MyMedMemoirDecentralized Medical RecordsAndinus <>3 years
TemplateNestFastTemplate::Nest::Fast is a high-performance template engine module for RakuAndinus <>23 months
antliaAntlia is a text based Rock paper scissors gameAndinus <>4 years
aocMy solutions for Advent of CodeAndinus <>2 years
araAra is a simple cli program that prints Covid-19 statsAndinus <>4 years
caelumCaelum is a text based Cee-lo gameAndinus <>4 years
cetusCetus is a simple wallpaper setting tool written in GoAndinus <>4 years
craterCrater is a photo galleryAndinus <>3 years
cruxCrux is a wallpaper manager written in PerlAndinus <>4 years
doradoCollection of Algorithms used in Computer GraphicsAndinus <>3 years
dracoDraco is a script to convert reddit thread to Org documentAndinus <>3 years
exercismMy solutions for Exercism exercisesAndinus <>3 years
fornaxCollection of tools to visualize Path Finding AlgorithmsAndinus <>3 years
grusGrus is a simple word unjumbler written in GoAndinus <>4 years
indusIndus is a simple clipboard summarizer written in GoAndinus <>4 years
lacertaLacerta parses WhatsApp exported logsAndinus <>4 years
leoLeo is a simple backup programAndinus <>4 years
lynxLynx is a simple unveil(2) & pledge(2) wrapperAndinus <>4 years
lyraLyra is a simple cli program to manage fortune filesAndinus <>4 years
octansOctans is a program to solve Algot's Wordplay (Wordsearch) puzzlesAndinus <>3 years
orionOrion is a simple program to check for compromised passwords using Have I Been P...Andinus <>2 years
pavoPavo wraps other programs with unveil & pledgeAndinus <>4 years
perseusPerseus is a simple link aggregation and discussion programAndinus <>4 years
pictorPictor is a simple acronym expanderAndinus <>4 years
pyxisPyxis is a simple twtxt clientAndinus <>5 years
taurusTaurus parses Call logsAndinus <>4 years
tucanaTucana is a program to generate puzzles like Algot's WordsearchAndinus <>4 years
velaVela is a place to share smilesAndinus <>3 years