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path: root/share/theo
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authorAndinus <andinus@nand.sh>2020-08-25 14:53:30 +0530
committerAndinus <andinus@nand.sh>2020-08-25 14:53:30 +0530
commit5a88b1e4a36d84e4989d2c96690595744914a44a (patch)
tree8e11fc2385ed0eb75f5cecb6f15c01e3b02b61f0 /share/theo
parent73a9e1fe3d9d91b88fd786c0a6d857beac47d3f7 (diff)
Remove unused files/modules, add archive sub
`archive' will create tars of files, there is a pre-defined list.
Diffstat (limited to 'share/theo')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1985 deletions
diff --git a/share/theo b/share/theo
deleted file mode 100644
index ac20373..0000000
--- a/share/theo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1985 +0,0 @@
-Buttons are for idiots.
-Why are you guys so fork paranoid? Do you want everyone to vote for
-the same political party, too?
-I think your computer science teachers are still teaching you from
-books written in the 80's, when the word "micro-kernel" was associated
-with a future utopia.
-But software which OpenBSD uses and redistributes must be free to
-all (be they people or companies), for any purpose they wish to use
-it, including modification, use, peeing on, or even integration
-into baby mulching machines or atomic bombs to be dropped on
-You did not create these mailing lists, so you can take your opinions
-about why these lists were created and shove them up your ass.
-I am simply astounded at some of the things people keep repeating.
-I don't mean this applies to everyone, but is there a high quantity
-of attention deficit disorder in our user community? Or retards?
-Or is it just the same old trolling? OpenBSD does not incorporate
-non-free software.
-Scaling isn't really our concern; I barely know what the word means.
-There is one group of people who we do know scales. Whiners. They
-scale really well.
-I am very easy to get along with, but I don't have time to waste
-being nice to people who are being stupid.
-Hardly surprising. Apple. They build crap and make you pay extra.
-You are absolutely deluded, if not stupid, if you think that a
-worldwide collection of software engineers who can't write operating
-systems or applications without security holes, can then turn around
-and suddenly write virtualization layers without security holes.
-In the modern world of search engines, this question lands at the
-same level as trolling.
-You are very confused.
-Have you considered trying to live 100% without our software?
-Your grief would seem more sincere if didn't look like a shopping
-You are not listening.
-You enabled things which are disabled for a good reason.
-You are missing the point.  Your bug report is huge, but we have
-no idea what went wrong.
-It is pretty clear you are a troll.
-No, please, don't explain.
-You obviously have zero experience.
-You clearly cannot read.
-You better get back to class; your potty break is over.
-Go read the source code some time.
-The rest of your new email is bullshit, too.
-Noone deserves anything from us.  People get good things, and they
-are happy.  The developers in this project do the best they can
-writing innovative software, and will not accept preaching from
-pompous self-entitled American pricks like you.
-I believe you deserve to stop running the software.
-You are wrong.
-Don't be ridiculous.
-Yes, we should build a survey.  And a wiki.  It would be awesome.
-We'd get rich.
-One word can change the meaning of a sentence.  You failed at what
-you intended, and you also confused people.
-You made a decision to keep running code that old, and thus you are
-on your own.  You won't spend time figuring out which one of our
-changes over 2 years might fix the problem you are having, and we
-won't either.
-Your hopes are misplaced.
-I still think you are a loser.
-If you have endured a real bug for a long time, and not filed a bug
-report to have it fixed.. and then feel it is your right to scold
-people who attempt to explain the bug, then quite frankly, then YOU
-You are astoundingly naive.  We simply don't need the grief of
-entertaining users like you.
-Basically what you submitted was not a bug report.
-User is using a heavily tuned kernel and refuses to listen to advice
-about de-tuning all those things; as a result, noone can help him.
-Holy cow, you are dense.
-You don't know what you are talking about, and you don't seem to
-have the ability to wrap your mind around all the parts that are
-I am not reading your mails again.
-Totally false.
-You must not be reading the same code I am.
-Your approach is wrong.
-What you just said was utterly careless.
-No.  You misread the code.
-All the many eyes are apparently attached to a lot of hands that
-type lots of words about many eyes, and never actually audit code.
-I am so bloody dissapointed in the community that uses our stuff.
-What a dismal world view.
-That is a simplistic viewpoint held by your simplistic mind.
-I hope that one day due process is denied you.
-Such an American viewpoint.
-It didn't work out for Don Quixote either.
-You have it entirely backwards.
-But you decided you are special, and don't want us to help us help
-Oh good grief, grow up.
-Things change.  Learn to cope.
-Bye bye.
-Stop thinking of only yourself.
-You don't listen well either.
-The comedy just never ends.
-Hahahahaha.  That's a good one.
-I have a hard time believing you.
-You are using FreeBSD, aren't you.
-These programs are all bad.
-If you expected any of us to reply as if we are contractors or your
-employees, you came to the wrong place.
-If you want the answers you are looking for, do the work yourself.
-That is not our problem.
-If you are not careful, why should we be?
-Enjoy your windmill tilting.
-I should probably ask -- did you even read the panic?  Is the wording
-too poor to understand (and thus result in peeking at the code) or
-is the problem above the keyboard?
-Oh, but linux people told you it was the best.  I get it.
-God god, do you live in some stupid fantasy world?
-You already have a prompt that asks you that question.
-Since your PR contains absolutely zero information about your machine
-I am sending you back to kindergarden.  Because you totally suck.
-We'll be waiting for your fix then.
-Come on.  Read it carefully.
-You have no right to speak.
-It's a pity you don't go jump in a lake and drown yourself.
-Thanks for telling me do so some reading, but a google of your name
-on these mailing lists will show a 10 year pattern of you not being
-able to self-help.  Something to do with your parents, probably.
-Hey look everyone, it's another uneducated user mouthing off on a
-noisy mailing list.  He goes blah blah blah, loving the sound of
-his own noise.
-I don't see any humility.
-What a load of bullshit.
-You are killing us with hyperbole.  It is now hard to take anything
-you say seriously.
-Why don't you figure that out.
-Your usage case is "Give me a button to push".
-Anyways, who cares.
-We couldn't care what you believe, unless you have diffs of your
-own to submit.
-You're kidding.
-You are making up rules as you go along.  Why don't you go read the
-Oh cut the crap.
-Frankly, I think you are a whiner.
-In your dreams..
-No.  You must be at least this tall to use OpenBSD; sorry -- you
-are a midget.
-You've got it all wrong.
-You'll experience anguish, and then if you try to ask for sympathy
-a lot of people will laugh at you.
-I don't know for certain, but I believe you are just making things
-up as you go along, because you are nothing but a troll.
-In summary -- the entire effort is a complete load of crap.
-Oh come on, admit it, you are wrong.
-That's a lot of words.
-Sorry, but I have lost all appetite to help you.
-Oh sorry, I forgot to think like an American for a second there.
-If you have so many ideas you should go ahead and start your own
-project.  Good luck building a successfull project based on 'ideas'.
-I'm not even going to read to the end.
-You are a prick.
-Tell linus.  You can google for his email address.
-Just pathetic.  Hope you actually get a life sometime.
-You missed the point.
-Don't worry.  Most of us see your name and at that moment delete
-the mail.  This reply is an exception.
-You realize that you are going to run into thousands of other
-problems as a result of that practice?
-What you suggest is absolute rubbish. It is just talk -- not action
--- but furthermore you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
-Really.  How interesting.
-Let's keep it simple.  Why don't you just go away, and stop acting
-the fool?
-I am just plain fed up with the bullshit you cowards spew.
-I don't believe you.  You suggested it because you only thought of
-your own benefit, not of the amount of work others would have to
-Have you thought this through, at all?
-Some days I want to just quit and say fuck it all.
-All I ever wanted was a hobby. If this pathetic slob doesn't like
-our hobby, they should stop relying on it.
-Let idiots suffer on their own.
-The point is that you are a crybaby.
-We really are not interested in the story of your life.
-So you presume.
-You probably rape children in your spare time, and here you are,
-yelling at us for violating your perceived entitlement.
-Can you please leave?
-Now, again, please leave.
-You know, you have an option available to you regarding this. You
-could come to the conclusion that you are not entitled and stop
-posting, and it will work out better in the long term. I did not
-read anything more you said.
-Your attitude stinks.  Good luck with life.
-I don't know who you are, but you do nothing.  What do you do?
-I don't see your name on any the source code. So you shut up, loser.
-Just go away.
-Perhaps we made mistakes.  Perhaps they'll be changed. But you are
-just spouting bullshit.
-I am not being sarcastic.  I truly am sick of having my time wasted.
-Yes you are wrong, and damn infuriating too.
-You need to learn how to listen.
-Read what it says.
-You just like listening to yourself talk.  Shut up.
-Can you please stop acting as if you are smarter than us?  I am
-sorry to say it, but we have thought this through for many hours
-by the time you show up to "play system designer".
-I don't see the point.
-Please don't.
-The best part is that noone cares about that.
-It is disgraceful to see what type of code being written these days.
-You accept how we do it, and you will shut up, or less service will
-be provided in the future.
-If you don't like it, run something else.
-I don't care.
-I don't give a shit.
-I really don't give a shit what you admire or not.
-You are a whiny snively jerk, and every time you open your mouth I
-go work on something else.
-Your sense of self-importance just makes other people not even want
-to try.
-I could not give a rats ass what you say.
-You just plain don't understand the problem.
-Your attitude is not very nice.
-You had me going for a moment.
-Wow, your process stinks.
-You need to read more carefully.
-If you are just grandstanding, please stop.
-Ah, we have another talker in the house.
-Perhaps you should get a good delicing.
-You'll never be a developer, so who cares?
-Oh my god, the tears!  Look at his tears!
-Just give it up and get lost.
-Wow, you sure like to make presumptions.
-Thing is, you won't get help here.
-Your lack of any attempt to educate yourself is your problem.
-No, no no no no.
-No.  You have it wrong.  Go back to reading school.
-Come on.. stop making assumptions.
-We are not believers in buttons.  Knobs are for knobs.
-Oh yeah, that's a great idea!
-I'm making fun of you.
-Whatever you did does not do what you think it does.  In fact, I
-bet it is doing exactly the opposite of what you think it does.
-Don't be fooled.
-They are simplistic retards, not because they choose to be, but
-because their paychecks tell them to be so.
-Oh, you're not going to do it?  Oh you can't do it?
-No way.
-Except you are wrong.
-If some of you people keep insisting on having backwards compatibitity
-with the stone age, we'll have stone tools forever.
-I don't know why our mailing lists are always full of people who
-don't even understand what they are talking about.
-You guys just are not thinking.
-You've got to be kidding me.
-I won't look further since you have a history of not listening.
-There is no point in testing a diff which is wrong.
-Are you a troll?
-can you not read the prompt?
-you could try "make me sandwitch" and have the same effect.
-No, I am advocating that you TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN PROBLEMS YOURSELF.
-Learn your tools.  From hammers to saws to cars to operating systems,
-it is all the same.
-That is balony.
-PHP is not part of OpenBSD.
-To me it sounds like you are used to paying a lot, and now you
-expect the same from us, who you don't pay at all.  That is a rude
-Who's the child now?
-We try our best to make it the best.  Do you try your best to help
-us?  I doubt it.  So we try the best we can without people like you
-helping us.
-So learn to type correctly.
-Shame on you.
-This is an error in the manual page.
-I do not agree with your assessment.
-Why hold people who you don't pay to a higher standard than the
-people who you do pay?
-Stop spreading lies.
-Geez, you're not listening
-make of it what you will.
-Be realistic.
-Sorry, but you are wrong.
-You are completely missing the point.
-If that workaround was the right thing to do, it would be the
-What happened is that you thought it was time to say something
-useless, which adds no value to the conversation.
-You are just a whiny boy who pisses on people who spent 2 years
-writing the code.
-In short, you are socially inept unappreciative asshole.
-Come on guys.  Don't have me OK this.
-I see other projects falling into this problem all the time.  It
-is awesome.
-Ha ha.  I watch other projects.
-We won't commit it.
-I don't see any problem.
-As developers we make decisions which we believe serve our users
-the best.
-Wow, what's that got to do with anything?
-c++ is a pile of crap.
-You have this very wrong.
-Your code is completely wrong.
-No way.
-None of that matters here.
-I am not directing you.
-Wow.  You sure do set the bar low.
-The rest of what you are yapping about does not matter.
-Do you think we care?
-God bless the people who employ you, they need the blessing.
-That's the process.
-Hey, stick a screw driver into your ear.
-Does it help anything?  No.
-You know better.
-Lacking a terse starting point, soon we have users who don't know
-where to start.
-the multiplicative effects are far too serious.
-If you believe strongly in this idea, you should take an entire
-operating system base and prove the case.
-Good luck!
-Totally wrong there.
-Uhm, that's a pretty weak argument.
-Standing alone, "compatibility with FOO" is not a very strong
-argument.  What next, "compatibility with Xenix and Windows"?
-Too bad. You can use other software.
-I decided to make a guess as to the region you are from.
-Your request is ridiculous.
-The people who write code get to decide how they document it.
-Don't like it?  Then walk away.
-The only person who did something useful, is the author of the
-There is a user community, and a development community.
-Listen to yourself, proud of the complex words you found in a
-It is really amazing that so many people prefer to remain blissfully
-I have seen nothing I would qualify as a "bug report".
-Sorry, but it's the truth.
-So glad to have the expert speak.
-It is clear you don't understand the code that was commited.
-It is an obvious mechanism.
-Good luck.
-Autoinstall does not handle this type of problem either.
-I was quite unhappy when this "solution" was proposed initially,
-since solutions of that sort often lead to no true solution down
-the road.
-I really love how we keep getting advice.
-That's a great idea.
-That is not true.
-It's so simple.  Why didn't I think of it.
-I am going to make a guess here.
-Imagine you told us a lot about your life, and we gave you advice.
-If you want it done, do it yourself.
-I rather doubt it.
-You've missed the point.
-Wow, so many crazy suggstions.
-I completely doubt that.
-thanks for the lesson in logic.
-No, the original answer here is the right one.
-Please state your case very carefully and clearly.
-Right now, you are not talking facts.
-You are spreading misinformation.
-That feels like a disservice to the world.
-This is total balony.
-Wow. What hostility.
-There's research and there is the real world.
-From time to time, mistakes sneak in.
-It is theoretically possible to give a loaded gun to a baby; things
-will probably work out fine.
-What is your solution?
-And what is your solution?
-I'm getting ready to declare you a kook
-In that situation, you would probably want to be left in piece.
-If you start your own successfull project, you also can develop
-your own set of reasons for doing any of a variety of operational
-things at any point in time.
-You seem to have a rather over-extented sense of entitlement
-Most people are not capable of writing good patches, so it would
-be unprofessional to ask such people to write patches.
-You are speaking like a child.
-You really need to write a single comprehensive bug report that has
-no inconsistancies.
-So read what I said again.
-Improvements come when people try to push forward along the curve.
-People like you...
-Let's follow that thought.
-I don't see the point.
-So that is the reason why my car stereo has two sets of volume
-control knobs..... with the second set located inside the engine
-compartment, so I have to stop at the side of the road, pop open
-the hood, and reach down along the hot engine to near where the oil
-filter is.
-Take that for what it is.
-Whatever you're doing, it is wrong.
-Riiiiiiiiight. Suuuuuuuure. Keep believing that.
-I would like to see some proof of that.
-That's not going to happen.
-Wow. No.
-You are showing that you can't do any research at all, but want to
-throw ideas out.
-That is a very dangerous direction.
-I think this will cause further damage.
-Are you saying OpenBSD does it wrong, or that all the operating
-systems do it wrong?
-Wow, really thick skull you got there.
-Get real.
-You can decide what you do with your time, but you cannot decide
-what other people do with theirs.
-And then we move on?
-Are you kidding? Who does that help? Who?
-You have offered nothing.
-You overstate your worth.
-In your dreams.
-Amazing isn't it?
-Oh now I sense some angst.
-See how bad things start to happen?
-But I think it is clear you aren't a programmer, and this is over
-your head.
-Did they pay you to write all that text?
-there is bullshit coming out of your mouth.
-The nastiest behaviour is "sense of entitlement".
-You are the type of people who create these situations.
-We rarely hear about success, because those people are just happy.
-Totall irrelevant.
-It is what it is. Work with it.
-In the interests of full disclosure, do you work for the government
-or sell to the government?
-I heard.
-you must know, i want no part in any politics.
-i'm trying to stay out of politics.
-there are fingers to point all the way around.
-am i making all this up? perhaps i am, but you don't have to dream
-my dreams.
-i was up at 9am, climbed a mountain, hiked 6 km through 4ft deep
-slush (the image you are supposed to get is of 12 million overturned
-slurpee cups, and of geting your groin wet in slurpee), nearly died
-eating beef vindaloo, wrote some code, talked on the phone, wrote
-mail, and now it's almost 4am and this is absolutely beyond ridiculous.
-who said that?
-why are you asking me?
-Then I guess you are just stupid.
-Since you don't supply diffs, you are a waste of skin.
-Huh?  You've understood incorrectly.
-This approach is simplestic and wrong.
-This is not a conversation about your IPv6 connection.
-What problem are you trying to solve?
-Wow, what chatter.
-I don't understand society is producing a generation of people
-incapable of self-help.
-There are people who do that.
-Chill dude.
-It is crap.
-Oh good god.
-I don't know you, maybe I am misinterpreting you.
-Wow, don't know where you got that from.
-You persist in reading too much into things.
-So this is a great way to lose focus.
-You can figure out what I'm not saying on this line.
-I think this is a trap.
-That is an interesting claim.
-I am not playing any games.  Let's look at the facts.
-I haven't even read this.
-I don't care.
-I quite dislike the direction this is going.
-Nothing ever changes, noone ever learns, noone cares.
-With your attitude, I beg you to please go run some other operating
-Why haven't you left? Please leave.
-Please leave immediately.
-Get over it.
-Please read the actual code.
-Was that neccessary?
-Handholding can go only so far.
-Please, not again.
-It is in the FAQ.
-Someone is totally full of shit.
-You are quite a character.
-I suspect money which goes into your bank account comes from an
-entity not quite on the same side as us.
-You have an agenda.
-So easy to be critical.
-Great conversation...
-Who do you work for?  Governments?
-Please people, ignore him.
-I love this conversation.
-Go a few cycles.
-No really, precisely why do you trust us?
-What a joke.
-That is quite a fiction.
-Never expect a group to perform a task which an individual won't.
-We never said our code should be trusted.
-Since I value my sanity, I saw that report, and I ignored it.
-The complaint department is down the hall.
-Such strong words.
-It must be easy to sit in your chair and demand that others meet
-your expectations.
-Didn't you read the manual page?
-I think you are on your own.
-Look there is a disconnect.
-Fundamentally, OpenBSD is a research project.
-Your process seems to be "I don't understand the problem, so here
-is a diff"
-And now let's ask the question which matters.
-Did you think of that?
-You aren't even trying.  PLONK.
-Oh just shut up.
-You aren't going to do shit because you don't have any skills.
-Thank you for adding the value of your words.
-This is idle chatter hoping someone supplies some secret sauce that
-makes a disparate audience with different demands all happy.
-Welcome to the real world.
-Violates POSIX and C89, which violate best practice in this century.
-Look, this is rather simple.
-Oh really.
-It ends badly.
-I explained that.
-The NTP codebase is larger than the SSH codebase.
-Guess you don't understand internet.
-Can I ask what kind of plant are you?
-And who are you, and what you have you done to test and then prove
-your thesis?
-I am continually baffled by how often we have to explain this point,
-over and over and over again.
-Do not submit a new bug report.
-Let me be blunt. Your advice is bad.
-If as a general rule we all want better code running on our systems,
-where do you fit in?
-Now you plainly don't sound like a developer type.
-What is your solution?
-You've got access to all this source code.
-If you can't study the world around you, you will remain ignorant.
-Don't worry.
-For contributions to the OpenBSD Project, I make the decision of
-how to spend it.
-Is that an accusation?
-Look, you'll be fine.
-Don't waste your money on a false ideal by someone who misunderstands
-modern hardware and the market forces.
-I've think you've had your say.
-You've had your say.
-Do you get it?  I doubt it.
-How dreary.
-Anyways, your timing is atrocious!
-Look, stop being a child.
-Such hyperbole!  Such drama!
-Reactive is not the same as proactive.
-Please run something else.  You'll be happier.  Really.
-The problem is you don't pay it backwards.  You don't pay it forward.
-You don't pay at all.  You just beg.
-I'll ask in a general fashion: Are you stupid?
-You don't provide any encouragement except for "me me!  think of
-You are out of touch.
-OpenBSD is not generally known as an exposed democracy.
-Are you going to do something -- beyond just being sarcastic?
-Highly unlikely.
-Thanks for including all the information in the report.
-Better question is: Why?
-Get back onto your meds.
-What a waste of words.
-Please people stop mailing me privately and asking.
-Wait and see.
-In general, you underestimate the effort involved.
-Well, I don't think the world will fall over as a result.
-I think this entire conversation is ridiculous, right from the
-I do not agree with those assessments.
-In that case, what's the fuss?
-I disagree on all those points.
-Completely wrong, and I have no no idea where you got that from!
-Read the man page again!
-You are scaring me.
-I believe something is not being understood here.
-I don't normally do this.
-Well sorry.
-I don't see any reason.
-Oh something is broken?
-Please show your work.
-Let's get serious and personal here for a second.  In other aspects
-of life, do you behave the same?
-That is kind of crazy, isn't it.
-That is an incorrect assessment.
-That is only the beginning of it.
-This is more than a meme. It is a plot.
-Boggles the mind.
-You know that is bullshit right?
-Please stop subscribing us to your motivations.
-That is false.
-You are speaking in riddles.
-That's nice.
-You are so full of BS!
-You are quite a persistant idiot.
-You don't know jack shit about computers or electronics, that much
-is obvious.
-Once again you show that you don't know shit.
-You are on your own.
-you have confused yourself.
-Well there is this funny story about when I hacked into RMS's
-firmware-driven keyboard controller, and managed to grap his root
-You've been smoking something really mind altering, and I think you
-should share it.
-You've seen something on the shelf, and it has all sorts of pretty
-colurs, and you've bought it.
-Feeling a lot of dejavu here.
-People should be careful what they ask for
-Aww come on, you had us going until then.
-I think I hear of someone doing this about every 10 years.
-I made none of the claims you are composing.
-That makes no sense.
-Your process here is really strange.
-How bizzare.
-This conversation is going far too meta.
-What's the goal.
-You have a diff?
-What you are trying to do is insane, wrong, and entirely unsupported.
-If you turn the forums you frequent into your help desk, you are
-taking away their ability to focus on delivering you the software
-you use.
-There are too few of us, we cannot take on every problem.
-Everyone, please ignore these trolls who are cross-posting.
-Essentially, you are on your own. :-)
-I am not so sure.
-I don't know, but I'll think about it later, because I am busy.
-So the original idea wasn't yours.  And now you think it can't work.
-And you are still talking about it.  I see.  Very interesting.
-That statement is full of potential for misunderstanding, and cannot
-be left alone.
-I was wrong.
-Careful there :-)
-That is incorrect advice for the OpenBSD world.
-Your mistake.
-This bug report totally sucks.
-what is "this case"?
-my advice: walk away from this one.
-Generally Unix has no way of doing this.
-So what do you really mean here?
-Is a crash a performance impact?
-what is the goal?
-Your emails only contain opinions.
-words words words words
-Are you done?
-Doesn't that send shivers down your spine?
-Your bug report is too incomplete.  Can't help you.
-We'd rather jump off a cliff.
-Good luck with that.
-Looking forward to you providing code which solves the problem.
-This feature is probably older than you.
-it is behaving *exactly* as intended.
-There are a few compromises.
-I think I know a perfect candidate to take this further: You.
-The OpenBSD process is quite well understood.  Use the best methods,
-doubt what you do, refractor.
-Hey, it looks like you are just trying to be a dick.
-Does your mother know?
-It's great that you have an opinion.
-Run something else! We don't care!
-That's a load of bull.
-Your opinions count for zero.
-To achieve merit, you must do the homework you assigned yourself.
-Get serious.
-and I wanna build a rocket ship...
-No thanks.
-The problem is obvious.
-If you don't have the skill to do it, well that's too bad...
-You didn't do your homework, and it blew up in your face.  Then you
-wrote a few paragraphs.  Then I replied.  That is the whole sad
-I tried to read the rest of what you wrote. It makes no sense.
-I find this discussion pretty uninteresting.
-I wish more people would find real bugs to fix.
-I'm done.
-I don't think you understand what is being done here.
-I don't see that.
-I don't have an answer for you.
-I don't see the purpose of that.
-Doctor it hurts when I stab myself in the eye.
-I believe you are not trying to contribute anything valuable with
-your comment.
-are you being trolled now?
-You are not tall enough to ride.
-People who submit reports which are missing information should feel
-Absolutely no way, that makes no sense.
-Kill it.
-On that matter, I'd say tough.
-It's not black magic.
-Disagree strongly.
-Don't hold me responsible for the shortcuts.
-And noone cares what you like or dislike.
-There will be little or no thought.
-I am very sceptical.
-A related issue is lots of people don't know anything about anything.
-Look, your statement is false.
-That is the result of a mis-configuration on your part.
-That is not best practice.
-This does not matter.
-It is risk, all gigantic risk.
-Sometimes people put a bad idea into an RFC.
-Why -- to hurt people?
-Oh the situation is much worse than that.
-I disagree.
-The same model is not applicable to everything.
-This is another offer which will be rejected.
-Tired of the suggestions.
-The end.
-Sorry, I see it the other way around.
-This is how rumours start, I guess.
-That is incorrect.
-That is the worst possible advice ever.
-I am really impressed by the analytical skills I observe here.
-Maybe the fortress fell over because you didn't have enough Lego.
-Why are you doing this?
-I still don't see the use case.
-You haven't justified it.
-I have changed my mind.
-I don't see how that helps anything.
-What do you want us to do about it?
-I think you are done here.
-No, it is not.
-Please supply a good justification why that is good.
-End of story.
-Everyone tires of your well articulated agenda pushes.
-Not exactly.
-We already suffer from low quality in many bug reports.
-Our function in this ecosystem definately does not include dealing
-with other people's bullshit decisions...
-If you don't care, then don't talk about it.
-Your voice does not count.
-that is really not a useful bug report.
-Yeah, you sure are the cool dude.
-Things change.
-Expectation management is a bitch.
-There has been a lot of discussion about this.
-Just stop it. We are not going to listen to you.
-That is not right.
-You are on your own.
-That is not true.
-That's nice.
-not everything is perfect.
-I don't like it.
-We prefer creating a world that is simpler.
-Are we finished here?
-that is intentional.
-Why not delete it?
-Pick a position -- then defend it.
-Switch to Linux, where violations are the norm.
-Pick a damn position, and declare it.
-If software sucks, say so.
-Who didn't solve that problem?  People like you.
-Around here, you come off like a dick who didn't help everyone.
-There is no juxtaposition.
-It's ok, my cats cannot read and interpret such complexities either.
-You bought some plastic.
-You sir, are just wastewater.
-Your words are just bile.
-You are way out of line with the software development community.
-Your interpretations are hostile.
-I could be doing far better things than making CDs.
-No way.
-You are more likely to get sympathy from your mother.
-[rest deleted]
-if you can't use the tools to study what is happening, you don't
-stand a chance making things better
-No thanks, it does not make sense.
-No, you should not.
-We do not have magic to do this at the moment.
-Well, openbsd is not linux.
-This is likely to change, in some way.
-Thanks for the feedback :-)
-No, it is not.
-Please supply a good justification why that is good.
-End of story.
-Everyone tires of your well articulated agenda pushes.
-Not exactly.
-We already suffer from low quality in many bug reports.
-Our function in this ecosystem definately does not include dealing
-with other people's bullshit decisions...
-If you don't care, then don't talk about it.
-Your voice does not count.
-that is really not a useful bug report.
-Yeah, you sure are the cool dude.
-Things change.
-Expectation management is a bitch.
-There has been a lot of discussion about this.
-Just stop it. We are not going to listen to you.
-That is not right.
-You are on your own.
-That is not true.
-That's nice.
-not everything is perfect.
-I don't like it.
-We prefer creating a world that is simpler.
-Are we finished here?
-that is intentional.
-Why not delete it?
-Pick a position -- then defend it.
-Switch to Linux, where violations are the norm.
-Pick a damn position, and declare it.
-If software sucks, say so.
-Who didn't solve that problem?  People like you.
-Around here, you come off like a dick who didn't help everyone.
-There is no juxtaposition.
-It's ok, my cats cannot read and interpret such complexities either.
-You bought some plastic.
-You sir, are just wastewater.
-Your words are just bile.
-You are way out of line with the software development community.
-Your interpretations are hostile.
-I could be doing far better things than making CDs.
-No way.
-You are more likely to get sympathy from your mother.
-[rest deleted]
-if you can't use the tools to study what is happening, you don't
-stand a chance making things better
-No thanks, it does not make sense.
-No, you should not.
-We do not have magic to do this at the moment.
-Well, openbsd is not linux.
-This is likely to change, in some way.
-Thanks for the feedback :-)
-you will only receive crocodile tears from me.
-Well perhaps you should just leave if you don't like the truth?
-It is all about your actions.
-Survival in the universe requires more than copy-and-paste.
-Summary: The OP has a learning disability.
-Frankly, who cares?
-Get off my computer kidz.
-That stands against my principles.
-Take a chill pill, or participate in improving it, or wait your
-When things go wrong, we contain their influence.
-sorry to hear you don't understand
-this is not really a forum to attempt education
-Look -- did you read the manual page?
-It seems you did all that, but didn't read the manual pages.
-Not all errata are for security.
-Undeducated *check* opinioned *check*
-There is no way to forgive people who intentionally step in the
-It sounds as if you don't understand what happens.
-So what is learned here?
-I don't have an answer.
-Let me get this straight.
-I see your character...
-You can do whatever you want.
-That is completely insane.
-That's the kind of comment that leads me to take bug reports less
-seriously in the future...
-I really doubt the drama of this.
-Well, is mentioning this even important?
-I'll ask the question: Why are you sure you need that?
-pretty sad, but I guess that's the way the world works
-There is a bug in your brain.
-You yammer yammer yammer without detail.
-Something is eating your brain.
-It depends on what you want.
-They are manual pages, not manual books.
-You are welcome to spend your time building an entire new subsystem
-and proving the value of your work.
-Go knock yourself out.
-Sorry you lost me.
-I can't tell if you are supporting a useless idea, or declaring
-that a useless idea is not worth supporting.
-So lets just yak about it, right?
-Yes, I said asshole.
-I'm astounded by this situation.
-It is hard to believe people will want that.
-Why the surprise?
-Basically, this cannot be oversimplified by 1 line questions followed
-by 1 line answers.
-I'm sorry, but I don't get it.
-Bootstrapping problem is bootstrapping problem.
-That is not possible.
-You really haven't got a clue.
-You can go read the source.
-That is incorrect.
-We don't manage dependencies.
-You haven't justified need.
-Careful what you ask for.
-Demands aren't well received.
-A detailed bug report helps. 1 line of whining doesn't.
-4. Roll up sleeves and fix the issue.
-If you don't understand how computers and networking work, I'm sure
-you can find another job.
-Not everyone is suited to every role.
-Another solution is to smash that device with a hammer.
-Did that help?
-Some of you will think this is a total joke.
-Overdocumenting isn't a strength.
-If you want it working, you will need to get it fixed.
-If you really wanted it fixed you have the src code.
-Please leave here.
-Just you, I think.
-That won't work.
-If I see a mail which isn't plain text, I delete it.
-someone in linux land went off the map here.
-only thinking of yourself, and missing the point.
-No, what you want does not exist.
-I said no the first time, and provided a detailed explaination.
-Why did you feel the need jump in? Ichy butt?
-Let's just stop this.
-You just aren't capable of listening to what is being said.
-I'd like my lawn mowed.
-I think the entire approach is dumb.
-There was once a better path.
-Animated sparkle.
-I'm not sure what else you expect.
-Punting stupid problems along forever just gets worse and worse.
-In a decade, what will this mess look like?
-When people push buttons, they will eventually hit something
-I just came to the conclusion you are a loudmouthed jackass.
-So go away.
-That doesn't make sense.
-Well the options are: Get involved and do the work, or watch.
-There is no policy.
-Twice the work == twice the work.
-Unfortunately, you cannot really help.
-Learn the magic, change the magic.
-Oh, so you are just some boasty guy on the net
-You own all the pieces.
-You are wrong.
-No way.
-You are showing inexperience.
-No, not really.
-Basically you are saying we should just change everything, consequences
-and corectness be damned.
-Uhm, in your dreams.
-Not everything in unix is perfect.
-That sucks.
-That is working as intended.
-ktrace or it didn't happen.
-The solution is obvious.
-By the way who are you?
-You come off as pretty uncharitable.
-More complexity.
-I don't think you are listening.
-I discussed world peace in a bar once.
-Lots of words. No action.
-Or you can go it all yourself.  Why don't you do that?
-It is pretty obvious you are only thinking of yourself, so you
-should go create your own system.
-But we don't need to put up with your demands.
-Adjust your attitude user
-I believe this conversation is over, because you have no credibility.
-Oh are you just talking?
-Inventing crazy shit is pointless.
-Lots of misunderstandings in there.
-Mitigations should be as cheap as possible to satisfy the goal.
-Then it is probably over your head. Not much I can do about that.
-That interpretation is wrong.
-Don't change my words.
-It is over your head. Or learn to read. Or learn to not reply before
-you think.
-You have a self-entitlement issue.
-Please go fluff up your sense of selfworth elsewhere.
-There are no workarounds.
-You been running that on the internet?
-That'd be like leaving a running chainsaw on the floor at a daycare
-When something is dangerous, we get rid of it.
-Sometimes it is almost like there is a stream of people who want
-us to stop trying.
-Oh, cut your crap.
-So fix it, or pay someone to fix it.
-Oh the righteous indignation of public discussion!
-Have you ever heard of the concept of helping yourself?
-Don't believe all the promises you hear.
-Unfortunately noone cares.
-not that it matters.
-Sometimes there's a vast difference between a person who declares
-something useful and easy to do, and the reality.  Sometimes the
-person is just plain wrong.
-I hope noone helps you.
-You are not helping out.
-You are doing the bare mininum and tapping on a keyboard.
-The socket layer will conspire against you.
-so much drama
-Your process will not solve anything.
-But this isn't a pony shop.
-Shut up
-It is documented.
-Sorry, your interpretation is incorrect.
-Do we want the 1% solution? No.
-I triage bugs by hitting 'd' in my mail reader.
-I disagree
-And please stop using that word.
-I doubt anyone believes your extremely vague assertions.
-Who cares?
-You are making stuff up.
-I don't think so.
-you've all been trollolololololololo'd
-Are we done here?
-You can search for the rest of the information yourself.
-Not going to explain further.
-Get your shit together
-oh my, the moral outrage
-Let it go, and consider leaving for good.
-Do you have evidence?
-Diffs are welcome.
-Please don't do that.