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1 files changed, 17 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d/lisp/init-search.el b/.emacs.d/lisp/init-search.el
index 9582a17..62de062 100644
--- a/.emacs.d/lisp/init-search.el
+++ b/.emacs.d/lisp/init-search.el
@@ -15,95 +15,6 @@
     (goto-char (point-min)))
   (advice-add 'isearch-occur :after 'isearch-occur-advice)
-  ;; Modified from http://yummymelon.com/devnull/improving-emacs-isearch-usability-with-transient.html
-  (transient-define-prefix isearch-menu ()
-    "isearch Menu"
-    [["Edit Search String"
-      ("e"
-       "Edit the search string (recursive)"
-       isearch-edit-string
-       :transient nil)
-      ("w"
-       "Pull next word or character word from buffer"
-       isearch-yank-word-or-char
-       :transient nil)
-      ("s"
-       "Pull next symbol or character from buffer"
-       isearch-yank-symbol-or-char
-       :transient nil)
-      ("l"
-       "Pull rest of line from buffer"
-       isearch-yank-line
-       :transient nil)
-      ("y"
-       "Pull string from kill ring"
-       isearch-yank-kill
-       :transient nil)
-      ("t"
-       "Pull thing from buffer"
-       isearch-forward-thing-at-point
-       :transient nil)]
-     ["Replace"
-      ("q"
-       "Start ‘query-replace’"
-       anzu-isearch-query-replace
-       :if-nil buffer-read-only
-       :transient nil)
-      ("x"
-       "Start ‘query-replace-regexp’"
-       anzu-isearch-query-replace-regexp
-       :if-nil buffer-read-only
-       :transient nil)]]
-    [["Toggle"
-      ("X"
-       "Toggle regexp searching"
-       isearch-toggle-regexp
-       :transient nil)
-      ("S"
-       "Toggle symbol searching"
-       isearch-toggle-symbol
-       :transient nil)
-      ("W"
-       "Toggle word searching"
-       isearch-toggle-word
-       :transient nil)
-      ("F"
-       "Toggle case fold"
-       isearch-toggle-case-fold
-       :transient nil)
-      ("L"
-       "Toggle lax whitespace"
-       isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace
-       :transient nil)]
-     ["Misc"
-      ("o"
-       "occur"
-       isearch-occur
-       :transient nil)
-      ("h"
-       "highlight"
-       isearch-highlight-regexp
-       :transient nil)
-      ("H"
-       "highlight lines"
-       isearch-highlight-lines-matching-regexp
-       :transient nil)
-      ("l"
-       "consult-line"
-       consult-line
-       :transient nil)
-      ("<"
-       "isearch-beginning-of-buffer"
-       isearch-beginning-of-buffer
-       :transient nil)
-      (">"
-       "isearch-end-of-buffer"
-       isearch-end-of-buffer
-       :transient nil)]])
   (search-whitespace-regexp ".*\\b")
   (isearch-lax-whitespace t)
@@ -117,11 +28,27 @@
   :bind-keymap ("C-c s" . search-map) ;; M-s clashes with paredit/smartparens bindings
   ("C-*" . isearch-forward-symbol-at-point)
-  (:map isearch-mode-map ("<f2>" . isearch-menu))
   (:map search-map
         ("<" . isearch-beginning-of-buffer)
         (">" . isearch-end-of-buffer)))
+(use-feature casual-isearch
+  :after isearch
+  :bind (:map isearch-mode-map ("C-o" . casual-isearch-tmenu))
+  :config
+  ;; Replace isearch-query-replace functions with their aznu equivalents
+  (transient-replace-suffix 'casual-isearch-tmenu "r" '("r" "Start ‘anzu-query-replace’" anzu-isearch-query-replace
+                                                        :if-nil buffer-read-only))
+  (transient-replace-suffix 'casual-isearch-tmenu "x" '("x" "Start ‘anzu-query-replace-regexp’" anzu-isearch-query-replace-regexp
+                                                        :if-nil buffer-read-only))
+  ;; Add isearch-beginning-of-buffer and isearch-end-of-buffer to Navigation section
+  (transient-append-suffix 'casual-isearch-tmenu "n" '("<" "First" isearch-beginning-of-buffer
+                                                       :transient t))
+  (transient-append-suffix 'casual-isearch-tmenu "<" '(">" "Last" isearch-end-of-buffer
+                                                       :transient t))
+  ;; Add consult-line to Misc section
+  (transient-append-suffix 'casual-isearch-tmenu "u" '("l" "consult-line" consult-line)))
 (use-package isearch-dabbrev
   :after isearch
   :bind (:map isearch-mode-map ("M-/" . isearch-dabbrev-expand)))