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path: root/rust/lucians-luscious-lasagna/Cargo.lock
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Rust: Add Hello World & Lucian's Luscious LasagnaAndinus2021-09-071-0/+5
/a> 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

type Item = 
    | Generator of string
    | Microchip of string

    member x.Element =
        match x with
        | Generator e -> e
        | Microchip e -> e

type Floor = Set<Item>

type State =
        Elevator: int
        Floors: Floor[]

    override x.ToString() =
        let byElement = 
            |> Seq.mapi (fun n items -> items |> (fun i -> n, i))
            |> Seq.collect id
            |> Seq.groupBy (fun (_n, i) -> i.Element)
            |> (fun (_e, itemOnFloors) ->
                match itemOnFloors |> Seq.toArray with
                | [| (i, Generator _); (j, _) |] -> i, j
                | [| (i, Microchip _); (j, _) |] -> j, i
                | _ -> 0, 0)
            |> Seq.sort
        sprintf "%d-%s" x.Elevator <| System.String.Join("", byElement)

let (|Empty|NotEmpty|) (floor: Floor) =
    if floor.Count = 0 then Empty else NotEmpty

let (|Fried|_|) (floor: Floor) =
    let chips, generators =
        |> Set.partition (function | Microchip _ -> true | _ -> false)
        |> fun (chips, gens) ->
            chips |> (fun x -> x.Element),
            gens |> (fun x -> x.Element)
    let unmatchedChips = Set.difference chips generators

    if unmatchedChips.Count > 0 && generators.Count > 0
    then Some unmatchedChips 
    else None

let (|Success|Failed|InProgress|) { Floors = floors } =
  match floors with
  | [| Empty; Empty; Empty; NotEmpty |] -> Success
  | [| Fried _; _; _; _ |]
  | [| _; Fried _; _; _ |]
  | [| _; _; Fried _; _ |]
  | [| _; _; _; Fried _ |] -> Failed
  | _ -> InProgress

let solve initState =
  let visitedStates = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>()

  let next { Elevator = floorNum; Floors = floors } =
    // all the different ways items can be loaded into the elevator
    let itemCombos (floor : Floor) =
      seq {
        for item in floor do
          yield set [ item ]
          for otherItem in floor.Remove item do
            yield set [ item; otherItem ]
      |> Seq.distinct

    let moveItems oldFloor newFloor items =
      let floors' = Array.copy floors
      floors'.[oldFloor] <- Set.difference floors.[oldFloor] items
      floors'.[newFloor] <- Set.union floors.[newFloor] items

    seq { 
      let floor = floors.[floorNum]
      for items in itemCombos floor do
        if floorNum >= 1 then
          let floorNum' = floorNum-1
          let floors'   = moveItems floorNum floorNum' items
          yield { Elevator = floorNum'; Floors = floors' }

        if floorNum < 3 then
          let floorNum' = floorNum+1
          let floors'   = moveItems floorNum floorNum' items
          yield { Elevator = floorNum'; Floors = floors' }
    |> Seq.filter (fun state -> visitedStates.Add(state.ToString()))
    |> Seq.filter (function | Failed -> false | _ -> true)

  (0, [| initState |])
  |> Seq.unfold (fun (moves, states) ->
    let nextStates = states |> Seq.collect next |> Seq.toArray
    let nextItem = moves+1, nextStates
    Some (nextItem, nextItem))
  |> Seq.choose (fun (moves, states) ->
    let successStates = 
      states |> Array.filter (function | Success -> true | _ -> false)
    if successStates.Length > 0 then Some (moves, successStates) else None)
  |> Seq.head
  |> fst

let part1Floors: Floor[] =
        set [ Generator "Tm"; Microchip "Tm"; Generator "Pu"; Generator "Sr"]
        set [ Microchip "Pu"; Microchip "Sr"]
        set [ Generator "Pm"; Microchip "Pm"; Generator "Ru"; Microchip "Ru"]
        set []
{ Elevator = 0; Floors = part1Floors } |> solve |> printfn "%d"

let part2Floors: Floor[] =
        set [ Generator "Tm"; Microchip "Tm"; Generator "Pu"; Generator "Sr"; Generator "El"; Microchip "El"; Generator "Di"; Microchip "Di"]
        set [ Microchip "Pu"; Microchip "Sr"]
        set [ Generator "Pm"; Microchip "Pm"; Generator "Ru"; Microchip "Ru"]
        set []
{ Elevator = 0; Floors = part2Floors } |> solve |> printfn "%d"