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path: root/ex3.mu
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* 7846Kartik K. Agaram2021-03-041-1/+1
* 7842 - new directory organizationKartik K. Agaram2021-03-031-0/+31
Baremetal is now the default build target and therefore has its sources at the top-level. Baremetal programs build using the phase-2 Mu toolchain that requires a Linux kernel. This phase-2 codebase which used to be at the top-level is now under the linux/ directory. Finally, the phase-2 toolchain, while self-hosting, has a way to bootstrap from a C implementation, which is now stored in linux/bootstrap. The bootstrap C implementation uses some literate programming tools that are now in linux/bootstrap/tools. So the whole thing has gotten inverted. Each directory should build one artifact and include the main sources (along with standard library). Tools used for building it are relegated to sub-directories, even though those tools are often useful in their own right, and have had lots of interesting programs written using them. A couple of things have gotten dropped in this process: - I had old ways to run on just a Linux kernel, or with a Soso kernel. No more. - I had some old tooling for running a single test at the cursor. I haven't used that lately. Maybe I'll bring it back one day. The reorg isn't done yet. Still to do: - redo documentation everywhere. All the README files, all other markdown, particularly vocabulary.md. - clean up how-to-run comments at the start of programs everywhere - rethink what to do with the html/ directory. Do we even want to keep supporting it? In spite of these shortcomings, all the scripts at the top-level, linux/ and linux/bootstrap are working. The names of the scripts also feel reasonable. This is a good milestone to take stock at.
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#include "pong.h"

void versus_main() {
    // Init Player Variables
	struct Players Player;
	Player.Y = 0;
	Player.Score = 0;

	// Init Enemy Variables
	struct Players Enemy;
	Enemy.Y = 0;
	Enemy.Score = 0;
	Enemy.Direction = 0;

    // Init Ball Variables
	struct Balls Ball;
	Ball.X = 1280/2.0f;
	Ball.Y = 720/2.0f;
	Ball.Direction = LEFT;
	Ball.Speed = 3.0f;
	Ball.Angle = 0.0f;

	// Init music
	Mix_Music *Background = Mix_LoadMUS("resources/versus.wav");
	Mix_PlayMusic(Background, -1);
    // Set Sprites
	Texture2D PaddleSprite = LoadTexture("resources/paddle.png");
	Texture2D BallSprite = LoadTexture("resources/ball.png");

	// Set Collision Boxes
	Player.HitBox = (Rectangle){80, Player.Y, 5, PaddleSprite.height};
	Enemy.HitBox = (Rectangle){1200, Enemy.Y, 5, PaddleSprite.height};
	Ball.HitBox = (Rectangle){Ball.X, Ball.Y, BallSprite.width, BallSprite.height};
	Enemy.BallDetector = (Rectangle){0, Enemy.Y+120, 1280, PaddleSprite.height/5.0f};
    char EnemyScore[50];
    char PlayerScore[50]; // Used later to display score on screen.
    // Init Camera
    Camera2D MainCamera;
        MainCamera.target = (Vector2){0, 0};
        MainCamera.offset = (Vector2){0, 0};
        MainCamera.rotation = 0;
	bool VersusGoing = true;
	Ball.NextTick = SDL_AtomicGet(&Ticks);
	Enemy.NextTick = SDL_AtomicGet(&Ticks);
    while(VersusGoing == true && GameGoing == true) {
		if (WindowShouldClose()) { //Quit Game if the window is closed.
            GameGoing = false;

		MainCamera.zoom = GetScreenHeight()/720.0f;
		MainCamera.offset = (Vector2){GetScreenWidth()/2.0f, GetScreenHeight()/2.0f};
		MainCamera.target = (Vector2){1280/2.0f, 720/2.0f};

		// Who won?
		if (Enemy.Score >= 5) {
			while(!IsKeyDown(KEY_SPACE)) {
					DrawText("You Lose.", 0, 0, 128, RED);
					DrawText("Press space to return to title screen.", 0, 128, 24, WHITE);
		} else if (Player.Score >= 5) {
			while(!IsKeyDown(KEY_SPACE)) {
					DrawText("You Win!", 0, 0, 128, BLUE);
					DrawText("Press space to return to title screen.", 0, 128, 24, WHITE);

		if(IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) {
			Player.Y -= 10;
		} else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) {
			Player.Y += 10;
		} else if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_ESCAPE)) {
		} else if(IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) || IsCursorHidden() == true) {
			Player.Y = GetMouseY()-PaddleSprite.height/2.0f;
		// Leave Game
		if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_Q)) {
			VersusGoing = false;
		if(GetMouseY() < 0) {
			SetMousePosition(0, 0);
		} else if(GetMouseY() > 720) {
			SetMousePosition(0, 720);

		//Check if players are off-screen
		if (Player.Y < 0) {
			Player.Y = 0;
		} else if (Player.Y > 480) {
			Player.Y = 480;

		enemy(&Enemy, Ball);
		// Collision
		ball(&Player.HitBox, &Enemy.HitBox, &Ball, &Player.Score, &Enemy.Score);

		//Updates hitbox with player's position.
		Player.HitBox.y = Player.Y;

		//Turn Scores into strings.
		snprintf(PlayerScore, 50, "Player: %d", Player.Score);
		snprintf(EnemyScore, 50, "Enemy: %d", Enemy.Score);
		//fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", GetFPS());
				DrawRectangle(0, 0, 1280, 720, (Color){20, 20, 20, 255});
				DrawTexture(PaddleSprite, 0, Player.Y, WHITE);
				DrawTexture(PaddleSprite, 1200, Enemy.Y, WHITE);
				DrawTexture(BallSprite, Ball.X, Ball.Y, WHITE);
				DrawText(PlayerScore, 0, 0, 32, BLUE);
				DrawText(EnemyScore, 1130, 688, 32, RED);
