  :hook (ibuffer-mode . ibuffer-auto-mode))

(use-feature casual-ibuffer
  :after ibuffer
  :bind (:map ibuffer-mode-map
              ("C-o" . casual-ibuffer-tmenu)
              ("F" . casual-ibuffer-filter-tmenu)
              ("s" . casual-ibuffer-sortby-tmenu)))

(use-feature winner
  :defer 5
  :custom (winner-boring-buffers-regexp "\*Minibuf-[0-9]+")
  (winner-mode +1)
  (defvar winner-repeat-map
    (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
      (define-key map (kbd "<left>") #'winner-undo)
      (define-key map (kbd "<right>") #'winner-redo)
  (dolist (cmd '(winner-undo winner-redo))
    (put cmd 'repeat-map 'winner-repeat-map)))

(use-feature windmove
  :defer 5
  :config (windmove-default-keybindings)
  :bind (("C-c M-<up>" . windmove-delete-up)
         ("C-c M-<down>" . windmove-delete-down)
         ("C-c M-<left>" . windmove-delete-left)
         ("C-c M-<right>" . windmove-delete-right)))

(use-package buffer-move
  :bind (("C-S-<up>" . buf-move-up)
         ("C-S-<down>" . buf-move-down)
         ("C-S-<left>" . buf-move-left)
         ("C-S-<right>" . buf-move-right)))

(use-feature uniquify
  (uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward))

(use-package fullframe
  :defer 4
  (fullframe magit-status magit-mode-bury-buffer)
  (fullframe vc-annotate quit-window)
  (fullframe elpaca-fetch-all quit-window))

(use-package transpose-frame
  :bind (:map ctl-x-4-map ("t" . transpose-frame)))

(use-package ace-window
  (defun ace-window-always-dispatch (arg)
    "Call `ace-window' with `aw-dispatch-always' set to t, passing through `ARG'."
    (interactive "p")
    (let ((aw-dispatch-always t))
      (ace-window arg)))
  ([remap other-window] . ace-window)
  ("C-x O" . ace-window-always-dispatch)
  (aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l))
   ((t (:foreground "white" :background "red"
                    :weight bold :height 2.5 :box (:line-width 10 :color "red"))))))

(use-package popper
  :bind (("M-`" . popper-toggle)
         ("M-¬" . popper-cycle)
         ("C-`" . popper-toggle-type))
  (popper-group-function #'popper-group-by-perspective)
     "\\*HTTP Response\\*"
     "\\*Async Shell Command\\*"
  :hook (elpaca-after-init . (lambda ()
                               (popper-mode +1)
                               (popper-echo-mode +1))))

(use-package frog-jump-buffer
  (defun frog-jump-buffer-filter-buffer-ring (buffer)
    "Check if a BUFFER is in current buffer ring."
    (let ((bfr-ring (buffer-ring-current-ring)))
      (when bfr-ring
        (let ((ring (buffer-ring-ring-ring bfr-ring)))
          (unless (dynaring-empty-p ring)
            (dynaring-contains-p ring (buffer-ring--parse-buffer buffer)))))))

  (defun frog-jump-buffer-filter-same-mode-in-persp (buffer)
    "Check if a BUFFER is the same as the current major mode and perspective."
    (let ((current-mode major-mode))
       (with-current-buffer buffer
         (eq major-mode current-mode))
       (persp-is-current-buffer buffer))))

  (defun frog-jump-buffer-filter-persp-buffer-ring-or-same-mode (buffer)
    "Check if BUFFER is in the buffer-ring, falling back to persp + major mode."
    (let* ((bfr-ring (buffer-ring-current-ring))
           (ring (buffer-ring-ring-ring bfr-ring)))
      (if (dynaring-empty-p ring)
          (frog-jump-buffer-filter-same-mode-in-persp buffer)
        (frog-jump-buffer-filter-buffer-ring buffer))))

  (set-face-background 'frog-menu-posframe-background-face "black")

  (setq frog-jump-buffer-include-current-buffer nil
        frog-jump-buffer-default-filter 'frog-jump-buffer-filter-persp-buffer-ring-or-same-mode
        frog-jump-buffer-use-default-filter-actions nil
        frog-jump-buffer-filter-actions '(("A" "[all]" frog-jump-buffer-filter-all)
                                          ("M" "[mode]" frog-jump-buffer-filter-same-mode-in-persp)
                                          ("F" "[files]" frog-jump-buffer-filter-file-buffers)
                                          ("R" "[recentf]" frog-jump-buffer-filter-recentf) ;; TODO filter/replace frog-jump-buffer-recentf-buffers
                                          ("B" "[ring]" frog-jump-buffer-filter-buffer-ring)
                                          ("P" "[project]" frog-jump-buffer-filter-same-project)
                                          ("S" "[similar]" frog-jump-buffer-filter-similar-name)))
  ("C-c C-," . frog-jump-buffer)
  ("C-x 4 C-," . frog-jump-buffer-other-window))

(use-package buffer-ring
  (defun persp-buffer-ring-create-and-switch ()
    "Create and switch to the buffer-ring for the current perspective."
    ;; Creating a ring automatically switches to it
    (buffer-ring-torus--create-ring (persp-current-name)))

  (defun persp-buffer-ring-switch ()
    "Switch to the buffer-ring for the current perspective."
    (buffer-ring-torus-switch-to-ring (persp-current-name)))

  ;; This is mostly just a convenience, to stop buffer-ring from prompting for the ring to use
  (defun persp-buffer-ring-add-buffer ()
    "Add the current buffer to ring for the current perspective."
    (let ((inhibit-message t))
      (buffer-ring-add (persp-current-name))))
  (elpaca-after-init . buffer-ring-mode)
  (persp-created . persp-buffer-ring-create-and-switch)
  (persp-switch . persp-buffer-ring-switch)
  (:map buffer-ring-mode-map
        ("C-c C-b a" . persp-buffer-ring-add-buffer)
        ("C-<" . buffer-ring-prev-buffer)
        ("C->" . buffer-ring-next-buffer)))

(use-package buffer-flip
  :custom (buffer-flip-skip-patterns '("^[*]"))
  (defun persp-buffer-flip-skip-buffer (orig &rest args)
    (or (apply orig args)
        (persp-buffer-filter (car args))))
  (advice-add 'buffer-flip-skip-buffer :around 'persp-buffer-flip-skip-buffer)
  :bind  (("C-c C-<left>" . buffer-flip)
          (:map buffer-flip-map
                ( "C-<left>" .   buffer-flip-forward)
                ( "C-<right>" . buffer-flip-backward)
                ( "C-g" . buffer-flip-abort))))

(use-package iflipb
  (defun iflipb-persp-buffer-list ()
    "Buffer list for iflipb."
    (seq-filter 'buffer-live-p (persp-current-buffers* t)))
  (defun iflibp-abort ()
    "Abort buffer flipping and return to the original buffer."
  (defun iflipb-kill-current-buffer ()
    "Same as `kill-current-buffer' but keep the iflipb buffer list state.

Modified from `iflipb-kill-buffer'."
    (call-interactively #'kill-current-buffer)
    (if (iflipb-first-iflipb-buffer-switch-command)
        (setq last-command 'kill-current-buffer)
      (if (< iflipb-current-buffer-index (length (iflipb-interesting-buffers)))
          (iflipb-select-buffer iflipb-current-buffer-index)
        (iflipb-select-buffer (1- iflipb-current-buffer-index)))
      (setq last-command 'iflipb-kill-current-buffer)))
  :custom (iflipb-buffer-list-function 'iflipb-persp-buffer-list)
  ("C-x k" . iflipb-kill-current-buffer)
  ("<f12>" . iflipb-previous-buffer)
  ("<f11>" . iflipb-next-buffer)
  ("<f10>" . iflibp-abort))

(provide 'init-windows)
;;; init-windows.el ends here