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path: root/ranger/gui
diff options
authorWojciech Siewierski <wojciech.siewierski@onet.pl>2017-12-17 21:31:50 +0100
committerWojciech Siewierski <wojciech.siewierski@onet.pl>2017-12-17 21:31:50 +0100
commitf51beb183c9d83a248a04cca9f2c85b0c07e50a7 (patch)
tree6f5cd398505565613df9d47c979690eeff66942f /ranger/gui
parent18223912fc4f13a707f1f3fa8f50927e9a0a22a2 (diff)
Pylint & Flake8: Add a local rule exception
Somehow "too-many-locals" was not failing before, probably because
Pylint got updated.

The list of Pylint exceptions made the line too long for Flake8 so
this check was disabled too for this line.
Diffstat (limited to 'ranger/gui')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
='#n114'>114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

use IPC::Run3;
use Path::Tiny;
use Getopt::Long qw/ GetOptions /;

my %options = (
    encrypt => $ENV{LEO_ENCRYPT},
    sign => $ENV{LEO_SIGN},
    delete => $ENV{LEO_DELETE},

    qw{ verbose encrypt sign delete help }
) or die "Error in command line arguments\n";

my $ymd = ymd(); # YYYY-MM-DD.
my $backup_dir = "/tmp/backup/$ymd";

path($backup_dir)->mkpath; # Create backup directory.
my $prof;

# Config file for leo.
my $config_file = $ENV{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} || "$ENV{HOME}/.config";
$config_file .= "/leo.pl";

require "$config_file";

my %profile = get_profile();
my $gpg_fingerprint = get_gpg_fingerprint();
my $gpg_bin = get_gpg_bin();

HelpMessage() and exit 0 if scalar @ARGV == 0 or $options{help};
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
    $prof = $arg; # Set $prof.
    if ( $profile{ $arg } ) {
        say "++++++++********++++++++";

        # No encryption for journal profile.
        my $tmp = $options{encrypt} and undef $options{encrypt}
            if $prof eq "journal" and $options{encrypt};

        # Deref the array here because we want flattened list.
        backup("$backup_dir/${arg}.tar", $profile{$arg}->@*);

        $options{encrypt} = $tmp if $prof eq "journal";
    } elsif ( -e $arg ) {
        # If the file/directory exist then create a new profile & run
        # backup.
        say "++++++++********++++++++";
               # backup() is expecting path relative to $ENV{HOME}.
    } else {
        warn "[WARN] leo: no such profile :: `$arg' \n";

# User must pass $tar_file first.
sub backup {
    my $tar_file = shift @_;
    my @backup_paths = @_;

    say "Backup: $tar_file";
    warn "[WARN] $tar_file exists, might overwrite.\n" if -e $tar_file;
    print "\n";
    # All paths should be relative to $ENV{HOME}.
    tar_create($tar_file, "-C", $ENV{HOME}, @_);

    $? # tar returns 1 on errors.
        ? die "Backup creation failed :: $?\n"
        # Print absolute paths for all backup files/directories.
        : say path($_)->absolute($ENV{HOME}), " backed up."
        foreach @backup_paths;

    print "\n" and tar_list($tar_file) if $options{verbose};
    encrypt_sign($tar_file) if $options{encrypt} or $options{sign};

# Encrypt, Sign backups.
sub encrypt_sign() {
    my $file = shift @_;
    my @options = ();
    push @options, "--recipient", $gpg_fingerprint, "--encrypt"
        if $options{encrypt};
    push @options, "--sign" if $options{sign};
    push @options, "--verbose" if $options{verbose};

    say "\nEncrypt/Sign: $file";
    warn "[WARN] $file.gpg exists, might overwrite.\n" if -e "$file.gpg";

    run3 [$gpg_bin, "--yes", "-o", "$file.gpg", @options, $file];

    $? # We assume non-zero is an error.
        ? die "Encrypt/Sign failed :: $?\n"
        : print "\nOutput: $file.gpg";
    print " [Encrypted]" if $options{encrypt};
    print " [Signed]" if $options{sign};
    print "\n";

    unlink $file and say "$file deleted."
        or warn "[WARN] Could not delete $file: $!\n"
        if $options{delete};

sub HelpMessage {
    say qq{Backup files to $backup_dir.

    foreach my $prof (sort keys %profile) {
        next if substr($prof, 0, 1) eq "."; # Profiles starting with a
                                            # dot will have alias.
        print "    $prof\n";
        print "        $_\n" foreach $profile{$prof}->@*;
    say qq{
        Encrypt files with $gpg_fingerprint
        Sign files with $gpg_fingerprint
        Delete the tar file after running $gpg_bin

sub tar_create { run3 ["/bin/tar", "cf", @_]; }
sub tar_list { run3 ["/bin/tar", "tvf", @_]; }

sub ymd {
    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =

    $year += 1900; # $year contains the number of years since 1900.

    # $mon the month in the range 0..11 , with 0 indicating January
    # and 11 indicating December.
    my @months = qw( 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 );
    my $month = $months[$mon];

    return "$year-$month-$mday";