-- text editor, particularly text drawing, horizontal wrap, vertical scrolling Text = {} -- draw a line starting from startpos to screen at y between State.left and State.right -- return the final y, and position of start of final screen line drawn function Text.draw(State, line_index, y, startpos) local line = State.lines[line_index] local line_cache = State.line_cache[line_index] line_cache.starty = y line_cache.startpos = startpos -- wrap long lines local x = State.left local pos = 1 local screen_line_starting_pos = startpos Text.compute_fragments(State, line_index) for _, f in ipairs(line_cache.fragments) do App.color(Text_color) local frag, frag_text = f.data, f.text local frag_len = utf8.len(frag) --? print('text.draw:', frag, 'at', line_index,pos, 'after', x,y) if pos < startpos then -- render nothing --? print('skipping', frag) else -- render fragment local frag_width = App.width(frag_text) if x + frag_width > State.right then assert(x > State.left) -- no overfull lines y = y + State.line_height if y + State.line_height > App.screen.height then return y, screen_line_starting_pos end screen_line_starting_pos = pos x = State.left end if State.selection1.line then local lo, hi = Text.clip_selection(State, line_index, pos, pos+frag_len) Text.draw_highlight(State, line, x,y, pos, lo,hi) end App.screen.draw(frag_text, x,y) -- render cursor if necessary if line_index == State.cursor1.line then if pos <= State.cursor1.pos and pos + frag_len > State.cursor1.pos then if State.search_term then if State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data:sub(State.cursor1.pos, State.cursor1.pos+utf8.len(State.search_term)-1) == State.search_term then local lo_px = Text.draw_highlight(State, line, x,y, pos, State.cursor1.pos, State.cursor1.pos+utf8.len(State.search_term)) App.color(Text_color) love.graphics.print(State.search_term, x+lo_px,y) end else Text.draw_cursor(State, x+Text.x(frag, State.cursor1.pos-pos+1), y) end end end x = x + frag_width end pos = pos + frag_len end if State.search_term == nil then if line_index == State.cursor1.line and State.cursor1.pos == pos then Text.draw_cursor(State, x, y) end end return y, screen_line_starting_pos end function Text.draw_cursor(State, x, y) -- blink every 0.5s if math.floor(Cursor_time*2)%2 == 0 then App.color(Cursor_color) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', x,y, 3,State.line_height) App.color(Text_color) end State.cursor_x = x State.cursor_y = y+State.line_height end function Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, line_index) local line = State.lines[line_index] local line_cache = State.line_cache[line_index] if line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos then return end -- duplicate some logic from Text.draw Text.compute_fragments(State, line_index) line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos = {1} local x = State.left local pos = 1 for _, f in ipairs(line_cache.fragments) do local frag, frag_text = f.data, f.text -- render fragment local frag_width = App.width(frag_text) if x + frag_width > State.right then x = State.left table.insert(line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos, pos) end x = x + frag_width local frag_len = utf8.len(frag) pos = pos + frag_len end end function Text.compute_fragments(State, line_index) --? print('compute_fragments', line_index, 'between', State.left, State.right) local line = State.lines[line_index] local line_cache = State.line_cache[line_index] if line_cache.fragment
Using DSCIP is extremely simple, there's two ways you can run it.
A. Running it as a cronjob that runs periodically.
B. Running it as a daemon that runs continually.

Funcionally, these two methods work about the same, but depending on your
platform, one may be easier to set up than the other. I personally recommend
setting it up as a cronjob over a daemon. You can do this on most unix systems
by running `crontab -e -u build_user` and adding:
* * * * * /home/build_user/program/dscip

As for how to make it run as a daemon, that depends on the platform you are
running it on, so refer to your OS's documentation for that.

Be sure to change the variables in config.sh to suit your projects needs.

When running it on windows, you should use MSYS2.
if we're scrolling, reclaim all fragments to avoid memory leaks end Text.clear_screen_line_cache(State, State.cursor1.line) assert(Text.le1(State.screen_top1, State.cursor1)) schedule_save(State) record_undo_event(State, {before=before, after=snapshot(State, State.cursor1.line)}) elseif chord == 'delete' then if State.selection1.line then Text.delete_selection(State, State.left, State.right) schedule_save(State) return end local before if State.cursor1.pos <= utf8.len(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data) then before = snapshot(State, State.cursor1.line) else before = snapshot(State, State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.line+1) end if State.cursor1.pos <= utf8.len(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data) then local byte_start = utf8.offset(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, State.cursor1.pos) local byte_end = utf8.offset(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, State.cursor1.pos+1) if byte_start then if byte_end then State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data = string.sub(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, 1, byte_start-1)..string.sub(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, byte_end) else State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data = string.sub(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, 1, byte_start-1) end -- no change to State.cursor1.pos end elseif State.cursor1.line < #State.lines then -- join lines State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data = State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data..State.lines[State.cursor1.line+1].data table.remove(State.lines, State.cursor1.line+1) table.remove(State.line_cache, State.cursor1.line+1) end Text.clear_screen_line_cache(State, State.cursor1.line) schedule_save(State) record_undo_event(State, {before=before, after=snapshot(State, State.cursor1.line)}) --== shortcuts that move the cursor elseif chord == 'left' then Text.left(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'right' then Text.right(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'S-left' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.left(State) elseif chord == 'S-right' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.right(State) -- C- hotkeys reserved for drawings, so we'll use M- elseif chord == 'M-left' then Text.word_left(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'M-right' then Text.word_right(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'M-S-left' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.word_left(State) elseif chord == 'M-S-right' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.word_right(State) elseif chord == 'home' then Text.start_of_line(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'end' then Text.end_of_line(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'S-home' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.start_of_line(State) elseif chord == 'S-end' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.end_of_line(State) elseif chord == 'up' then Text.up(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'down' then Text.down(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'S-up' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.up(State) elseif chord == 'S-down' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.down(State) elseif chord == 'pageup' then Text.pageup(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'pagedown' then Text.pagedown(State) State.selection1 = {} elseif chord == 'S-pageup' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.pageup(State) elseif chord == 'S-pagedown' then if State.selection1.line == nil then State.selection1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} end Text.pagedown(State) end end function Text.insert_return(State) local byte_offset = Text.offset(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, State.cursor1.pos) table.insert(State.lines, State.cursor1.line+1, {data=string.sub(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, byte_offset)}) table.insert(State.line_cache, State.cursor1.line+1, {}) State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data = string.sub(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, 1, byte_offset-1) Text.clear_screen_line_cache(State, State.cursor1.line) State.cursor1 = {line=State.cursor1.line+1, pos=1} end function Text.pageup(State) --? print('pageup') -- duplicate some logic from love.draw local top2 = Text.to2(State, State.screen_top1) --? print(App.screen.height) local y = App.screen.height - State.line_height while y >= State.top do --? print(y, top2.line, top2.screen_line, top2.screen_pos) if State.screen_top1.line == 1 and State.screen_top1.pos == 1 then break end y = y - State.line_height top2 = Text.previous_screen_line(State, top2) end State.screen_top1 = Text.to1(State, top2) State.cursor1 = {line=State.screen_top1.line, pos=State.screen_top1.pos} Text.move_cursor_down_to_next_text_line_while_scrolling_again_if_necessary(State) --? print(State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos, State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos) --? print('pageup end') end function Text.pagedown(State) --? print('pagedown') -- If a line/paragraph gets to a page boundary, I often want to scroll -- before I get to the bottom. -- However, only do this if it makes forward progress. local bot2 = Text.to2(State, State.screen_bottom1) if bot2.screen_line > 1 then bot2.screen_line = math.max(bot2.screen_line-10, 1) end local new_top1 = Text.to1(State, bot2) if Text.lt1(State.screen_top1, new_top1) then State.screen_top1 = new_top1 else State.screen_top1 = {line=State.screen_bottom1.line, pos=State.screen_bottom1.pos} end --? print('setting top to', State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos) State.cursor1 = {line=State.screen_top1.line, pos=State.screen_top1.pos} Text.move_cursor_down_to_next_text_line_while_scrolling_again_if_necessary(State) --? print('top now', State.screen_top1.line) Text.redraw_all(State) -- if we're scrolling, reclaim all fragments to avoid memory leaks --? print('pagedown end') end function Text.up(State) --? print('up', State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos, State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos) local screen_line_starting_pos, screen_line_index = Text.pos_at_start_of_screen_line(State, State.cursor1) if screen_line_starting_pos == 1 then --? print('cursor is at first screen line of its line') -- line is done; skip to previous text line if State.cursor1.line > 1 then local new_cursor_line = State.cursor1.line-1 --? print('found previous text line') State.cursor1.line = new_cursor_line Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, State.cursor1.line) -- previous text line found, pick its final screen line --? print('has multiple screen lines') local screen_line_starting_pos = State.line_cache[State.cursor1.line].screen_line_starting_pos --? print(#screen_line_starting_pos) screen_line_starting_pos = screen_line_starting_pos[#screen_line_starting_pos] local screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, screen_line_starting_pos) local s = string.sub(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, screen_line_starting_byte_offset) State.cursor1.pos = screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, State.cursor_x, State.left) - 1 end else -- move up one screen line in current line assert(screen_line_index > 1) local new_screen_line_starting_pos = State.line_cache[State.cursor1.line].screen_line_starting_pos[screen_line_index-1] local new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_pos) local s = string.sub(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset) State.cursor1.pos = new_screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, State.cursor_x, State.left) - 1 --? print('cursor pos is now '..tostring(State.cursor1.pos)) end if Text.lt1(State.cursor1, State.screen_top1) then local top2 = Text.to2(State, State.screen_top1) top2 = Text.previous_screen_line(State, top2) State.screen_top1 = Text.to1(State, top2) end end function Text.down(State) --? print('down', State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos, State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos, State.screen_bottom1.line, State.screen_bottom1.pos) if Text.cursor_at_final_screen_line(State) then -- line is done, skip to next text line --? print('cursor at final screen line of its line') if State.cursor1.line < #State.lines then local new_cursor_line = State.cursor1.line+1 State.cursor1.line = new_cursor_line State.cursor1.pos = Text.nearest_cursor_pos(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, State.cursor_x, State.left) --? print(State.cursor1.pos) end if State.cursor1.line > State.screen_bottom1.line then --? print('screen top before:', State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos) --? print('scroll up preserving cursor') Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen(State) --? print('screen top after:', State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos) end else -- move down one screen line in current line local scroll_down = Text.le1(State.screen_bottom1, State.cursor1) --? print('cursor is NOT at final screen line of its line') local screen_line_starting_pos, screen_line_index = Text.pos_at_start_of_screen_line(State, State.cursor1) Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, State.cursor1.line) local new_screen_line_starting_pos = State.line_cache[State.cursor1.line].screen_line_starting_pos[screen_line_index+1] --? print('switching pos of screen line at cursor from '..tostring(screen_line_starting_pos)..' to '..tostring(new_screen_line_starting_pos)) local new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_pos) local s = string.sub(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, new_screen_line_starting_byte_offset) State.cursor1.pos = new_screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, State.cursor_x, State.left) - 1 --? print('cursor pos is now', State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos) if scroll_down then --? print('scroll up preserving cursor') Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen(State) --? print('screen top after:', State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos) end end --? print('=>', State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos, State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos, State.screen_bottom1.line, State.screen_bottom1.pos) end function Text.start_of_line(State) State.cursor1.pos = 1 if Text.lt1(State.cursor1, State.screen_top1) then State.screen_top1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos} -- copy end end function Text.end_of_line(State) State.cursor1.pos = utf8.len(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data) + 1 if Text.cursor_out_of_screen(State) then Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen(State) end end function Text.word_left(State) -- skip some whitespace while true do if State.cursor1.pos == 1 then break end if Text.match(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, State.cursor1.pos-1, '%S') then break end Text.left(State) end -- skip some non-whitespace while true do Text.left(State) if State.cursor1.pos == 1 then break end assert(State.cursor1.pos > 1) if Text.match(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, State.cursor1.pos-1, '%s') then break end end end function Text.word_right(State) -- skip some whitespace while true do if State.cursor1.pos > utf8.len(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data) then break end if Text.match(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, State.cursor1.pos, '%S') then break end Text.right_without_scroll(State) end while true do Text.right_without_scroll(State) if State.cursor1.pos > utf8.len(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data) then break end if Text.match(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data, State.cursor1.pos, '%s') then break end end if Text.cursor_out_of_screen(State) then Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen(State) end end function Text.match(s, pos, pat) local start_offset = Text.offset(s, pos) assert(start_offset) local end_offset = Text.offset(s, pos+1) assert(end_offset > start_offset) local curr = s:sub(start_offset, end_offset-1) return curr:match(pat) end function Text.left(State) if State.cursor1.pos > 1 then State.cursor1.pos = State.cursor1.pos-1 elseif State.cursor1.line > 1 then State.cursor1.line = State.cursor1.line-1 State.cursor1.pos = utf8.len(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data) + 1 end if Text.lt1(State.cursor1, State.screen_top1) then local top2 = Text.to2(State, State.screen_top1) top2 = Text.previous_screen_line(State, top2) State.screen_top1 = Text.to1(State, top2) end end function Text.right(State) Text.right_without_scroll(State) if Text.cursor_out_of_screen(State) then Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen(State) end end function Text.right_without_scroll(State) if State.cursor1.pos <= utf8.len(State.lines[State.cursor1.line].data) then State.cursor1.pos = State.cursor1.pos+1 elseif State.cursor1.line <= #State.lines-1 then State.cursor1.line = State.cursor1.line+1 State.cursor1.pos = 1 end end function Text.pos_at_start_of_screen_line(State, loc1) Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, loc1.line) local line_cache = State.line_cache[loc1.line] for i=#line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos,1,-1 do local spos = line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos[i] if spos <= loc1.pos then return spos,i end end assert(false) end function Text.cursor_at_final_screen_line(State) Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, State.cursor1.line) local screen_lines = State.line_cache[State.cursor1.line].screen_line_starting_pos --? print(screen_lines[#screen_lines], State.cursor1.pos) return screen_lines[#screen_lines] <= State.cursor1.pos end function Text.move_cursor_down_to_next_text_line_while_scrolling_again_if_necessary(State) if State.top > App.screen.height - State.line_height then --? print('scroll up') Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen(State) end end -- should never modify State.cursor1 function Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen(State) --? print('to2:', State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos) local top2 = Text.to2(State, State.cursor1) --? print('to2: =>', top2.line, top2.screen_line, top2.screen_pos) -- slide to start of screen line top2.screen_pos = 1 -- start of screen line --? print('snap', State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos, State.screen_top1.posB, State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos, State.screen_bottom1.line, State.screen_bottom1.pos) --? print('cursor pos '..tostring(State.cursor1.pos)..' is on the #'..tostring(top2.screen_line)..' screen line down') local y = App.screen.height - State.line_height -- duplicate some logic from love.draw while true do --? print(y, 'top2:', top2.line, top2.screen_line, top2.screen_pos) if top2.line == 1 and top2.screen_line == 1 then break end local h = State.line_height if y - h < State.top then break end y = y - h top2 = Text.previous_screen_line(State, top2) end --? print('top2 finally:', top2.line, top2.screen_line, top2.screen_pos) State.screen_top1 = Text.to1(State, top2) --? print('top1 finally:', State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos) --? print('snap =>', State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos, State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos, State.screen_bottom1.line, State.screen_bottom1.pos) Text.redraw_all(State) -- if we're scrolling, reclaim all fragments to avoid memory leaks end function Text.in_line(State, line_index, x,y) local line = State.lines[line_index] local line_cache = State.line_cache[line_index] if line_cache.starty == nil then return false end -- outside current page if y < line_cache.starty then return false end Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, line_index) return y < line_cache.starty + State.line_height*(#line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos - Text.screen_line_index(line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos, line_cache.startpos) + 1) end -- convert mx,my in pixels to schema-1 coordinates function Text.to_pos_on_line(State, line_index, mx, my) local line = State.lines[line_index] local line_cache = State.line_cache[line_index] assert(my >= line_cache.starty) -- duplicate some logic from Text.draw local y = line_cache.starty local start_screen_line_index = Text.screen_line_index(line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos, line_cache.startpos) for screen_line_index = start_screen_line_index,#line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos do local screen_line_starting_pos = line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos[screen_line_index] local screen_line_starting_byte_offset = Text.offset(line.data, screen_line_starting_pos) --? print('iter', y, screen_line_index, screen_line_starting_pos, string.sub(line.data, screen_line_starting_byte_offset)) local nexty = y + State.line_height if my < nexty then -- On all wrapped screen lines but the final one, clicks past end of -- line position cursor on final character of screen line. -- (The final screen line positions past end of screen line as always.) if screen_line_index < #line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos and mx > State.left + Text.screen_line_width(State, line_index, screen_line_index) then --? print('past end of non-final line; return') return line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos[screen_line_index+1]-1 end local s = string.sub(line.data, screen_line_starting_byte_offset) --? print('return', mx, Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, mx, State.left), '=>', screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, mx, State.left) - 1) return screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, mx, State.left) - 1 end y = nexty end assert(false) end function Text.screen_line_width(State, line_index, i) local line = State.lines[line_index] local line_cache = State.line_cache[line_index] local start_pos = line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos[i] local start_offset = Text.offset(line.data, start_pos) local screen_line if i < #line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos then local past_end_pos = line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos[i+1] local past_end_offset = Text.offset(line.data, past_end_pos) screen_line = string.sub(line.data, start_offset, past_end_offset-1) else screen_line = string.sub(line.data, start_pos) end local screen_line_text = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), screen_line) return App.width(screen_line_text) end function Text.screen_line_index(screen_line_starting_pos, pos) for i = #screen_line_starting_pos,1,-1 do if screen_line_starting_pos[i] <= pos then return i end end end -- convert x pixel coordinate to pos -- oblivious to wrapping -- result: 1 to len+1 function Text.nearest_cursor_pos(line, x, left) if x < left then return 1 end local len = utf8.len(line) local max_x = left+Text.x(line, len+1) if x > max_x then return len+1 end local leftpos, rightpos = 1, len+1 --? print('-- nearest', x) while true do --? print('nearest', x, '^'..line..'$', leftpos, rightpos) if leftpos == rightpos then return leftpos end local curr = math.floor((leftpos+rightpos)/2) local currxmin = left+Text.x(line, curr) local currxmax = left+Text.x(line, curr+1) --? print('nearest', x, leftpos, rightpos, curr, currxmin, currxmax) if currxmin <= x and x < currxmax then if x-currxmin < currxmax-x then return curr else return curr+1 end end if leftpos >= rightpos-1 then return rightpos end if currxmin > x then rightpos = curr else leftpos = curr end end assert(false) end -- return the nearest index of line (in utf8 code points) which lies entirely -- within x pixels of the left margin -- result: 0 to len+1 function Text.nearest_pos_less_than(line, x) --? print('', '-- nearest_pos_less_than', line, x) local len = utf8.len(line) local max_x = Text.x_after(line, len) if x > max_x then return len+1 end local left, right = 0, len+1 while true do local curr = math.floor((left+right)/2) local currxmin = Text.x_after(line, curr+1) local currxmax = Text.x_after(line, curr+2) --? print('', x, left, right, curr, currxmin, currxmax) if currxmin <= x and x < currxmax then return curr end if left >= right-1 then return left end if currxmin > x then right = curr else left = curr end end assert(false) end function Text.x_after(s, pos) local offset = Text.offset(s, math.min(pos+1, #s+1)) local s_before = s:sub(1, offset-1) --? print('^'..s_before..'$') local text_before = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), s_before) return App.width(text_before) end function Text.x(s, pos) local offset = Text.offset(s, pos) local s_before = s:sub(1, offset-1) local text_before = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), s_before) return App.width(text_before) end function Text.to2(State, loc1) local result = {line=loc1.line} local line_cache = State.line_cache[loc1.line] Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, loc1.line) for i=#line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos,1,-1 do local spos = line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos[i] if spos <= loc1.pos then result.screen_line = i result.screen_pos = loc1.pos - spos + 1 break end end assert(result.screen_pos) return result end function Text.to1(State, loc2) local result = {line=loc2.line, pos=loc2.screen_pos} if loc2.screen_line > 1 then result.pos = State.line_cache[loc2.line].screen_line_starting_pos[loc2.screen_line] + loc2.screen_pos - 1 end return result end function Text.eq1(a, b) return a.line == b.line and a.pos == b.pos end function Text.lt1(a, b) if a.line < b.line then return true end if a.line > b.line then return false end return a.pos < b.pos end function Text.le1(a, b) if a.line < b.line then return true end if a.line > b.line then return false end return a.pos <= b.pos end function Text.offset(s, pos1) if pos1 == 1 then return 1 end local result = utf8.offset(s, pos1) if result == nil then print(pos1, #s, s) end assert(result) return result end function Text.previous_screen_line(State, loc2) if loc2.screen_line > 1 then return {line=loc2.line, screen_line=loc2.screen_line-1, screen_pos=1} elseif loc2.line == 1 then return loc2 else local l = State.lines[loc2.line-1] Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, loc2.line-1) return {line=loc2.line-1, screen_line=#State.line_cache[loc2.line-1].screen_line_starting_pos, screen_pos=1} end end -- resize helper function Text.tweak_screen_top_and_cursor(State) if State.screen_top1.pos == 1 then return end Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(State, State.screen_top1.line) local line = State.lines[State.screen_top1.line] local line_cache = State.line_cache[State.screen_top1.line] for i=2,#line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos do local pos = line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos[i] if pos == State.screen_top1.pos then break end if pos > State.screen_top1.pos then -- make sure screen top is at start of a screen line local prev = line_cache.screen_line_starting_pos[i-1] if State.screen_top1.pos - prev < pos - State.screen_top1.pos then State.screen_top1.pos = prev else State.screen_top1.pos = pos end break end end -- make sure cursor is on screen if Text.lt1(State.cursor1, State.screen_top1) then State.cursor1 = {line=State.screen_top1.line, pos=State.screen_top1.pos} elseif State.cursor1.line >= State.screen_bottom1.line then --? print('too low') if Text.cursor_out_of_screen(State) then --? print('tweak') State.cursor1 = { line=State.screen_bottom1.line, pos=Text.to_pos_on_line(State, State.screen_bottom1.line, State.right-5, App.screen.height-5), } end end end -- slightly expensive since it redraws the screen function Text.cursor_out_of_screen(State) App.draw() return State.cursor_y == nil -- this approach is cheaper and almost works, except on the final screen -- where file ends above bottom of screen --? local botpos = Text.pos_at_start_of_screen_line(State, State.cursor1) --? local botline1 = {line=State.cursor1.line, pos=botpos} --? return Text.lt1(State.screen_bottom1, botline1) end function Text.redraw_all(State) --? print('clearing fragments') State.line_cache = {} for i=1,#State.lines do State.line_cache[i] = {} end end function Text.clear_screen_line_cache(State, line_index) State.line_cache[line_index].fragments = nil State.line_cache[line_index].screen_line_starting_pos = nil end function trim(s) return s:gsub('^%s+', ''):gsub('%s+$', '') end function ltrim(s) return s:gsub('^%s+', '') end function rtrim(s) return s:gsub('%s+$', '') end